god-tier black metal albums
God-tier black metal albums
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filosofem is kind of amazing
Come on guy. Burzum was never good. Will never be good. Lo-fi low-tier parasitic trash. People only like Varg because it’s controversial and “weird” to brag about liking a band that had a convicted murderer. The music sucked. The imagery sucked. The production sucked. The cover art sucked. Varg sucked (and still sucks). The first wave of black metal was as cliquey and gay as pre-teen pop. All a lame popularity contest.
Brown eyed mongrel detected
first wave of black metal is stuff like venom and bathory. you have no idea what you’re even being a faggot about.
>literally bragging on the internet about his knowledge of gay stringy haired British and Norwegian guys scREEEEEching about witches and Vikings
Are you proud of your existence? Have you even touched a boob yet?
you sound like an npc and you’re shit is all retarded
>stop liking what I don’t like rooo
Oh boy... “NPC...”
We have an incel here. I’ll leave you be for today, young man.
>black metal
you couldn’t speak to me intelligently about music if you tried.
Yeah, you’re right. My knowledge of church burnings and closeted gay interactions between teenage, acne-ridden Swedes is vastly inferior to yours, sensei. Your intimate experience with the Boss MetalZone and it’s enchanting tones has made your musical intellect far greater than that of the normie.
Doesn't get any more blacker than this.
Go back to Motorhead and Metallica you boomer
so you truthfully don’t know anything at all. why are you in this thread? don’t you have some hambeast to go make sweet love to?
“Idolizing Black Metal bands with sub-60 year old members”
That... was an interesting departure from the discourse of me making fun of the faggy faux-epic sssssssshiiiiiiittt tier music you love (and you getting mega hurt about it). I think I know more about it than you! HAHAHA
I love black metal more then anything. I understand it is simply something you do not understand.
But I still prefer folkfuck folie and La Sanie del Siècle over it
Ever listened to the demo ?
Suggestions : The split between Peste Noire ans Diapsiquir
Oh I understand it. I also understand the value in treating mentally ill, narcissistic, ego-maniac white nerds before they either kill themselves or form another black metal band devoid of any guitar playing talent or compositional ability. Black metal is the equivalent of “loooook at MEEEEE I’m DIFFERENT look at my CORPSE PAINT I’m a theatrical FAG AT HEARTTTT but don’t make fun of my DEPRESIONNNNNN”
Black metal fags: please, for the love of god, get over yourselves. You’re *not* that dark and epic and mysterious.
La Sanie del Siecle is brilliant. Never heard their demo or splits. Thanks I'll check them out
it’s truly about the music, you chatty candyass.
>devoid of any guitar playing talent.
you just aren’t a good listener
>I love black metal more then anything
You have to be 18 to post here.
Fuck yeah that song Vlad Dracul. Forgot the title but I blared that shit every day going down to work in the mornings. Such a good song
It's actually very trending now to be metal
So if you're not a cringing spazz it's more likely have these people have touch boobies
The only Niger we're good taste
hell yeah. i loved blood in the wells