Only one of these four characters was an actual man who lived, breathed and walked the Earth.
Can you guess which one?
Only one of these four characters was an actual man who lived, breathed and walked the Earth.
Can you guess which one?
Well, Peter Pan didn't walk, he flew
Count Chocula is a vampire, so he doesn't breathe.
I'm stuck between Popeye and Jesus
Jesus was a son of a whore. Who was so delirious he made people believe his bullshit. But nonetheless he did exist as a person on earth.
My bets on popeye
Fuck.. you really have got me by the nuts on this one. OP you are a crafty individual let me tell you. I really don’t have the slightest idea. I doubt Jesus is the correct answer given that if there was undeniable proof he existed, more people would be Christian’s, ya know? So I’m gonna rule that one out. Peter Pan..? Fuck I’m just not feeling it. Also I’m Australian so I don’t know shit about the coco pops dude umm.. fuck I think I’m gonna lock in B) Eddie and go with pop eye?
Jesus of Nazareth was a real person whether you like Christianity or not. There’s historical figures with less evidence for their existence but they’re never questioned.
It's popeye
why doesn't he appear in any history books then?
Nope. Show me, dont tell me.
Wheres his grave? Prove the claim.
Obviously popeye.
>historical figures
jesus isn't a historical figure and appears in no secular documents from his lifetime. he appears as a magic character in a storybook. much like moses.
Popeye. No contest.
it's popeye
History books
The romans the same one wich killed him said he actually existed in many occasions and the books are many even non christian one
There are even some wich tell bad things about him like soldiers shoudn't "fall for him" because he preached that killing was wrong ecc
based on dracula
based on Vlad Tepes
I'd like to think he was a bro who's name was worth more than his actual life money wise.
Jesus didn't write the bible
Nor did he rewrite it a thousand times
Don't be so mean my dude
Smoke weed
The count talks so he breathes
Even tho it's not necessary
The is the count
Jesus was real. Popeye look was based on real person. Count Chocula is a refrence to Count Dracula which was based on Vlad the Impaler.
Real answer here.
Is Peter pan based on Michael Jackson combined with McCullough culkin?
Work is important
And that's cool
Your comment came off as a lil mean and I wanted to throw my 2cents in
I'm definitely a druggie so maybe that's why I feel that way
He lived ,,,, not the cunt in the bible but a fag called jesus lived .
Wheres the body ? its 2000 years dude , where mozarts body , where hitlers , wheres kahns , wheres ..... Cunts sat round and said `` lets make out he didnt die but walked out the cave , had a chat then disappeared ..... `` ... others fucks went yeah man we could pull that off how about the cave was empty ... nowait he fucked off to a spiritual plain ..... nonono i got it he flew down and did loop the loop ... will someone take that fuckin bong of judus , i fuckin hate that bloke , hes such a prick when hes had a toke , you fuckin wait till the book were wrighting come out judus you cocksucker ....
would you smoke a bowl with the carpenter?
Romans gave a discription even .... average height ( about 5`5`` then ) with dark skin ( says something if your dark skinned in sand nigger country ) with a large nose ( jews remember .... )
Popeye, he was a real person
No, that's backward, Michael Jackson based his plastic surgery on Peter Pan and had some new skin grafted onto himself which was made from fibroblasts gained from Mccully Culkin's foreskin
got any source on that?
Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, and Vlad the Impaler were real people
Mary & Joseph interracial couple? Popeye we're sure was a real guy, but there only circumstantial evidence for this Jesus character
Michael Jackson is just something grown-ups made up to scare children
I may be have an arm twisted if he passed to the left . Absolutely no doubt about it did jesus partake da herb given everyone did and it was common in all people .
Not so common lets say is not marrying off your 33 year old son ..... his older brother was married off ok and yet no mention of jesus slaming the pork home after matrimonials .... oh he had an older brother ( bloody romans ruining a good story and what did they ever do for us apart from the roads ) , streches that marys a virgin story a smudge but what can you do , if someones going to swallow marys married to joseph and shes a virgin people will swallow anything .... ``yes love i know we are both blond , i wont let you fuck us and now ive just spat out a curly haired thick lipped niglet with a 3 inch wide nose but there was this angel right and this one night he climbed through the win.... came down from heaven and asked if you were home and next thing you know .....
The one who has been documented to exist in books all over the world must have been real
the lengths a woman would go denying she got blacked by accident.
That is how religions are born.
Not off hand , sorry dude , picked it up from a book in the days before the internet , sould be reference around if looked for . It was a comparisum of the story of the bibles and the know from alternative sources info such as warrents for arrests , how people lived at the time and what was likely or unlikely to be correct or not . It detailled that there was a man called jesus listed as just another prophet of some kooky religion but with quite a following and gave details of where he hung out and what he looked like . Interesting stuff such as ropes cheap so you dont piss away expensive nails on the cross when you can tie them up .
they must be some expensive nails. I'll keep that in mind
Popeye. He served in the Navy and those fuckers keep records of everything
Unlikely, he's almost certainly a fusion of other figures in the same way that Christianity was an engineered fusion of all the faiths within it's political region. He physically and in his personal manner most resembles Zoroaster, but the more important things concerning him came from Egyptian and Roman faiths in which the equivalent figures were Horus and Mithras.
Anyway militant atheism is cringe, Christianity built the west, it's moral system is decent and promotes both democracy and accepts scientific development. The Islamic golden age ended when they conjectured that what would later become calculus was sorcery and believed themselves, they deserve their current fate.
Ill go on that , its re-write(s) has happened to absorb local cultures so its not too far fetched to add some other shit in with mary and whatnot , the locals would go on that . Everyones a winner , pass me an alterboy in celebration.
And yes if you ignore the demanding of attention fags and there oh so holy attitude to there is no god ( quick to cherry pick and cherish as a daity anything that disproves though dont ya ya fucks , thats a belief system on its own ya daft cunts ) then christianity can create civility and the humanist movement which is what i would partake if i wasnt such an ignorent uncaring fuckup .