trap tread, post best feminine traps
Trap tread, post best feminine traps
Sue here just checking in if anyone wants to talk.
Yup, I would gay for that.
Pyrocinical is so gay, but i would fuck him
fuck off with the cringy roleplay signaturefagging, nigger
post nudes or gtfo
I want to earn merit without being the hottest you see... that's why my name is Sue.
I'd stick my dick in Pyrocynical
Why tf do traps make me hornier than women?
dont trust surrendering japs
u gay
doesn't he have a girlfriend?
I think he fucks this trap here, he is always going out with her. She is famous
Show the dick
Is it okay if I self post?
I kinda hate this picture because my chest and neck look so pale, but I think my outfit is cute today
He's a youtuber retarded
where's the fucking face then
Always a headhider, not a good sign
only if u werent ugly
the wig is lookin extra wiggy today
but the boithigh is nice
How's that? in her Instagram, even in twitter, you can see user
post then
just did a quick sweep of twitter and no face, I'm not going deep for it
What happend to this man. Can someone explain it? Did he had a mental breakdown and doesn't give a shit anymore?
Fuck you user, here's it
Pyrocinical in the 4th line
Yeah honestly the lighting is super weird for no good reason right now and I'm not having it
Oof. :/
fucking cute
I've been reposted a lot lately, so you probably won't have to look too hard
i see u the first time today you are stunning where do i find more of u?
Slow thread tonight, eh Allana? Then again, you are pretty boring. Most people here want to see nudes, they are not romantics like me..:)
So... what's up?
You just kind of came out of nowhere, now your face is suddenly all over every trap thread. Who are you?
So cute! Those thighs! I want to eat you. What you been up to today?
And no, I'm pretty sure he just has found some passion for cosplay. Still gay, but whatever.
Oh hi Nat ! :3
that butt looks tasty !
I post here kinda regularly
I mean, for me it's still middle of the afternoon, so maybe people just aren't jerking off
I'm Allana. I'm part of sophisticated social experiment designed to turn you all straight again by ruining your faps with my ugly man face and body
Just played some video games. Ate some cereal. Read some comic books
i think i'm in love with you
Hey thanks ^.^
any maid outfit pics or anything else overtly girly or frilly?
Yeah, dammit! You got that nice body that's exactly my type. A super cute face and i love video games and cereal!
Im now a lurker for Allana. In love too. Im the dude who likes baking and making music. Im totally crushing hard!
I'd pin your neck to the wall and make you scream to let the neighbours know I'm fucking your ass
Any fishnets or nylons, would love some feet action, so cute, worked all day wanna bust before I pass out
You're gay
Also gay XD
I- I think the experiment is a failure.
Where can I find more?
I'm too exhausted to fap (long day). That said, your manly man jaw in this pic wouldn't help, even if my dick was already diamonds.
Some of us here actually are straight, or at least like to think so. Put in some effort in the next one, yeah?
who is this uwu
What did Pyro mean by this?
Need more cosplay
Just perfect, fuck.
That's a motel while I was a on buisness trip. Besides a the highway.
I think its expected to hear a bit of moaning... fuck the owner put a double bed in the rooms...
i'm okay with being gay (though i am bi)
you are really sexy
You're super cute
>Some of us here actually are straight
yeah faggot sure !!
i want to cum inside your cute little sissy pussy while i suck on your neck and jerk your sissy clitty off until you leak sissy cummies and force you to lick it up and clean my cum covered cock with your mouth
more maid pics pls qt
Sorry, I don't own any of that :(
Literally just here.
Why would I hide my man jaw? The whole reason traps are better than women is their masculine feature...
Though I guess I'm supposed to apologize and promise to do better
You look like the scout from tf2
Plz do moar heels!
Ah well, no worries, thigh thighs are nice too, got my nutt anyway, no thought of you, peace
Do you have anything with heels?
you look very cute as a maid :)
do you have on some cute panties underneath?
Okay that's kind of hot
is this real?
