Ask a bank manager anything

Ask a bank manager anything

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I know nothing about banks. Give me the rundown on what a typical person should know about them.

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Lots actually, but the basics. We hold money, we sell money. It all starts at an account opening. Lots of banks now also have subsidiaries that also offer investments

Have you ever been robbed?

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No, not personally but every branch I've worked has been at one point or another.

Have you always been honest to your costumers?

Always. I take it pretty seriously

I don’t want to ask you anything. I want to say I feel bad for you. I did it for a long time before I changed careers. Fuck that noise.

I'm curious about investing. How does that work exactly?
You put money into a savings account and you make a profit out of it? Neat.

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Fair enough. I can respect it's not everyone's cup of tea, I don't think it's all that bad though. Sorry it didn't work out for you

OP, How do i go about starting to build credit and how long before its decent?

Are you a jew?

Investing? Figure out your risk tolerance is always step one. It's pretty touchy, most brick and mortar banks won't do any real hardcore investing because they're scared shitless of losing all your money

It was fine till it became all about sales and the hours kept getting extended

Do banks have beef with other banks?

Start with credit. If you don't have anything at all there are some pretty liberal banks that might roll the dice. Cap 1 or disc. If they don't go with you, start secured. Really only takes 30 days to be on the radar

Lots has changed. Pressure from regulators really limited the sales push

No, we actually get along pretty well for the most part since we are literally handing money back and fourth. We need that synergy

Is that one episode of Futurama accurate? Where Fry has 93 cents in the year 1999 and in the year 3000 he has 4.3 billion dollars because of interest rates?

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Not at all

I also have a question about investing. Right now, I'm mostly buying rental real estate because the cashflow is great, but I'd like to have some diversification.

I predominantly invest for income since I'm going to be taking a very long break soon and want to set up for it. But I do have a liquid "slush fund" in a low-cost index fund purely for emergencies. (It doesn't generate much income but I'm ok with it.)

What can I buy in non-hard assets that will give me similar characteristics?

Also, what do you invest in?

How does the stock market work? Why do you get money back from it?

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What's your opinion on crypto currency and the prospects of investing in it?

Why would he know as a bank manager?!?!

How does it pay?

Not OP, but you buy when it's lose and sell when it's high

How much have you managed to steal so far?