The marines have flamethrowers and fuel to last 900 octillion years, after that its handguns and boots.
The fight takes place on an infinite flat field, obviously not in this universe so no black holes and shit. The marines start in 1 group and the ants come from all directions (by foot) untill 1 team is 100% dead.
No death by hunger, dehydration, old age or disease but the marines still need sleep. No reproduction either.

Which team would win and why?

Attached: ants.png (913x477, 414K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm pretty sure there is more ants than there is space in the universe...

thats also true for the marines, which is exactly why its not taking place in our universe.

read the fucking rules before you make yourself look stupid.

are the marines going to start eating each other when they run out of food? cause that's the ant's plan.


fireants tunnels go deep enough to hit the water table. I don't think a flamethrower is going to cut it.

read ffs

What is the ants' motivation?

ants would block out the sun before they crash on the marines like a tsunami

they arent capable of things like "motivation" they just walk towards and attack the marines, thats all they do or think, if they could think.

How does an ant "attack" a Marine. Why are they "attacking" the Marines? They have no need for food. They have no need to even go toward the Marines. Why are they even moving toward them? THere is an infinite field on which to disperse.

so the ants have the same mental capacity as the marines?

Have you ever seen a real ant in the real world?
they bite and pee on you.
Also i see what you are trying to do, this isnt my first thread, but unlucky for you even if the ants didnt attack the marines at all, it would only make the battle last a lot longer since the marines would need to find all the ants before the battle was over.
More time means more boredom, more motivation for suicide and more opporturnities for fatal accidents.
Would you for example be willing to travel a googolplex of lightyears by foot, just to stomp on a single ant? my guess would be no, which is why the marines dont need to travel.

ants will win because ants are cool

But there is no "battle." Why would either side find any motivation to battle. The marines may need to clear out a bit of territory, but both of their needs are met. The ants can disperse into infinity, and the Marines can focus on turning half the cuter population into ladyboys and running a train until the end of day. Why would they spend time fighting at all?

Are all the ants from the same species or are they ramdom?

The marines. Google says there are 10,000 trillion ants in the world which is less than 900 octilian. (I’m surprised that’s even a word but it apparently is)

Don't worry, user. I got the joke.

like i said ants are incapable of having or lacking motivation, marines on the other hand fight for their lives, they dont know why they are there, how many ants there are or what happens when all the ants are dead, so its safe to assume that they wont find the motivation to keep going for as long as they would need to in order to survive and destroy ALL the ants.

However, if you are having trouble understanding a HYPOTHETICAL situation, think of it as a super realistic computer simulation where the marines are just soldiers that follow your orders.

The marines in the middle might aswell just start mass orgies, but eventually the ants would reach them too. Its not over before 1 side is 100% dead.

This is not taking place in this world, for painfully obvious reasons.
read the rules.

Attached: zs0r5.jpg (640x360, 19K)

The Marines would win. It would take hundreds of not thousands of ants to kill a marine assuming they all got on him at roughly the same time. However, forming a circle around their perimeter and keeping a constant ring of fire, there would be no chance of penetration. I think basically no Marines would die. Flamethrowers are just fire, it's a dense liquid that stay burning. It would not only slow the ants in the liquid, it would burn and continuously burn. After a few minutes the Marines would be surrounded by a thick moat of ant fire and petroleum. All they would need to do is sustain it. Given any other tools to give them a height advantage, they could just shoot fire into the crowds of ants to improve the rate of killing. Additionally, ants aren't that big of a threat. Maybe bullet ants or even fire ants would pose a bigger issue but the tactic and effectiveness wouldn't change.

What happens after they run our of fuel?

Are they on rock or dirt or what type of terrain? Are the ants allowed to tunnel? Are the ants sentient and know their end goal or are they at their normal intelligence? How far away do the ants start from the circle of marines?

In this simulation you are setting the ants to "Attack" the marines then? And you are telling the Marines to exterminate the ants?

Under those circumstances it just goes on and on for basically forever. Even if we set the universe to not expand, the time it would take the outermost ants to walk the radius of their area [square root of Graham's number over pi] but its basically an eternity.

