I'm a fucking reatard

I'm a fucking reatard

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1564745132777.gif (358x300, 42K)

Eat shit faggot. Pic definitely not related. t. yoogee

Attached: 5591F4EE-BF63-4D39-BB72-5145C5F8E98C.jpg (294x312, 31K)

Fuck you psyop bitch

i just sit here installing and uninstalling the same video games each day
what the fuck happened to me

i've reset my pc probably 20 times in the last two weeks

(dubs! wooh!)
i dond thing anythink nice or hlelthy or productib comes from puttign urslelf or any1 aroudn u dowm. leds hlelp eachudder up insted ob thingy be-y sade lole da tiem is normlel!

we cam ddo anythimk if we ddo id 2gether

Attached: we can do1.webm (960x720, 568K)

"Shake the days that do move"

I literally don't read any of your posts you regurgitating faggot

atleast u seem happy

Attached: tea-time.gif (347x281, 1.99M)

Lol dude fuck doremi

dond bully me or my frens pls
id wont maek u or any1lelse happye

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第03話「ハナちゃんには負けられない!」( (640x480, 128K)

It makes me happy when the Catfish bullies the navel poster

Attached: 1535983756519.png (1500x1024, 1.03M)


Attached: 093Haunter.png (838x838, 332K)

It makes me happy when cts brushies the ice so the disk will land in the right place.

Attached: canada-mens-curling-vancouver.jpg (620x395, 217K)

was that funny
probably not
the ice brushing shit is funny though
how old is that sport anyway

No it's not and Google bitch

you're all fucking retarded bed wetters and i hate you all

Cry more kike

I googled bitch and it was just a picture of yu?

Attached: smug shite.png (1000x563, 571K)

>Cry more kike
t. third world shitskin


unchecked trips on page 9