Drunk US Infantryman. Ask me whatever you feel like.
Drunk US Infantryman. Ask me whatever you feel like
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will you mail small pieces of your rifle home over the next few years so that you will have a full auto m1a1 when you get out?
Or are you a faggot?
What's your mos
how many raw carrots could you slide into your anus? If unsure, estimate.
What do you think? I'm not some mortor faggot
I've thought about it.
Idk, Maybe 5 or 6
how do you feel serving Israel's interests?
311 or Yea Forumsravo
Like I'm not a liberal faggot
11 bang bang all day, baby
thanks, brah
I'm not a liberal either. In fact, far from it.
The US military is the proxy military for Israel.
Nice I went in in 06 was maybe 100lbs wet, tried to make me a chuck, I convinced the old Mexican lady in 30th ag to make me a bravo. Where did you do basic
While I do agree with you, for the most part, I'm just a grunt, shooting bitches in the face.
What's the difference between the us army and us marines? Respect from uk
Where so ALL combat MOS's go for basic?
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Some guy crashes your wedding with a whole goddamn circus behind him, and he ends up calling your wife a hoe. What do you do?
Would you join the SS if you could?
Negative knew a dude who went to Jackson was inf, I was surprised to say the least
good goy.
Reminder that those ebil towelheads that you hate so much wouldn't be so evil if it weren't for Jews stealing their land and killing their civilians on a daily basis.
Islam is the antithesis to Judaism, even though I'm not a muslim, it is the answer to combating Jews; and the Jews programmed you into think the muslims are the bad guys.
Fuck no
Ft. Benning School for Wayward Boys, my dude.
Recently DD214'd 68W here. Infantry was good to me even though I got put with the fuckin' engineers.
Pretty sure you're just being a contrarian, but you do you, my guy
That's what I want to hear! Storm fags burn in hell!!!
That's where I went just letting you know not all go there it's like a handful but still, church or sandhill
No, I'm serious. Research the Balfour Declaration. You're sucking the Jew cock every day.
Army or Marines?
Thank you for your cervix
We fought a war against those evil fucks that stood for against everything we stand for. Why would I want to join them? They wouldn't even like me to being with. I'm Irish and Italian. kek
Drop his pants and fuck him up the ass while calling him a "happy man"
Ha gay, die for Israel goy
Fuuuuuuuuck. . . Is it weird that I miss Sandhill? I almost feel like it's a kind of Stockholm syndrome
So, in a daily basis, how many pot shots do you dodge?
Honestly, It's just a lot of waiting around. It's really boring.
this but unironically
memes aside, how do you feel about national socialism? how do you think other infantrymen might feel about it?
Been out like 10 years I still miss it, but a dd214 feels alot better that and drugs
I got out as a Cpl, 0311
OP is a faggot and doesn't know anything about National Socialism.
Got out 2017, 0311, only thing I miss are my boys
Do you regret your desicion?
All the ones I know fucking hate it. They're itching to fight some actual Nazis. We are pining for some WWII shit bad.
Life is just melons and shit, so have you ever been deployed?
NOt one bit.
good goy. enjoy being unemployed trash when you get out.
What do you plan on doing once you get out?
Probably flying a sign at red lights and living in a tent in the woods.
Don't we all, at work but I'll have a drink those who've fallen, and those who fight fight demons every night
I've always wanted to be a cop.
Thank you, this means a lot to me. Last week, I tripped and fell.
Reminder that FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but let it happen because his two jewish handlers, Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White told him the US had to enter WWII against Germany.
Also a friendly reminder that Jews have owned this country since at least 1913.
OBJECTION! Relevance!?
Damn, Jews really are more dominant and superior than I thought. They literally control all of us like puppets. They must have enormous power and intelligence to do that, no doubt. Damn.
I'm sure with your combat experience on your resume, you should be a sure fire candidate. I'm leaving this thread now, just want today thank you for your service, and that I'm considering joining the navy. Goodnight user.
Goodnight, user. At least it wasn't the Chairforce.
As long as you picked yourself back up man. I've fallen dozens of times. Always get back up man. You're needed alot more than you know.
"Thank you for your service?"
What the fuck are you thanking him for? What has he done for you? For all we know, he was assigned to shoo ducks or fold index cards. You're literally thanking him like he's deserving of respect simply for signing a piece of paper to enlist.
how much money would it take for you to suck a dick? like, $12? or like....$2,000?
