I haven’t seen liberals this mad since last week

I haven’t seen liberals this mad since last week

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Mad? Scared maybe. Confused. Disappointed sure. Not mad.

You faggots have been whining about “giving peace a chance” with communist regimes since the hippie days and now that we are, you’re still whining.

God you’re ignorant. Do you want nukes flying around?

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compared to kim's trousers donald's suit doesn't look to oversized any more

Is Kim the ultimate Chad?

Just strange that Donnie's always so set on stroking off the shittiest dictators on the planet and talking nonsensical shit on everyone else.

No but cozying up to dictators that starve their people is not a good thing.

this is opposite man
making friends out of our enemies and enemies of our neighbors.

It’s not cozying up, its the art of the deal.

If anything, asians appreciate grandiose gestures like that more than most ethnic groups. I’m mainly talking about how China, South Korea and Japans’ viewpoint of all this

China has been cozy with him for years and it changes noting.

Neither South Korea or Japan want friendly relations between US and DPRK. They want us to be their tough older brother that threatens to beat up the bullies. Just like Israel.

And saying you’re good at negotiating doesn’t make it true. What great deals has he struck?

Umm probably the biggest one was stopping a nuclear exchange with North Korea, he saved millions of lives already and the liberals aren’t giving him the fucking credit for it.

But all liberals are ignorant fucking retards, so that’s to be expected

He didn’t stop something because it was never going to happen. He couldn’t stop the testing which continues to this day. He hasn’t stopped anything. Or made anything better internally. I am not going to even talk about domestically because that’s too subjective

Oh ok so you know for a fact that war was not going to happen. You must work for the DPRK

I’m out. Not talking to spies

Sure. Normalizing dictators and scumbags like Kim, Putin, Erdogan and Duterte do urk liberals. Moderates and conservatives too. Only brainless manlets and mouth breathers like don the cheetos face trump and fox news rejects approve of gladhandding authoritarians and madmen because they want to be those men.

Vote 4 Bill Weld or John Kasich

I don't give a shit about le drumpf or orange man bad you have to recognize how fucking braindead Trump was for this. The one thing North Korea has wanted more than anything is to have international legitimacy and make it seem like it has used nukes to strongarm the United States. Trump crossing into North Korea and inviting Kim to the White House is exactly what the Norks want.

They have been threatening to break the ceasefire since the ceasefire was signed 60 years ago

Straight outta the jew york times.

Please try and be original with your deranged babble.

lol y ewe mad doe?

Fucking lol

Hmm.. Autism?

Kim Jon Un was never really a bad person he is a glorious Leader of Korea. He stood for Honor and fought the regeancy to give his people right to farm land so that they could eat and not starve.

Kim Jon Un not only plays basketball but he personally grows food so that he has an all star Korean basket ball team. He was captain of his basketball TEAM while growing up in his amazing Korean Castle attending his Royal private Korean School that was taught by Hong Kong Elites via Private SKYPE calls.

Hong Kong continuously trades Dukong to pay for lolis and most of loli anima is commissioned through Korean artist Private Internet, all of which is censored to public so those lolis you are seeing are straight drawn by hand by royal appointees.

Through a counsulate selected and shipped en masse to japan, paid for by chinese people and shared to Russia as intel about what is the most popular loli in Kim Jon's Preferences.

The reason why they are censored is because Kim Jon has made sure no one can hack into Korea and view his loli porn folder. Unless officially invited by Kim Jon Himself.

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Lol.. art of the bankruptcy.

Trump is terrible at being rich. I have seen rednecks win the lottery and turn a better profit.

If that is your basis for his friendship, its terrible.

It also doesnt explain literally all the other dictators.

Unless it’s Putin, of course

I mean, if you put it like that, yeah kind of

>Scared about cozying up to dictators.
>All of leftist governments lead to dictatorship
>Che is a hero...
>During the early 2000s could not stop furiously masturbating to Venezuela

I mean dude is still obsessed with space jam 30 years later

Remember when the right lost their fucking minds when Obama visited Raul Castro?

>Terrible at being Rich
>The only person in government that made his money before getting into government.

