God-tier face thread.
Post God-tier faces.
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>stupid glasses
>too much make up
Attached: IMG_20190605_183212_697.jpg (751x1280, 166K)
Attached: 1561463354874.jpg (570x592, 50K)
Only godtier face so far is OP's.
thoughts on my ex?
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Any pics without her doing that dumb shit with her lips?
In the fuck is that user?
She look like a good cocksucker?
Attached: 25981F51-A5C5-44B7-AEB5-015EE97CA438.jpg (978x1794, 274K)
She’s purrrty...some of the other chicks in this thread - not so much. So much for ‘god tier’. More like a ‘post some random faces thread’.
This, I like. Give your sis a good game pat on the ass for me.
She looks like she just corrected me after looking up some bullshit on Wikipedia.
How am I supposed to judge her face with her eyes shut?
Get rill Yea Forumsrah.
I’m detecting a samepost fag
Gonna be honest, I posted her and didn’t actually expect that response, like genuinely not me spamming
Attached: UmRpYoz.jpg (544x780, 58K)
Attached: 1543841235115.jpg (890x668, 366K)
Well fuck me runnin’...I stand corrected.
Another of OP in case any of you are interested.
Attached: face1.jpg (1080x1350, 224K)
Slightly better, still a 7/10 at best. She is a pretty gal though.
She’s fuggin’ gorgeous.
Attached: 15641566.png (722x668, 949K)
Attached: 0 (28).jpg (546x846, 91K)
Would be interested in less clothing. She’s fire.
Attached: rZhzBYC.jpg (634x631, 65K)
Damn son, reminds me of a young Nicole Kidman. Very nice.
Her sis
Attached: 0 (26).jpg (875x960, 130K)
Here you go, good Sir.
Perfect symetry.
Attached: nofretete.jpg (1000x1500, 90K)
Attached: xjnsI5x.jpg (593x1024, 49K)
Attached: 0 (40).jpg (1334x750, 118K)
Don’t know what the fuck she’s wearing, but she is cute as hell.
Enjoy saving/fapping to her pics.
Attached: HxlJjXk.jpg (720x960, 90K)
Attached: Elina Thorsell.jpg (300x400, 98K)
Attached: Z9SBN5B.jpg (600x647, 81K)
cute or nah?
Attached: oIqRclb.jpg (1071x1077, 93K)
Attached: 1557878634846.jpg (960x960, 122K)
Cute and yah, gonna need moar
What a beautiful horse face.
Seriously though, why is that prettiness on such a long face? Unfortunate.
Whoooa gurl, back off the makeup!
Attached: y2ph8dI.jpg (600x960, 55K)
High school cunts...not one is over a 6/10...nice try.
Attached: 6698717395.jpg (1014x1670, 116K)
One without the dumb fuckin’ duckface perhaps?
19yo sis
Attached: XK8R15ND.jpg (960x1280, 142K)
Looks like a Disney princess.
Lots of these faces are shiet. Will post the good ones in here: discord gg/kb9sGjj
real cute
Attached: 44ppLPg.png (1600x1600, 1.84M)
Jeebus, I think I have a new favorite.
thoughts ?
Attached: cOnUBYK.jpg (612x477, 199K)
She's a baller.
Keep posting.
I'd be happy with an album.
Much better!
She’s a cutie for sure.
Is that a caption for the picture?
Anyway, gonna need a better pic.
any better?
Attached: HzGjBst.jpg (1080x809, 537K)
Attached: hrø.jpg (1080x1349, 244K)
Attached: 1541084578188.png (599x480, 213K)
Good gawd, yes!
In my book, she’s a 10.
Best in thread.
Attached: 1534784717182.jpg (1080x1080, 134K)
Attached: 4329071535.jpg (1884x1454, 170K)
Found a couple more
Attached: 15236311282792406po3op6.jpg (640x638, 42K)
Hannah has such a cute face. the freckles make it.
Attached: AxEPrC1.jpg (1080x1080, 504K)
Attached: h3.jpg (1000x900, 135K)
What do you guys think?
One of my students.
Attached: 12.jpg (960x720, 73K)
She looks like my little sister.
Cute as fuck.
Do you have a name? Or more?
Thanks for sharing user. :)
Is there a mega folder or something?
