Can anyone deepfake her?

Can anyone deepfake her?

Attached: D2100DEF-A4BF-499F-9B3C-C23D374CB330.jpg (974x1074, 858K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: E4D1A266-4184-41CE-A1F2-328450BFCF07.jpg (1125x1216, 1.07M)

heres the link to the app so you can try, busy atm

discord DOT gg/9k8HZd

Please deepfake her

Attached: 881EEAC8-39CB-40FF-983A-567B592A9B17.jpg (1125x1346, 1.2M)

only if you give her insta

Attached: deepnude (2).png (512x512, 385K)

Insta is kalimeeek

deep fake discordd: GH25ha

Attached: deepnude (3).png (512x512, 444K)

can someone do her please?

Attached: 33816220_1740915295954488_4382583460607295488_n.jpg (1080x1917, 234K)

the software

download at your own risk

sketchy as fuck

someone try please

Attached: 9081746.png (801x803, 1.02M)

provide sauce first

Deep fake please!

Ig: krysleenmarie

Attached: 1201A730-2883-47EB-8A94-36342E16CD93.jpg (1125x1098, 1.07M)

Attached: deepnude (5).png (512x512, 408K)

Attached: deepnude (6).png (512x512, 436K)

thank you

Is it possible? Please and thank you.

Attached: 205483_10150181138599610_1388877_n.jpg (720x540, 24K)

Attached: 924EF27A-6603-46C2-AC56-49D4AC8A3019.png (640x1136, 1.11M)

Can someone try this, please?

Attached: 20180331_093250.jpg (1197x1768, 656K)

Deepfake please

Attached: IMG_20190625_202956~2.jpg (774x1053, 106K)

Nude Empire!! This server has no rules at all, you can post whatever you want without restriction

Attached: Naked-blonde-amateur-smiles-slyly-during-her-first-photo-shoot-nude-model-perky-tits-boobies-sexy-cu (768x1152, 216K)

reverse deep fake her. she is too pure.

Attached: 1554002857137.jpg (540x960, 40K)

too much clothing, sorry

Attached: deepnude (7).png (512x512, 358K)

Attached: vsco5a119ac6f3fb7.jpg (720x960, 192K)

Deep fake gets insta

Attached: 2DD849FE-410C-46AD-8FA6-C0B4C2A502B8.jpg (3264x2448, 1.37M)


Attached: A1E692C7-27C4-42AA-B453-85FA795B03B6.jpg (3264x2448, 1.01M)

Attached: deepnude (8).png (512x512, 358K)

Thank you

Attached: 0E561D34-4E2B-4EDE-85ED-B474121BBDA0.png (750x1334, 1.5M)

you're welcome

Attached: Screenshot_20190627-164752_Facebook.jpg (779x2025, 402K)

Any of them

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-192226_Facebook.jpg (1440x2560, 1.35M)

Thanks for trying user

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 389K)

man, the technology just isn't there yet, is it?

it's not really good yet, but it's decent

her please

Attached: 9078764.png (418x777, 309K)


Attached: 29739367_987529508087602_3577349823583485952_n.jpg (640x800, 99K)

Any of you with app installed check it for trojans RATs ransomware etc?

all of those are me, and i've checked the app with many antivirus and it's clean
atleast the one i'm using...

It's good enough that people are seeing the results and asking for fakes. Also good enough that women are starting to freak out about it. Every tech has a beginning this is just getting started.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 408K)

Attached: 5F5E1B84-55B5-4F66-A261-E850626E1894.png (750x1334, 1.62M)

this one is the best i've made so far

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 234K)

What the heck is all this crap it comes with in the rar? Any idea? Also what's the file size after unrar?

Attached: qwewqeqweqe.png (1414x1678, 188K)

Attached: A0626575-4418-46FB-964C-93295FB1A35C.jpg (1125x1437, 1.22M)

looks great to me, this girl thinks she's a professional model, paid some dude to take these pics of her btw lol

I'm guessing they're files that are needed to make it work
also unrar is 2.5gb

I don’t think we’ve even hit the beginning of what’s going to be done with this tech. Every celebrity is gonna have to start wearing burkas to the beach once this program gets into full swing. I can’t wait. I have some more difficult to fake pics of high school sluts that I’m waiting for

lmao, got any more?