Remember it's not gay if it's underway
Chair force has all the bad bitches tho
Grife is just love with nowhere to go. As long as you remeber the fallen and keep them in your heart, They're never gone. Live for them and do good in thier name. Make them proud. Live how you'd want them to live.
What have you done with your life? What great deed have you done?
piss off tranny
Depends on the circumstances.
Literally nothing. I'm a fucking worthless loser. That's why I'm here on Yea Forums, just like all of you. You don't come to Yea Forums because you're some honorable fucking guy. This is the bottom of the fucking barrel. I know why OP is here. I know why you're here. You're here for the same reason I'm here.
They always rely on a host nation of goyim to take care of them, like the United States; with its unquestioning and undying devotion to Israel.
Jews are not particularly intelligent, only clever. They're usually very meek and weasely, subverting conversations, legislation, political offices and society. Sort of like how you're trying to subvert the comment I made by using an underhanded remark about you thinking they're really smart.
I'm here because it's 23:30 and I'm drunk, fucker. lel
Hello - I hope I'm not too late to this thread for an appropriate response.
With that being said, I am currently in the process of enlistment, however, I cannot decide between the Navy or Army. My ASVAP score is in the region of the high 60's to low 70's and I meet all the physical requirements save for the fact that I smoke somewhat heavily.
Anyways, which branch do you recommend my Yea Forumsrother? Personally I am more interested in the Navy but my peoples at home are very insistent on the Army so I'm kind of at a crossroads.
o fuck. ive been found out. please dont type more on your keyboard at me! PLEASE!!!!!!
um, you might want to check yourself, wordsmith. "clever" exactly means "intelligent". both words describe the ability to handle what you encounter and clever means especially intelligent.
Difference is we did something, you've never done anything. We may be in the same place now, but we're cut from a different cloth. Stay mad bitch
stfu crypto jew
what are you doing defending jews on the internet to begin with?
This is true. Is it weird that I'm actually gaining more respect for jews after reading his shit? Like, if you really think about what all the jews have done, it's kind of incredible. To have that kind of power over the world... wow...
No, they don't mean the same thing. Intelligence means you have a wide array of knowledge on various matters. Jews only know how to connive and cheat, like prostitutes or thieves. The Talmud is basically a text on how to swindle people.
I can't make your decision for you. I chose the Army because of family history. JUst really think long and hard about what you want for your future and go with whatever works best for that.
Jesus fuck 60-70?!?! I scored a 98! Still went infantry bc that's dope. Should have went pog in hindsight, inf breaks your body and gives you no job experience after. If you want a life after pic navy or be a pog in the army
I'm not even like trying to defend them. From a purely objective point of view, it is pretty impressive what the jews have been able to do, regardless if you agree with them or not.
What do ya know about aliens?
How does it feel being a puppet?
I got a 92 lel 11 BANG BANG, BABY! HOOWAH!
The Jews have been here for a while; destroying nations, putting usurious loans on countries, causing genocides, overthrowing governments and so on.
If you look up to people like that I don't know what to tell you.
Fuck all. My wife asks me this same shit. They don't tell me anything beyond who to kill.
But did you ACTUALLY do "something". I mean, let's get real bro. All you did was sign up and take orders. You didn't actually save any lives or anything. You mainly just helped protect foreign interests. Like, come on. You know what you really did with your life.
HOw does it feel being an edgelord?
how is it edgy to call a jew's dog what he is?
Don't feed the trollololololol. Oldest rule on the internet.
Can't be wiped out, apparently wiped out Nations and toppled civilizations, taking over the world.... You have to admire them a little I mean come on.
>Drunk US Infantryman
how does that compare to a sober infantryman?
do you mean that other infantrymen would consider you drunk?
Hey man thanks I really appreciate that. A large part of my decision is that I'm in some dire need of direction in my life. That and I kind of need money for med school @_@
I'm sorry we can't all be like you my boy, but I'll admit I passed every other part of the testing extremely well except for the math parts. I'm fuckin terrible at it - it's probably not very good that I aspire to be in the medical field, but I'm always reading something so hopefully I can sharpen my abilities a little bit.