So you only like it when people like Obama and Gore totally exploit government and government regulations to get rich. K.

>Pelosi enters office with 100k
>Now she is worth north of 100 mill.
>Must be her savvy business sense.

It's different now, Trump isn't brown and can do no wrong

>I haven’t seen liberals this mad since last week

Liberals don't give a shit.

Two fat idiots took a short walk together. Nobody cares.

No one should care about this shit. It's not like anything you do is going to change anything. If you want to throw a tantrum over events beyond your control then you're a retard.

Obama worships people like Castro though... and if he could he would turn Amerifat into Cuba. Also Cuba is not armed to the fucking teeth constantly ready to invade something.

>Obama visits Castro
Basically as a fan boy so he can apologize again and offer his asshole because USA bad colonial power... and Obama needs to apologize and have a akward handshake after giving a Castro a blow job.

>Trump visits N Korea
To actually tame a crazy dictatorship power and maybe bring peace potentially saving millions of lives.

>being the same at all.

After seeing some of the replies to this thread, I think we gotta bring that counter back down to zero. They're SEETHING

Trump isn't engaging in diplo with North Korea to tame them, he's doing it because the Norks perfectly play into his ego. See all of the "beautiful letters" Trump boasts about receiving from the regime

Trump lost a billion dollars according to irs...however, you gotta make a billion to lose a billion.

Better than beautiful hydrogen bombs getting dropped on Seoul and Tokyo

He’s American. They’re called pants. Twat.

North Korea's nuclear program is utter shit, dude. They wouldn't be able to bomb those places if they tried.
Also, North Korea wouldn't start a war ever. Kim's not suicidal, his entire regime is built around self-preservation.

>playing into his ego

Even if this is true... Even if your whole post is true... he is opening a line of communication to the most oppresive regime on the planet potentially giving people hope over there that are eating dirt.
>Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for droning kids hospitals in the middle east.
The left can't stop masturbating
>Trump opens actual diplomatic communication to a failing nuclear state that has its trigger on the bomb.
Trump is just an egomaniac who cares about the letters he gets.

I can't even kek at this point.



>cozying up to people who have checkered pasts is bad
>but let all these muslims in

Be consistent you fuckface

More amused than mad. Trump going there just validates NK and gives into their demands for legitimacy. Last time they met went nowhere, NK still has the bomb and doesn't give a fuck about concessions.

If something changes, fine. Hasn't worked yet. People act like the US Pres stepping over the NK line is an achievement for the US; it's not. It's an achievement for NK.

The reason Obama couldn't get a good agreement with the Norks is because South Korea was under the control of the conservative Park government. With the liberal Moon government in place, diplomacy has been much more of a focus, allowing an egomaniac who has no actual interest in diplomacy to take credit for the Moon's peace initiatives.
Nice argument.

Yeah, you're out. Out of your skull....

>you gotta make a billion to lose a billion
No...., you only need to borrow a billion dollars & then default on the loans, and/or, hire a bunch of contractors & then not pay any of them.

You’re not seeing the picture in front of your face here dude. The fact that there has NOT been a nuclear exchange already is one of the biggest accomplishments of the 21st century

Trump got us closer to war with NK than any other president. He doesn't get to take credit for fixing a problem he created.

Empty & meaningless staged, photo opportunities do not make me mad, they just make me laugh.

That has nothing to do with Trump meeting Kim, not sure what you're on about. There has never been a 'nuclear exchange' anywhere. This ain't exactly the cold war.

What about all that tough talk between the two?

Run your mouth like that here in tge real worl and im not going to shake your hand im going to woop that ass, then we can revisit talk once you now know your place

Fucking world leaders, such pussies

The level of stupidity in your post is astounding


>problem he created

Yea ok buddy. It was Obama and the Clintons who made this problem. Clinton let them fet nukes and Obama did nothing except give blow jobs to muslim. Nobody helped fix this shit we have had since the 1950s until Trump came along. That’s why he gets credit

Haha no not as close as that Nazi fuck did

So you agree Obama was at fault

>The reason Obama could not get a good agreement with the Norks is because of some other country.
This is actually retarded. Obama was just too weak and cuck to do anything because he was too busy apologizing. If neighbors of NK mattered - Trump would not do anything because he is trying to get a deal done with China.

