Is is true that Christianity was a Jewish plot to use Judaism-lite to spread more quickly around the world and to...

Is is true that Christianity was a Jewish plot to use Judaism-lite to spread more quickly around the world and to defeat the true Norse religion? These guys at my gun club have been taking me out after shooting and they've been telling me a lot if interesting sounding stuff about Jews inventing Christianity to get gentiles to convert without letting them be full members of the tribe and by using the pope and other wealthy religious leaders they've been able to suppress the true religion of the white race.

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Sounds like your friends have mental issues.

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Religion is a tool for control

news at 11


Interesting yet religion and morals must still be important no?

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Yes it is true. Cuckstianity is a sect of judaism that was created to destroy Europe. Roman Empire didn't last 100 years after establishing this poisonous religion.

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>true religion
Come on son

That's what they told me.

religion and morals are not mutally exclusive, user.

how is it that some greek immigrants to Italy get to represent Europe in your mind?

Makes sense. They knew they couldn't defeat the Romans so they invented a watered down version of Jewdaism to infiltrate and destroy Rome from within. This religion would be close enough to the source to keep their lineage but different enough to let them make changes like "no lending money, only Jews can do that" to give them an economic edge.


> kys
Sure... why though? Seems like a really random reply.

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Okay let's assume this is true and Jews purposefully created a false religion called Christianity to bring an ended to the true religion that white people followed. Shit let's assume there is a God too.

8f that's true why does it follow that Norse mythology is the true religion. Lots of religions were practiced by pagan Europe.what makes the Norse myth more real than Celtic myths?

makes sense since all of our holidays are based in Germanic culture and stolen by Christianity.

I mean its pretty obvious that the nativity has nothing to do with the rest of the germanic christmas with the elves, pine trees, yule log, santa, reindeer. Its almost like it was just cut and pasted into christmas.

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Jesus was white. Your friends are demon worshippers OP.

The only religions that matter are Buddhism and Ancient Egyptian.

Which are just corrupted versions of Christianity.

check this red pill

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nigger what?

Woah. That makes a lot of sense.

Jesus said "I am the Word" which means he was God and created the Word which was the universe and its laws. That means Jesus was literally the law of God. But Satan corrupted the Earth and corrupted the Word. That's why so many seemingly older religions are really just corrupted copies of the original Christian Word.

Buddhism has so much in common with Christianity is because the demons that created it copied Christianity to do it.

they all followed a central theme. people reference the norse religion because it was the last to still be practiced and was more developed before it came it an end. plus, in most areas, the Celtic faith was already losing out to roman polytheism before Christianity showed up.

Umm wrong.

seems about right

Ummm right. See above and get educated.

I don't know about all of it but yes Cuckstianity is a jewish proxy religion so people become feeble and stupid.

the world is havily influenced by jewish people that is no doubt true, mostly through their mono-theistic faith, which was adapted by christians, which were adapted by rom to become the state religion.

but that doesn't make any jewish person leading the world 2000 years late

Don't listen to OP he is being courted by demons and isn't in his right mind. Christianity is the one true religion. It's Judaism that's the corrupted copy.

there was never a "true norse religion" there were just different ideas, and the norse religion wasn't even that old. every villiage had some form of belive, which weren't very advanced compaired to other relgions.

they're not telling you the whole story. get some poppers from a truck stop and see if they'll let you in the "real" gun club.

Both are garbage, Jewism is a supremacy jewish race religion Christianity is the wimpy proxy slave religion so the jews can feed off them that's why one of their tenets is slaves should be faithful to their masters.

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and that's actually retarded because it sounds like christians and jews worked together on some grand scheme when in reality they mostly viewed each other with suspicion.

> jesus was white
Well he didn't even exist.
And if he was white, why did he have a kike name as well as his whore mother Mariam?
> Demon worshippers
Nothing bad. Demon means genius in Greek. Demons are friends of the people.

Christians and Jews didn't work together. Jews created Christianity and then controlled it through direct manipulation of the popes.

True redpill.

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Jeez.. I'm black and even I felt this.

you're so sophisticated that you not only use the word "kike" but that you try to school people on the etymology of "demon".

"demon" means the same thing as "spirit" and neither really means anything aside from "what makes an expression". you'd need a lot of history of connotation to know why it means what it might at times and to who. do you know what "kike" means? did you know it's also the origin of KKK?

... wow.

KYS. Jesus said nothing since he is a Jewish fantasy.

> Buddhism has so much in common with Christianity is because the demons that created it copied Christianity to do it.
Buddhism is 2500 years old and jewish sect cuckstianity is 2000 years old u retard.
It's funny that cuckstians are so fucked in the head that they really believe that an evil jealous god of a retarded desert tribe of goatfuckers created all the galaxy.

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Christ was a Hebrew, not a modern Jew. He actively opposed the mystery schools teaching usury and kabbalah, and they put him to death for it. Christ is about as Jewish as pork.

For that matter, so are modern Jews - Descended from Persia, the diaspora destroyed the people of Israel for breaking covenant with God. These new squatters are the worshipers of Molech and Agarat, pretenders of the faith and false claimants to the kingdom of God.

While I'm at it, modern Paganism is encouraged by these false Jews and was first pitched as Wicca and "ancient tradition" through the spiritualism movement, spearheaded by the misguided Swedenborg and Jewish German Franz Mesmer. Elijah Bond, of the Swastika Novelty Company, was a fellow Jew who sold "speaking boards."

And please, by all means post more evidence of the Church being subverted. As if we haven't seen the false Pope and the Jewish Lutherans of Minnesota.

Our most important Pagan roots were held sacred as godly sacrament and tradition that preserved our families and bonds through harsh times - Such as the Christmas Tree, Halloween/All Saints Day, and the celebration of the spring Solstice that coincided with the resurrection of the Christ who would be. But for now? All we need do is love the Christ above all others.

Christ will lead the armies of Armageddon. Follow Him or die.

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Nice fiction, what drugs do u use?

Based and redpilled.

Imagine being that deluded to have to invent your own version of history and two different versions of kikes to somehow combine your antisemitism with jewish religion.
Antisemitic kikeworshippers are maybe the funniest and the dumbest thing in the world.

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But he's not wrong. The genealogy of the bible shows the hebrew/jewish split. Up until the 50s everyone accepted that Jews were anti-Christian.

> The genealogy of the bible shows the hebrew/jewish split
> Imagine being that deluded to have to invent your own version of history and two different versions of kikes
> Up until the 50s everyone accepted that Jews were anti-Christian.
They despise christians because christianity is the sect of their religion. Followers of different versions of judaism never loved each other, check catholics/lutheran or shia/sunny. But they all worship the same evil jealous god of the goatfucking desert tribe.

This is the reason why kikes are so strong today. Because the god who choose them is being worshipped by a half of the planet so this faggot has a lot of energy. But he only loves the kikes, other nations are being viewed as food.

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