What's stopping you from making a family?

What's stopping you from making a family?

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kids are terrible and my bloodline is worse

No money.
No education.
Low level of intelligence.
Mental illness.
Poor physical genetics.
Starvation during puberty.
Low Testosterone levels.
2019 women and their new high standards.

I'm an antinatalist

The apex of my aspirations. few more important things i need to do first, health, career, anger issues.

I have a wife already. I'm ambiguous over having children. I have no real desire to have kids but would be fine if I found out 5 mins from typing this that she was pregnant.

I did but i fucked up by doing drugs and cheated on my wife. Now I'm divorced.

i'm working class hero so i have nothing to be alpha about and women want more than that. Oh well, plenty of kids out there for society to adopt society wants kids.

Terrible excuses
You make a point, although the only thing you should really focus on is money
Have kids user, they're great. Really .No pity for (You), cheater
Literally what?

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Meant kys

Me and my wife chose not to have kids. We drink and are selfish. Thought she was pregnant recently and it scared the shit out of me

No you kill yourself breeder scum.

Why not? How long have you been married?

Been married 9 years. Like I ssid we are selfish and spoiled in our lifestyle. Kids just dont fit

How old are you? You're gonna regret it later on

>No pity for (You), cheater
I honestly regret it and am not looking for pity. On the bright side my ex has forgiven me and wants me back now that i'm sober.

Im 40. I might regret it, but it scares the shit out of me thinking about having kids

Why?? What's so bad about it?? You never had children how could you know
How is your financial situation?

Some people just don't want kids.

Kinda hard to focus on money, when my level of intelligence is too low. I'm too dumb for school, and I'm too dumb to learn a trade by myself and get money out of it.

I am Hedonistic...don't need that Shit...ask anyone who has been married with 2 or 3 kids...they want to Kill themselves

It would make my money tight. My parents are wealthy though. I just dont want to make the sacrifices

My disdain for having a family.

Would you be interested in affiliate marketing? I helped quite a few people make a living out of it. It's pretty easy once you get the ropes

>affiliate marketing
Aaaaaaand it's a pyramid scheme.

If you say so
I'm making 5k $/month without even trying. I just need a US partner

Sounds like a scam to me. I do remember writing down someone's email from a month or two ago. It started with "hitmeu(...)", was that you?

Had a couple chances
It just didn't feel right
Feel bad getting the girl hopes up
Like my life was ending
I don't have the best childhood
Wouldn't want to put the little fucker through the same

Not at all.
Affiliate marketing just means getting money by selling Amazon products...its not witchcraft

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I can’t have kids. My sperm is fucked and I do t want to adopt a kid.

What's stopping me from making a family??
Probably the fact that I hate people and I dont want to add anymore to the planet...

Money and I also hate kids. The idea of getting married terrifies me.

If he doesn't want kids that's his prerogative. Many of the people I know wish they wouldn't have had children. They're expensively raise and most don't amount to much of anything, so why do it?

expensive to raise

Not finding a woman to procreate with

Couldn't get my shit together after 6 years of trying. Final straw came when I got fucked over with new health issues last year which fucked up my life. Became full on shut-in. No self-respecting women wants to have a guy like me. It sucks because I always said I didn't want kids but really, I didn't want to have kids because childhood was hard, my parents were miserable and couldn't get off their fucking high horses. Also I didn't want to start a family unless I was well off kinda like your pic of Pierce Brosnan (fan of his) and found me a beautiful women with a heart of gold ( I'm a dreamer). Life wasn't meant for me, OP. That's why I will never have what Mr. Brosnan has. Everything has taken it's toll on me and showed me that what I worked for was for naught and I am now unfit..

OP is not a faggot. I genuinely like these threads because it helps me fantasize of a life beyond where I am now.

But it also means you're paid on commission. So if you don't know how to sell your products, you're stuck with 0. Let me guess, you're trying to sell a stock of items to this guy, and then let him figure out how to sell these products himself, right?

Sounds very lucrative... for you.

so career oriented white people who don't really want children will reproduce anyway and give birth to puppies and kittens? That's kinda cute.

I have never wanted to raise a family, partly because the legal system is too heavily skewed towards women:

I own a nice house with extensive private gardens and if I raised a family, my "partner" (their mother) could take it all off me and the children, at the merest whim or fancy, as well as demanding "child support" financial contributions from me to fund her lazy-ass covetous money grabbing lifestyle.

Also, I can tolerate children behaving like children, but I have had a belly-full of women behaving like adult children all the time whenever they don't get their own way: see pic related.

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Following our Saint Brenton Tarrant

women are crazy, manipulative, and expensive
kids are annoying, gross and expensive
the world is too fucked up and my childhood gave me severe mental problems
i'm an autistic shut-in who would just stress out any girl who'd want to deal with me
i have trust issues and low self-worth that makes socializing nearly impossible
i just want to live alone with my hobbies comfortably until i die

> my bloodline is worse

That self awareness is admirable. Most people only think purely about themselves.

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Should've just said you have severe mental problems.

