Ya fucking faggots

ya fucking faggots
next week my little step daughter will be 12
what should I by her?
btw. she calls me dad since she was 8

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Condoms. Because this is Yea Forums I can't give you a serious answer.

Do you fantasise about cumming in her?

Lingerie and lube, then a wink and a smile

no never!
she's like my own blood

fucking pedos!!!!

I would cum in her...

pic is not related fucking faggot!

instead of giving her a present you should take her virginity

thatd be a funny prank

Damn.. You broke my dreams you slime fuck

and thats why you posted her on b so everyone can get off on her

buy her a nice gift
tell her mom that you can help throw out a kids party
invite some kids with their parents
make your step daughter happy to call you dad since she was 8..

I could post her
but you know the mods
don't wanna get a ban again

no! not everyone just the sick pedo ones

Damn, but pic chick is gorgeous, would cum shot her

Rent a conference room at a hotel so she can have a party with her friends. Hire a dj. Let them feel like cool kids

a classic. the gift that lasts forever

she's is just 12!!!
shame on you nigger

Lets make forbiden love pedo thread

body or inside?

>>btw. she calls me dad since she was 8
thats nice

R U serious?
fucking niggez!!!

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yeah it is pal
I'm proud as shit!

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nah son, no problem with that
cause I lover her more than my own son!!!
would never harm her

I want to take her clothes off, tie her hands to a tree and sodomize her while she cries.

Don't judge.

sick shit son!

>love a child that isn't yours more than your own flesh and blood son
Your kid does not like her, and as he gets older that hate is going to grow.

>i'm not a pedo! i just save these pics of little girls cause i can!

he is too young to understand
thank god
but deep inside I know and fell that I lover her more than him

It's not like he's going to stay young forever

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Show me with the doll where he touched you

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she is his big sister
same mother diffrent dad
as simple as that


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get her one of those kits where you can make bracelets n' shit.

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show picture
post an example

mehr sage ich nicht fotze

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Your kid is going to grow up feeling how much you prefer her over him and he's going to resent the both of you by the time he moves out

OP why are you such a fucking pedo creep? I really hope this kid reports you to the proper authorities.

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Just search "bracelet kit" ya dingus.

>prefer her over him and he's going to resent t

sounds don't right but I know what you mean
and yeah I hate it, but you are right
but I can't help myself son
since I was 12 I whised always a babygirl never a son


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Fuck the U.S
here in Europe
there is real freedom and justice

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*violin sounds stop*

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pic related?

life's hard
life's so hard

jokes on you trying to ask something wholesome on Yea Forums. Just go to walmart or toysrus and pick up something in the girls aisle. Alternatively take her to a restaurant, amusement park, a picnic, etc.

best advice!!!
are you a dad?
she wanna a nintendo switch
I'm unsure

I have young sisters. A Nintendo switch is nice. Maybe 1-2 popular games with it too.

how old?
ever sniffed on their panties?

The biggest vibrator you can find.
It'll keep her from dating.

>selfish dad
enjoy having a gay son one day

>It'll keep her from dating.
that sound nice
cause I'm jealous as fuck
and I know next she will get a BF but deep inside I could beat him to death

>by her
Maybe a dictionary so she won't be as much of a mongoloid as her stepdad

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I meant BUY
sorry sir

>enjoy having a gay son one day

I know he is my "real" son
but I don't like him
I love my step daughter
I lover her so fucking much

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We both got dubs
Nao u must do it

she is legal son of a bitch

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you're right
so what to do?

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>lover her so much

= fuck her

Speak for yourself.

fuck that little whore
just like I did

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shes 18 right

story? sauce?


holy shitmods

I got more
but ya fucking niggez are so plain
so plain always vanilla and always will be

chill your tits


Moar of her please!!

why sholud I risk it?
get a ban! for what?
the most of these niggez her will never recognize it

>Moar of her please!!

more of what?

Little girl nudes of course

buy her some silver or gold bullion. (depending on your financial situation)
something that she will have for a long time and that by the time she grows up will likely be worth a lot more than it is now.
Instead of some shit toy that she will play with for a while and likely forget about.


but I don't expect that she would it appreciate
it now......she is too young son


I would rather die
you fucking whore!!!!!

>you fucking whore!!!!!

just like your mother and your sisters?
Don't think so, cause my Girl is special

Just buy it & leave it in her nightstand drawer
Maybe put a bow on it

she calls me daddy to

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Hell will freeze over before

>This thread

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she will never my little incel


then GTFO

I can't forget reading lolita and feel pity on you pedos. Yet you must die

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>feel pity on you pedos


Welcome to Nude Empire (On The Discord App)

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. cbgt

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Nintendo switch.
You pedophiles in the chat disgust me. Kill yourselves

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Use her body

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>comes to Yea Forums
>mentions 12 yo stepdaughter
>butthurt when pedos reply
>where do you think you are?

>user tries to see the good in people
>talks to op as if he's an innocent person
>stops responding
Lmao I love that he just abandoned the thread instead of berating OP

>You pedophiles in the chat disgust me
dunno what you talking bout ya UNTERMENSCH

she's my diamond and I lover her more than my own son!!!!

yeah you're right!
don't expect so much pedos
my fault

Take her on a camping trip to a really nice place.

Gota admire this me me
Good job mans

Make it memorable by taking lots of landscape photos and photos of you two.

Make a physical album of them and mark it 12th birthday.

she might not fully appreciate it now, (although girls do love shiny pretty things) so I wouldn't totally write it off..
I've been giving children I know precious metals as gifts for a while now and they all love it..
Even if you just throw a 1oz silver coin in with whatever the main gift you get her it will be something she has forever, can't say that about many gifts.
My Granny did this for me and my sisters when we were about that age, I didn't fully appreciate it at the time, but I still have that coin, and I can't say that I still have, or even remember any other gifts I was given from that time.

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serious answer: personally i wouldnt get her something like an electronic kids nowadays need to live in the now, if they want the luxury of an electronic they can buy it themselves but get her something like a bike, fishing pole (great bonding time if you love fishing)

Why are you responding sincerely to OP? Have you seen his replies? He's a full on pedo and has multiple pics of different little girls saved on his computer