White superiority thread

>White superiority thread

Get in here

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Im tired of racist white people

Welp im tired of niggers so we seem to be at an impass dont we fag.

worst thing is, I'm not even white. I just believe in white supremacy

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That that's a fake dick

I'm tired of white supremacy too

Is this a fucking bot or trolling /pol/nigger?

Then, you better get out

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Queen owned

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I wish white racist got banned off of here

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this is for you

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Can't believe they allow white racists on here

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Lol at the triggered spic love the amount of butt hurt wmbf causes

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If I could I ban white racists off here

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I'm so tired of hearing about white supremacy

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Lol, wonder why they call hom "brokn mynd"

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triggered nigger

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I be happy to put white supremacists on an island in leave them there

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Like white supremacy is totally nonsense

But then all “your” women will come to that island. Shut the fuck up with your cuck fantasies

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I like fucking my sister fellow white man

Rule numer 1 of every chan, don't take anything srsly

I wish white supremacy die already it's 2019

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You can't you fucking nigger

>implying that nigga will ever be home
>implying that nigga didn't 'go to the BLM rally' 22 years ago

It already is. White supremacy is for stupid rednecks only now.

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>be black
>Yea Forums flooded with cuck porn
>zero thrill
>"bbc vs white girl durrrr sorry white bois durrr" wow so original
>dying of boredom
>mfw this thread appears

Finally some new/obscure porn. You saved my boner, OP.

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thats a smart girl, right there

I'm not white, dude. I can't get triggered by this

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LOL stupid rednecks

question, is the top guy white?

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How you gonna get us there if you can't swim?

Clearly we still have white supremacist who still live in the past

Nigger are better

kys insecure faggot. im busy jacking off here

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Bro wrong thread. The sister thread is that way!

Goddam you are an annoying piece of shit
Kill yourself

LMAO not only does she make him put a condom on, but he's not even allowed to penetrate. What a cuck

He can't control himself.

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White supremacists should get over themselves

They should go back to fuxking there sisters

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He sure showed them racists

Damn lol

What is this, Frieza's forbidden transformation?

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>White woman forces slave to use dildo

don't have, sorry

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To everyone who hasn't fucked there sister post interracial black men on white women here!

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>yfw she just wants to be a white big tiddy goth gf

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Urrrrrr durrrrrrrr

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don't really like to post statistics but, here we go. It's an interesting one

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Don’t you understand that black women make beautiful BLACK babies. Not white babies. Just realize that you’re drive is telling you to breed into the successful and fertile gene lineage. Ergo: black superiority

Name one thing wrong with white supremacy, I'll wait.

>this mental gymnastics

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Dumb rednecks, They aren't as feared and its a total joke

this one here is pretty funny

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You're categorizing yourself by melanin levels instead of nation states and culture.

A white man fucking a black girl is no worse than a black man fucking a white girl. Race mixing is bad period. Whatever white person waters down their child's genetics with negroid DNA is a race traitor.

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be like this based french

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Irish used to be considered subhuman, are they full human now?

I wish white supremacy die off completely

It's not their fault, the Jews started it.


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White supremacy should die

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Meanwhile, you won't roll through Appalachia out of fear (and because you're not man enough for 4 wheel drive). Those same rednecks are the only reason you enjoy refrigeration and air conditioning, which are pretty much staples to be a developed nation. Maybe stick to a self-hating californian soyboy if you wanna cherry pick.

Race is more than skin deep, and the white supremacists know it. Western culture = white culture. 98% of all technological advancement in the last 1000 years. You're welcome.

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You're absolutely right, the Jews will never let it die. They get to claim white when it suits them then immediately claim religious/ethnic persecution via antisemitism while they steal your land, nation,and culture.


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Western culture = Christian culture

I don't live in Cali because Cali is for faggots dipshit.

We be better off when white supremacy finally dies

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>Taking the word of a jew-funded, sister-fucking sodomite as factual.

Damn those chicks wont let them penetrate. Cucked

meh picture, from a CNN documentary
>them penetrate
it's the same guy I think

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Don't wanna be caught fitting in? I understand.

White Christian culture. Anyone who tries to sell the concept of "Judeo-Christian" is a subversive.