So yeah the ants overtake the marines I guess? Not really sure how they kill them.

I like how everyone's just fucking with OP and ignoring his rules. How many googolplexes fit into graham's number, is it another insanely huge number? Because that simplifies the problem to can 1 marine kill 3333333 ants given 900 octillion years.

Imagine jumping into an olympic sized swimming pool that is filled with ants.
How long do you think you would survive?

If we gave you immortality, how long would you be willing to take the pain?

The answer to both is a very short amount of time, especially if we compare that to the time the battle would actually take.

Graham number is beyond imaginably larger than googleplex. Like... you a googleplex to the googleplex power is still unfathomably far from even being close to Graham's number. There isn't enough atoms in the universe to write out Graham's number. THere might not even be enough space at the planck level. Graham's number is beyond even being able to think about. 900 octillion is nothing. It is a rounding error in comparison to graham's number.

Are the ants the size of 5 us marines like in your pic ?

The battle is set to take place on a plane that is infinite in size.

The battle never happens: neither side is capable of finding the other.

My number is bigger

>Are they on rock or dirt or what type of terrain?
i'd say its like the surface of a gold course, small grass.
>Are the ants allowed to tunnel?
i would say yes, but they arent going to since their only goal is to attack the closest marine and they will not think of "tactics".
>How far away do the ants start from the circle of marines?
a couple of meters, each ant will be 1cm away from the closest ant to it.

Ok, so then can 1 marine kill a googleplex of ants in 900 octillion years?

How would they run out of fuel? A quick trigger pull would decimate tens of thousands of ants maybe even 100,000, assuming they're all packed together like typical ant nature is.

If you have 3 million ants in front of you, and a flamethrower, you probably wouldn't be worried. A 50 meter Olympic swimming pool, 25 feet wide is like 1250 square meters. Multiplied by 1000 gives you 1.25 million square millimeters. So on Flat surface with no overlapping at all, on a swimming pool you'd find indoors you could have roughly 125,000 carpenter ants 10mm in size. You could take this amount down in a few seconds or a minute TOPS. Add in overlapping and just spraying back and forth, one marine could kill millions in a couple minutes.

What fucking math did you use to get 3.3 million kills in 900 octillion years.

They would probably use a million years worth of fuel at most. I think people in this thread are ex

Okay so fi we take that the ants are set by programmer of this simulation to "attack" the marines. Then the Ants win. Graham's number of anything converging on a point would simply overwhelm anything. You might as well bury the marines in dirt because that is what will be happening. You are sending moving dirt particles to overwhelm them in numbers unfathomable.

i would say no, even tho the question is irrelevant as a single marine would have to kill far more than just a googolplex of ants PER SECOND and he would still make no dent in the total number of ants even if we give him a googolplex of years to do it.


Those marine grunts are fucking retards. They'll kill eachother before even reaching the ants

>How would they run out of fuel?
because it would take a lot longer than 900 octillion years to kill all the ants.

you should probably google what graham's number is.

In 900 octillion years of killing ants still won't have put a fucking dent in Grahams number is my guess. The furthest ants are going to be over 900 octilion miles away.

And after their fuel runs out in 900 octillion years, they still have more than 99.999(more 9's than could fit in the known universe)% of the ants left to kill.

>A quick trigger pull would decimate tens of thousands of ants maybe even 100,000,
you're underestimating how big the numbers in question are if you think hundreds of thousands matters

The ants would win.
Due to the fact the marines need to sleep and ants can also burrow underground the ants can just surface into a group of marines that are sleeping.
Because marines are in a circles surrounded on all sides a breach anywhere inside would cause chaos and there would be friendly fire also

the only purpose of this thread is to point out people who don't now how unimaginably large Graham's number is.

This. This is what i've been trying to say. 900 octillion is nothing.

Pretty much this

OP here.

oh well now I feel retarded for trying to argue how large graham's number is to all the retards.

