Does anyone have the full New Zealand masque shooting video...

Does anyone have the full New Zealand masque shooting video. How in the fuck is New Zealand so powerful that i cant just find this video easily?

Attached: brenton-tarrant-new-zealand-mosque-shooting-video[1].jpg (1200x630, 77K)

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No. And don’t watch it. It’s horrifying. It’s not a video game. Find a better area of interest in your life.

Ive already seen it, im not a pussy and watching something isnt going to make me want to do anything that i already dont care to do. Thanks dad.

Its fucking easy to find. You just dont know how to use the internet

Watched it live as it happened. Gotta love 8pol

Clearly, now post it.

Fucking jew/arab

Clearly, now post it, genius.

what do you mean htat you cant find it anywhere, everything what is posted on internet, it stays on internet no matter what

Please go back to where ever you came from. Watching horrifying shit is valuable for people who never faced any real horror in their life, it get's your head out of the sand. It can help you realise life is not a game.

Anyway, I saw a mega link a while ago, maybe it's still up and someone can post it?

Fucking thank you for actually doing something other than preach and act like an "better than you" ass-hat. If i could i would kiss you.


Searched google and bing a few times and all i got were some BS news articles. Figured it was easier coming here, sorry.

Tbh if you are going to kill. Do it perfectly.


Tbh if you are going to kill. Do it perfectly.
Use duckduckgo.

He killed 70 more sandniggers then you have

It's not that interesting, OP.
If you've seen clips you've probably seen everything relevant already.

Well it seems to me that you need to change some other search engine, anyway here is the legit link i found that in about one minute (or less) while using my firefox browser with duckduckgo

If ur not lying did you feel different watching it live compared to any other recording?

Clearly. Also someone already posted it so maybe you should pay attention more huh? I guess we all have our faults.

it's illegal to share the video

Attached: NZlivestream.jpg (315x209, 78K)

>you should pay attention more
Dude, right now i have 19 tabs opened at this moment, and also i didn't mean to offend anyone, and i want to provide something if i can

It was glorious you mean. Always makes me smile.

Maybe focus on one thing than instead of :trying to help an post thats been answered?????

yeah if you live in retardland. thank god for those gun control laws

I watched it an hour or two after it got uploaded all over jewtube. It was potato quality and unsatisfying to watch seemingly harmless people shot like fish in a barrel.

If it were done in a known terror cell.. then yeah it's be different but it wasn't.

It was also extremely non graphic. Could have been faked and you'd know no different.


Attached: NZ_real_shit.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

I have a full copy on my phone, but it's hardly worth watching. Only good thing about it is watching a fellow aussie fuck up some useless, disgusting, abhorrent nasty sand nigger Muslim cucks. Unfortunately it has next to no gore.

Can you stop posting these retarded threads already? You can literally find this video in few seconds by going into bestgore and typing ''mosque''.
But anyway here you are you fucking newfag cancer

i believe theres a solid torrent mp4 of it online

Attached: pc7y6gkh1y5y.jpg (1920x1200, 673K)

>Being this fucking retarded

1st shot opened up her shoulder on the backside

2nd shot was headshot and her hair went flying

of course thered be conspiracy theories about this shit. sigh.

Why would he? It's priceless front row tickets


-Sincerely /g/

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It was fantastic better then any hollyje movie featuring niggers as lead roles

Lol muslims could only dream of being that effecient. They blow themselves upand die and only take 1 or 2 infidels (or fellow mudslimes really,) with them

>only shoots people in CoD

Because the guy who did it was a spook

Attached: 5358186813.jpg (1612x1270, 156K)

Yes and jet fuel cant melt steel beams either. STFU

it is on


Attached: 20190630_084557.jpg (548x528, 119K)

Well I didn't expect to be so desensitised to it all, the only thing that got me, really, were the moans but even then I didn't feel anything. Growing up watching Iraq war videos has made me immune to gratuitous violence. Top bins jeffery

Encyclopedia Dramatica has the full video on their Brenton Tarrant page