Why didn't they just follow our laws? If he had his little taco eater would be alive

Why didn't they just follow our laws? If he had his little taco eater would be alive

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Other urls found in this thread:


>people supporting the idea of allowing undocumented people to waltz into a different country without consequence
>people supporting the idea of giving free healthcare to immigrants that haven't proved themselves to be worthy of society
>people ignoring supporting their own people and instead pamper to immigrants while shit continues to fall apart and become more homeless

Do you realize how fucking insane this is becoming?


this was drumpffs fault. Pure and simple.
Droompf should've just let them in.

Lol. Shut up. This looks sad so we have to open the borders to the whole world now.

I do

No, not "people". It's the liberals and democrats that want those things.

recently i found out the kind of benefits immigrants are getting. oh boy was i pissed the fuck off:\

In los angeles right now theyre building ridiculously overpriced apartments that cost 2400-5000 a month. But apparently Hatians are being given severely discounted rent (like 200-400 a month) and free supplemented income of like 800-900 dollars to live off of each month. Meanwhile I applied for foodstamps when I got my hours cut at work, and Im put through endless red tape and denied benefits

Fuck this country

it's like having a group of buddies and yourself pitch in for lunch, then out of nowhere the food you paid for is suddenly a free-for-all for any random stranger to walk up and claim a serving that they didn't pay a single cent for, even though it's food you paid for.

>In Los Angeles right now
>Los Angeles
Well, there's your problem.

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And the left wants to give these animals even more gibs

Why isnt anyone fapping to this picture c'mon/b/ wtf is wrong with you?

enjoy paying for shit for the same stuff that immigrants get for free/heavily discounted rates.
>keep drinking that kool-aid

Hey kid, do you fucking mind? We're having a discussion in here about important shit


There ya go, you fucking dupes.

because being poor does not qualify for asylum.

>>>/fuck off/

ROFL! We need more of this.

be nice. He's obviously a newfren that don't understand the rules.
Thinks pol stand for politics or something.

and you still have to pay for it, but that random stranger takes it for free

There are no fucking rules you moron


europe here
yes, yes! open your borders and we will send you some more refugees.

>He doesn’t even know how to cross-board link
Back 2 kid

yes there are m8.
Maybe you should read them

No there aren't m8
Maybe you should KYS

What happened here? They eat slugs or somethin?

>>people supporting the idea of giving free healthcare to immigrants that haven't proved themselves to be worthy of society

Who exactly are you proving your fucking worth to there mr. potato head?

they drowned because they didn't know how to swim while trying to cross the southern border. and then idiots are using this photo as a PR stunt to gain popularity and support in politics.
>using dead people to gain traction in politics

Mustard gas from Donald Trumps KKK ICE Border Agents. If the gas forsn’t kill them, he sticks them in dog cages for a few weeks on end until their asylum claims are denied.

Nice whataboutism

What's it to you? Who are you trying to prove *your* worth to there?

Just end the charade and let mexico vote in US elections. That's what this is all or. It will ensure democrats win every election for eternity.

No thats totally not it. Its just against OUR VALUES GOY
to have any semblance of border enforcement

stop being so cynical! LOL

Weird thing is, not a god damn thing is being done about it. I'd bet 100% the same exact scenario would be going on if Clinton were at the helm. Some answers would be nice as to who these people are and why they are being treated like this.

or USA should just annex mexico since brown people can't make mexico great

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ya knoooooooows..idk.. maybe you goes back to where yous came froms , maybe its reddits maybe its not reddits,you know,.......ands a maybe not worry youll self with whats goings ons here, k?

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But, muh CIA did this to them! Don’t you know that drug peddlers and child molesters are caused by evil white men in intelligence agencies?

Or who are you trying to prove your worth here?

Ill tell ya that AOCs a real jewpracabra.

Let me slav guy in ur gatblessed murica plz, im tired to be slav(SLAVE)

>the argument card of
>show me proof otherwise you're wrong
>even if you do, you're still wrong cause I said so.
Fuck outta here.

>important discussions on Yea Forums
Is that what they call edge lord circlejerk threads nowadays

I'm just someone who repeated the question a 3rd time to make it look stupid

Even Slavs are too white to be allowed to immigrate into USA now. Brown people only, sorry!

