I really really like this image

I really really like this image

Attached: 3c201eb.jpg (312x390, 45K)

I also really like this image too

Attached: e4e2659.jpg (640x790, 65K)

This is also a nice image

Attached: IMG_20190515_074326.jpg (612x575, 87K)

I really like this image as well

Attached: (kek.jpg (750x563, 121K)

Nice image
This is also a nice image

Attached: IMG_20190528_110150.jpg (720x703, 124K)

Nice image too
Also I really like this one too

Attached: 94620496.png (666x666, 415K)

Attached: 675575e.jpg (514x702, 38K)

Attached: 1541152121829.jpg (488x488, 64K)

Attached: frog.jpg (570x570, 23K)

i dont like this image i order you to delete it

This one

Attached: [s4s].png (1056x594, 989K)

Attached: 2d0b14c.jpg (750x737, 49K)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: birth.jpg (850x680, 121K)

It's hard to delete such a long dubs though, Yuji.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

You can probably report it, there's a 50% chance a mod will delete it, but the other outcome is that they will leave it there because they know it annoys you. It's up to you to roll the dice.

If you report you're a faggot

Attached: 32356fb.jpg (526x644, 59K)

>caring about things is gay
it'll be a nice day when this retarded attitude towards things dies

If you use greentext you're a faggot

Attached: c1b62cf.jpg (685x671, 47K)

there's no rule against posting anything lewd as long as it's not done as a dump
no string of lewds in otherwords

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: footy.jpg (680x681, 225K)

Attached: Human.jpg (2896x2896, 385K)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1564462291632.png (1155x1155, 1.88M)

that poor charmander ! save him !

姦 usually means like rape/perversion/bad

it's just a meme, but thank you for the actual information user
didn't know

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 1516127261809.jpg (699x533, 70K)

I too would like to share some images i find funny or just like

Attached: 1496359137960.png (500x410, 85K)

Attached: 18424011_1303316469737281_2964197750685653826_n.png (480x372, 291K)

loooo l what's habidding

Attached: 7V3731qciqqn.gif (700x394, 116K)

Attached: nature-animation-gif-11.gif (736x460, 1.71M)

this old style of gif makes me happy, idk what they are called but they are very nostalgic for me

Attached: nature-animation-gif-1.gif (742x485, 1.37M)

This too makes me happy

Attached: X701s5jjtz.png (1023x675, 710K)


Attached: zjc36aQa7ruIc2uWe7oe2IuU5hjeQuBsVShW-Kf8p8Y.jpg (459x960, 75K)

Attached: 1508008386488.jpg (1551x999, 526K)