Sometimes actual leaders have to show balls instead of bending over.

>But .. but ... what do the neighbors think?

He threatened them with "fire and fury" and threatened to "totally destroy" them in front of the United Nations.
Holy fuck, you truly are clueless about Korean diplomacy.
>Nobody helped fix this shit we have had since the 1950s
The Sunshine Policy was massively successful until South Korea elected a dipshit conservative and Bush labeled NK part of the "axis of evil".

>Sometimes actual leaders have to show balls instead of bending over.
The lack of self-awareness here is stunning.

And Obama's inaction led to the spread of ISIS and the failure of the Arab spring
There are trade offs between being too aggressive and too much appeasement. The end result is ultimately what matters, because it's really hard to guess how things will turn out.

>Fixing a problem he created
Trump created North Korea? The absolute madman

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It was on the 7th day, after he created the plant and animals and pussy

This fucking guy ;D

He ramped up tensions to a new height when he literally said he would "totally destroy" them at the United Nations and threatened direct military action.

Good, someone needed to confront them. Rogue states need to be kept in check, or they keep testing the boundaries.

"Oh my freekin gawd do u even speek American you motherfucking asshole, those are like pants ok, freekin asshokes so jealous of us"

That's you btw, a fat retarded spastic baby who's mother couldn't afford to abort. Fucking bugerican mutt.

>Blanket statement you can apply to anything
This will surely prove I am right *goes back to furiously masturbating to Elizabeth Warren*

You do realize Trump has bent over more for Kim, MbS, Putin, and the like than Obama ever did, right?

>since the hippie days
that was 50 years ago nigger


Was created by the disbanded Iraqi army. That was bushes war.
>Obama's inaction
His historical legacy will be that of the drone president. A lot of people have been killed by US military operations.
Not to mention it's not just the US fighting ISIS. They are a stateless independent group and they cause problems for every government. Every country is fighting ISIS. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, turkey, the EU. That's kind of why they're getting blasted so easily, they don't have centralised leadership and individual acting ISIS fags are causing trouble for anyone they feel like.

>lifting sanctions on russian oligarchs put in place by obama
>approved arms sales to saudi arabia obama had blocked and delayed
>inviting kim jong un to the white house
>paying north korea ransom money

Trump is a big guy.

For Un.

Nobody was talking about how ISIS was created, we were talking how it flourished and became an actual Islamic state. That was Obama's inaction.

It didn't though.. they've been on their heels for years. They never achieved any of their goals. They didn't flourish at all. As I said they're decentralised and based on an ideology more than anything, so beating them is a game of whack a mole.

>Paying NK Ransom
>Arms to Saudi Arabia
These are things that have been going on for decades. And you think that Obama giving Iran 100 billion helped anything in the region?
>Sanctions on russian Oligarchs
Do you halfway pay attention? Look up the deal Biden got his Son in the Ukraine. Holy shit talk about "collusion"
>Inviting Kim to the white house
Wat? How is this anything? Were you paying attention at all to who Obama brought to the white house?

>I haven’t seen liberals this mad since last week
Did you not talk to any liberals for six days?

They expanded and conquered significant amounts of territory, if you think that's a complete failure you have issues

He is the elected leader of a communist utopia
>that starve their people
redistribution of wealth, you mean
>is not a good thing
Alright, I'm going to need you to hand in your Open-Minded Liberal card and report to the nearest reeducation center, you fucking Nazi

Obama didn't bring Kim Jong-un to the White House. Hell, he didn't bring Castro to the WH.
And Trump literally paid $2 million to the Norks for a dead body.
Also, the Biden-Ukraine situation is massively over-exaggerated. Pretty much the entire international community wanted that prosecutor fired.

They expanded by radicalizing people on Facebook. They we're still popped off wherever they showed up. They established a stronghold in raqqa and that didn't last long at all.

>”talking shit on everyone”
>implying the guy is disrespectful
>can’t even muster enough respect to write his name properly
It’s Donald, just in case you forgot desu

>please ignore the big gray area, it didn't happen!

