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shut the fuck up nigger, you're projecting your misunderstandings of what leftists are actually capable of doing. even if he wins, shit isn't going to be free overnight, and never will be.
>what leftists are actually capable of doin
What would that be? Other than making life worse for the middle class
Kill yourself
Yeah, Sanders isn't rapey enough
Rofl you're probably some low-class from a wage-cucking family whose convinced they're actually middle class and the leftists are stealing from them with the
op, quit being retarded
>Reactionaries love to pretend Canada is some commie shithole where everything is free, and commies like to pretend we're in some despotic neocon shithole
It sounds like everybody agrees that Canada IS a shithole. They just can't agree on why it's a shithole
>I live in Canada
Oh so you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, but feel the need to open your stupid fucking mouth? KYS
that just makes him cooler, thanks for sharing.
hUUrRr dUUUrrrrghrr leaf opinions are invalid 11!1!!!!
It isn't. Go to school, get a degree or a trade, be smart with your money, and live within your means. You can live a perfectly happy life. Cucks are always just angry they didn't get lucky in life and have to work shitty jobs.
>It isn't
That's not what you said in your last post
t retard who doesn't understand the economics of a socialistic society
Stay mad wage-cuck. I'm not a commie or a reee-ing reactionary. Not my fault you aren't smart with your money.
It is when you're trying to lecture people about a country you don't even live in or ever have, so fuck off
Easy Ivan, you've been posting a lot lately.
but mUh CoMm-you-niSm literally kIllEd 9000 ppl! thE LEfT wNts 2 mAke EvEryThinG fREeEEEEEEEeEE leafs BTFO!1!!1
says the rightist who thinks blaming everything wrong with society on immigrants is any better
its funny because 4 more years of trump's bullshit isnt gonna be any better for the economy either
to bad his supporters are to poor and stupid to know the difference
ah yes, because trump is doing so much for the middle class by making all sorts of corporate tax breaks for the 0.5%
diversity is our StRENgTh!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!
(immigrants are only good for cheap labour, and nothing else. stay mad libtard.)
you do realize there's already a shitload of "socialist" policies in place in the usa, right?
but of course a conservatard wouldn't understand that, he just hears "socialism" and screeches and spams his political comics
At least I don't live in a country that both left and right agree are a shithole. You just like it there because it's not illegal to fuck moose or squirrel
>thinking that institutions in the US are vulnerable to any remotely socialist policy as ones in shithole countries
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And that's exactly why both "left" and "right" parties don't actually do much for the people at all. They both serve globalist/corporate interests, but the party supporters are completely oblivious. All they do is cum whenever their politicians say anything and reeeeee when the opposing parties say something.
Alternatively, you can stop reeeeing about politics on the internet and get nice job to support your family and live a happy life.
exactly right. we can't BORROW and SPEND our way to prosperity. what we need is a STABLE currency with minimal inflation. the more the Fed manipulates the economy, the more it keeps distorting it ... with costs rising soon $15/hour won't be enough, then $20/hour won't be enough, etc... we should be aiming to keep the prices of things as STABLE as possible. that's the best way to stimulate growth, just by keeping things stable and predictable.
rather than trying to prevent inflation and prevent an inevitable recession, the government needs to allow this recession (part of the natural economic cycle) to occur. interest rates need to be allowed to naturally rise, this will trigger a painful recession in the short-term - nonproductive businesses will close, jobs will be lost, but capital and labor will be freed up for use in other productive areas of the economy, but prevent even worse long-term pain.
our government must stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.
I do have a decent job, and no issue spring my family.
That's even more impressive considering that it takes more money to house and feed a human family than it does to live in the woods with your mutant human-squirrell offspring subsisting on maple syrup
It's okay, I'll let you have the last word.
That's mighty white of you
As a Canadian, doesn't that mean you must give me your moose-wife and apologize for racism?
The fact that temper tantrums are being thrown constantly here about Bernie, gives me hope that he has a good shot at winning. Shills are on full damage control
Yeah I watched him speak. I was amazed at how pathetically ignorant he is. I must be challenged to watch cable tv anymore. What a 100% retard he has no concept of reality. But YES have him run for president that would be great.
Honestly I agree with Bernie for many reasons.
1. whats wrong with letting immigrants in? No they won't steal our jobs.
2. Free money is a good thing. It will help us with our economy.
3. I think free iPhones are a necessity now. How would you communicate if you were lost?
try moving to Venezuela dickhead...
This must be bait are you retarded? Ahh free money from where? Are you willing to give 50% of your 9 dollar an hour job to pay for immigrants? Kys
Venezuela is actually Improving because of socialism asshole
>1. Yes they will.
>2. No it isn't. Work for your money, you libtard.
