Asian girls are hotter than white girls.
Asian girls are hotter than white girls.
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OP is right
Ofc my dude.
I would eat this ass
Facts white girls can't compete
I personally disagree but I can see where you come from.
I love how they pretty much eat your face/slurp a lot when making out. Gif related
They're also more submissive and willing to please their man.
I dated a chink once. She sucked my dick like it was candy. They're honestly the best
Good shit bro.
Can confirm
I don't get it, that girl is an asian girl.
And she is white...
Asian chicks are all boring and they all look pretty much the same.
They're adventurous in bed, if you tell them precisely what to do first. No imagination.
And I call bullshit on
It isn't difficult to get a Chinese girl to treat your dick like candy. And so what if you have to tell them precisely what to do? You can turn them into your personal sluts
Most Asian girls are flat at and have horse faces but the few that are hot are definitely hotter than white bitches
Nah most Asians are hot, wym?
except they're all fucked up with daddy issues.
use it in bed but dont marry
they are attractive but the personality is a tremendous turnoff. Laughing at fucking EVERYTHING, being terrified of sunlight, the way they make you feel like you're raping them when you have sex with their weird noises, making you take your shoes off for no reason...
I had a korean girl dump me in university because she thought I took over 30 minutes to reply to her messages too often. I heard stuff like that's not uncommon from asian girls or something afterwards.
also the fact that they think blood type is super important in choosing a guy. Fuck off with that magic bullshit, go snort some ground up tiger penis you slope bitch.
Each Asian girl has there own crazy. My ex Korean gf thought I was aggressive and had a bad attitude because I would roll my eyes and give her the spent treatment of I get annoyed with her. She used to always get drunk around friends and family and made me look like an ass. She had a fat ass. I'll post if I can find the pics
an asian with any ass at all is rare as hell. Unless the rest of them is fat too, post the pics.
>they think blood type is super important in choosing a guy
What Asians think this?
don't. I'm content with her being fat somewhere else.
most of them. Look on their dating sites. It's listed prominently on every profile.
Maybe for Koreans. They believe a lot of bullshit, like fan death.
Asian woman do have tighter pussies and better DSLs
No have some pride in your own culture and people. This Yea Forums shit is pretty fucking cuckish.
Just let people fuck what they want, as long is breathes, is human, and legally capable of consent.
i just started dating an asian after geting off a 8yo relation with a white bitch ! I have to agree !
Agree but i want kids with bright hair and bright eyes.
And bright skin apparently
How's that for a start?
kill yourself yellow fever faggot
reminder a huge amount of asian americans shitpost here and this post was made by one.
After 10 layers of make up, yes