>my mental health is the reason women lie, cheat, and kill without remorse and get away with it

Raised a step kid for 17 years. That enough to not want to go through that again. Not worried about my genes...

work = money > emotional connections

>Women and Men lie, cheat, and kill without remorse.*

but women get away scot free more often than a man would
face it, people are shitty in general but females are legitimately evil

Women deflect, lie, cheat, and kill without remorse.


Nah, people are generally evil, and men generally get away with evil deeds.

Guess you haven't had an argument with a Republican.

because of women and their greed
fuck off roastie cunt

Erectile disfunction

I love living alone, it's so easy compared to my married friends' lives which entail demanding schedules and general chaos, especially those with kids. I buy what I want and do as I wish without lengthy discussions or arguments and that to me is more satisfying than starting a family. I don't want nor need the headaches that come with family life.

Have a wife and son who is 11 months.
Literally the best aspect of my life is my son.

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>thinks Republicrats are the problem

women are stupid as fuck lol

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money and career not lining up yet

Sure I have.
I live with one.
He is an idiot.

She broke up with me lastnight. Over feeling sad. Not because I made her sad and I just can't understand the fucking logic to it.

>back to the drawing board

They are.

That's a bullshit made up story. Also, men will dream up reasons to lie, cheat, or kill each other. They don't need women to do it.

The years of abuse and programming. Molested by an older woman. Scapegoated from being raised by a Feminist. Absentee father on the Mentor / Emotional Support / Guidance level.
Became self-reliant to compensate for no one to lean on. Thus women have nothing to offer me. There is no drive there. If how a mother treats you is what you know of love?
I only know a selfish sickness where your own children are not safe from your emotional wrong.
Where psychopathic anger is the only force, backing up authority. And where emotional starvation to gain compliance is acceptable.
I would rather live alone in emotional solitude than bend the knee in hell.

Marriage is slavery. Happiness only exists outside of it. I'm 25, got a good job, good place to live, and all the free time in the world. Why tf would I trade that to be a woman's mind slave?

Im concerned that my longterm gf doesnt actually love me and she just keeps me around because im a good paycheck. Like I don't actually see any love for me in her eyes. The only intelligible thing she talks about is her dog and if its not that then she's complaining about her work or her landlord.

The only time we fuck is when "she feels like it" and she always ask if "we can do a quicky?". Like its almost like a chore for her.

I want her to lust after me. I don't want to have to tell her that it doesn't seem like she's attracted to me. I want it be genuine. What the fuck do I do Yea Forums?

Yea, but you're on this site. Something isn't going right in your life to end up here. You're not as happy as you're pretending to be.

Make sure it's no less than 90 days before it gets 'serious'
Remember that Love isn't Real.
Unicorns don't exist.
You're a pet wallet.

You're too available. She thinks your time is not as valuable because your always asking for her attention. Find some hobbies, make friends, show her that she is not the top priority and she will try to make you her top priority. A woman wants to be a part of a man's world. She doesn't want a man to be part of hers. They want a leader not a follower. You also have to be ok with losing her, when they sense that they sense strength because women are retards.

You need to get away from Yea Forums to complete your happiness. Coming back to look at memes isn't an excuse. There is something else you're looking for from us. Tell us your secret.

if only all of Yea Forums was this self aware

You want something from this Para-Social bonding moment. Tell us your reason to be here user. Tell us your secret need.

I believe that they know, but they deny it, to evade the truth. If they stare into the weight of the truth, it will break them.

Poor and ugly

Married a barren wasteland of a woman. She could fuck every nigger in Chicago and never get knocked. Not that it would matter. She's as fridgid as a witches tit in November.

Oh look, a Dr. Phil wannabe.


Tell her it doesn't seem genuine, you think she's not actually attracted to you, and you think she's using you for money. Because if that's the only reason she's with you, if that's the only reasons he's letting you dick her how, it will only become less frequent.

Those chats about her dog will become chatting with her dog in stead of with you.

I went through this sort of shit with my latest.

She'll deny it when you confront her, but it won't change shit. She'll say she's stressed from work and that reduces her libido.

Eventually, she'll start hanging out with coworkers after work, going places and doing things she doesn't want to with you.

Then she'll dump you one day, out of the blue. Or she'll start fucking some other dude while taking your money.

So don't ask if she finds you attractive. Tell her she is not physically or emotionally interested in you, and no matter what she says, her behavior betrays her feelings. So if she is, she needs to show it. If she's not, she's free to leave.

Then stop paying for so much shit. Nothing more than absolute necessities. Give it a month. She'll start fucking you, and start talking about more stuff. Then she'll stop, and go right back to how it has been.

Also, she'll blame you: You don't bring up good conversation, even though she refuses to listen or to respond. You don't engage her enough sexually, even though her answer is always no. You don't want to go do anything, even though she only wants to go out for dinner, then hang out with her coworkers.

So go ahead and dump her. But tell her what she's doing wrong, and enjoy your last few weeks before you do.

I don't ever want to be pregnant or be a mother... Fuck that noise. I'd rather focus my career and paying off my student debt.