This. Even if you maximised the efficiency of the marines firing-pattern by forming them into a hollow-circle facing outwards, with over-lapping arcs of fire, they would be crushed by the ashes alone rushing in at them from the incinerated ants. Those ashes would be smeared with corrosive, sticky and burning napalm too.

Even without that, it's just the sheer weight of ants and ashes. Incineration does not mean disintergration nor the deletion of the ants mass. The ashes will form a circular mountain that will continually limit the marines arc of fire vertically, before the mass of ants pushing behind the ashes force them to avalanche into the marines.

but what if we throw the ice cubes at the volcano?

stick becomes two stick. Stick win everytime.

Ants win because the marines have too much to do with all the flexing and the ass-Slaping and the shower gangrape

You idiot the ants would die when they couldn't get any food because the soldiers have MREs

Lmao think before you make a post this dumb

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well, I mean, a googolplex is of course a large number, larger than we can wrap our heads around. Since both numbers are unfathomable, we just assume that the ants outnumber the marines and come up with scenarios in which the marines could just barely edge against the odds, because we have been trained by media to favor the dramatics. In the hypothetical scenario, the amount of ants would be essentially infinite and the marines would have no chance of stopping them.

they have communal stomachs and a penchant for cannibalism. I think they'll be alright.

Each US marine equipped with a flamethrower to last 900 octillion years killing multiple millions of ants every few minutes

You're underestimating how many ants can be killed per flamethrower per marine can do. The Marines would be spray out 50 yards apart spraying back and forth killing tens of trillions of ants per minute maybe even more because my rough math is probably underestimating how many ants can be killed by a googolplex of Marines with flamethrowers. Do 125,000 times a googolplex. Let's assume it takes 1 full minute to kill 125 ants per marine. So take that number and multiply it by 60. Then by 24. Then by 365. We're talking trillions if not tens or hundreds of trillions of ants in ridiculously short amounts of time.

We can argue all day long about Graham's number and how incomprehensive it is. But reminder that a googolplex also cannot fit inside of the known universe either. There is no way in any universe that the Marines wouldn't win. Graham's number is finite regardless of it being bigger than our universe. And the Marines outnumber the universe in a similar manner. Marines would kill infinitely more ants than ants kill marines. There is no chance that the ants win at all.

oh the irony
>No death by hunger
next you'll say "i was only pretending to be retarded"

>obviously not in this universe so no black holes and shit.
that many ants would in fact collapse in on themselves to form a black hole.

All depends on the frequency of which the ants attack. If it's low enough so that the marines can just stomp them all without being overrun then the marines win

>Each US marine equipped with a flamethrower to last 900 octillion years killing multiple millions of ants every few minutes
multiple millions is totally irrelevant, google the damn numbers, you look pretty damn stupid right now.


>But reminder that a googolplex also cannot fit inside of the known universe either
>The fight takes place on an infinite flat field, obviously not in this universe
the marines stand no chance at ALL.

Small brain lol

You're being fucking retarded. We're talking billions of not trillions per minute per marine, multiplied by more Marines than hydrogen atoms in the universe.

No. We might have a lot of ants, but they wouldn't form massive walls towering Marines. They would maybe stack up a few ants high but after that they would be able to move effectively. It would be nearly an infinitely long field of wiggling brown soup coming towards you, held at Bay by a massive circle of impenetrable fire. The ants would not move towards you after being on fire. They would die in place and there would just be a massive burn pit of hands for billions of years.

You're being fucking retarded.
billions or even trillions are 100% irrelevant.
even if each marine killed a googolplex of ants per second for googolplex years, it would not affect the number of ants in any measurable sense.
Unlucky for the marines, they only got fuel to last 900 octillion years.

you're not familiar with army ants, huh?

Attached: ants.jpg (1000x1076, 149K)

Have you googled Graham's number yet, brainlet?

Attached: 1561372668218.jpg (638x1000, 86K)

Unironically, I was pretending to be retarded. What are you, retarded?

Attached: 1561321966789.jpg (640x392, 24K)

>and fuel to last 900 octillion years
how would you carry around such a thing?

