Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself brainlet

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Other urls found in this thread:

no superior race just superior people

Fuck off with this Nazi bullshit.

Yellow Pepe. Get all degeneracy off of Yea Forums. Let's start it up again boys.

Because I'm a productive member of society who doesn't need to resort to identity politics to define himself.

What is 'white'?

Remember when Hitler claimed that the slavs were subhuman? Now you're all Brothers in Arms and shit. So fucking stupid kek

Klansmen, skinheads, and neo-nazis are assholes.

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From an unbiased perspective, I have never seen a single successful white nationalist/supremacist. They're literally always losers, usually poor, and have nothing to really live for. They're never happy people either.

So true.

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They blame their shortcomings on minorities while never doing anything to better themselves, its pretty sad

Oh wow, a map.
With information
And no citations or sources

It must be true. It was posted on the internet

'splain yo self.whiteboi,,

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if you knew anything about the holocaust you'd know where those camps where

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Because I'm not even remotely honosexual, and dicks are repulsive to me.
Being gay is fine, user, but you should simply let it go without hiding it under that hideous symbol, u silly bitch.

If your skin color is the thing you resort to to feel proud about yourself. I really pitty you. I have so many thinks i can be proud of. my intellect, my job, my gf/submissive. That are all thinks I worked for and there is a feeling of accomplishment.
I have done literally nothing to be white. So why should i feel proud for that? You should be humble and thankfull, that you were born white, in an country that's relatively modern and offers possibilities for personal growth.

he considered slavs subhuman because they were literally raped by the mudslime ottoman hordes for almost the entirety of the middle ages producing the swarthy complextions we see today

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>if you knew the information with sources and proper citations and proper research that i'm withholding from you.. you would KNOW!! GEWGLE ET!!

What's in it for me?

Oh yeah. They're never intelligent either. None of them really have critical thinking skills or highly developed practical ones. None of them have high IQs. Except for the few scientists who have had the balls to say there are race differences. Which is not the same as the dumb fucking "white supremacists".

The other thing is how unrealistic they are.


Okay. Go fucking jerk off to your stupid fantasies some more, and you know where you'll be 20 years from now? STILL living in your fucking dump of a house in a shitty, rural, podunk town, married to a fat gutter hog, and have nothing to your name.


>were literally raped by the mudslime ottoman hordes
yet he respected Islam more than Christianity. infact, he even considered introducing a form of it.
Wow, the mental gymnastics here.

Are you that scared of looking up where the concentration camps where?

>genociding the jews will get you a girlfriend see the concentration camps were in Poland surely the jews are the reason you can't get off drugs


pure coincidence

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>see the map??
>THIS is the reason why I can't get ahead in life
>look where the camps were!!

>mental gymnastics
you're using words wrong

>A Yea Forums screenshot! ¿Does this not incite you to MURDER OTHER PEOPLE FOR THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS?
It doesn't, what can I say?

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The holocaust never happened. You're insane. Everything you've done in life has been WRONG.

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>i can't refute what he said
>your using wordsth wonnnnggg

I support breeding with non shit skinned Asians to create a super Aryan race that can still dominate over Niggers and Shit skinned Arabs and Indians even if the original Aryan race goes extinct. Aside from the eyes, and usually increased intelligence, most of our skin shades are very similar. Whites, the Japanese and Koreans are superior human beings.

That's the right wing in general. Look at the left - college educated, movie stars, video game devs, professors... I could go on. On the right however, you have rural high school dropouts who live in trailer parks, smoke meth, watch nascar and listen to country music while fucking their family.

Don't you have a store to rob skinhead?

lol Yes he saw christendom for what it was, the rest is static. How dose that detract from the point that he saw the slavic lines ravaged by foreign invaders for almost a millennium, exactly what we see the ((((european elites)))) advocating for the whole of europe today.

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I think you're thinking of honorary niggers called antifa.