Attached: deepnude (9).png (512x512, 463K)

ok good I got 2.5 as well

Actually, here’s one of the clearer pictures. Anyone think they can fake it?

Attached: 6DAA77F4-DCB8-4A14-B844-07DC18BC3B6D.jpg (1539x2048, 427K)

yeah ill keep replying whatever decent pics she has if you keep on trying em

Attached: 90976864.jpg (474x843, 275K)

Definitely going to change the way women think in terms of posting for awhile. Probably not long though. If they think this is bad wait until more realistic sex robots hit the market. That's the beginning of the end of human reproduction right there.

Attached: deepnude (10).png (512x512, 248K)

Sorry if it takes a bit long, it's a few mins per pic

Attached: deepnude (11).png (512x512, 409K)

Discord for Deepfakes rDV9bC
Plenty of people with the app

Attached: 5FB1CC72-36DE-439A-A722-67F2E7BF2B92.jpg (750x750, 162K)

the angle is too bad

Attached: DD3AA126-C1B2-45DC-B650-E661BEB2F051.jpg (750x912, 215K)

Nice trips

Attached: deepnude (12).png (512x512, 237K)

Attached: 2B69E8F0-E670-4481-B5BD-62286B50A93B.jpg (1125x1386, 1012K)

Damn ok.

Yeah I see what you mean but I do have some level of emotional attachment to my current gf that I don’t think a sex bit could replace. She’s not perfect, and a robot could do things that no human could ever offer, but I still think human emotional attachments will prevail and we’ll still have monogamous partners on some level. The REAL thing that’ll be hilarious is women losing all power in the dating pool when men can have robots give them 10 orgasms simultaneously.
Thanks user these are amazing is it possible to do one more?

Attached: F21E0D0E-312E-4698-AC79-3D4D732252C4.jpg (2045x2046, 634K)

i didnt even notice, that one came out nice as well

Attached: 907713.png (694x779, 782K)

Attached: deepnude (13).png (512x512, 395K)

that's amazing. heres more if youre interested

Attached: 1494729928106.jpg (720x960, 89K)

Attached: deepnude4214.png (512x512, 419K)

How about this?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29-23-47-01-1.png (1184x662, 1.09M)

this one didn't turn out too well, bad angle and too much clothing for the program

Attached: deepnude (14).png (512x512, 367K)

Attached: 6B15FBDF-E791-41D0-B751-A4314496F29B.jpg (716x895, 187K)

not hot enough

Attached: 43817362_2172131746440198_2231712613923543179_n.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)

This is the last one, getting way too tired
Hopefully some other user will pick up

Attached: deepnude (15).png (512x512, 392K)

P try

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29-23-50-19-1.png (613x1119, 1.02M)

mine was 1.7 lol

Ahh yeah I was expecting that. Thank you anyway user. Good job on the thread, appreciate it.

ight heres her pierced nips in return for that one then

Attached: 90888.png (609x671, 594K)

Deepfake gets IG

Attached: B734BEC1-584C-4426-BB02-96B0DC9B0CF9.jpg (1125x1196, 730K)

Attached: E3E7D9D3-0298-45AE-97FF-917C7005335D.jpg (1125x1194, 1.03M)


Attached: D05CC702-18FD-4F66-B083-D28C12FB398A.jpg (1125x1348, 983K)

Attached: 6064.jpg (341x848, 40K)

Here’s a deepfake Discord link.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 367K)

Attached: FB086D42-A9DA-4B3E-813F-55AFF9D021DA.jpg (1077x1994, 352K)


Attached: import_1550585003751_122056.jpg (720x540, 19K)

Continuing since past one left. Be patient takes a while for each

Attached: wow.png (512x512, 411K)

Attached: 49858154_369211707223531_8339357171774828745_n.jpg (750x937, 110K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1561865324420.jpg (540x720, 33K)

Drop her IG

Attached: rip.png (512x512, 413K)

please try her

Attached: 90875874.jpg (750x1230, 684K)

Attached: ADD543FD-7DFA-431A-B284-F138FB97C93C.jpg (1125x828, 610K)


Thanks for continuing dude
Any chance this one would work?

