Welp, this is it Yea Forums

Welp, this is it Yea Forums.
>no gf
>no life
>no family
gonna end it all tonight unironically. I've had about 7 shots of vodka, i'll be taking:
and a few others.
i understand that the death wont be comfortable, but it should result in my permanent sleep.
>durrrr why dont you just buy a gun retard
Literally like no money. Plus I dont want to leave a mess for my parents.
>dont do it bro
I've made up my mind. And in order to give back to the community, I'll be live streaming it for you guys.

Live stream link + quick rundown:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Or just do H

Are you fucking 12?

Keep trying to fight user I know it’s hard but I think we can make it

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ah yes, nothing like having diarrhea while dying

Welcome to Nude Empire (On The Discord App)

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. rZAS

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I know the words of some fag online probably don't mean much right now but you need to know that your life means something, you have value. Things aren't gonna magically get better you're gonna have to work for it and it's not always gonna be easy. Just please don't give up hope yet. I hope I'm not to late, if you've already taken the pills call 911 and have your stomach pumped or if you don't want to spend money force your fingers down your throat and make yourself throw up until you get it out of your system, please.

>paste bin link
>check it
>discord server link
Just fucking post the actual link or admit you're larping

Don't do it man. Life is too short already.



>it should result in my permanent sleep
Wrong retard. You've got like a 4% chance that this actually kills you.

I have no problems with you killing yourself, but I'd rather have it actually work. Jump off a building or shoot yourself in the head.

Idk if orajel can kill you. God speed you glorious faggot.

The paracetamol will kill you very slowly over a long period of time without treatment

The combination of NSAIDs might give you a kidney injury or tachycardia.

I also thought about killing myself, till i waited for a few days and life became much better, and some of my personal struggles were gone. C'mon bro, don't let this be the end of you user!

>don't want to leave a mess for my parents
>takes laxatives

Oh there's gonna be a mess lmao

Don’t do it man. Give life another chance, there’s always tomorrow for things to get better. Countless people have gotten out of dark places in their lives. Please don’t end your only shit at life

This this this this
Easiest way to go. You’ll literally love it.

It's to flush the toxins out so they think he died of natural causes


At least his teeth wont hurt...

Is everyone here new to this?
This post is bait, and OP is a fucking autist who posted this numerous times now.

Not trying to sound like some white knight fag, but life is truly a gift. I have had near death experiences from drugs and seizures and finally realize this

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>I have had near death experiences from drugs
you should try it again so we don't have to hear your faggotry.

You're not going to die you fucking retard. You're going to vomit and shit yourself and spend a week in the hospital. Then you're going to be forced into therapy for years. You'll wish you had saved up to buy a gun. Stop being a pussy and make moves to improve your life.

Welcome to Nude Empire (On The Discord App)

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. pepy

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only 7 shots of vodka dude do 20+ shots of whiskey first only pussies do vodka shots

you just sound like a typical idiot. how are you going to decide what life is for other people when you have such a shitty life? why do you think you get to define life as a "gift" for other people?

Go out well.

I mean if you're going to kill yourself (assuming you haven't killed yourself yet) you might want to poison the shit outta your abuser before you go. What they gonna do? Give you the death penalty? Throw your corpse in jail?

Death penalty takes years of prison which is torture for most.

Make SURE if you break the law on your way out that you’re successful killing yourself because they will make you regret it if you’re not.

see you on the other side user

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nice copypasta from Yea Forums faggot

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cheer up


Have fun fucking up your liver and shitting yourself. Prolly wont die tho.

>i understand that the death wont be comfortable

Certainly not when your asshole is gonna be shooting pills everywhere

orajel for getting blacked, about the only thing that may happen

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