>3. Communication and Internet can be a necessity, but certain not an iphone. maybe just cheap wifi and phone plans if net neutrality can be advanced and telecom companies can be regulated a bit more.
>american elections are coming up in a year
>time to spam fucking tons of ww2 propaganda
take a fucking breather, you fat, shit-smelling americunts. get the fuck back to your containment board, you human cancer.
pls dont use the r-word. The money would come from our government of course. I wouldn't have to pay anything to let immigrants in
>Haha I don't have any smart points to say, so I'll just say the V-word! Checkmate libtard!
Of course it's bait Jesus Christ are you retarded?
>inb4 it was all merely a ruse
the only thing worse than political shitposting is 4d political shitposting
I do work for my money, but not everyone has to work
we are vulnerable as long as there are dickheads like you around....move to Venezuela fuck face.
He has NO shot of winning, kid. And no one is throwing a temper over Bernie. We're LAUGHING at him and you clowns that support his bullshit.
Where are you going to get all of this "free money", you goddamn motherfucking idiot? This is why we need a fucking IQ test to vote.
you are a fucking moron aren't you?
>REEEEEEEE I'm just gonna bring up vEnEzUELa
What fucking institution of the USA can be fucked up so easily? You'd think the establishment, wealthy folks, or military would just sit by as a leftist president tries to, I don't know, dismantle the treasury and consolidate power? That's not fucking possible, you kike.
I actually have a degree in geography so no I am not a moron
You underestimate the value of free labor that’s why so many us companies outsource. Get fukt, nigger
the money would come from the government
>I actually have a degree in geography
More lies
Dude you are wasting your time talking to this retard. He would do us all a favor and an hero
And where does the government get the money from?
you wasted your parents money
>thinking outsourcing is a bad thing
Try not to let a fucking mexican be more competitive than you at your job. If a company can find a cheaper resource elsewhere (including labour) they have every right to take it.
He's either acting like a fucking retard on purpose or he's a beaner(or some other subhuman). It's the only explanation.
and what makes you more qualified than me, someone with a degree?
Land of the free. It's all free. Muh freedumbs.
I didn’t imply it’s a bad thing. How can I compete with anyone willing to work for less than a livable wage, faggolini?
they just print the money dumbass
Danny Sexbang really let himself go.
why do fat people always think other people are jealous of them?
I'm not a fucking idiot like you. Next question.
Yeah all those lazy Americans that don't want to work for $5 an hour with no OT pay. You're right lets all have open borders because beaners will work for slavery pay.
>they just print the money dumbass
You need to be 18 years old for this website kid
I'm a femanon here. Can confirm.
im 53 you fucking prick
Youre being trolled, retard
>hURZ iM 53zz GuYZ I sWeaRz
Does your mommy know you're on Yea Forums kiddo?
pls do not post those images those are very disgusting
I never said open borders are a good thing. Immigrants are generally lazy, so companies have to see if the reduced labour cost is really worth the reduced productivity. Again, try not to let a mexican out-compete you.
Immigrants are literally the cause of 90% of all problems in society.
my mom is 81 and in an adult care facility in phoenix you prick. dont talk about my mother
Yea, hurr dhurr let's just print more money. Everyone is now a millionaire. And a loaf of bread costs a thousand dollars.
evidence actually points to the opposite, they are improving our country
there's a reason its guarded by security. so no one steals the money
>>being this stupid.
You must be trolling.
I lol'd
Your mother is a fucking whore and you're a underaged little bitch. Now leave.
I wouldn't be surprised if the government didn't just extend high school for four more years. Honestly, wouldn't that be the best choice for morons who want more school?
College is a meme. Most people have no right going to college unless they want to become a doctor or a lawyer.
This is now a dingo thread.
Nigger if anything they should make high school shorter. It's a huge waste of fucking time.
cause fuck accountants, businessmen, urban planners, engineers, scientists? college is a good place to learn about the real world. neetcucks wouldn't understand.
id rather kill you
i'm down. fuck /pol/niggers
Google The Venus Project.
Seriously Google it.
muslims are so fucking cool
Yeah, fuck off with trying to demonize people who don't make a steady paycheck but devote their efforts to trying to make others lives better.
Anecdotally, yeah, I came from community housing in the 90's now I make $60,000 a year.
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fuck, you guys still going?