Attached: 429D0593-BBE9-4662-B777-EA37BB56ABB0.jpg (718x666, 86K)

Attached: Screenshot_352.jpg (489x492, 72K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 347K)

Holy shit that’s perfect


Attached: 761D825D-2A3E-4EBB-897F-9E96519C643B.jpg (750x1274, 786K)

Deepfake plz

Attached: IMG_20190625_203426~2.jpg (1076x1619, 345K)

It's a bit scuffed considering the lighting of the shot.

Attached: insertfilenamehere.png (512x512, 397K)

Attached: pretty good.png (512x512, 284K)


where did you get yours from?

I wanna see deepfake of OPs momma.

Attached: 10873341_10204198144267340_4260156535428834976_o.jpg (972x726, 150K)

ayy that came out nice, wanna give her a try?

Attached: 908127462.png (928x781, 1.3M)

Attached: 10560442_10152202830187133_1970967250513079041_o.jpg (1331x2048, 264K)

Attached: alright.png (512x512, 438K)

anyone got a clean download link?

Attached: somewhat.png (512x512, 453K)

Pleeeeease Muwah!

Attached: PanTavaia2.jpg (711x684, 158K)

Check t



Attached: wasd.png (512x512, 412K)

thanks, this is the same girl if this one might turn out better :)

Attached: 90138961.png (681x766, 890K)

Attached: ok.png (512x512, 291K)

Attached: c66598bng002.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Angles usually ruin it best if they are centered at no angle

Thank you sir

hows that? straightest i could find

Attached: 90183571.png (617x768, 905K)

Will try

Attached: big oof.png (512x512, 440K)

Attached: 83F4491B-ECB9-4EB1-A638-4F591F47654F.jpg (720x1280, 118K)

how about this?

Attached: u0007653.jpg (640x640, 148K)

Attached: hit or miss.png (512x512, 467K)

do this pls

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-30 at 12.33.21 AM.png (319x453, 252K)

Probably won’t work but worth a try

Attached: 1F982F4A-13A6-41D1-8877-7FCE742A7905.jpg (609x1048, 474K)

worked better than the other angle at least, wanna give her a go? hair might be in the way too much

Attached: 9017351.jpg (1080x1080, 236K)

Dude, her please!

Attached: image.jpg (768x922, 107K)

Thank u willing to do more?

How about her. best mates wife

Attached: Pan esst.jpg (587x842, 148K)

Attached: bright.png (512x512, 442K)

Attached: EE3862D9-B765-487E-84C8-A48230302405.jpg (1314x2046, 398K)

Deepfake Discord

couldnt find any darker ones
thx so much

Attached: B078E2EC-8576-40EF-AF32-439469DA6024.jpg (1242x1238, 1.33M)

Someone please do her

Attached: 20190630_002633.jpg (1080x1336, 741K)

Attached: Screenshot_154.jpg (465x596, 88K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 420K)

Attached: 34305392_1357469067741517_8623481314533703680_o.jpg (1125x2001, 142K)

thank you sir, i dont know how many you wanna do but i have a lot of material lol

Attached: 90168713.png (704x787, 974K)


Attached: bestonesofar.png (512x512, 401K)

Bumping. i knoe her

last one, have to go

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 437K)

Not possible have any with less clothes?

okay thanks for what youve done m8

Attached: kek.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

Attached: Wow2.png (512x512, 430K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190629-215342.png (1440x2560, 1.73M)

anyone try this pic? or can it not be done with this top on

Attached: 90136712.png (831x789, 1.32M)

I tried it a couple of times, this was the best result.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 318K)

Tried it and wished for the best. Does not do her justice


Attached: 412421.jpg (319x448, 14K)


Attached: 69F37061-4493-4CEB-9718-8A31D69F0C22.jpg (337x599, 83K)

Backup pic

Attached: 1493D832-9EAE-4E5D-88AE-BC2A42E30003.jpg (332x807, 74K)

Best I could get. That top definitely makes it hard to get a good result. :/

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 446K)

thats okay i knew itd be tricky, what about her?