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Lol just come to CA and marry a gay negro. Easy way to citizenship.

why has supporting legal immigration become such a radical view? I'm not even saying that we need to close out our borders from any and all immigrants, but the liberals think its extreme to suggest or implement any type of screening or anything that prevents an undocumented immigrant from just walking in consequence free to receive benefits. Yeah whats going on at the border is a little sad but at the same time you dont see me dragging my family to a new country without any paperwork and expect to just be left alone to setup shop without any repercussions. Its not a secret, we have immigration laws that get enforced, yet people are still willing risk their's and their families' lives to take the illegal route, then call Trump a racist when that "surprisingly" fails

Did you know: that only 3 people in the government knew FDR had met with the Saudi King, negotiating whether or not to give parts of Germany up to the Jews?


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Democrat Platform
>free healthcare for everyone
>Access to American institutions for anyone who can get here
>no pistols or Assault rifles allowed
>fuck free speech and fuck white people

This is so epic guys, I love diversity and tolerance


>Also the democrat platform:
Thanks for all the diversity
Thanks for bussing my kids into the ghetto to get beat up and molested at MLK high school.
Thanks for pricing me out of health care.
Thanks for depressing my wages with third world immigration.
Thanks for tanking my grandmothers property value by flooding her neighborhood with Mexicans and their delinquent kids.
Thanks for the constant foreign wars to topple Islamic leaders.
Thanks for convincing my young and impressionable daughter that being a whore with HPV is "empowering".
Thanks for making my son outscore/study to get into school than his black friends who come from more money due to their parents do-nothing government "jobs".
You've been a great voter and wonderful American. Our kids will thrive in the paradise you've voted them into.
But hey, at least you feel good about yourself and Bill Maher would think you were cool.....if he knew you existed.
You go dude!! You're clearly a strong and independent person that represents the country!!!
>Decide to support #WalkAway

You've decided to jump ship after setting the fire.

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>Be me, waiting in line at the bank
>Line is taking a while
>Fuck it and fuck everyone else
>Throw on ski mask and pull out gun
>rob that bitch
>Decide to rape a few people and smuggle some drugs on the way out
>Get detained
>Not even arrested, just told dont come back to the bank

why illegals are dumb

Anybody realises ure all immigrants americunts?
Noone of you (except some honka tonkas) have their roots in north america.
"What" are you trying to protect from immigrants?

>using out-of-date bullshit from over 200 years ago
Not an argument.

Your roots disappear after 200 years? You suddenly have a worthy history after 200 years? Rednecks beating each other over some nigger workforce is not a history inb4

White immigrants built this nation, not Negroid subhumans and MesoAmerican filth

They just want the votes. If illegals were voting republican we'd have a triple enforced barrier around the US. As long as they put on he platform that they arent willing to do shit to illegals than they for sure are getting their votes counted

Okay here's the thing, I believe this body to be planted because if he couldn't swim his natural reaction would be to flail is arms not keep ahold of his kid, then why would they wash up perfectly in that position

It's not about disappearance, it's a matter of how relevant it is in today's time, which your argument offers very little of.

>spic subhuman slams into the back of my car
>we wait for cops
>cop tells me he’s an illegal, no insurance, Chicago policy is to let these guys go on their war

I got pretty fucked up over this. These people need to be sent back


When my ancestors came here it was an undeveloped land with a few savages who had a penchant for skinning people alive. Comparing that to coming to a post-industrial nation and signing up for welfare immediately is ridiculous.

I live around a plenty of slavs and asians - they came here legally, who do we have to make special rules for Hispanics?

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Go on their way

>You've decided to jump ship after setting the fire.

Who ever is responsible for all the higher taxes, the lower wages, high prices for every basic need, terrible roads, etc I can go on forever but it doesn't fucking matter to the left. What did or does the Obama/Clinton base care about exactly? Do they really honestly believe that they are responsible for all the positive social progress? Because if they are they are fuckin screwed beyond doubt. Now their leaders are literally calling for socialism. What a waste of time with those people. Get some new tougher Democrats in the race !

Your ancestors came into a country, beat the shit out of natives and settled down.
Now some beaneaters are coming, beat the shit out of your folks and try to settle down. Wheres the difference?

Probably crisis actors anyway

>So when white people came on a fucking boat without any documents or names back in the day was ok but those same white people wants immigration reform.

White people are natural born trolls.

Yang 2020 motherfuckers

Lets crash the ZOGmerica with no survivors

They was no welfare state back then, the useless eaters went home.

The black slaves that maintained your crops? The Chinese that built your railroads? Even your own fellow whites industrialists subjected to terrible living and working condition? Fuck this country and its sense of righteousness. Amerifags aren’t particularly exceptional in any way. Its just the US’s geography that allowed it to thrive unhindered by rivalry (cause you know, the US from its inception fucked over the entirety of Latin America with its foreign policy)

really, i didn't know my ancestors decided to yee-haw around the country, beating up natives in 1908.