>bringing children into this twisted world


Uhm, there is no secret need, just responding to the thread with my views, and people like you aggravate me no end. What if I had someone like you as a relative through marriage? Another good reason to pursue the single life...

I'm on here maybe once a week. And no, I come here for the same reason a basic white bitch watches kardashians. It's cheap entertainment, think of it like McDonald's for the mind.

Fucking this. I don't want to be responsible for providing life to children who'll just end up getting hurt and having to suffer, and there's a fair chance they would kill themselves anyways.

I care so much about my future children that I refuse to give birth to them.


Well said. To have children is to cause them harm. There's no way around it.

Thanks for the advice. I'll talk to her tonight and we'll see how it goes. Ive done this in the past with her where i told her I dont feel lusted after, and that its a big deal for me to feel wanted. She just played it off like she was stressed with some current situation and that soon she'll be more avaliable to me, but it seems like she's just "stressed" about one thing after the other.

The worst part is its demotivating me. I used to work out with my buddy that i lived with but ever since i moved in with her i havent felt like doing any self improvement.

I just don't really know what I want and I don't feel like I can go up to her and say that I'm not happy without having concrete details and a solution. Fuck me.

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>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. tpkt

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I've already got one I don't need to pay for or look after.

Because women swallowed feminism hook line and sinker


Where do I start

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A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. uBhI

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ok, virgin.

Do her a favor and do not get back together with her. You know you're just going to cheat again. Why hurt her more than you already have?

im bad at starting conversations

I probably couldn't stand coming home every day to an apartment that I have to share with a little kid (or worse: with a teenager). In the evenings most of the time I just want to have time for myself. Occassionally share it with my girlfriend. Kids just get in the way.

pretty sure the one I already made would be mad

discord..gg/Wyjrw8J (remove the extra dot)

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban!!

Gore. Controversial topics. Autism. Porn center.

CP. VC.proincest


thank me later

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Do I look like a psychiatrist?

never thought it was actually legit

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I wasn't condemning him any more than I was condemning myself. Anyone on this site is a despicable, sad, or miserable person. None of us deserve good women, and that's why we don't have them.

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post selfie and I'll let you know

My girlfriend hasn't asked me to marry her yet.

already did. wife, little boy, and newborn girl. feels good man.

There is only one single purpose to your exsistence and that is to reproduce.

If you cant do that. Or refuse to do that. Fucking kill yourself. You have literally no reason to be alive. You will have 0 meaningful impact on the future and are a waste of resources.

Life is pain anyways if you refuse to serve your one reason for exsistence do us all the favor and end that exsistence

From my personal observation. The current population of breeding adults should perhaps pass on the reproduction process.

My butthash addiction
My dangerous hoodlum lifestyle
My only way of living a warrior life

Feminism basically destroyed women. They are not fit to by wives or mothers.

Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)

Discord Link

A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. HLqu

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>implying you'd ever be fit to be a husband or father

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Yeah I would be. In fact I'd be a perfect beta bucks but I have been redpilled so no thot is going to get my time, resources, and utility.

Had a child. Wanted family for her. Her mother wanted to be a whore. Trust me she's mine. After finding out about her mother I had a paternity test done.

>making excuses for being an incel
thank god your seed will only ever impregnate a crusty sock

Shes blonde haired and blue eyed btw. With wypeepo genetics. 100%.

>implying I'm an incel

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I'm not doubting that you get ass, but it is sadly only when your finger slips through the toilet paper.

Men and Women*

you put the superior gender first, faggot

A fat wife, ungrateful children, and divorce

NO MONEY and ADHD makes it difficult to keep a job :(

Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)

Discord Link

A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. Ozmz

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i'm 18

It seems kind of boring, but I'll probably end up doing it anyway. Such is life.


My heart's not in it. I've got the money, social status, resouces and education, I guess to establish a successful family - but I can't be arsed. I'm convinced it's a bad idea to attempt it if you don't REALLY want it in the first place.

I've seen so many of my friends' relationships (both with and without kids) fail, simply because there were matter that were more important to them in the long run. Such as personal happiness .. turns out people don't want to compromise on that.

Or because they're the most fucked up. You can draw your own conclusions. You seem to enjoy that.

I'll have you know i only cheated on her when i was on drugs and drinking. Now that i sobered up i got my shit in order.

Money, marriage, wife becoming a fat bitch, loss or personal space and time, no longer able to spend disposable income on self interests, noise, stress, lack of sex, having to sacrifice my manly possessions for feminine and child friendly ones, kids likely becoming intolerable assholes once puberty hits.

>I just need a US partner
Surely this won't bite someone in the ass.

Beeing a fucking retarded ass weeb with low social skills

my crippling social anxiety and awkwardness

>Most people only think purely about themselves.
No they don't. Most people are assholes to themselves almost as much as they are to others.

Most people are miserable which is a direct cause of their narcissism, enabling them to think highly of their identity despite being overly critical of themselves.

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Did. Married with four kids.

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This. Though not the starvation part. I also did grad high school but college and all that bullshit is just way too much

My mental illness, alcoholism, and bankruptcy.