Hey guys Sue here. Ask me anything.
more feet pls
I don't consider myself to be either male or homosexual even though I'm fully aware of how it seems.
any nudes?
idk it was just a meme
post feet
Yes! I like wearing panties, they are usually soft and feel snug
I'm mediocre tier at best
What's your favorite color?
You have a verrry fem face
also beautiful eyes
any other cute or favorite outfits?
any pics that show off your panties at all?
My feet are not aesthetic enough to qualify.
I wear all black and I like dark purple.
Nice body. Trying to loose weight and be like that.
more feet? any closeups?
Lol what an absolute faggot
where ure from bitch?
do you have a kik?
Not bad. Who is?
Pls keep visiting these threads. You're adorable.
Ricki Ortiz
Thank you!
I don't have much. I'm pretty new to this.
That's all the good pics I had of my feet, sorry
The U.S. kind of like upper south
So far I plan to
Those are good colors. I tend to go for brighter things myself. Are you having a good day?
id take any more maid pics u might have :)
what is your kik. I want to be your daddy
I would let her fuck me in the ass any day
Yeah it's real. He hasn't uploaded in a while.
He uploaded today what
I'm not posting mine. Last time I did I got over a hundred adds
add me on kik at Teh_Pwnr
Very nice crossplay, kinda wanna try it myself
do you have any ultimate crossdressing or trap related fantasy that you think about?
Holy fuck that ass you are seriously the best please post more
It's fun. I recommend.
I dunno. Sometimes it's hot thinking about going outside crossdressing, but mostly if I have a fantasy it would just be it being normal to switch between wearing different gendered clothes so that I can feel like a cute boy and a cute girl without weirding people out
More feet please
Today yeah, tomorrow will blow. I can sometimes predict the future.
is pyro gonna do any lewd he cant just tease me like this
Have you sucked off and swallowed a dude yet?
are you all out of maid pics qt?
You’re really hot would you suck and fuck this?
Kik vanessavamp if you're hung and shaved.
not really that hot, just shameless self post. Not that active as of late but still have a few pics of me
Not quite
No. I'm a virgin
Not offhand. Maybe if we built a long lasting emotional romantic relationship
:( One day at a time though! So far things are great
I respect that good for you
Oh princess, you are valuable.
You’re really hot show more
Because you want to be one
would you ever be interested in playing with or having a relationship with another trap?
or are you more into guys?
sure, can give you one or 2 more pics
there you go, don't have any others worth showing now :)
You’re really hot I’d love to fuck you
That’s amazing would you let me fuck your ass
Fuck that's adorable. Just as I thought I was getting sick of traps.
thanks boys but I'm into girls :)
Honestly gender identity and expression is not something I really care about much looking for a partner. Just like cuties.
Y'all niggas gay AF
Because men are better at everything, including being women
Still think you should show off those feet
Im totally gay for you bro
I could just see you in your dress going around with a feather duster looking so cute ;)
Upper south? Vandy in the pic. You in Nashville?
Do I have potential, Yea Forums?
your legs arent bad. got a more complete picture?
Show ass
Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
Discord Link
A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc
Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. xyQj
god you are so damn cute ugh
Sue here. Last time I posted nudes nobody liked any of them... in fact no one liked any picture I posted except for like two people and their slipper. I'm kind of cautious. I wana get to know you first, user.
This server bullied me to no end and then I got banned. I'm just Sue like why...
Would you be down for either somebody buying you clothes for exclusive pics or just paying outright for them?
Tbh idk why you stayed there, they were assholes to you
I can't help but feel like you're posting these pics cause i mentioned thigh highs yesterday
I had to find out everything they had to say about me so I wouldn't go you know.... wouldn't get any illusions about myself.
Bunny from SPG
Theyre literally clowns, why would you give a single fuck what they think? I dont get it
Ugh! Mmmmm! Finally i see her soles. Im pretty sure every square inch of Allana's body is just so Beautiful!
You have Twitter or Snapchat?
They are? I looked it as a sample of totally random people who don't care to lie to me to make me feel good.
Vanderbilt University?
I thought you were a poorfag...