Their wasn’t a Native American welfare state that the white people were parasites of, we actually build things

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Slave labour is the equivalent to modern day mass immigration, they import people who will work for peanuts to fuck over the white population.

The vast majority of people didn't own slaves. No one forced the Chinese to either come here or work on the railroads. They could have stayed in China if it was so much better there.

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Lol this is like the Turks in Germany
Except nobody sends them back

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You wrecked most of the country building oil rigs, frecking for it, still not having eco standards in 2019.
Sorry but your country is going backwards. Biggest debt per head all over the world. Do not consider yourself as the white supremacy.

You literally just proved you're a newfag.

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I’m sorry but I only speak English

no, he's a summerfag who thinks rules are a non-existent factor.

They could just, oh I dunno, NOT sell drugs and kill each other? Maybe stop taking our money in (((aid)))? But they're dumb spics so of course that'll never happen.

So your family just appeared and had ground rights because the Lord offered it to them or what are you trying to say?

How many people are moving here every year? How many people are moving away because it is "wrecked"? Take as much time as you need.

No sorry, im not americunt

>dumb spics
yea it sucks they didnt make most of their money off the backs of slaves and invest it in their family


If it is sooo bad in the US, and the President is "literally Hitler", why do we still have so many immigrants from around the world? Actions speak louder than words.

Jup that explains your narrow field of view. Muh murica muh country.
I try again so every Alabama redneck can follow up:
Yee man, you have nice country.
Care for the ground, you know, like, the thing like, you walk on. Dont destroy it. It gives you flowers and shit also corn cobs to eat. Also care for air, the thing you breathe. Marlboro man is super cool but he died off cancer eventually. Be smarter. And dont think youre smarter than others, every nation laughs at you.

Youre giving away free food and shelter and there is Worldwide climate change, what do you expect dumbfuck? People staying in the desert when its getting hotter?

>every nation laughs at you.
>meanwhile rapeugees that babble in allahu ackbar continue to desecrate centuries of culture with their own bullshit
>but we'll keep laughing at muricunts because why not

If it's so god awful here, then why are we even talking about illegal immigrants? Why are they coming here in DROVES?? And our debt? No shit, it's because the US is expected to PAY for...well..EVERYTHING. Especially by asshats like you who sit back and criticize, without doing any goddamn thing at all.

take your time

I still don’t understand what your point is. You seem like your arguing with some straw man of an American capitalist that you’ve got in your head, not anything I’ve said

Clearly they are very desperate to flee the shithole that our war on drugs have made of their countries. You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking a dead toddler, you and those like you are the real problem in this country.

Well you dont have centuries of culture, so you wouldnt even have to be afraid of that?
Also back in my country we dont have muslim Problems

>Be smarter. And dont think youre smarter than others, every nation laughs at you.
Oh the fucking irony. Every third world fucktard thinks that they are smarter than the smartest person in the US. This is taught at a young age in other countries. I used to tutor math for engineers in college to make money. So many people would come from other countries and thought that they would just knock out a degree because how hard could it be to compete with dumb Americans right? I've seen so many foreign students get in way over their head and choke.

Let them continue. It's what helped put Trump in office, it'll work again in 2020. People rather like the idea of curbing immigration even though some will say otherwise. We can't save the world...

The United States doesn’t have a culture, dipshit. That’s why it’s called a melting pot. It could benefit from some chlorine in your gene pool though.

Its true. Everyone thinks their so smart and that this nation will be easy to plunder

War on drugs? Maybe you should tell your spic pets not to sell drugs then? Then again if we were to legalize drugs you would still fucking complain.

I was talking about Europe, but ok.

lets not even mention the half dozen children that died in the custody of the government while waiting to cross legally for countless months. because yeah, it's all about doing it legally, and fuck their struggle or walking in their shoes, its just so simple, just do it legally right? (sucks on my white privilege thumb)

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Exceedingly fair laws, too, in comparison with most of the world.

USA definitely does have culture.
The south.
The suburbs.
The city's.
Tf are you talking about?
You should really wanna save whatever culture you have man.

Plenty of people do it legally every fucking year, so why can't the spics do it? Are they too fucking dumb to follow laws?

>mun melting pot
Thats just some weird Jewish play from the early 20th century.

Nobody voluntarily mixes until the government revoked our freedom of association, now we just have to retreat to different suburbs and schools everytime the government shoves niggers or spics into our neighborhoods.

illegal spic hit my friend too in a hit and run. She got the plate, called the cops, and after long drawn out months nothing ended up happening to spic and she had to pay out of pocket for damages... The real kicker is he had a newer car than her. Fuck these leeches.