>literally facebook maymay
back to facebook
at this point, anyone whos a republican and not filthy rich is just legally retarded and should have their voting rights stripped. how many failed republican presidents and bankrupted economies is it going to take till you realize they dont give a fuck about you, only hurt the economy, and make the average living condition worse. the republican party hasnt done one good thing for the economy in 20+ years. theyre passing off this fantasy that if they have control, business's will grow stronger causing everyone to suddenly get fair wages and be able to live the american dream lmfao. all theyve done since trump became president is make economic disparity worse, attack social programs designed to make the country function, and destroy the environment.
republican party is so outdated. we no longer have a need for their existence.
democratic party as well but thats off topic
>2. No it isn't. Work for your money, you libtard
uh, yes it is. money stimulates the economy. at this point, people dont have enough money to put into the economy causing an economic nose dive
thats what the 1% want you to think, so you wont notice them inflating housing costs, lowering pay wages and labor force, and stealing tax payer money for bailouts and tax loopholes. corporate america and the top rich are the cause of 90% of all problems in society
Its not free. People pay every month a tax related to healthcare and that money is used for the healthcare. People pay according to their salaries and as long as they pay they are cover by the healthcare. This system has worked in my country since the 1940's and it has improve oir life greatly. You can keep screaming healthcare will ruin usa's economy, but in our country it actually save lifes and increase not only our population number but also our life expectancy. Everyone pays monthly so everyone has access to the service. You may scream desperately Bernie Sanders is a Communist that will ruin your countrie's economy but meanwhile I will be happier than if I get run by a fucking car I will have to pay nothing more than my monthly tax contribution. Do I loose money if I decide to not use my healthcare service once and decide to go to a private hospital in a month and still pay the tax? I dont care about not having used the service because my contribution helps all the other people who cant afford private healthcare.
yea the irony is 'to' sweet isn't it
Plus this fuckin' idiot was thrown out of a hippie commune because he was too lazy.
Then Earn some money and put it into the economy
Norway doesn't have millions of illegals steaming in each year.
>no welfare is not socialist
>welfare is only possible in state capitalism
>sweden and norway are state capitalists
>no, socialism is not having state run buisnesses
>socialism is giving workers the control over the means of production
>Does venezuela do that?
>Does china do that?
>Did the USSR do that?
>Do democrats do that?
>Did Hillary propose that?
>Does Bernie sanders propose that?
>Does sweden do that?
>The clear answer is no
>No control over the means of production=not socialist
>sorry but thats the truth, you cant blame it for the failure of "socialist" countries neither for the welfare state
>Its not that socialism only works when we think that is socialism,, socialim is workers control over the means of production, either by banning private property or making new laws for it to happen, neither of those have been done or proposed by the countries and polititians I mentioned
>No marxism isnt the same as Leninism and socialism isnt the same as communism, neither marx or lenin were socialists.
>want proof it can work at a big scale well open google and see how mondragon corporation is doing, open another tab and look for the spanish revolutionary movement and how they managed to make a prosperous socialist state with good healthcare and education
>want to know the reason socialism isnt still a thing?
>blame globalists, blame the united states,blame the CIA for exterminaing these movements with violence and replacing it with US backed dictatorships and/or state run capitalism
>want to know whats really dangerous for democracies?
>guess what the US is doing about it... you almost guessed it, nothing as long as those regimes are beneficient for them, is socialism beneficient for their empire? you guessed it again no
This fucking they/them gets it.
So many fucking kiddos and boomers in here that have no idea what socialism actually is.
Because Norway isn’t made of sand, and no one wants to live in the cold all year
So are you a wage duck or unemployed?
this is now a gang weed thread
fellow libertarian anarchists rise up
checked now yuo see
Not that user, no clue what you're on about, but
Typical leaf
I remember my first year of macroecon
>quote of actor represent movements opinion
>me country have no poor
>venezuela has poor children haha xd you triggered by the truth libtard?
>workers rights lead to poverty
>venezuela have many workers rights
>thats why they poor
>I just pwned you libcuck
>what you triggered
>me win
>pay an extra $400 a year in taxes
>don't pay $400 a month in health insurance
>get prescriptions for $5 instead of $100
america needs a firestorm. a plague isn't fast enough.
I miss these.
Gamers rise up is actually about unionizing the game industry
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unions are a drumpfter conspiracy yuo libtarder
Kek angry 20 year old. You'll get it someday
The chuds are just too Cucked by the ruling class to get that a better world is possible.
iPad and I’m a hawaiian
The real conspiracy is that war isnt about profit. It's actually about fucking soldiers young dumb wives
now yuo see
incelibertarian soldiers ris eup
But that SOSHULISCIM reeeeeeeeeeeeee
hahaha hard kek lefty's are so dumb
taxation is theft against incellibertarians u libtarded drumpfter
trump gave farm corps $6000000000.00, for what? So they can throw away fucking soy beans and they can dump 5% more ethanol into our gas. BUTTPLUG 2020!
user NO!
but I should have the fr33dumh to decide where I want to get my overpriced healthcare from! Why should I payy for lazy people to benefit from my labour? Why should I give the gubmint more money? Am I being detained? They will literally come to my house with a gun if I dont pay taxes.
Im going to turn your face into lemonade
This is pleasurable. I'm masterbating to this hard now