Doomer here. Ask me anything.
Doomer here. Ask me anything
obligatory 'so whats stopping YOU from ending it all'
why do you think anybody gives a fuck about you or what you believe
I love my parents too much. My mom is such a good woman I don't want to see her cry
Are you a music fan?
What is a "Doomer", I know boomer and zoomer
I know nobody gives a fuck about me. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone. We are all bunch of selfish fagots
mental illness?
I like old school rock
Being this new
It's a person usually in his 20s who is a victim of our society. No job. No perspective. Usually a loser, no gf. Overuses alcohol, often suicidal
I think I may have depression idk
Eat one, goober.
It's quite nice
Ah I knew it was focused on 20ish year old but I thought it meant all millenials since they're memed on for always wanting to die, thanks lad
Some truth in that I admit
why dont you find out so you can get help you fucking idiot? get help or kys dont be in the middle
When you are not a stupid kid anymore but can't find self in adult world so you don't really know who the fuck are you and what is your place
ever heard these?
I would kill myself but I'm too scared. Im shitty even at being suicidal
I know the second one. Quite good a piece
there is people that don't have hope. that have tried everything and anything for help for years. they would kill for your chance to get help. so why dont you just seek help man
r u aware that ur gay?
Sup fellow doomer. There is a trick you know to "getting over it". As it were. Its a technique I like to call "Stack Overflow." Realize this. If you feel everything is worthless and nothing matters, then just expand that feeling to literally everything. Nothing matters. Everything is equal. Also, try getting some medication.
Idk where to start
I don't care about my orientation anymore
Why do you think you have any unique or interesting insight that we'd want to ask you about?
What kind of meds do you propose?
you mother is a whore who probably took a few miles of dicks and she would have rejected a guy like you.
I don't. I just want to talk to someone
where you from homie
Eastern Europe
Depends on the diagnosis. Most doomers just have medical depression. There's not just one kind of depression so there's more than just one kind of medicine. Personally I was diagnosed with something called Disthymia, and I take a medicine called "welbutrin" and its been very effective for me.
Do a big dose of mushrooms and you'll realise your part of it all
I think I may suffer from anhedonia
Dude, I'm a poor immigrant in a rich Western country. I had to go to school with rich kids who had generations of wealth accumulation. I had to compete with kids fed with healthy foods, while I could barely eat enough calories to make my brain and body grow. I am somehow supposed to be inspired (for academical pursue) by my parents who worked 3 jobs at a time to support our family. I get to see healthy, good-looking, and very smart people all around me, but I can't really be a part of any of that.
I'd trade places with you anytime.
google poland mental health and i saw lots of info. life sucks but we can be happy we are not americans :)
There's some wisdom in that
Any anime or series that you like and recommend?
Steins;Gate and the following Steins;Gate 0. I would give a lot to forget and rewatch it again.
Me too, me too
Possible. You should go see a doctor about it. Diagnosing yourself is pretty impossible for this stuff.
I'll try to visit doctor user
That's a good step homie. Take it easy.
Fellow Doomer here
What's your living situation
When was your last relationship
What's your poison
Other than Yea Forums how else do you pass your time
I'm trying to find a new job.
I just got left by my girlfriend.
My poison is alcohol. I fucking drink a lot and I'm flying through space.
I play on my Nintendo Classic.
Why are you a doomer?
Do you believe in a god?
Because I'm a virgin loser who gave up.
No. I'm an atheist.
Why did you give up?
Is your mind so trapped that you remain ignorant to what is outside the box? There's more to life getting laid dude.
You won't see her cry, you'll be dead you pie! I understand though.
Because I have no strength to do anything in my life anymore
I feel your pain man
I've been unemployed for 2 years
My girlfriend left me cuz I never wanted to go out I'm surprised she stayed as long as she did I drink cheap liquor and beer everyday my organs are starting to hurt I didn't think drinking yourself to death would take this long
I haven't been happy since high school
I would hug u man if I could
There's also a way out that's not suicide convert your emptiness into Arts or some other kind creative activity
Thank you man a hug would be amazing
I haven't physically touched anyone since my girlfriend left
Ur probably completely not into furries but that was the first picture to come by
I know this feel
I dont want to feel it anymore
Look here Momma's boy. If you truly love your mother and don't want her to cry. Then i'd advise on just starting small. Work out, read some books, go for a walk and make all of this a routine. What in life makes you smile?
Animation, Music, Dancing, Cooking and a whole lot more of your choice. If you have any activity you like then i'd recommend trying to learn it and improve upon it and once you are ready you should share the results to the public. You could make money for your mother to live peacefully when she gets older.
Do you have a father?
How does it feel to know that this cock sucker can ask for money and kids just send it to him?
Thanks for posting that
I feel you OP but wait to 2020 when liberals start their meltdown over Trump winning. It's going to be beautifull.
The only difference is that you and OP actually have potential and possible hidden talents. Slutgirls have no talent and rely on their genetics to make money. Beauty fades but talent will not.
I'm not into furries but I do appreciate it
Tell me more about your struggle
It's hard as hell to make a first step
All this dude does is repost memes and art. He has no talent. Kids are just retarded and think he's cool.
I think I said most of the stuff already. I'm 23 and I really got drown in life. My parents were always pushing me through. I had good grades, finished school with a certificate. But I'm so tired of everything.
If you honestly believe it makes a difference who's in office you're fucking sheep and you have no idea of the reality of how things really work they all answer to the same master you don't understand our struggles are pointless life really is
You're only 23 bro there is a small window to still find happiness you can still make your mom proud I can tell you this nothing will feel better seeing your mom actually proud of you it's worth the effort man I'm 27
Even with all my faults my ex Wanted still to marry me and have children
I just couldn't bring someone into this world just for me not to be there later cuz I committed suicide at least she's happy now
I didn't said to support him. I just want to see people freaking out about it.
What part of poland you are from? I'm in Dolny Śląsk.
You should feel sorry for those people
Maga fags are just as pathetic
That's how they control us divide and conquer you should understand that there hasn't been a real president since JFK
Górny Śląsk.