Attached: 90139761.png (1168x713, 1.37M)

Please and thank you!!!!

Attached: 03F9A3D7-82C9-45FF-B516-DE8D1715DCA4.jpg (828x762, 727K)

Is this possible?

Attached: dashdk.png (588x439, 638K)

I got you fam.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 292K)

Attached: 99F3C954-0C6F-4359-92E1-7821C59E44FF.jpg (750x1334, 164K)

What's up with all these deepfake posts?

Attached: ok3.png (512x512, 252K)

Attached: 30A07E74-83D7-42A9-A4BC-EDB7EBEF7A9B.jpg (1065x1893, 375K)


Attached: 8F5E8673-F310-421B-8269-96CF8ABD1990.jpg (750x1095, 171K)

Can you do her next OP?

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-201239_Vaulty.jpg (554x2090, 528K)


Attached: sick.png (512x512, 428K)

could you try this one? will probably be easier

Attached: 901938561.png (758x788, 904K)

user did this one for me earlier tonight and it came out great! i didnt save right away and when I came back the thread was gone. can you help a Yea Forumsro out??

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-30 at 12.58.11 AM.png (840x1432, 1.21M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-230909_Vaulty.jpg (1078x2083, 849K)

someone posted a torrent of the program

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 457K)

Or this one

Attached: A519F05E-6BF5-48C1-800A-494E6DD6543C.jpg (750x825, 280K)

All I wanna do is let my imagination run wild with these DeepNudes

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-200808_Vaulty.jpg (696x2093, 616K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-203517_Vaulty.jpg (1080x2094, 855K)

Attached: Crossed.png (512x512, 414K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-203638_Vaulty.jpg (1080x2220, 1.03M)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 422K)

Dude your skill is progressing - keep going user, you’re killing it!

Attached: 41392696-7EFB-4FF2-908C-69B82D7B47D8.jpg (1259x1241, 372K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-230738_Vaulty.jpg (1079x1424, 1.12M)

Attached: dasbdabd.png (341x547, 445K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 283K)

Can someone not be a faggot and actually post the file rather than this stupid discord circle jerk?

This would be great

Attached: dash.png (399x593, 515K)

for tha guy in the other thread

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 323K)

Attached: 39FE7215-81DB-469D-A21E-A4CFDA45F07E.jpg (1223x1531, 407K)

Her please

Attached: IMG_20190401_165926.png (1080x1341, 1.57M)

Can you try this please user

Attached: Screenshot_20190626-105032_Video Player.jpg (1079x1537, 574K)

Attached: IMG_20181127_001503.png (1080x1068, 1.12M)

Attached: 4124211.jpg (276x420, 15K)

Attached: 0E73FC77-1DB1-49CD-BEF4-D28466B2E27F.jpg (750x729, 90K)

Here ! thanks user

Oh Lord. What happened to her face? :O

Attached: 15823074_10210342048414969_2198486242849707905_n.jpg (960x720, 67K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 299K)

i wonder why they came out crossed, would this work better?

Attached: 90193761.png (611x763, 751K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 422K)

Attached: 1619173169.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)

She's good faggot

Attached: 64594788_512245939314562_3709670069391851520_n.jpg (320x320, 14K)

So good thanks

if anyone wants to try this qt thatd be great

Attached: 9013671.jpg (750x1138, 648K)

No problem

Pls :p

I'm posting this so you stop posting that. Your image is shit, and let this be an example to everyone else posting images like it