What bit me? 2in Diameter, from the Pacific Northwest

What bit me? 2in Diameter, from the Pacific Northwest

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Your boyfriend

Aids bug

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Aids bug

Looks like a one eyed snake, you should see a doctor

A dog

Pacific Northwest? That's a fuckton of spiders. Probably a spider, and if it's only 2in a harmless one.

A rabid leftist.

probably a wolf spider

Wolf spider and he'd have it way worse than this. Those fuckers are flesh melting nasty.

Me, I bit you, watch out the next time you stop by your regular gas station, I’ll be there

Mosquito from manic Johnson’s house.

a tick, and now you have Lyme disease.

Are you on the island? Probably a fucking wolf spider. Dickheads are everywhere.

I 2nd this

Probably a wolf, orb or maybe even hobo spider
Or perhaps a brown recluse and your bloodstream is melting


Nerve gas

only if you're a weak slack jawed faggot

>mandatory post

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probably beginning of ringworm, have fun with it. yeet.

Western pond turtle

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could be a super allergic reaction to a bedbug. did you wake up with it? if you get more then yeah it could be bed bugs

I had tick bite lyme disease recently, not nice

It's not turning into an RAF logo is it?

Watch it, it genuinely might be cellulitis or MRSA, don't touch it and also be sure to wash your hands often

have you been in the sun for a long time? looks like skin cancer

Tickbite. That’s a characteristic rash associated with Lyme disease.
Honestly, I’d go get tested to make sure.