Hey, Yea Forumsros

Hey, Yea Forumsros...

I had to put my kitten down today because of fading kitten syndrome... then later found out that even if she is completely limp and lifeless... rubbing sugar water on her lips may get her to drink and recover.

Feeling pretty shit.

Can we have a ylyl cat thread/story thread?

pic related, it's Daisy.

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sorry for your loss bro we had to put down our cat a few months ago.

Shit like this happens dude. She might never have recovered. You did the right thing 80% of the time

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Sorry to hear that, mate. Chin up. Get yourself another kitten, maybe two. Also, what you said your kitten had can be caused by a myriad of issues, and I'm sure the vet would have mentioned this "treatment" were it feasible. Don't stress it man, you probably did the right thing.

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