Sue I got banned from /u/ please join sos so I can orbit you
Such a perfect little body
Show asshole
I'm banned from there as well, I got my own server though. Add me at
I'll send an invite.
Why did you get banned from so many discords?
Have you been fucked by a guy yet?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! (remove the extra dot)
Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban!!
Gore. Controversial topics. Autism. Porn center.
CP. VC. Furry. Traps.
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
I got banned from SOS due to shilling my server and being too depressed todeal with a 7 day ban.
Random cause I was being autistic aparently which is APPARENTLY against the rules.
And // I just get banned.
Yeah. I don't always enjoy it.
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
potential to take a dick up the ass looking like that that babe damn
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
sluts for Yea Forums thank me later
Based cawposter, bless us with feminine buttholes and dicks
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??
Do you let boys play with your peep?
how does this even work wtf
Yes but the two that have done it didn't finih me off. I got so close.
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Femenine penis & buttholes
How many people fap to this because of the dick and how many fap because it's a slutty fem body?
CAW OUT OF A FUCKING CAW?!??!!!!!?!?!?????!?!!!?!?!?
That's a shame, i can't imagine not working you up until you're a quivering mess
i fap because i like slutty fems and if they got a dick thats fine by me
Thats inconsiderate af, id definitely get you off
I'm on the same boat. Just seeing if people agree
What do you mean?
If I was the guy getting to fuck and suck with a qt like you I'd keep going until we both came multiple times
Hold up, you haven't seen me I'm like a 6/10. I'm told I pass more or less though. Not perfectly.
Fulltime trap here
Suck my tits
you could rectify that by posting a lewd qt
I'd lick those perfect puffy nipples all night, moar
It's just how I am, I like seeing the other person get off and take my time with it
I don't believe I am aesthetic enough to be worth posting.
I understand.
i wish more traps were locked in chastity : /
Till I see cawk and face in the same pic that's a girl.
Me uwu
That would be fun to suck
id suck it for sure, moar!
You'd be surprised how different you can look through someone else's eyes qt
it makes me so happy to see two sissytraps together because i know they're happy and comfy, for a lot of them it's a lonely life
>just you need to live less like Hoarders!
Ayy lmao
Im a bottom only, i hate it when guys touch or suck my dick, im getting it removed
God i want to suck her cock
understandable, nice ass though
do you post anywhere else?
I'm here for the fem body, hypersexuality and the humiliation of emasculation. But I still hate this fetish
are you locked up tonight?
You should keep it so your tops can humiliate you.
God where can I find girls like you. I want nothing to do with your pathetic limp clit but if I put that in conversation noone wants to hook up. I haven't ever been with a guy so I assumed that's how you all were.
Yeah. From my research most people isliked me than liked me and also I see what the most people see when I look at myself.
I cried about it this morning.
I'd have to at least give you a reacharound while pounding that perfect ass
lets see that tight pussi then bottom girl
I'm sorry that you didn't get such a warm welcome but I do believe you're probably a lot cuter than you think
It is possible.... I try to listen to people who tell me I look good.
Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
Discord Link
A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc
Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. WpGM
fuck off vlad im here for cute traps
I sent you an add on discord if you want to post more privately
who's got more of the Samus trap?.
Imagine how humiliating a vagina would be lol
No just grab my tits as u pound me
Sounds good to me, i'd be pinching those cute nipples and pounding load after load into your ass until you busted all over
Could seriously eat your ass for breakfast lunch and dinner, moar
I might!
Thanks bro.
I don't own a feather duster tho :(
I am right now. Not for long though
I'm just staying here in the dorms for a little bit because I couldn't afford a short apartment lease. I do t attend school here.
Yeah I've been selling pics on kik
That's exactly why I'm posting them XD
If you like overweight men, then yes!
No I don't
selling lewds?
Yes and
Try harder and place yourself in the hottest object in the universe for u have not a bucket lip.horses and diamonds r easier to enlighten.