Racial pride is retarded whatever you are. Your parents fucked and you popped out looking like you do. What the fuck do you have to be proud of?

what is it with making up the term "elites" within the last 24 hours? you are so fucking gay.

Being proud for being from a specific race, nation or religion is stupid, you arent responsable for any of those things

true, all the other poor whites I know are all about politics and race, and the few rich ones I know are all about the money and their schedules, while just looking down on others in general, race being irrelevant to them, politics too besides being a small chit chat topic

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this new trend is easy to pin. let's remember that on the last day of "gay month" in 2019, some faggots made up "jewish ELITES" and started trending it.

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I'll take antifa over your kind anyday.

White leftist finds pic of black steroid junkie and shops a giant dick on to it. Normal white people can make pic related. Got it, Tenda? Good.

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Well you're a retard so... yeah that makes sense.

why are you quoting two different people

Fucking kek! The guys tossing chemical laced milkshakes and beating the shit of gay Asians? What a positive force.

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Hhaha so obsessed with me
I'm not the only one posting!

I've never seen one who understands how to read statistics, though they throw them out all the time

I do love fucking with you, just as much as you love to fuck with the random young anions that come here. We have wildly different motives though.

>n-no superior race guys
>just gotta silence a guy and never counter what he says guys
>be smart goys
>h-he's too powerful we must shut him down!!

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Fuck off with this.

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You're still gay, sorry.

We should fuck, you know that?

>nothign to see here goy just some monkeys winning all the contests out of nowhere...

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>mmm what's going on here??

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Find me one of these and you're on.

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It was only Russians and Slavs in the Balkans that got raped by those kebab niggers. Countries like Poland, Slovakia etc are fine. Plus Poland helped keep the kebab niggers out of Europe.

Meanwhile the so called superior Aryan Germans have invited millions of these subhumans into Europe and they're taking in even more subhumans from other Muslim countries.

Turks are worse than blacks btw and they should have been permanently barred from entering Europe for their crimes and for being subhumans.

Actually nevermind, Russians probably don't have so much kebab DNA in them but they still mixed a lot with the people from the East, but they still have a lot of white Slavs there.

You're the saddest human ever if you're proud of your parents fucking. I take pride in all the friends I've made and pussy I've touched. Fuck any race pride.

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Are you implying gay pride and black pride is also nazi?
fucking racist degenerate.

Don't apologize. He deserved what you did to him.

white is right

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why are you posting a pic of an ass in leggings?

you're replying to a bot

Can't tell if larping or if u r actually a degenerate mongrel who thinks having sex is better preserving one's ethnicity (I wouldn't expect u to know anything about that though because u are probably already a mixed race shit)

oh...well I like this bot
also im never on Yea Forums

I keep dreaming about it OP.

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I respect all races equally you stupid Nazi

the point was made well enough the first time, that's why someone saved it for posterity, in the period of time the holohoax is said to take place, the Germans would have had to exterminate a jew every 30 seconds to get to the 6 million that was claimed, let alone cremating the bodies and grinding the bones to dust so as to hide their deeds

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I'm a white dude that lives mixed race, beautiful, young, bisexual pussy.

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What exactly did Stalin accomplish?

Most of the smart people know they are going to get shit for it so they hide it, leaving only the dumb ones exposed.

This is true, i have seen some people do the stupid. Commonly the argument for killing all niggers is even if we killed all of the dumb ones they would regress to the mean, what they don't understand is the new mean would be higher then the original and social progress would be made.
So basically if we want people to be smarter race won't really matter if we killing off dumbasses.

To be fair most immigrants are low skilled labor, which when you don't have much going for you...

Funnily enough dumbasses hate jews too, such as myself, even though they would say niggers deserve to die becasue lowest IQ, somehow us jews with the highest racially profiled IQ deserve to die as well.

That just proves how dumb you are, considering arguably one of the most successful men right now in the united states, president trump is right wing.
Not to mention tons of right wing media personalities, the most meme example being alex jones, while being a nutjob manages to make a living being a loon.

