Take bath

>take bath
>now have water in my ear and cant get it out

Any ideas Yea Forums?

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I'm sure you tried the obvious "tilt your head to the side and jump on one leg". Other than that, I have no idea.

Rubbing alcohol works like a charm. A few drops and let it sit for a minute then the other side.

Sometimes blowing your nose with the head leaning over helps. Like popping ears on an airplane

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Former swim team member
Point your head straight down, shake up and down until you cannot hear the water moving anymore
Turn head sideways and repeat. Droplet will slide right out

>take bath
That was your first mistake

use a cotton swab

Turn your head sideways
Slap the other side of your head vigorously until water comes out.

To be clear:. It must be vigorous. I'm talking good hard bashing up there. Hard enough to make you see blinking lights in your field of vision. Make sure you are sitting down. If you do it right, you should have a splitting headache, but at least the water will be gone.

stand on a solid foundation (doesnt give if you jump on it). Tilt your head so the ear with water is facing towards the floor and stand on your tip toes. Then drop yourself on your heels. Do this repetitively until the water is all out.

Actual Doctor inbound

>you are suffering from what is called earfucktoginivitus . I would suggest that find a plastic shopping bag, secure it closely around your head and breath deep. You may experience slight arousal, this is normal .

didnt work

Tilt head, ear facing the ground.
Open/close mouth repeatedly.

Im not pouring that into my head

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Turn your head upside down. Like lay down on a bed/couch and let your head hang towards the floor. Cotton swab will absorb the drops of water.

I so fucking wish a human body could do that

You can by something at the store for "swimmers ear" that will take care of it. I literally had water trapped in my ear a couple of weeks ago.

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post penis

how do you know i have one faggot

tear a 1/2 * 6 inch strip of paper towel, twist into thread, insert in ear as far as it'll go and wick up the water.

prove that you don't

silly user, everyone has a penis.

its 5am

you took a bath at 4 am then? wtf user

I had to buy it on my lunch break at work. I tried all those other things anons suggest, but I had to buy it in the end.

why not
nothing like a night bath

Future is not looking good

Put more water in your ear. When used to swim a lot and come up with water caught in my ear, dunking my head back under always pulled the water out

Using rubbing alcohol. Let it sit in your ear and if it's working you will here fizzling. Trust me, most painless option from my experience. After a few minutes just turn your head and let it drains.

Thats sounds like a bad fucking idea honestly


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It's the typical way you handle an ear ache/infection.

fuck a stranger in the ass

Oh yeah it sounds horrible. But it works great.

Its pretty much just rubbing alcohol, so if you have that, it will work as well.

Lay on your side with the ear full of water facing down. Pinch your nose and gently blow.

>Pinch your nose and gently blow.
Do not do this.

Thanks doctor!

I usually twist TP into a point and gently slide it into my ear, and then tilt my head to the side. The TP will soak it up.

OK, so you got two options here OP.

1. Take a medium caliber handgun, load it, put the barrel against your ear, carefully aiming down the ear canal, and pull the trigger.
Note: if you have larger ears, then you can go with a large caliber handgun instead.

2. Turn a hair dryer on low, and point it in your ear, while holding it a several inches away from your ear.

fucking hell none of it worked
I guess this is my life now, im going to sleep now
Thanks anons

did you really do the alcohol thing? you used rubbing alcohol and not jack daniels right?

I didnt find any

>Do not do this.
Gives literally no alternative or reason not to.

but the box says to never do that.

quickly hit the ear full of water against a surface of water. it will get it out instantly

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>Tilt head, ear facing the ground.
>Open/close mouth repeatedly.
This works for me every time. Gotta open you mouth as wide as you can though.

>Gives literally no alternative or reason not to.
Implying I haven't given a solution already. You don't want to over pressurize your cranium, could damage your ear drums.

>Implying I haven't given a solution already. You don't want to over pressurize your cranium, could damage your ear drums.
bonus reason it doesn't help with external water in ear canal

a cute, fuzzy, ear spider.
their fuzziness soaks up the water
you're good to go
they only ask to be your friend.

Attached: ear_spider.png (361x357, 166K)


Either of these two methods, would work.