......I kinda want to try this
damn she doesn't look that great without filters lmao
I'd still fuck loads into her big soft ass until I couldn't cum anymore
i want to see what you're hiding underneath your skirt uwu
Yeah. Not right now, but I did when I needed money for food
Sucks you were in a tight spot but i need these lewds in my life
I want Jes so badly
So you just do cute pics now? Nude or nah?
You guys think this is a fitting background or should I change it? Lol
Ginger you are seriously the greatest of all time
can we finally get to see some ass
no distraction from your beauty
I mean I'll probably have to sell again when I have rent again
See above^
I'm only gonna post cute pics though
Just come move in with me and be my qt boiwife
does anybody irl know you dress up? ever done it in public or with someone else?
You look like a dude in a dress and a wig.
i wish we would get taken and put in it against our will(at first) i love the idea of trying to fight forced bi and having involvuntary erections with a cute male while my cock rubbed his
Well you're the hottest overweight dude i know.
Sue here. Still following the thread. Ask me anything. I won't post pics.
Ummm... what background? Also hi youre gorgeous!!!
Stop posting, rp faggot
I think I should post more.
Go back to whatever discord shithole you come from
schein88#4388 on discord, looking for some tips and someone to talk to, i don't have anybody, much less to talk about this all.
weekend over, work again, fuck, i will miss all of you
Discord servers was a detour.
i love your chastity cage : )
fuck that sounds hot. If I wasn't taken I'd wish that'd happen to me.
why are the buttons on the controller switched?
Okay sounds good
Yes people know, no I have never done it in public or with someone
I am a dude in a dress and a wig soooo....
Thanks I try
whole image is mirrored. the lettering on the panties is also reversed.
The Protomen.
Ask me more.
Hi! I remember you from a thread...damn a few months ago. How've you been?
This is incorrect.
This is his current girlfriend (and also the makeup artist for his batch of cosplays).
learn about filenames, user
who in your life knows and what have been the reactions?
post from a trap admirer isn't it?
anybody have the link to the guy that was fucking his friend?
i know! it wouldn't be "that" much fun if you got forced into that position with a boyfriend, but the most fun with another cute fag femboy. they'd probably leave me in my chastity cage for more torture and i'd just be leaking precum all over my fagbag "buddy" for days as his penis rubbed my cage.
well, I know what I'm going to be dreaming about tonight ;3
Sue here. Ask me questions.
any tips on shaping eyebrows without plucking? I can't effect my brows due to life but I want to make them look feminine for pictures.
actually I'm sue. sorry.
idk who's who but I'll post my question to you as well.
post nudes with no face?
who is this? moar
Why do you like the protomen?
Just some of my closer friends. It's not like it's a huge secret tbh. It annoys my roommate because I make sure he tells me when he's gonna be home and all so I know when my private time is
erome sissy tina
Tweezers or go to like a place where they wax them into shape.
Is that photoshop?
I see.
I'd have to dig up really old photos. It's far too incinvenient the entire thing. Maybe in the future if I live and get to post in threads.
Because - uh - awesome?
This can't be a guy. Does he have any pics with his dick showing?
i couldnt find anything about it online, and he uploaded today
hi, this is sue :)
is sue an issue for you?
No, this is sue
This brings up an interesting philosophical question.
in nash. you dtf?
How come like... no my last name is W.
hi, dumb kitty here. ama
My name is Sue. How do you do?
hi, belle here. if this post gets 100 replies I'll post something naughty :)
we're too hot for them, sue.
sauce? who is this? perfect tits
Wtf is going on here?
it's sue
> 1556038255174m.jpg
you can ask me anything. anything but that!
Show booty? Also I remember your tumblr it was dope
I think the heat has finally gotten to all of us.
Love to see legs and feet!
If only nd I have the scars to prove that I'm not.
Unless I am... oh dear... but I get like 6/10. 7 if optimistic.
Nope! I'm saving myself for marriage
Haileybby on pornhub
you should do a premium snap account
I'm Sue and I tried that. No one paid me.
you owe me big time
g i r l b o n e r
I am also sue, and I didn't get paid either
I want to see more of you! You're so purrrty!
I want to fuck the bunny
Sue youre an 8 all day long, lemme smash