YLYL Thread !
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YLYL Thread !
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found the edgy teen :)
Chinga tu madre gringo
>Hurr durr people drown
You edgy cunt.
summer fag virgin please stop trying to impress us
Uh oh, pajeet is mad, his goat ran away again.
Ohhh the mutt is mad, got a triggered response
dudes entered a home with guns in hand, expected different.
Triggered? Like the vest on your whore mother?
this mutt needs to be put down
Is there a mad sandnigger that his people mean nothing more than fish food? Come on now.
>assuming I’m an amerifag
Kek swing and a miss
Probably still a mutt anyway
cuuz family
Two strikes goat boy, I’ll give you a hint, my race is superior to your caveman one ;)
I'll decide
Man, i have two kids on the way, and its suprising how fast i lost the stomach for this shit. Been seeing shit like that forever but,
I think its just that im a piece of shit, and nothing is serious unless i can personally relate to it?
Anyways heres a random picture
Goddamn Dune Coons
are they both wearing one shirt
that is a sexy dolphin
Just a totally normal dolphin nothing to see here friend
imagine dying to water
>imagine dying to water
Wanna try that again?
jesus christ is this what passes for edge on this site now?
imagine kill in river.
This is great
wow, a fellow adult who is not at all a 14 year old taking a pic from an edgy thread, mirroring it, and posting it to blend in and be edgy
did they died.
Why is that plate so huge what the fuck
What game are they playing?
You should have been in nipton
It’s funny coz their dead and no respect was paid to their corpses.
Get it?
>imagine dying to water
Press X to pay respect
edgeboy. coolcool
I’m starting to be convinced that being American is a form of mental illness akin to Downes Syndrome.
They all have that dead/lifeless expression behind their eyes, like they just have the national anthem playing ok a loop - and no capacity for original thought or critical thinking.
Having had to do business with them just reinforced this.
Your average Ethiopian entrepreneur has a higher standard of education than your average American
>not a based ua741 op-amp
Calm down, they are ded already
God fucking dammit lost so hard
their? 1900 of those shit birds got slaughtered in the streets, respek kek paid in full.
Ahahahaha lost hard
You know this is the exact reason that's stopping me from joining the Army: knowing I'm putting my life on the line for little shits like this.
Gave me a genuine chuckle, cry more nigger lmao
They’re not the only ones you’d be fighting for. You’d be out there to also protect whatever groups you like. It’s a trade off. Join the Air Force. It’s a way better standard of living.
>Triggered amerifaggot detected.
Fuck off cuck. Nobody wants you anywhere
Perpetuate the military industrial complex for your oligarch paymasters.
Remember to keep telling yourself you are free
But I don't wanna sit in a chair all day though. I wanna leave the military being a stronger version of me
Wow none of these are funny
Exhibit A
You mean the men and women that make sure we don’t get invaded or bombed to shit by some shit hole country? Enjoy your freedom to be an insufferable dick head. It was paid for by the blood of patriots.
Nice virtue signaling bro
There’s more to the Air Force than piloting a chair. You could learn a trade like aircraft maintenance or electrician. Don’t get me wrong, the Army is a fine choice. Some people really enjoy it.
Patriotism: Tye last refuge of the scoundrel.
And the first port of call for amerifags.
Unthinking, unquestioning, servile, obsequious and oleaginous.
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. Lmmz
Make the bait more subtle, fucker.
But I get to hold an M4 carbine don't I? I mean hell ive been trying out the Army Ranger PFT in my spare time.
Honestly I don't have much going for me. I'm a college student. Almost done and I still don't know what I'm gonna do in life. The Army and Marines have always fascinated me with their culture of honor and pride. I don't know. Some user told me I should go in officer in training or something with my college education. Can't remember since that thread was long ago.
Bait being equal to “anything which would cause an amerifag to awaken from their induced stupor”
Wrong. Patriotism is about the idealism that America was founded on. We’re right to be proud of our country. It’s better than the systems our ancestors left. We’ve had some missteps and some atrocities here and there but they’re light compared to other countries. And we’re working to be better.
Triggered amerifaggot detected
Bait being equal to "get your teeth fixed, you bloody cunt"
Lmao imagine being a little bitch because your shitty graphic was shitty
>the idealism that America was founded on
That we hold these truths to be self evident...that all men are created equal, not women or niggers obviously, or spicks, or Irish......and of course, the rich shall rule them all.
Hey, you’re right.
This truths ARE self evident.
Communism has lifted more people out of poverty, in pure numerical terms, than any governmental system in the history of mankind .
There are more failed examples of capitalist democracies than there are failed communist countries. And why did the child ministries countries fail? Aggressive capitalists afraid of “the threat of a working example” a can’t have the poor realising they outnumber the rich now can we.
What even is this? OP trying to be edgey?
America has worse access to dentists and dentistry than the UK.
The wonders of socialised medicine eh?
The seventies called, they want their outdated stereotype back.
Worst you love, you lose thread ever. Poor form fags.