Calling me a puppet implies that I had no choice in what I did with my life. I know why I joined. You made your choices and I made mine.
are you worried that your CO will see this nazi shit and get you kicked out?
Why risk it?
Call me a troll, but do you really go to bed at night thinking "man, what a successful and honorable life i've lived?".
I don't know many vets, but one I do know is literally homeless and uses his status for nothing more than to get more pity change when begging on the side of the road.
Just drunk atm.
I helped a little girl stop being beaten bc she wanted to go to school, I helped kill off men who raped women, whose only crime was being alone. I gave little boys piss to drink when they beat a little girl for Snickers bar I gave her.... It seems minute and small but to them it was enough. Keep being a shitbag, one day you'll hate yourself enough to blow your brains out. I doubt you'll have the balls so you'll just exsisting as a lump.
No, I don't admire it. They lurk in the shadows and plot how to take control. If you're a treacherous little cunt like that, then you're basically a Jew yourself.
People have done things about them in the past, but the Jews just use it to their advantage and move on to the next nation and cry that they're the victims of circumstance.
Nah. None of them are female. So I ain't worried. lol
No, it implies that someone pulls your strings and that you're a dummy. i.e. you're the jew's servant.
that wasn't me who you called an edgelord btw, you just need new insults.
How would you get away with that?
Oh never be like me man, I'm basically retarded now, and work a dead end job with no real future. Definitely go medical man. My childhood friend went medic and he loved it. Was even in a movie!
I mean. I live next to a base. Work It for them sometimes.
Somebody just got kicked out for posting nazi shit last week.
It's basically as un-american as you can get.
> I gave little boys piss to drink
I call story tiem
You are a mutt, deal with it
Are you saying that the Italians weren't the allies of Germany?
It's not for everyone. It fucks people up. Some can't handle it and it breaks them. Other push through it and live great lives. I one biological brother, but I have more brothers than I could ever need because of the path I chose to go down. And I will treat them as such regardless of where they are in life.
I know this doesn't matter at all, but I'm curious as hell to know - what movie? Was he an extra or was in a bit part or the like?
Sounds like you just decided to be the judge, jury, and executioner to random he said she said stories. How do you know those men really raped those women? Did you see it happen? Are you really ok killing a guy because you "think" they raped someone?
Gave lil girl a Snickers bar, the boys saw it and beat her for it, so we took all the Gatorade piss bottles we had, we stay hydrated so not overly yellow etc, and gave them to those boys. They take two big ass gulps before realizing it's piss and start dry heaving. Wink at little girl who smirks behind tears. Kids run crying after throwing them on the ground. We collect evidence. Get bitched at but didn't have any proof so we got a warning
All my CO's are young enough to know what a meme is and would see the part where I said "fuck no" to "joining the SS if I could."
The hornet's nest, it's a documentary kinda I guess I won't tell you who he is, but if you're not a dumbass you can figure it out. He has a couple scenes even an interview
Well, that's just like, your opinion, man. Sorry I don't agree with you.
No. But they surely would have turned against them once given the chance.
I mean, hey, it's working great for them, isn't it? Survival of the fittest. It's just natural selection. If you outsmart everyone else, regardless of how weasley it is, you come out on top and dominate the gene pool. That's just how the world works. Winners do whatever it takes to win, and hell, they sure are winning.
nice argument, dumb ass. Turn your brain off and go back to sucking Jew cock.
Well good luck too you.
Just saying don't be surprised if you get kicked out for unbecoming behavior or w/e.
Granted the people that I have seen kicked are all in basic. Nazi stuff and even some of the hard core skinhead stuff is not cool with them these days it seems.
When i check computers for them it's the kind of shit i have to report.
Are you following the line of reasoning that the Germans were the evil bad guys that double-crossed people?
They had a gun in hand, and the culture down there is that. They fuck boys too. I'm not saying I personally killed them for said crime, but women were raped, we show up dust some ppl and rape went down. Almost as if I don't need to be a detective to figure it out...hmmm
Knowing how soldiers usually are, they probably just took it from her and didn't beat her. Soldiers will jump at any opportunity to treat brown people like subhuman beings.
'later, dude. Hope life treats you well.
"oh ya, ve vill not invade you, Russia, ve promise!" How did that turn out?
>we show up dust some ppl and rape went down
What the fuck does that mean? You walked in them raping someone? A rape happened and you lit up a guy with a gun? I don't understand.