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It's all fucking sand

What gray area? All I see is diversity and tolerance and acceptance

Fucking hell, the tolerant left, everyone!
That gray area is home to over 10 million people. Cities, towns, villages, diverse ethnic populations. All abandoned by Obama. That gray territory was conquered by terrorists, a lot of whom Obama funded, armed, and trained.

Obama droned them to shit and pretty much wiped them out within a year and a half.

It's actually Saudi Arabia doing most of the funding and training.. they love spreading wahabism. Its destabilising and is their tool to maintain a foothold in the middle east.

We do not go to war on principle and ideology. We go on cost vs. benefit. Anything the government tells you about why or why not is packaged in some ideological bundle to get your support. But the truth If we weren't involved, likely there were complex foreign relations and economical reasoning you don't understand. Not stepping on important allies, not excacerbating negative relations, too expensive for no real gain.. Even the prices you pay on gas is highly dependent on what goes on over there. If gas prices sky rocket check the news. Someone lost a battle somewhere. It's a very sensitive affair.

I don’t know of any other creature on the face of this earth who wouldn’t want a détente with North Korea because of nukes other than you fucking morons, and now that it’s finally happening you’re still pissing and moaning about it.

Fuck. Nothing makes you happy except hating Trump

North Korea would never use their nukes before Trump, during Trump, or after Trump. They aren't going to launch a war.

I love how faggy everyone in politics is just how serious everyone has to be and how stone faced some people are is just laughable in pictures.

>platitudes and a total misunderstanding of price drivers in the petroleum market
Anyway, none of what you said counters the point: Obama trained, armed, and funded ISIS militants and stood by as they waged havoc across an area of the world housing over 10 million souls.

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Yea you’re an expert about that. You know everything, I get it.

Fool. Millions stacked on top of millions of peoples’ fucking lives hang in the balance here and you sit in your mom’s basement shitposting ignorant shit like this. Of course the North Koreans would launch a nuclear attack, Obama proved it

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The US does go to war on principle, once in a while. It's one of the few countries that has ever done so.

>North Korea would never use their nukes before Trump, during Trump, or after Trump. They aren't going to launch a war.
>(NK aren’t going to start a war, until an upcoming Democrat-lead presidency goads them into starting a war using either manipulative propaganda or three-letter agency disruption.)
Finished your post for you user

Kim is interested in self-preservation above all else, its not that hard

Remember 20 years ago when Venezuela was used as a prime example by liberals why we need to be socialists because its so much better? I sure do. Pepperidge farm remembers.

After watching the debates Tump has an easy 2nd term. Who would you vote for:
A party that says put illegal aliens first
A party that says put your own people first

I think he's interested in his toys above all else
Self-preservation is a just means to perpetuate his toys

Yea even if it means using nukes.

Especially if it means using nukes. You just validated my point. Thanks

Using nukes is the exact opposite of self preservation
If NK uses a nuke, they're gone, erased from the face of the earth

Kim will never use nukes, he just needs to have them.
He saw what happened to Saddam.
He saw what happened to Gaddafi.
He knows that the US will overthrow him if he doesn't have a stockpile of nukes. He won't ever use them, but he has them to deter intervention.

Not before wiping out a fuckload of innocent people in Seoul, most of South Korea and about 5/6ths of Tokyo

Well that’s why we need to butter him up so he can give them up, allow him to quietly go into exile somewhere (because all of Korea will want him disemboweled publically if he’s overthrow) and North Korea and South Korea become one unified Korea.

If they happen to find him and execute him anyway that’s okay too...

I believe you on anything before 1950. And think it's a matter of opinion so I won't argue and say you're wrong. After that it's all stop Russia and maintain strategic interests. We couldn't let the Russians have Korea or Vietnam.
But there was a time when they were like that.
Saudi Arabia is sort of America's fault by accident. France and England were supposed to install an Arabian leader after WW1 with western values, then after they were like "lol nah jk you're a colony now". It was America who stepped in and said no more fucking colonialism, leave Arabia alone.
Then the Sauds, an insignificant tribe, the Muslim equivelant of westboro found oil, got rich af, and took advantage of the destablized situation and took control. And the rest is history. The darkest timeline for the middle east. You know what they say about paved roads with good intentions.