She was forced into prostitution by gangs.

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wow this is cringy

Only a dumbass would compare 1700s colonization to modern day immigration.

Indians are not native either. They came over from asia. The second wave killed the first wave. The third wave killed the second wave....etc...

>The United States doesn’t have a culture, dipshit
Really? Go spend a week in San Francisco, CA and one in the back woods of Louisiana. You might notice very unique cultures.

It wasn't called a "melting pot" until people started listening to this guy, and people who look just like him.

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Amd they just call you a ra ciat and ask “what are you even protecting lol” if you say anything about it. What a sick culture we live in, absolutley toxic amounts on Liberalism. Putin is right

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(((Who look just like him)))


Sorry for the hasty phoneposting

And they’re always drunk driving and killing pedestrians. Not saying your friend is lucky but so many people get it even worse

I live in commiefornia, and even the spics that come over legally are pissed at illegals. They or their families put in the time and effort and come in legally, just to have some dumb fuck bring their family over the border with nothing but the clothes on their back and take benefits that apparently other americans aren't eligible to receive.


Cesar Chaves himself guarded the border from “Wetbacks”. The American Left has completely abandoned class struggle in favor of demographic replacement

I grew up in Europe. I visited schools in US for 2 months at 12 and at 15 years each. You are fucking degenerates. When I was 12, in Europe I already got taught more, than when I came back at the age of 15.

didnt allow me to post link so find it online.

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That's such a shit comparison and a desperate attempt to cling to anything remotely related

So what country is righteous in your deluded opinion? I'll wait...

I have some bad news for you. There are classes for students of various abilities here (i.e. my high school experience was much different than the guy driving trucks now). You were put into the class that matched your abilities.

the worst part is I'm from SoCal, so I hear a lot of stories about these illegals that I guess I'm supposed to feel sympathy for
>spic is undocumented immigrant
>spic does illegal things
>spic gets arrested
>liberals cry because he might get deported

These people are a new fucking subhuman of low. That's like if your buddy lets you crash with him for a while because you lost your job, you fuck his wife and ruin his house a little bit each day, and then you try to sue him over racism when he kicks you out even though legally you have no right to be there ... I dont understand why the concept of "legal immigration" is so perplexing to these people. It's truly not a hard concept to grasp.

True, it got funded by a european elite scholarship program, i'm quite sure they did not put me in the potato class twice.
Thx for the hint tho, Sherlock.

Nearly half my blood is native north American. This is the case for many latino Americans, idiot. I assume you meant people native to the usa lands. Or maybe you meant eskimos, idk either way you're dumb.

>Taco eaters
Dammit user, you had one job. It's "taco benders" FTW. It is much more offensive to the beaners.
Lastly, I'm just going to leave this here...ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10895030 Their women aren't good for sport either...they have evolved with huge vagoos so that they can shit a beanlet out of their front hole and be back picking vegetables in 45 minutes.

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Guess it wasnt that elite if they sent you there lol

Interesting. I was in honors and AP classes until I went to college. I don't remember any foreigners coming in for a couple of months and blowing us out of the water Good Will Hunting style. It sounds like a fantasy to perpetuate your stereotype of Americans.

Tell your white trash neighbors to stop consuming them.

The south? Culture? Yea? No.

You are a dumb cunt.

Sure, we have them from all over the world, hence, melting pot.

Nah I remember some Dutch foreigners coming to my school. The most popular guy was intelligent I think. He would always listen to presentations in a thinking pose I could never stop laughing. I think EU has better advanced education though

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Even dead they are better human beings than most of you faggots on here.

Doesn’t change the fact that the “melting pot” is entirely artificial and has to be enforced at gunpoint. People do everything to avoid it

You might as well just kys. Youre obviously hurt

Yeah Fuck this country! Feel free to go ahead and leave anytime!


It did not happen at your school so it must be wrong? That just proves alot.

We didn't have to get political Yea Forums, i just want to play my violent sex filled vidya in peace

Pay your taxes

You’re right, jews dindu nuffun. They’ve been kicked out of 109 nations because everyone else on earth is anti-semitic nazis

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>follow the law
>way to get asylum is to be on american soil
>step on american soil, you're breaking the law
>get deported or put in concentration camp

You are a miserable little creature, who lives with a fucked up view of reality.