That's a pipe dream. Just look at the blacks, they created black supremacy in reaction to the white supremacists who were initiated into that mindset by Jew supremacists (Zionists). Now the whites are reacting to the black supremacists and trying to revive white supremacy, and the Latinos and Asians are trying to get it on the game. It'll never stop, white supremacy is here to stay, but so are all the other supremacist groups. The future looks pretty bleak.

Trying to colonize a Moroccan from my lab bros

Is this too aggressive? Should I quit texting and go right to the hangout or attempt to heat it up?

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What's gmh in thot lexicon?

There is no "white" christian culture, it's just Christian culture. You're doing what the sjw do with "social justice", justice requires no modifiers and neither does Christianity.

give me hope

The sad part is this shit works on women regardless of race, they're so stupid, why do we let them vote and educate young boys

867-5309 eh? Gonna get me summa dat Northwest Territories pussy.

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Well when you get black "christian" culture, you get Kony and welfare. When you get latino "christian" culture, you get Cartels and welfare. When you get asian "christian" culture, you get communism and a new god through government and glorious leaders, but no welfare like they promised.

Christianity requires a high IQ which has to be bred for, as well as the tenacity to not be insectoid or reptilian. Thus, you get white people.

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she looks so miserable, like she's being forced to do that.

honestly makes my dick hard though


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Somebody help a neighbor out

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sorry, I'm just a non-white cuck. I don't know what to do in these situations

Haha cuck

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>thinking a woman actually wrote this

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>fake tits
of course

You know Christianity survived in Europe thanks to Christians in Ethiopia right?

Kony was by product of Jewish funded wars against Islam in Africa, Latino Christians were killed off the the drug war funded by US controlled by Zionists, Communism was started and spread by Jews.

Christianity doesn't require high IQ, it requires the individual to love Christ and follow his example.

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There's nothing like the feeling of natural tits getting firmer and tits perking up as you touch them. Implants are so overrated, I hope the cost of host cell implants or something becomes viable in the near future.

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I'm ok with raceplay, white cocks dominating black women. But why the fuck do weird bastards like you have to combine it with nazi shit? I'm not some antifa dumbass who thinks someone who votes Republican is a nazi, I understand what an actual nazi is, and that its evil. You dumb fucks are literally fetishizing evil.

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As I said before, I'm not white and I do not care

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Show penis

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I don't have much black sun and nazi stuff, unfortunately

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Is it weird that I can only imagine white guys banging black girls not the other way around I’m not white I just believe in white pride everyone should have the right to be proud of their race


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btw, if you dislike the nazi stuff, you can just ask for the editors to remove

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How can it be evil when it makes your jew pussy so wet~~~

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i fucks with this. this shit is hot

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going back with the 3d images

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ironic b/c ur ass did most certainly not pass english in high school lol

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well, the thread is over. Good night everyone

>grammarfagging about impasse
>can't even spell 'your'

Holy fucking shit, this is so cute! Post more of her getting turned inside out by BBC.

Cope harder.

This is also super cute. Interracial couples are fucking adorable.

Banter aside though. The kids have trouble identifying with groups.

alright can someone explain to me the meaning of the tattoos? I get that they're representations of white power for ethnic women but what are the roots that lead to them?

What is the significance of a live of hearts with Q in them, the playing card references to the queen of hearts, and the lightning wheels?

I want to have an erecting but the symbols are making me too curious to have one.

>the lightning wheels
Its the black sun.

>queen of hearts,
only fuck white guys

>Post more
The turdlover is a newfag and doesn't understand Yea Forums. Not surprising


I don't understand how you people fail to introspect on how desperate you look when you make these captions.

Voluntary race mixing is *literally* not genocide.

>non-american hours
>no cuck garbage on the catalog
oh America

God, I wish that were my slave

Black boi hating KEK


Nigger, gimme sauce.

thats just sad

"American" is demonstrably a valid identity. The concept of race is enforced on us. 300 years ago, most of what we consider today to be individual ethnicities would have been considered races, but now you don't really see much of that sort of prejudice.

Black nigger sluts dream of fat white dicks.

These hoes ain't loyal.

Get me horny


Butthurt because i got an aryan dick

Lol it looks like a turd

Do you not notice the photoshopped shaft lmfao niggers are sad pathetic creaturess

You cant stop natural selection tenda

>the madlad did it. He created a thread that defeated the discord trannies....

Hail prophet of Yea Forums

Would be better then fucking niggers honestly