Forget the fuel, how are they gonna carry the food they'll need to survive the battle?

OP says nobody can starve, so nobody can starve,

If the battle lasts more than one year the marines will need enormous stockpiles of food and water, otherwise they will starve to death.

If they can't starve then why do they need food, idiot?

Graham's number is so large that there isn't enough space in the entire universe to write it. All breathable atmosphere would be replaced with ants.

ants are actually edible. I don't see the problem

Attached: ants2.jpg (3072x2304, 681K)

If they don't have at least a billion of these they're going to be dead in two weeks.

Attached: b083fe955a7417af794e01.jpg (498x900, 92K)

Bruh, Graham's number has a 64 exponent tower, googolplex is a 2 exponent tower. I understand you think I'm wrong, but if a googolplex of Marines each individually killed a googolplex of ants per second, it would be over pretty quickly. The oil crisis for the entire universe would be solved

we already solved the oil crisis. use the marine's fuel.

As some one else explained, killed ants to not disappear like in video game, their mass and volume remains, eventually, at some point the sheer volume of ants forms a mountain range around the marines and they are eventually just buried, suffocating before they are crushed by the immense weight greater than the mass of all the stars in the universe times a number greater than any you could understand.

It's not a 64 exponent tower. It's so large, you couldn't even fit it in exponent tower form in the visible universe. It's an exponent tower applied in a recursive fashion 64 times.

Their only hope would be to try and just set their flamethrower permanetly on and vaporize all the matter into smoke.
THough Im not sure the medical feild has studied the effects of permanently breathing burned ants is.

The smoke would eventually settle back to the ground and bury them in ash deeper than H.P. Lovecraft could imagine.

I mean what happens when a, by all means infinite, field converges on a single point?

It would just swell right? The ants would crush themselves moving together and form a massive hill right on top of the marines.

Can't someone use a computer to run a simulation of this somewhere?

Attached: ants3.jpg (3072x2304, 549K)

Attached: marf-marfsalvador-being-buried-alive-murderer-out-of-breath-how-33976619.png (500x307, 38K)

The full decimal form cannot be written in the universe. The knuths arrow can be written in it's full 64 tower format on a single page.

>pic related
>googol is one meter
>grahams number is 150 million kilometres
It would not be over quickly

Attached: sun-tower-FEATURE.png (1678x1138, 145K)

No it can't. Even the number of up arrows in Knuth up-arrow notation would not fit in the known universe. It can however be given upper and lower bounds that are expressible in Conway's Chained Arrow Notation:

4 2 8 2 < Graham's Number < 2 3 9 2

It absolutely can't and you clearly don't know what Graham's number is

Woops arrows didn't display

4 -> 2 -> 8 -> 2 < Graham's Number < 2 -> 3 -> 9 -> 2

Graham's number is {\displaystyle g_{64}} {\displaystyle g_{64}}, where

{\displaystyle g_{n}=\left\{{\begin{matrix}3\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow 3,&n=1\\3\uparrow ^{g_{n-1}}3,&n\geq 2,n\in \mathbb {N} \end{matrix}}\right.} {\displaystyle g_{n}=\left\{{\begin{matrix}3\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow 3,&n=1\\3\uparrow ^{g_{n-1}}3,&n\geq 2,n\in \mathbb {N} \end{matrix}}\right.}


Googolplex. Not googol.

>I don't know what notation is
>I must write every single digits in order to write Graham's number

If I wanted to be a smart ass, because the concept is easily searchable, I could easily just tell you that writing Graham's number on a fortune cookie ticket is sufficient. But you can easily write Graham's number tower onna sheet of paper if you have decent handwriting. 64 lines of notated brackets isn't difficult.

Graham's number is still unimaginably larger than the power tower you just illustrated.

It's a typo I meant googolplex and you'd know that if you looked at the image that proves how wrong you are. Googolplex = 1 meter

To be fair the googolplex is written in the tower form as well.

Marines would win simply because that many ants would have different scent profiles and thus, they'd be fighting each other. They'd also be going in all directions, so yeah.