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just that insta
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Attached: ZHJgtiB.jpg (705x867, 305K)
I think she's unconventionally attractive
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‘God-tier’ thread...da fuk Yea Forumsrah?
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dude face so not god tier 4/10
That’s what I was sayin’!
I’ve cum to this face many times and I encourage all anons to as well
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>newfags don't know String
Attached: 9t0BE.jpg (572x4152, 215K)
Who is she? what's her insta?
Would have been hot in her youth.
Too old now.
Receptionist at work. I wanna cum all over her face.
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That’s all you Yea Forumsro
Ant thumbnails are the worst...
what about her?
Attached: 615.jpg (750x750, 76K)
What in the actual shit??
>Should GF make a pornhub channel?
Will be showing her all responses
Attached: 1507929678896.png (750x1334, 1015K)
Posting another of her, because there is way too much garbage in this thread.
‘God-tier’ my ass
Attached: 9F009136-7C28-4BB9-97A6-7F0A5FDDBFA9.jpg (613x784, 221K)
Okay, we’ve got a good one here. Noice.
Glad you like. More?
Attached: 3.jpg (1242x2208, 506K)
Is she latina or indian? This is important.
Attached: Amiechan.jpg (1280x720, 143K)
Indian, why?
Attached: 1509663516534.png (827x1108, 1.17M)
Dude wants to know if she's sassy or subserviant.
Ahh makes sense. She has a lot of sass.
Attached: 3(1).jpg (1285x1080, 161K)
That's gonna be a pass from me dawg.
Attached: malunaa.mp4_snapshot_00.00_[2018.07.01_08.03.13].jpg (768x432, 66K)
No problem Yea Forumsro
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Do these girls know that the use of filters such as this make them look like fucking idiots?
Apparently not...shit gets old. Y’ain’t foolin’ nobody ladies.
Does her pussy taste of garam masala?
Na dude, some of them have it figured out.
pornhub view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c4653e6acf50
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In love with this face
Attached: 6EF57BC6-5B48-4936-8945-A4F3A0BD413F.jpg (639x625, 145K)
Kek. Keeps her self very clean. Enjoy having her sit on my face.
Attached: CEC731D0-935D-48E3-BEE1-02056CA3463C.jpg (549x1024, 77K)
Not here you dont. You fucked up. Post sharpie in pooper, Sherlock faggot.
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Get out of here with that delayed-ass response.
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I assumed she was clean. Just wondered if it was absorbed into her bloodstream or something. I like garam masala.
Probably did.
Attached: 5.jpg (1080x1900, 223K)
Windowlickers. Both pic and video.
The filename fills me with doubt, but please say you have more.
Yah yah yah, we know.
Come back with some non-celeb sluts.
You don't fuck them for their brains.
Attached: 1559821540558.jpg (602x1000, 63K)
Happy fapping, user
Attached: 1559421561918.jpg (768x1024, 70K)
What a gawd awful haircut.
Thank you. But I need it all. All nsfw and sfw pics.
I wish to marry this woman and give her anything she needs.
She's certainly a woman I could cumin.
Yeah. She had it for sure
Already married, user. Sorry.
Doesn't look old enough to be married.
Still. I need it all.
What do u guys think it Roberta Murgo?
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Looks like the ugliest woman at a medium sized graphic design company.
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asian edition
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Attached: 13535414.png (500x570, 136K)
she can have my cum any time
Reminds me of Jayme Langford.
Attached: Jayme Langford.jpg (1267x1900, 342K)
And then she will germinate ugly children.
Attached: 1561822494517.jpg (1019x765, 203K)
>Only godtier face so far is OP's.
It's femanon posting their own photos
it's like if Sansa and Arya had a kid
I think she belongs in here
Attached: 603.jpg (419x639, 27K)
Attached: 7EhSLTL.jpg (1638x2048, 273K)
what do you think anons?
Attached: hfOVtSa.jpg (601x1080, 168K)
Who is this I think I met her last week?
Sorry for stating a fact.
There are some lameass chicks in this thread for sure, but you’re a blind motherfucker if you didn’t notice all the
other 9’s and 10’s.
OP’s post was not the best in this thread.
give us a few examples of some 9 or 10's, curious to see if my girl is on your list
New thread here.
Image limit reached, new thread.
would lick her little asshole
even she was shitting seconds ago
That’s like a 4/10 bruh...