"When you wish upon a star… …you're actually a few million years late. The star is dead. Just like your dreams."

"When you wish upon a star… …you're actually a few million years late. The star is dead. Just like your dreams."

Okay first off fuck you who made this quote and let me explain why.

A lot of people will disagree with me but this accurate theory makes a lot more sense than those who claim that time lapses from one location to another are delayed. This is partially true, but on a major scale it is not.

Yes it is true because what enables us to tell and predict the time? We invented it!

Take gravity, rotation, sound and force and you will have the elements for our time system.

Now look above you at night and see the stars up there. They are not dead mate. What you are looking at is a live functioning star or planet.

Let us not forget the time laps from where we make eye contact to right above our atmosphere. I'm not doing the math but it is not a long time.

Space is empty, does not have any of these elements we take advantage of. So there is absolutely nothing in the way of you and the star you gaze upon. Space acts as one gigantic telescope. Our eyes aren't meant to see light years away from us. But the projecting space enables us to see those stars are live.

Yes, it will take us thousands of years to reach one of them sadly, but they are just as alive as we are.

I believe it will be possible to use wormholes to get from one location to another because the less elements there are the better the chances.

I may not explain it as intelligently as I'd want to but the theory explains itself.

You heard it first from user.

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I feel uncomfortable all the time

I hear they grant Scholarships at this toddler aftercare in my neighborhood.

Tldr; user doesn't know how far away stars are, tries to replace theory of relativity.

>We invented it!

Fucking retarded doesn't know if humans ceased to exist light would still travel at 3x10^8 m/s in vacuum. We may have defined meters and seconds, but light will always have a constant vacuum speed of some given distance per time unit. Baby's first philosophical thought

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that fact that it doesn't exist anymore doesn't matter. it's a subjective moment for you that you happened to experience.

philosophers have had their time discussing the idea that the world doesn't exist if no one perceives it. this was hundreds of years ago. descartes, berkeley etc all believed in the concept of "extension" and that only if something has a dimension that can be measured does it exist but, the concept of extension can't exist outside of the mind. basically it means that if no one is perceiving something it doesn't exist. if no thinking mind is perceiving it, god is still perceiving it.

if you want to "wish" upon anything, you simply need to perceive it. god perceived it with you, along with perhaps other forces and maybe even some within yourself. god would have perceived it when it actually happened, millions of years ago, but also from your perspective.

learn to philosophy. what you're doing is just armchair philosophical angst.

It is not philosophy. It is simply an explained theory that has support.

God is a dick

Also Albert Einstein introduced this theory as one of many, but he never pursued this particular theory, maybe for reasons I do not know. But if you take the laws we have on our planet and remove those calculable instances explained, you'll find that there is nothing to calculate within the vacuum. It is space, there is nothing. Light also needs some form of force to direct it into the direction in travels. Many do not understand this. Light travels maybe one billion times faster in the vacuum.

OP >/= Retard - Intelligence + Tumor x nofuckingcluewhatheistalkingabout

You dont need to explain why you hate that quote. It's just a dumb quote lol When people wish on a star it's more about the wish itself. Like bringing a good thought into existence. Just brush it off dude. No big deal

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>doesn’t exist
You, my friend, are confusing information about a thing and the thing itself.
When we look at a star at night. We aren’t observing the thing directly. We are viewing the light transmitted from the star, which contains information about the star.
If the star is 10million light years away, the light it transmits takes 10milluons years to reach our eyeballs. So, the information about the star still exists. But the star itself might have blown up during that 10 million years.
It’s a subtle difference but nothing that first year college physics can’t help you understand. Get an education dude, stop dreaming up fantasy theories. Learn about real shit. Then go do something with your creativity.

All well and good.
But you're missing my point.

The theory is that the LIGHT transmitted through space from the star to our eyeballs does not take that long to reach us.

Light needs particles to reflect from. What you're staring at through space is about 0.5% particle. So that means the light almost reaches us immediately.

Fuck college. I have masters in accounting science and a degree in Archaeology.

God, you're even more retarded than I imagined. I thought you were just the fake deep, ifuckinglovescience type.
You enounce your theory as if it was based on something concrete, on some experiment or some observation, and not on your piss poor understanding of physics.

That is why it is a theory.

I didn't say it is a fact. But the possibilities are evident.

Read a book

A hypothesis is not a scientific theory. A theory has to be supported by facts, observations and rigorous experiments. It has been established that light travels at a little under 300,000 km/s in a vacuum. I'm not saying this is the immutable truth, but you are going to have to do some crazy experiments to be able to call your inane ramblings a "theory".

Do me one favor.

Read the book 'Fabric of the cosmos.'

You'll find plenty of helpful information regarding this so called 'hypothesis'.

Brian Greene bases his work on the speed of light in a vacuum being a constant, you schizo.

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That was the fastest anyone has ever read a book.

so that is what this is about? you read a book by a guy who writes books for a living and now you think you are qualified to have meaningful ponderings about the nature of quantum and theoretical physics?

Not about the books, about the theory.

Have you ever done a little research on the wormhole theory subject?

I just love how Yea Forums is filled with Scientists and physicists who are bored.

doesn't matter, me harty. his work has not contributed in a meaningful way to the scientific communities understanding and advancement in the fields that he writes about. furthermore, the work that he did do that was considered helpful to the community at large was based in string theory, which is currently replaced by M-theory. its like doing research into Newtonian models of gravity when that shit has been replaced for decades by the Einstein model.

he writes books and hosts tv shows for profit, user. not saying he isn't a smart guy, but reading one of his books doesn't give you an understanding of the science. there are plenty of competing hypotheses about how the universe works, go figure that you pick one that is like the bumper sticker slogan of arguments.

enough to know that anyone who lends any credit to the idea of wormholes is still clinging to the hope that Startrek and EVE might one day be a reality.

Humans invent time

Stopped reading right there, was all I needed to be proven you're an idiot

Next time you post this bait can you damage the sentence structure a bit and get a few words wrong, like it's from a non-native english speaker?