>and then a googolplex of marines already nearing full orgasm as they have been slow strokin eachother while the dumbass ants inch forward to their wet graves
>the first volley fails
>but the marines have been pounding budlight as well so they all piss the world into a giant ocean filled with spunk and budlight
>the marines cant swim because they are dumb as fuck and the ants win...
>...but the wave of cummies actually impregnated several ants and a new hyrbid man-ant race is born

no clear winner obviously, life has such nuance

After doing a bit of research it turns out grahams number is pretty big.

So let me get this straight. You think that a single marine killing a googolplex of ants per second, multiplied by a googolplex.(keep in mind where at a (googolplex*googolplex)) right now. Times 60 seconds a minute, times 60 minutes an hour. That 1 meter you're talking about to get to earth in your picture, is gone in under a second when multiplied 1 meter times a googolplex. A googolplex of Marines, each killing a googolplex of ants per second. We're exponenting a googolplex by a googolplex every second.

>googolplex squared
So that's 2 meters a second and your walking from the sun.

because a googleplex of people would work together so flawlessly?

Somebody do this math.

1 marine kills 1 ant a second. Every second a googolplex of ants is killed. Take a gogolplex and multiply it by 900 octillion. Come back with that number, and for bonus points, come back with how many ants are left over, or how many ants each marine needs to kill a second in order to hit the goal.

No that's flawed as fuck. According to the graph you're saying a single googolplex is 1 meter in length while grams number reached the earth.

1 googolplex is 1 meter, right? Now take that one meter and multiply it by a googolplex. Because each marine is theoretically killing a googolplex a second. In under a second, you've completely and utterly by far bypassed the earth.

Settle down Moby.

the whole point of this thread is graham's number is too big to possibly work with.

the amount of ants remaining compared to the amount of ants that we started with is virtually the same, you could not measure the difference.
the closest comparison i can give you is this.
Take a random galaxy in our universe, now choose a random star and from it remove one electron.

The total mass of the universe just changed, but the change is so small it cant be measured.

there are 8 crackers in each package, according to google. Depends on if you break them up into the sub-cracker along the perforation though I guess

The ants far far far far far outnumber the marines, so it depends weather or not the marines can go insane from the infinite passage of time and just off themselves.

And ofc, are the ants all evenly spaced? cause if not, the ants could far overwhelm the soldiers, assuming they don't all get crushed from their own weight.

WAIT... Shit, I forgot to factor gravity, fuck, the marines would collapse from their mass into a supermassive black whole and simultaneously the ants would collapse into some kind of ring shaped supermassive black hole that would boku no pico-seconds later collapse into the supermassive soldier black hole and form an ultramassive super-black hole even bigger than ur mum.

The black hole would be larger than anything you could ever possibly conceive and the entire known universe would be a presumably indestructible infinite plane of ground on one side, and an infinite void of no universe on the other. It would be like the anarchist flag but infinitely large on every axis in both mass and volume.

Does this universe even run under the same physics as ours? There needs to be more input variables to determine which side would win.

You don't take into account that each exponent in that tower of power (that goes to all the way to the sun) is exponential larger than the one before it. Slows you down quite a bit.


The black hole created by all that mass wins.


>The marines have flamethrowers and fuel to last 900 octillion years

Under OP's rules, long long before the Marines run put of fuel, they would all be dead of old age and the ants would ave mutated into pure energy beings beyond the need for sugar or picnics.


>(I’m surprised that’s even a word but it apparently is)
there's a formal naming system for any finite number.

When they run out of crayons, they'll eat the ants.
Half way to victory, the people that can't be marines because there's only male/female check boxes on all the paperwork, will redefine the meaning of every word they don't like and all math they don't understand. Then Graham's number will be equal to the number of real genders. Marines lead the charge to victory. In the time it takes this to unfold Yea Forums post number overflows and 50get happens again.

>my rough math is probably underestimating how many ants can be killed by a googolplex of Marines with flamethrowers

Fuck, it's like old Yea Forums was alive again. I love you, OP.