Good goy.
Evolution was a theory backed by and published by them, so you're just spouting their defenses at this point.
>the Turkish government in 2012 issued a series of books for schoolchildren describing Darwin as a hook-nosed Jew who kept “company” with monkeys
If you think they don't treat women like shit you're in some imaginary world. Go see what it's like. I'm not saying every day beating them to a bloody pulp, but assailed none the less. Women are treated like shit over there. God truely has abandoned that part of the world
Stalin and his Jewish prompters insisted that they would not get involved in a military conflict with Germany.
It turns out they were the liars.
Show up to army place near a civilian town. That town has baddies there. Town has had rapes, crime etc. Baddies attack. We kill baddies. Town crime go down. How fucking stupid are you?
>Implying that the USSR wasn't a backstabbing shit country itself.
Grab a history book faggot
Actually, God saved those parts of the world.
Reminder that women are unironically property, and should be treated as such.
Oh damn.
I'm unironically like gaining respect for jews now. Tell me more things you hate about them lol. It might make me like them even more.
Evolution is wrong, buddy.
Survival of the fittest is just a rationalization for jewish behavior.
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Says man that lives in moms basement.
Clearly you have done so much personally with your life that you are the master race.
>imlpying I don't know that
It's an example, douchedick
They aren't and you're not even man enough to own them as property if they were. You're an angry boy behind a keyboard and a monitor. You're nothing as your forefathers were and you would bc hanged if you had been alive with them. You're a disgrace centuries in the making. Get fucked
Would you eat my sis for 100 dollars?
reminder that Jews created the idea of racial identity for the purpose of racial division and ideological subversion.
If I'll take a staff duty shift on the weekend for $100, I'll pick her bones clean for the same.
cry about it, gayboy.
If women weren't granted rights by Jewish feminists (which the absolute majority were), then the world would be in significantly better shape than it is now; economically, socially, intellectually and otherwise.
Goddamn you are retarded. No wonder that you """serve""" in the army.
You'd probably do it for Skittles and jalapeno cheese spread you raggedy bitch
Hey! Cheese spread with bacon. I'm not some cheap whore. Maybe a "Zapple" sauce, too.
Back in the day your people conquered, built, invented! Laid claim and took what they wanted and called it their own. You've done nothing to advance your lineage, you've done nothing to further the advancement of your people. You sit behind a computer and bitch about how you're being held back. How you're owed this and that. You're a nigger begging for reparations. You have failed your people. Keep blaming everything but yourself
I'm not bitching about anything, I'm just giving you facts and you're crying like a school child.
What's your position? Ag? Mg? Granny? Basic bitch?
Rifleman / jav
Riddle me this then nutsack, if women are property, and they are treated as such over there, why aren't they as prosperous as you say they should be? Where is their civilization with golden towers that reach to the sky? Where is the space programs and the universities? Why are they so far behind? It's literally like the flintsones meets the 80s there
how hard is getting some fucc over there?
Keep regurgitating excuses if it helps you cope with amounting to nothing.
Just beat off in the port'o'johns. I'm married so I exercise restraint (I'm also Catholic, so the guilt would eat me alive.) . But the enlisted females are suuuuuuuuuper thirsty.
As I said, I know why I severe. What do you do?
Jews destroyed their nations 1500 years ago and they're just now starting to build it back up.
Women have only had rights in the US since the 1920s, and we were a super power before that.
Hell, Iran was white 50 years ago, but they brought in shitty sand niggers to breed them out so now there are barely any whites left.
Women need guidance, and setting them free to do whatever the strongest manipulator tells them to do is not the best plan.
Thought you were the other guy I too served
thread is dead. I'm calling it. Gonna go play some Dead Space. Good night, Yea Forums.
Stay pleb
how is that unrelated, faggot
deal with it
Jews are the destroyers of nations.
Unrealted specificaly to what you said, asshat.
>Where is their civilization with golden towers that reach to the sky? Where is the space programs and the universities? Why are they so far behind? It's literally like the flintsones meets the 80s there
I answered your question specifically.
I don't see a (You) in that reply. I'm pissed and feel like playing RE4 in space some I gonna do that. Peace, faggot.
alright dude, enjoy sucking jew cock and being brainwashed
nigga, I'm just trying to kill some space zombies. Damn!
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