Order , only if the rules weren't that harsh we would have lived in an utopia by now.
now everything is the opposite

>plz join my club i feel autistic and lonely being the only retard in it
weeeeeew lad i laughed 889 times

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yeah according to the jewish controlled main stream media

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looks totally legit

The best part of being a jew is you're white until you mention you're a jew, in which case you're still treated as white but just get the benefits of being a jew added onto the benefits of being white.

literally the actual master race is jewish.

The day you get off meth and alcohol your life will change.

the fucking people running the european union the world bank, the beilderberg group,ect. what actual fuck are trying to say you brain dead faggot, that there is no class of overloads that rule over us. is that fucking right wing conspiracy too?

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And that's the reason you sleep on couches? Like it's bullshit lies, but you take it as truth and use it to justify the life you lead? Perhaps you should get some new opinions lol

Says the uneducated rural sisterfucker.

Jew leech off of other races
Thats not what a masterful person let alone race does

your responsible for it now, stewarding the legacy of those things and passing in on to your progeny, the next generation, you know like the opposite of what the baby boomers did for us

sure ok good clarification

its just fucking math and reasoning you dont even need take any ones word for it lol

You mean protecting white culture and a future for white children? What does that even mean in your life? What do YOU add to white culture? Or do you think that your reverence for old things is enough, that maintaining a racial identity isn't a task that requires a lot more effort than you're putting in with nigger dick memes and colored maps of Poland? Do you really think, without irony or memes, that you can be BORN into a master race and not have to do anything? Fuck your lazy ass lol

Good job asking those questions. It makes you a smarter human being.

>white power bad

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I hate niggers so much

Look at all these people leeching off of government assistance, they too would leech from society.

Even if we are leeches, it just proves how our intelligence transcends yours by orders of magnitudes, that you would allow us to do this.
afterall, if you are smart, why do something that you could make someone else do for you?

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>afterall, if you are smart, why do something that you could make someone else do for you?
Because normal human beings have empathy and get fulfillment out of helping others.

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>that lives mixed race, beautiful, young, bisexual pussy.
>that lives mixed race
>that lives

Literally 3 IQ mongrel.

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You're right. Fuck empathy. We should just round up all non-whites and fucking shoot them in the back of the head in some remote place then use them as fertilizers.

This would literally fix the human race, for eternity. But we haven't and don't want to. As futile as it seems. The best part is, we're still vilified because it would work.

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There's no need to be black to be a nigger. Well prooved by those loosers.

White is a racial classification for people of European descent.

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>Q: Which European people are Aryan
>A: All of them
Greeks, Italians, Spanish, French etc arent Aryan

Yes, they are.

Aryan, white, European caucasoid. All the same thing.


ok reddit faggot go back home the phrase elites has been tossed around on this site for years now kindly fuck off with all the other tryhards in this chat

the jew exposes itself alright

They all cluster together genetically. The terms just mean European caucasoid. It's not like Aryan actually means the original Indo-European peoples since they don't exist anymore, but all Europeans are descended from them to varying degrees except for Sardinians I believe.

I hate everybody, I don't discriminate when its comes to discrimination

Lol no. Remember all the yellow meme reeeeeeeing you guys were doing? That was so pathetic lol. You thought it would work.

and look at you now, literally eating shit from your own race who want you to perish. soon enough whites will be extinct, though as a jew we generally don't mix and have racial pride which we are allowed to express, so we will out live your race by far.

Because your race is too low iq to compete with the Jewish rule. Look at the Americans, they literally give us money and help us settle Israel because of the bible saying we are the promised people (MASTER RACE)

Yes it did. Saying otherwise is illegal and racist.

Jealousy is one hell of a drug.

Gey seks? I mayk it gud

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This basically goes for any race too.

They couldn't even design a logo.
They just copied the old Irish cross.

Dang wyte peepl, always steelin shyte.