Be me age 5

>be me age 5
>Figure out I'm attracted to a girl in my class who's 10/10 (at the time)
>Don't ask her out
>Turn 8 and everyone around me had girlfriends
>Just really want a girlfriend
>decide to settle and Ask a medium 5/10 girl to be my girlfriend
>She says no
>Turn 9 and ask a 7/10 out
>She says no
>Decide to save some embarrassment and stop asking people out
>Finish primary school with never having a gf, greatly depressed
>Arrive in high school, the 10/10 girl that I fancied was here
>Decide to ask out a 3/10 just to get on the scale of having a gf
>Do it online
>She says no
>Turn 12 and go on a trip to France
>My best friend who was a player when it came to girls told me a girl fancied me and he knew
>She was a 2/10 but a girl
>Get set up in a game of truth or dare by my best friend and dared to kiss her
>Give her a peck and we end up going out
>Act like a perfect gentlemen bf for the first night
>Wake up the next day regretting allowing this 2/10 in my life and avoid her for the rest of the trip pretty much
>We 'break up' on the ferry home after 3 days together
>To this day still the only relationship I've ever had
>Turn 13 decide to ask out the 10/10 I fancied from age 5
>Do it over messenger in one long creepy cringey emoji filled message
>She says no
>Go to a party, age 14 with other 14 year olds
>Try and get with the 1 single girl who was there
>She gets way too drunk and starts shouting some other guys name
>The guy is my friend but I tell him it's cool and he gets a handiob off her, another sexless night for me
>A 6/10 deaf girl fancies me in school
>Decide fuck it it's worth a try
>Then all my friends (who were the cool kids) were takin the piss out of her cos she's dead, then I thought fuck that
>That shallowness cost me cos she turned hot like a year after
>One of her friends asks me out for her, say no

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>some girl from another school starts messaging me on Snapchat in a friendly way
>Get a crush on her
>Speak to her for a while
>Tell her I like her
>She ignores me and stops speaking to me
>Fuck it she was about a 6.5/10
>Turn 15 everyone around me has lost their virginity
>Applying to college
>Get a message from a 10/10 half Italian girl from the town over
>She asks me if I'm goin to the same college as her
>I am
>We talk online for a couple months
>Genuinely think I love her
>If you've seen skins she had the effy affect on me
>Actually seemed to care about me
>We meet up in person at the college on an open day
>Im nervous and act a bit autistic but less so than usual
>After a week or two she just stops replying to my messages
>If she does it was 1 word answers
>Get depressed and stop speaking to her
>Still love her and like all her pics like a sad bastard hoping she'll change her mind about me
>Only managed to unfriend her on all media's so I'm forced to stop thinking about her last month after 3 years
>Anyway in the meantime I started college
>Revising whenever I was in college and smoking weed whenever I was outside college
>Some girl acted flirty with me and was in two of my classes and looked like that half Italian girl but not as fit
>She has a boyfriend
>Give up for a year
>Back 1 year later
>This time I've focused on changing myself
>Went to the gym
>Got cooler friends
>Got a nice haircut and got a cool sense of clothes
>Started doing bangers shit cos I didn't care anymore just wanted girls to think I'm cool
>Sold pills, tried to do a bank drop, sold weed
>Focus on Instagram cos no girls in college spoke to me
>Message loads of girls literally saying 'gorgeous you' or some cringe shit like that
>Out of the 10% that responded about 3 girls wanted to take it further
>1 was a 6.5/10 scruffy bitch from the hood (a different hood from mine, much scruffier)
>Stopped speaking to her after a week

hey you want >>/r9k

You don't have to continue, we get it. You're a loser who can't learn from his mistakes. Nothing new.

>2 was a fat bitch who was a catfish and looked normal in pics
>Spoke to my friend who knew her in real life and said she's obese
>Stop messaging her
>At this point I'm 17 btw
>Final girl lived round the corner and was in year below
>Didn't recognise her pics where she looked 8/10
>Met her in real life, she had no makeup 6/10
>Nothing happens
>Meet her again and spoon her
>End up feeling her pussy and tits in some awkward spooning that happened
>Hint for her to give me a bj, she says no pretty much, I say I'm going to the gym and basically kick her out, catfishing bitch
>Anyway, turn 18 a kissless virgin
>Kissed that one girl at 12 but that was a peck
>Go to uni
>Second night of Freshers, go to the student union with flatmates
>Going for a spliff on my ones outside
>Bump into sexy 8.5/10 drunk girl
>And her fat friend
>She sits down next to me and asks if ive got a lighter
>Chat her up a bit
>Her fat mate is whispering shit like 'she wants someone with a big dick, do you have one'
>Awkwardly say yeah but not making eye contact with the fatty
>Me and the 8.5/10 go home together
>Kiss her while waiting at the bus stop
>Only kiss I've ever given a woman
>It was amazing
>Get bus to her place
>We get on the bed and I start feeling her up
>I hint her to give me a bj
>She says yes
>Pull my sick out
>Receive best 10 minutes of my life
>Amazing bj
>Then remember what everyone said about not sticking with the first girl you find at uni
>Don't want to fuck and be forced to spend the night
>Plus if it's this easy on the second night it's this easy every night right?
>Leave after bj, don't even take her number
>That was the last time I had any sort of relations with a woman
>Rest of uni I kept going out but didn't score
>Probly because I had some sjw femanazi flatmate who always came out with us and I felt bad hitting on girls in front of her
>Go to a party a month before first year of uni ends

Well I'm not one to judge, I had like 2 female friends in my entire life and never asked anyone out, but damn for so much effort you sure have few results to show for it. Is it normal to put this much effort into your love life?