I don’t take advice from clear cut faggots.

proof or it didnt happen idiot

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Such a faggoted exaggeration, it's more like a group of your friends get together and one of your friends brings his mate that is down on his luck and you all chip in ten cents to help him out...America is not your small group of friends, there are hundreds of millions of us and the people seeking help factor in as a small percentage, not an overwhelming flood of people that outnumber your small group of friends

Propaganda and misinformation much? Get your facts from things that aren’t clickbait fringe sites or info graphs.

you think the natives didn't bitch about the whites??

its all the same asshole

>tells wannabe nazi to go away
>hurr u support joos

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At least my view of reality doesn’t have to be enforced by the state, it is the natural state of racial beings.

Why aren't those fucking beaners applying at the US embassy? That would be American soil.

The history of Anti Semitism is much more rich than just the nazi period

I still don't think these kids are coming over here and being put in honors / AP classes immediately. If they are putting them in the general classes at some nigger-infested public school then no shit, the work is going to be easy.

>not blaming mexico for border shit
wew lad

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Why do you think they have such a persecution complex? Are you denying that jews have been targeted and expelled by gentiles in the past, because that is a classic anti-Semitic canard, bucko.

All you dumbasses trying to make the point that a young man and his child deserve death for trying to enter our country are the exact same mentality that moved jews from concentration camps to gas chambers....and yet you argue we are not housing people in concentration camps and will NEVER be like NAZI Germany....FUCK YOU all! You are the ones that will be put back into your holes when this is all over with, like every time before

No, your point of view is suppressed by civil society. You are a minority.

Oh look, someone is trying to make the holocaust relevant again.

You are twisting you points into a position where you would be able to lick your own asshole.

0/10 bait. He died breaking the fucking law. So yeah, I don't feel an ounce of pity for that monkey and his worthless offspring. Come legally then we'll talk.

His analogy was precise. You added the ' overwhelming' part and then complained about it.

As long as assholes like you exist, it will always be relevant....enjoy your sarcasm, when this is all over it will probably be your only form of comfort

he died because he didn't know how to swim, then his daughter tried to rescue him, but ultimately died as well
>always referencing back about the jews
>the poor jews tho
>who cares about the other 58 million people during those unfortunate times in the mid 20th century
>the jews tho!

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So as the trump administration tries to remove the ability to seek asylum, you feel that these people who are fleeing cartel violence we created, should go with a lottery system and years of waiting to relocate somewhere safe, away from the mess our policies has created?

OK but I dont really care what you think. What 10 year olds learn here, you get taught by the age of 13 or later.
So still if you compare an honor class, youre way behind. I was in a well situated school by the way, no fully devolved negrolits or anything like this. I have to admit though, you have better athletes at school than Europe.

>white flight isn’t real
>desegregation didn’t have to be enforced at gunpoint
>school integration hasn’t been a total failure that people flee from
Lol, people literally had to establish an unprecedented number of private school just to price niggers and spics out of being “educated” alongside their children.

Face the facts, you civil society is something that is actually not popular when you look at the actions people take to avoid it

Lmaoo seems legit


Southern Californian native

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>this is what stormfags beat each other off to

Why don’t you just go read up on the history of Jewish expulsion, its one of the main justifications for the State of Israel. How can one man be so ignorant?

No it was not, a "small group of friends" cannot conceivably scale the strangers grabbing food to the scale of asylum seekers and illegals in our general population...it is a gross exaggeration

Oh yeah all of their problems are our fault even though the cartels and gangs are created by the fucking spics who live in those countries. You mind explaining to us why everywhere in the US these animals live in is a fucking ghetto and just like the same place they came from? How do you explain that?

The Jews were the ones rounded up tortured and gassed to death in a massive genocide Just for being immigrants and Jews....that's where the correlation to our current situation connects. But you are an idiot, nobody expects you to get it...

Here is the difference between you and I, I feel like the worlds dominant superpower should have the ability to help raise people up and give them an opportunity to fulfill their potential. You want to keep it for yourself and give a fuck all about anyone you don’t identify with. This country is much better than you.

Is that what you do with your time. That’s pitiful.

Your mom and dad snort up the drugs it's actually more their fault...

And no one cares about what happened in Nanking and the shenanigans Unit 731 was pulling against anyone deemed unworthy of life.
>b-b-b-but you're the i-i-i-idiot

You are severely detached from reality. If you wanted a substantive conversation, you can drop your hate speech, otherwise, go piss into the wind.

Yes it had nothing to do with Jews abusing german citizens during a horrible depression and exploiting financial ruin to their own gain. Nothing at all to do with that.

Why is everybody so upset about a couple of dead beaners? They'll make more...and yeah, we need the wall and mass deportations.

I think the ZOG Empire of America should be crushed, it is enforcing homosexuality and liberalism worldwide. I actually embrace the multicultural liberal project progressing as fast as possible so that a more sane nation will take the mantle as Global leader.