Big jeeps.

the squared-cubed rule suggests there is diminishing returns in scaling up a vehicle.

The difference is measureable. We're not talking about ghetto analogies here, were talking about take that one star, then removed a googolplex of electrons from it. We just kill a star in under a second my guy. We still got the rest of the Galaxy to worry about, but that'll be a couple hours of time. Then onto the next Galaxy of ants. And so on for the next couple years. We got this dude. It really ain't a big deal. Not to mention that an ant is significantly bigger than an electron.


>As some one else explained, killed ants to not disappear like in video game

On the other hand, the marines do not have to stand still and be overwhelmed by mounds of dead ants, they can move through the ashes of a single layer of dead ants faster than ants can come in to fill the space. People are faster than ants. (And don't be fooled by all the websites about ant speed that cite a "scaled up to human size, ants move at 35 miles an hour. These ants are not scaled up to human size.)

but people do have to sleep as per the op.

Marines are trained in teamwork.

You are acting this retarded right/?

the Marines are surrounded per the rules OP set up. "They come from all directions."

Do the Marines have chalk? Maybe some eat chalk instead of crayons and brought it with. Ants won't cross a chalk line. Same with toothpaste. Maybe the Marines can build a wall of chalk or something on the ground and shoot fire beyond it. They only need enough to encircle themselves, the number of ants doesnt matter. This will make sleeping easier too.

>human wants to talk about teamwork against team ant
I kek in your general direction.

Point something out that I said that was wrong. He brought up taking out one electron of a star which is a massive difference compared to a googolplex.

I think everybody is still forgetting how immensively difficult it would be to be killed by ants let alone through protective clothing. The ants have almost zero killing efficiency and no real predatory nature. You'd basically, if you ran out of fuel, be suffocated before dying by any wounds or blood loss.

I'm talking really big jeeps. Each jeep can carry a Skewe's Number of fuel cans, each can carries a Millinillion of cubic parsecs of fuel.

And they have rather a lot of jeeps.

Marines that was easy

When i say wall I mean a line on the ground

No he was making an analogy. In this analogy a googleplex is a single atom compared to a galaxy, because we've had to shrink everything so dramatically to bring it to even somewhat human scale.

READ: Grahams number could not be written out EVEN if every single planck length in the entire universe held a DIGIT.
If we shrunk Grahams number to something even the size of a galaxy, a googleplex be smaller than an atom.

Also the ants simply just pour over and crush the marines. It would like be buried in dirt. But ants.

Graham's number is so large that there isn't enough space in the entire universe to write the number of digits it has.

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This isn't how ants work though. We're being unrealistic with numbers but ants would still just cover the ground and maybe a quarter inch high. And would not be able to cross a mound of dead ants because they would be on fire and die instantly. There would be no tsunami of ants. It would be a slow crawl of of an endless wave of brown mud coming towards you at a very slow rate.

One of them I think

Yes but a - for all intents and purposes - infinite endless wave of slow mud. It will eventually bury them, swallow them, etc. Maybe they could stay on top of it for a while I guess but eventually the terrain will become unstable atop hills of decaying burning ants. I'm pretty sure they'd suffocate themselves from smoke inhalation.

Well you didn't say anything about the mental status but I'm pretty sure after even a few years of killing ants 24/7 most of the marines would be insane it wouldn't take long before they all would rather die than do that shit for what is basicaly eternity

The only option is for the Marines to move as quickly as possible in one direction for all of eternity basically. Otherwise a wave will build up and crush them.

They'd have to take turns sleeping for limited times so as to not let the ants build up to much. and just continuously hike through the ants.

If we're talking about a truly realistic scenario, depending on the ant they can live anywhere between half a year up to 15 years. But at the end of the day without food or water, Marines will all die in a couple weeks. Given no food requires no matter what, Marines could easily hold out for 15 years. All of the remaining ants would be dead far before they could overrun a googolplex of Marines. Case solved.

Sigh... read the rules.

If we're using realism the whole thing collapses immediately into a singularity.