The better option would be to unify the Koreas with the entire government being located in Seoul under the capitalist system while Kim becomes a religious figure for the people who have actually bought into the bullshit.

Bullshit, he'd be lucky to sling one, and then he's done

Liberals are the new warhawks, who woulda seen that coming?

If you want to blame the US for something, Iran and the Shah come to mind

By your logic, Every president gets that credit then.

You seem to have mistaken unimpressed with angry.

Yea well if there’s ever an uprising in the DPRK or Kim gives up his nukes there are going to be high orders of magnitude numbers of asian mobs out in the streets of North Korea to collect that fucker’s head. This is a game of chess Trump is playing and he’s very good at what he does, so let’s just let him play the game and win.

lol... um, sure...

The american military goes where the world banking system tells it to. Look at who we've invaded vs who wasn't in that system. They are being converted. And of course we know who owns that system.

We can blame the US for multiple things. I have shared history. It doesn't negate other things like what you're saying. But fact is Saudi Arabia is a huge problem, and if things were slightly different, the sauds would still be fucking camels in tents in East Arabia.

This must be a very liberal board, judging by the comments almost no one has praise for this political stunt.

>This is a game of chess Trump is playing and he’s very good at what he does, so let’s just let him play the game and win
Anyway, Kim is very popular in South Korea at this point. Him and Moon Jae-in's peace initiatives have been massively successful.

Because it doesn't mean much. Its a historical moment, sure, but we literally had this conversation already when trump met Kim a few years ago. Nothing actually came of it and the N. Koreans carried on their merry way doing what they do.
First president to meet with Kim Jong in in North Korean territory? That's pretty spiffy. Is it a good thing? We don't know. And we already did this, and nothing happened, so our best guess based on precedent is: no. It's nothing.
Time will tell.

It definitely looks much more like optics than substance, but that perspective applies to the vast majority of trumps time in office.

Thanks to Trump

So when are they giving up their nukes again? I seem to have missed that part.

No, it's entirely due to Moon Jae-in

All I hear is crickets.

Isn’t it amazing how the lefties simply ignore any posts decrying legitimate crimes against humanity that they can’t manipulate into making the left look good with excuses or platitudes.

All of these comments are retarded though, why would you reference them?

Isnt it crazy how the right does the same shit and dumbasses like you actually take the time to give attention to left wing radicals even though they're less than 10% of the population

Lost at those bodyguards behind them.
U.S. VS N.K.

>The only person in government that made his money before getting into government.
That is not even remotely true, Republicans and Democrats have entered office with millions. Im not saying they dont take bribes but many of these dudes were already wealthy.

You could point out how they’re retarded and educate us on what is incorrectly asserted in the posts?

Haven’t seen anything similar from the right in this thread, but go ahead and point it out.

sure you are not seething libtard piece of shit

In this thread?! For all you know this whole thread is just me samefagging lol

>many of these people were already rich before entering government
Except Obama, Gore & Pelosi. He literally gave you three famous examples.

I sure could. But in the end it’s a waste of time to try and educate fools and conspiracyfags.

>deflection and obfuscation again

>deflection and obfuscation again

>give peace a chance
>making friends with brutal tyrannical dictators

choose one.

Trump almost looks thin next to Kim

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I'm not a liberal and i'm definitely not pissed but i'm also not surprised that a spoiled, self-deluded manchild would let another of his own kind onto his turf.

Well, to be fair, they're not mad at Trump, they're mad that half the country is retarded and falls for this shit.

Face it, Kim just wants to go to the White House for some Big Macs and and McNuggets.

When are the real political fights going to happen in the streets? You all are agent nobodies just runnin your mouths. Communist sympathizers gonna get their ass blown apart boy. Pow pow one right after another.


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Are you advocating for violence?

It's not worth socializing with liberals like the one you just posted there. You're fucking boring. Your money is inherited and more than half of the supporters don't work (unless in a union, who has the power anyway) and you use up all the welfare through illegal means. Yet, you still want respect. That's hilarious.