The sooner whites are the minorty in America, the better white wellbeing will be world wide.

Ok hitler

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They are not really true Americans, they think they are righteous but they are simple minded idiots that fall well below the standard of true Americans today and throughout our history. These immigrants, given the opportunity would make much better Americans and would understand our core principals and values better than they ever could...so they spew hatred

Pretty much this. Clearly while someone was inutero.

Oh, I think you are a clown.

I'm not buying it. I think it is a partial truth at best blown out of proportion by European smugness and condescension. You see the same phenomenon when the average foreigners vacation here - you come here with no money, stay in shitholes like Florida or LA in the worst hotels, eat at the shittiest chain restaurants, and then go back and talk shit about he US for the rest of your lives. It is what you do.

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No actually, nobody cares that you are being an idiot on B, literally no one...

because democrats and liberals want to make it look like an annoying ASPCA commercial and somehow make you believe you're a shitbag for letting this happen in the first place
>missing piano notes

You can't explain that then? Just admit that spics are dumb monkeys and make everywhere they live worse. Hence why you fucking liberals refuse to live next to them and move when they start showing up in your neighborhoods and schools.

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
>The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean

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How long has your family been here?

Most of the idiots on B are detatched from reality...its pretty sad to see

Only thing I can admit is that you are a hate filled nobody who’s knuckles almost touch the ground.

How far the mighty have fallen.

Not clownish enough to cuck for “the great satan” as the wise men in Iran have described us

You are right...it LITERALLY had nothing to do with that...like your bitching and whining about "Muh Mexicans" is no excuse for your bullshit right now...stop trying to justify your bullshit

what is reality? how do you define reality?

What bullshit would that be, not wanting America to turn into a third world spic country?

Oh you might not realize it, but if there was a Satan, you’d be cucking for him like his prized huckleberry.

Dead man dead little child...if you dont give a crap at all maybe you should do us all a favor and hang yourself. At least that way maybe somebody will actually care about you too

Or cuckleberry, rather.

Satanism is inherently anti human and anti nature. It is actually Liberalism taken to its logical extent.

Why should anyone care when that lowlife put his own daughter in that situation?

Not interested in the depth of your thoughts, they have been dismissed for quite sometime now.

Immigrants made this country great retard, it's the foundation upon which America was built, if you want to destroy that, then maybe you are the problem?

>mostly white

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>Expecting taco niggers to make intelligent, well thought out decisions.

Awww, you're adorable in your naivety, OP.

They only acknowledge white immigrants.

Of course the satanists don’t realise that they are the ones battling against human nature of racism and tribalism, They are already fully indoctrinated. providence can only grant them destruction

Except those immigrants you're talking about came from Europe. Unlike the fucking spic savages showing up today and turning every place they live into a fucking ghetto.

You know slaves were immigrants too, right? What color of people built the White House?

The same goes double with right wing extremists.

Immigrants that wanted to be American you ignorant faggot. These stupid beaners don't want to assimilate. They just want to break the law, drive drunk and send money back. They don't even throw their shit paper in the toilet because they don't understand basic plumbing. FUCK THEM.

BITCH, how do YOU define reality? Making a social impact in a dark worthless corner of Yea Forums? In an area that isnt even set up for political discourse? Dude, you cant even speak your opinions and values outside of a Clan rally (or Trump rally) in real life.. you are worthless..

You seem like more of a threat than they do, realistically.

Sounds like they would make good red necks, to me. You guys might have more in common than you thought.

>Satanism is inherently anti human and anti nature.
You no nothing of Satanism.
It's quite the opposite of that.

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Ignorant moron, most of them fix your fucking plumbing...these people work harder than you ever would, that's why you fear them taking your shit job


white. and they were Irish.

>ignoring the fact that said white people (mainly irish) were more hated and discriminated against back then compared to spics who are protected and given money

Left and right is a false dichotomy, Nature is the third path. Good and Evil, left and right, this mentality is seeded into you by religion (both church and formal education). Morals are man made, fake and gay as it were.

Aryan enlightenment is the only Answer to the Judaeo-dialectic

He has no real world experience outside of a basement that pipes in Fox News and Breitbart.

>Niggers built the White House

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>didn't bother answering the question, instead pull a "whatabout"
your quads are now deemed invalid.

All religion is satanism, it is all a control mechanism

If you dont support open borders you are not a capitalist and you are also anti freedom and pro dictatorship.

Why do you hate global poor and oppressed op?

Not true, but you are always welcome to research the truth.