>Speaking to girls all night at party
>Insanely drunk
>Get home and next day femanazi flatmate tells me I was really close to pulling a girl
>Tells me I started rolling on the floor halfway through a conversation
>I thought my autistic side was dead and buried but apparently being drunk helps it
>End up leaving uni and coming back home and now working a factory job during the day all men and smoking weed after
>No chance to meet females
>At this point beginning to think if there is a god he's taunting me, anyone had worse luck with women than me or should I just kms

That's what I'm saying and the worst part is I'm not even ugly or skinny or dumb or awkward or anything anymore, I'd actually fuck me if I was a girl, the worst part about me is my height of 5'9" and that's not bad, I've got a good fashion sense, a good degree in electrical engineering, a big dick, I'm pretty ripped cos I've been gyming for years now, I'm an interesting guy I've done all sorts of mad shit but I don't think any of it matters, go downstairs this morning and hear a love song on the radio, feel like crying, decide to post it here instead

>I'm not even ugly or skinny or dumb or awkward or anything anymore
Your story clearly tells otherwise
>the worst part about me is my height of 5'9" and that's not bad
Insecurity much
>I've got a good fashion sense, a good degree in electrical engineering, a big dick, I'm pretty ripped cos I've been gyming for years now, I'm an interesting guy I've done all sorts of mad shit but I don't think any of it matters
a bit narcissistic I would say
>go downstairs this morning and hear a love song on the radio, feel like crying, decide to post it here instead
Well duh nobody likes to be unloved
If you can't meet females at your job, do it in your spare time? Seriously how did you get your degree... Go to places where women are, just spending your time smoking weed won't get you a girl...

Have you been abused or something? Whenever you score you self sabotage hard right away. Its like youre so afraid of commitment or rejection youll abort even before the sex finishes despite spending ages looking for intimacy.

Good point, I've literally wondered this over the past 3 years but unless I've repressed the abuse like fuck I don't think I was. Probly some other fucked up part of my childhood

finally something that isn't porn

You're a fucking retard, and the stuff in your early years is bullshit or at least your perception of what was going on around you is fucked.


Well, weird. Maybe you just felt unloved or something.

In either case you worry too much once you finally score... so your problem isn't really catching chicks, because you can do that. You gotta learn to be comfortable with keeping them.

This guy knows what's up.

underaged reported

I'll bump solely because this isnt porn.
And as a 6'5 college athlete in an engineering college, seeing the other side of the coin as others would call it, is really amusing.
Godspeed user, stop being such a beta

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Yeah, first off who the fuck remembers that much detail about cringy bullshit from when they were a child through their teens.
You’re not autistic. You’re not retarded. But you’re not coping very well with life.
Go and seek talk therapy from a licensed therapist.
Bring a printout if this and read it to them. That’ll give them a good idea of your mental state and your priorities in life, as a starting point.
You’d go to physical therapy if your leg was gammy, talk therapy is similar, except it’s for your mind. Just like physical therapy, it won’t work overnight, it’s an ongoing process that you’ve got to put effort into that’s guided by your therapist, and it can’t undo the damage or reverse time, but it can help you cope better, it can get you to a place where you’re happier.
If you’re stable enough to get a degree and hold down a job, you don’t need drugs or medication or anything, you just need to talk this out with someone who knows what they’re at.

But his 12yo mate was a player, keep up user

>fucked nextdoor girl when i was 18 (first time)
>fucked some more between 18 to 21

why the fuck u so obsessed over women. better save that energy for self improvement nigga

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>cos she's dead
>she turned hot like a year after

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Im not trying to be mean or anything here. But its literally all your fault that it turned out like that. Learn from your mistakes dude. You blame feminazi flatmate for not getting laid, you blame god, you blame bad advice you got. Its you. Start looking at improving yourself and your situation and stop blaming anything else. Take some responsibility and be a man. You have to take what you want.

You sound like an arrogant arse. You clearly said something to all these women that turned them off you. What was it?

>>She was a 2/10 but a girl

>but a girl

my sides are in orbit

>>That shallowness cost me cos she turned hot like a year after

It's always like that. Well, almost always.

Pipe down Randy

>>Don't want to fuck and be forced to spend the night

>don't want to fuck bc any reason


show bobbs and vagen

Any feel that takes more than 3 lines to express is not worth expressing.

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