Fuck yeah I am you evangelical mother fucker. Prove your worth you weak fucks. Or else you liberals are still just weak crap backed by the whatever you wanna call it this time. Doesn't matter, either make a fucking difference with all your science knowledge and knowledge about the economy or the WORKING PEOPLE (who actually clock into a job) will continue to take over with the money and have a good fucking time without you fucks.

Exactly what are you planning? Also, I don’t think you know what an evangelist is.

Hahahah ok cop. For one, I don't have plans. And two, I wouldn't carry anything out unless it'd be in self defense. Killing a nobody who's protesting constantly about nothing instead of actually working isn't worth anyone's fucking time. I know people like you want to see that happen so your prison industry makes a good profit. And.. evangelism. You don't know what that is smart ass? You fuckin moron.

So you are just all talk?

Also, enjoy your watch list.

Are you provoking me you mother fucker? Then that's on you. Your politics don't mean shit cause you got nothin to show for it. And you liberal fags don't seem to understand any of that fucking shit. What makes you so slow? Is it the bible? Is it evangelism? What is it? Lol.

The answer is you're ate up mother fuckin pieces of do nothing shit. Prove otherwise you lazy fucks.

I’m always amused by violent right-wing extremists trying to backpedal when they realize that the FBI is heavily monitoring violent extremists on this web site. You are adorable, I just wanna pinch your cheeks.

Hahahaha the FBI don't fuckin care about what I do. You are a paranoid mfer hahaha. The FBI? That's what you liberal left wing fake pacifst fags are worried about? They're just cops with a higher security clearance bud. They should be after arabian terrorist, not someone like me who's telling you get up off your lazy ass and do something. You fuckin liberals don't listen to anyone.

Actually, they are quite concerned with violent right wing terrorists threatening gun violence. In case you haven’t noticed, they make up the majority of domestic terror attacks. Keep backpedaling, I’m enjoying it.

This is a terrorist threat made across state lines and is in the jurisdiction of the FBI.

Ohhhhhh boo hoo. It's just right wing? No left wing involved at all? You're fuckin stupid. I don't know what else to tell people like you. I just don't. You're are very unaware of the real world.

Seem people just need to fucking be shot for what they do. It happens. The FBI can't just go back in time and change any of that. I know they want to because they literally do nothing else but spy on their own citizens, but it's not going to happen. Nobody fucking takes advice from a god damn FBI agent. hahaha.

Keep going, I find your line of thought interesting.

You seem like an angry man.

Oh does the man want to keep me talkin? That's all your shit boils down to because you're too fuckin dumb to come up with anything on your own. Slow far left liberals. Don't work and want everything for free because of the gracious political merits you have aquired. Lol. All of you far lefties are being exposed and hopefully silenced for good.

Yes, let all of that hate out.

Yah... Like Obama watching a baseball game with Raul Castro??

All of you slow lefties that most consider "far left" because of all the BIG TALK and smarts ya show on stage, all of you talk big but have nothing at all to show for anything but complaints and higher taxes. Either you just don't care and you use your authority to antagonize or you are unaware of what the real world wants which is a purposeful living and a respectful job so we can provide for our families and have the energy to get shit down around town. But now, it has to be about racism or hate or scared of violence. Grow the fuck up.

Right, exactly like that. It's bad no matter who does it.

For the record, no one is scared of you or your like. You are just a bunch of clowns to society. It’s why you can’t run your mouth in public or you will be shunned, so you come here to act tough and spew your hateful heart out. You are a joke.

op is a fag

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ok then

Kim Jong plunked Trump twice? 3 times now? But you think this time it will be different? Nigga please. Kim plays orange man like a game of mahjong

We were hoping they would keep him.

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Says the man that is spreading a conspiracy theory that hidden nazis are waiting to ruin our country

You’re committing an offence too by goading a person into committing an act of terrorism. Your encouragement is more illegal than his threats, if he doesn’t act on them. And more disturbing too, you must be psychotic to do this.

>too much of a pussy to ever fight in a war

Stay salty nigger lover. Only 4 more years of Trump to go, you got this!

Triggered. “Asshoke”? Still a twat.

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