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You don't know shit about beaners Jamal

They are the right side of the Jewish dialectic, corrupted Zionists to the core. Anti humans completely

sound arguments user, sound arguments

They were christians, Satanists in other words

Did you try and refute that with a picture!

>the absolute epitome of trumptardation these days

>the truth that I only agree with instead of what it really is
yeah ok.
>The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems.
>The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh.
>No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.


I think they are both full of shit.


stop downplaying that its just one ole poor beaner down on his luck when its literal millions of them flooding in. The vast majority who intend to do nothing but reap from the free gibs because why would they bother doing anything else?

Does your mom know that the doctor needs to up your medication?

Did you spend all that time typing out zero substance! Wow.

If you feel so bad for them why don't you let them stay with you? Why aren't you giving them your money, food and clothes?

>all that time
>of 5 seconds
shurrrr did

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Why are you trapped in the media matrix user, anyone can break free of it. The redpill is a powerful metaphor for good reason

Both, meaning who?

how do you know she was a lesbian?

>sides in orbit

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>you are all immigrants so having more immigrants shouldnt be an issue

doesnt work like that retard

Oh so you dont mind repatriating all of the white people back to Europe?

Are all the spics gonna go back to their shit countries and niggers back to Africa? Funny you faggots never call for that.

Salvadorians don’t eat fucking tacos, they eat pupusas.

South Americans coming into the country to run food trucks and do prep work in restaurant kitchens while never attempting to learn english and living in enclaves that they build up to mirror their 3rd world hometowns "make good Americans" now

>Are all the spics gonna go back to their shit countries and niggers back to Africa? Funny you faggots never call for that.

are you having a stroke? because that is exactly what we have been calling for this entire time

Anytime you faggots say "hurdur only natvies are american" you ONLY say whites need to leave. You never say your fucking pet slaves need to go back to their shit hole countries.

Notice liberals NEVER address why everywhere spics live is exactly like the fucking dump they came from, or why they all move away when spics move in or start going to their schools

this isnt a rehab center for the world's poor and downtrodden. you might think that is a noble idea but its just short sighted delusion.

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Yeah. Thats fucking called “Colonialism”. And the US has been practicing that for a while now... except they try and do it outside of their boundaries like in most of Latin America.

Why don't the spics tell us to fuck off if that's the case? Vietnam did it but spics cannot, why is that?


Grow the fuck up.

>Illegal aliens should be allowed to immigrate freely into the US without hindrance

>White people are evil colonizers who came to North America illegally and stole the indigenous people's land and resources

Pick one.

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Ask the Venezuelans, Bolivians and Nicaraguans. They seem to have been doing it for a while and the gringos have been trying to fuck them over for years.

Probably pays his taxes

The purpose of a government is to serve its citizens. Of course a brain dead nigger (you) had to ask such a stupid fucking question

How are we fucking them over? They're fucking their own countries through their fucking stupidity and third world bullshit.

Thats a good point, its no coincidence that Liberal Nations such as France and the UK have been histories chief colonizers.

Backing and financing opposition candidates like Juan Guaido in Venezuela. Or have you forgotten his US-backed attempted cue last Feburary? Thank God he’s incompetent and failed miserably in multiple occasions since then.

Liberalism is the original project of FreeMasonry, the precursor to Genocidal dysgenic Bolshevism. It must be stopped at all cost.

“My board”

>Hi there! I'm a pile of white trash that thinks all the evils of the world can be boiled down to those 'other' people taking my shit, because it's easiest to identify with people that kinda look like me and accomplished more than I ever contributed because I work at fucking Walmart. Also, I have a meth addiction and will vote for idiot con artist television hosts for president because I want everyone to be as miserable as me. Like and subscribe.

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You sound like the dumbest motherfucker in the thread, which is saying a lot. You are so fucking dumb I suspect your a russian bot.

Well. To be fair, the UK and France were great at colonizing in the XIX and early XX centuries. But the US has been practicing a form of Neocolonialism where they try and impose norms and policies in other countries in order to subjugate them through national debts, cheap labor and trading deals. Most Latin American nations are currently under that and can’t really do much to fix it cause they are not a militaristic powerhouse like the US and most of Europe are.

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Liberaism, in other words, “making the world flat” is a satanic anti human and anti nature project. Go look at the all seeing eye on your money, the Satanic goons laugh at how they control and monitor the entire nation.

Change Satanists for Neoliberals and your theory will make more sense.

>where they try and impose norms and policies in other countries in order to subjugate them through national debts, cheap labor and trading deals.

