Why are normies obsessed with insulting each other's mothers (calling them fat, ugly...

Why are normies obsessed with insulting each other's mothers (calling them fat, ugly, and then strangely enough claiming they had sex with them) when they don't even know them?

I don't know any of you people. I don't know your mothers. I don't know what they look like. I dont know if they're still alive. Why would I lie and pretend I had sex with them? Who is this lie benefiting? What's the point of it? This is why Hitler should've won. Normies are the reason we don't live in Star Trek.

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wtf is a normie?

Hello summerfag

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Your mom's the reason we don't live in Star trek

Your a fucking sperg op, "I don't understand social interactions, help me b."

you forgot, sir, that only a summerfag calls other people summerfags :)

Shutins think everyone else in the world lives exactly uniform lives and calls them normie out of some kind of weird resentment.

This, the correct terminology is "newfag" or simply "fucking nigger."

Nope old fag here been calling you summerfags summerfags since like 2010 I think

That's not what it means. Normie is a synonym for "basic bitch".

Summer of 2010

Summerfag is just as old as newfag faggot

Maybe I was to busy fucking your mother to remember if it was the summer

Newfag is as old as Yea Forums, and summerfag was made up by a summerfag who was trying to blend in like a Jew.

well, they aren't obsessed with it in my experience. you only say it when the opportunity presents itself imo. doesnt happen much past 15.

bravo nigger...
if only you had something to fuck her with...

I tried to fuck your mother, but the line was too long and I didn't have 25 cents.

Dr. Freud, are you there?

socializing determines pecking order, how you react to things that are said to you combined with your creativity and personality/charisma determine a relative standing for you

people insult others usually to check that pecking order, almost like a subconscious test, if someone is funny or witty or intimidating it can make people perceive them as being more important then the person insulting them, if they are more insecure or not funny, or just getting shit on all the time and are timid and evasive about it, it can make them look weak or unimportant

this all matters because at the end of the day men mostly just care about women and unlike men women actually heavily consider where you stand socially when it comes to sex/dating, where men virtually only care what a girl looks like, women are way more picky and in general what you look like, as well as your social standing and income have a relative effect on your sexual success, it's relative to the woman in question and every woman is different, but not too many men give a shit about if a girl has friends or if she's outgoing or if a girl is a doctor or has a shitty job

for all men care a girl could be a mcdonalds drive through girl and if she's hot she could date a fucking handsome CEO for all he gives a fuck, put a woman in the same situation as a big shot CEO and in all likely hood she is never going to date a guy that isn't at least on a comparable level to her financially and socially

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Shes dead so go for it

way to go
did you make that up?
i bet all the girls love you

Lol "nigger" the last bastion of the b incel

wtf is incel now??????

Ja. Was geht ab?

Open Google sperg

Your mom sure does

Because she made you and youre trash. That means your genetics are trash and unworthy of the light of this star.

fuck this thread...
wtf happened to Yea Forums...

keep telling yourself that summerfag

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Those have been common phrases for about 8 years.
Lurk more you stupid faggot.

shit...haven't been since 2010 maybe

I can still make her wet...

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Normie's been around since 2009
Incel's been around since 2013
You've either never been here before or you haven't been here in over a decade

i'm pretty sure it was 2010
and i don't remember normie...
but i remember the surgeon...