With most AF jobs you’ll only get a rifle to qualify every few years. Security Forces goes armed but you don’t want to guard a gate or sit in a box watching a fence line. Officers are required to have a bachelors degree. The pay is better but it’s way more political. In the AF it’s a desk job unless you’re a pilot. All pilots are officers. I’m not sure how the Army or Marines are. I think they all need a degree though. I’d imagine the combat arms career fields are more in the field than the support troops. If you want to do the job go enlisted. If you want to lead go officer. The best place for advice would be to talk to a recruiter. Be sure to ask as many questions as you can. They’re salesman with a quota so be sure to get what you want from your time in the service.
>idealism that America was founded on
You were founded as a prison colony for the British Empire .
That actually explains current day America perfectly
And yet somehow, someway, your teeth are still fucked up. It's like your teeth are a bunch of retarded teenagers, each dancing to a shittier song than the last.
Communism only serves to raise the party leaders on the backs of the working class. It exploits those it claims to save. Pick up a fucking history book to learn about the virtues of communism. Starvation, death, and misery are what it brings. Capitalism isn’t perfect but it’s a way better system.
>complains about shitty image
>post no image
Lead by example.
Oh you’re a retarded American....as you were.
That was Australia.
I know you Ameritards are scared of facts, figures, objective truths...preferring instead to rely on base gutteral instinct to guide your decision making.
But even then, you sound retarded.
>pick up a history book (written by America) it says “communism duh bad”
Maybe if you could afford a passport, coupe actually afford travel the world, experience food, culture, perspectives that are different from your own, you’d realise what a myopic retard you are being.
But no America doesn’t allow alternative thought - it must be stamped out as “unpatriotic” - regardless of the objective truth.
China is set to overtake the US as the largest economy on the planet. The US economy is only currently still on its feet thanks to China agreeing to bankroll it.
>inb4 China isn’t communist
Tell that to the ruling communist party of China
Britain set up many prison colonies.
America and Australia were but two of them.
You’re welcome
But he isn't wrong. Get some care for them teeth.
you can't characterize america as a prison colony the same was as australia at all. as this is the first time i heard this bullshit, i looked it up. it's like calling a walmart a "chinese store" because so much of it is made in china compared to an actual store set up by chinese interests.
At least we have teeth
>Communist Party of China
People don't seem to understand.
>reject facts that are not congruent with the projected truth
It’s actually 100% true
Lie to yourself all you like. America was founded as a prison colony of the British Empire
I have two kids and I can’t wait for them to drown
for 50,000 only. But hey that's the great thing about America. You can better yourself and not let your past define you like in the UK or EU. Where free speech isn't free at all.
China has gotten where it is by ruthlessly exploiting its working class. And killing them if they deem necessary. If you think the average Chinese working class guy is better off than the average American you’re window licking retarded.
>from 1718 until 1775, convict transportation to the American colonies flourished
It was used primarily as a dumping ground for British prisoners
How else would you characterise it, if not by its function ?
Georgia was. But the rest of the colonies weren’t.
>ruthlessly exploiting its working class.
Says the American
Introspection is something that happens to other people in your world, huh?
Says the American that knows history. What else would you call it? America is far from perfect. But it’s way better than most other places.
Biggest load of bullshit I've ever read. Lived in the UK for 9 years, the quality of dentistry is utter fucking garbage. I needed a root canal that was filled with actual fucking wire, and was only told how awful of a fucking job they did to my tooth by American dentists that I paid money to see. Ditch your stupid ass talking point and learn your shit, NEET.
Imagine unironically being a Trump cuck
Dentist are not part of the NHS
Most dentists are private.
Your story reeks of unknowledgable bullshit
Stay devastated. More of the same come 2020 friend. The jig is up on crooked Dems. You can't even let poor Yang have a live mic during a fucking debate, the desperation to find a canidate that has a 1/100 chance on the dem side is palpable.
You. Have. No one.
Dentistry that isn't cosmetic IS covered by the NHS you fucking retard. I lived there and paid no cost that wasn't stripped from my hands by the Government. Most dentists are private for cosmetic reasons regardless. Read through your wiki article before you try and debunk what I wrote, retard.
It’s gone from “nu uh butthurt europoor, America was never a prison colony”
“This state was but the rest wasn’t”
“It was only a sizeable portion of the population who were imported prisoners”
Such mad
Much cope
You pay a standardised fee for dentistry at the point of use. It is subsidised by the NHS, but is separate.
Typical Ameritard. Talks with authority on subjects they are clueless on
> I just wiki’d it. Now I’m an expert
Yup, you’re an Ameritard alright
You're possessed by your talking point. I'm not wasting anymore time arguing with a retard who has no idea what they're blabbering about.
Enjoy your shitty healthcare and migrant Government takeover, eurofaggot.
That’s like saying America was founded as a colony to harvest oysters because that was an activity that occurred. America was founded as a place to make money and expand the empire. Shipping convicts to Georgia is not what made the colonies happen.
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. GpKe
Shut up and post memes faggot
Because it's a platter
No. They dieded
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. CIzy