Nothing really so “Neo” about it. All these things are exemplified by the former British Raj for example. The US has expanded to a scale never before seen in human history however

moron.....you ask a mexican to get you food stamps/ebt card with the fake socials they use....

Neoliberalism comes to us from puritanical morality, and sunce morals are man made by man made religions, they are anti human and anti nature, which IS satanism. Liberalism = Satanism
Religion = Satanism

Conservatism, in other words, “making the world flat” is a satanic anti human and anti nature project. Go look at the all seeing eye on your money, the Satanic goons laugh at how they control and monitor the entire nation.

>natives fought back
>white people are fighting back
Wheres the difference?

Red pills go up your bum. No thank you.

Veganism is also satanism for example, because it is taking people away from their ature human state of being, which is Primary HUNTER secondary GATHERER.

Civilization, where people are forced to eat cultivated grains, is satanic as well

Neoconservatism comes to us from puritanical morality, and sunce morals are man made by man made religions, they are anti human and anti nature, which IS satanism. Conservatism = Satanism
Religion = Satanism

Conservatives are Satanic moralists as well, it is true.

I’ve already discussed the false dialectic user, conservatives and Liberals hold the same satanic morals

We treat the rampant opioid and meth crisis in your rural community, you support that because that money goes to people who’s skin is lighter than a paper bag.

Natural human state of being

>Faggotism is also satanism for example, because it is taking people away from their ature human state of being, which is Primary HUNTER secondary GATHERER.
>Civilization, where people are forced to eat cultivated grains, is republican as well

get help. or start an AM radio show.

How many colonies do we run, exactly?

that's a bad faith argument. Trump is simultaneously constricting the asylum process so he is literally making it harder to follow the law.

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Yeah I agree. But instead of taking over a country through conquest like it was done in the past, they bring in industry and loans in order to “develop” such nation. Only for then, to keep such a nation in check and following their policies. Conquering and maintaining new territories is too costly in these days, its easier to keep them as a subject.


we call them territories now dumbass

Lowkey it is done. With the Mafia racket know as NATO for example. Or the Petrodollar system in Saudi Arabia

>Trump is simultaneously constricting the asylum process so he is literally making it harder to follow the law.

How is that, because he's not allowing any dumbfuck spic to cross the border at will?

Holocaust wasn’t even that long ago you delusional dipshit

As an immigrant who did it the right way I have no sympathy for these people. Fuck off to your country and do it the right way or die trying to do it the wrong way.

Puerto Rico and Guam are considered Colonies. Only cause the US calls em “territories” doesn’t mean they aren’t colonies.

No matter what you think, at some point the reasonable, rational and compassionate majority of Americans will get tired of a system that can’t keep children alive, and treats them like a slaughter house at our southern border.

Right. But that’s hardly imperialism.

It would actually had to have happened in order to happen not that long ago

No, he defunded every thing that would allow access to asylum seekers and diverted it to cronies running concentration camps that he can make a profit from. Hey, if you don't give a fuck it's a good way to make a buck.

Economic imperialism as explained by this user might clue you into to why this controlling elite loves globalization and the abolishing of trade barriers

Honest question, how long did it take you, what did it cost and how much do you feel like you were treated on an equal playing field vs. other applicants?

That’s pretty subjective. If that’s the case China has been making us a colony for decades.

Indeed. Assholes like this edgelord are outnumbered. See you in november faggots.

Human civilization is antinature. But I don’t think it should be considered satanist. Its more considered “order” since nature is viewed as chaotic and disorderly. Ironically enough, the rightful order is disorder by nature

Damn right.

They are the ones who are relying on our market for their expansion, not us on theirs. You must see who actually holds the power in that relationship


Thats literally imperialism dude. But it only scratches the surface of how the US keeps its foothold across the world.

Order is Satanism.

I think you vastly underestimate the power of a society that can set 30 or 50 year goals without political intervention to the tune of which way the wind blows. They are cleaning our clock on renewable energy and 5G, to name a few. Then we have president McDinosaur promising coal job to fools who think we will regress 40 years. No, China has us by the balls and trump is not a real solution.

>why don’t they just stay in their shithole country and try to fix it like other generations of unhappy natives to any country in history did? whether it was through an overthrow, boycott, revolution, etc.
prove me wrong
tip: you can’t. revolutions have been the go to response when a countries citizens are not happy with the way things are being ran. so why the fuck do people get their panties in a bunch when it’s suggested that they stay in their countries and help fixit, instead of looking for a free hand out? eventually, it stops being a helping hand and more of an expectation to be helped.

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I’m not unaware of how our military and economic power works. The real question is, do we support it?