How many Yea Forumstards have these or equivalent in their town?

How many Yea Forumstards have these or equivalent in their town?

Love them, hate them, cut the brakes or throw them in the river?

Here people whine that they don't obey traffic laws like a car instead of a bike, so I ride in the middle of the lane where cars can't pass me. Keep honking carfags.

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We have rental scooters, rental bikes, and rental Segways (or used to).
Have no opinions

rental segways? that's hilarious

we have the sit-down scooters too that look like a stripped down moped, and a bike share that no one uses (you can see those in the bkg of the pic)

never seen them before, but i'm from a country where literally everyone rides bikes around town instead.
still blows my mind that in western countries people aren't allowed to ride bikes on the sidewalk but they can ride those deathtrap looking scooter things on the sidewalk just fine.

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here and every other place i've heard of in the US it's illegal to ride them on the sidewalks

in my state bikes can ride on the sidewalk only if they're going pedestrian speed

also they're limited to 15mph so not really any more dangerous than a bike... easier to hop off and avoid a wreck actually

I have lime in my country along with 11 other companies all trying to compete with each other.
it became such a problem and they are so many of them that people just abandon them in the midle of the sidewalks (and in my city most sidewalks you can't pass more then three people next to each other) and the city just strats to towe them and fine the companys but they just don't pay and now they are over 2300 scooters in a warehouse stuck bc the companies refuse to pay.

sorry for broken english

how much is the fine?

they should make whatever asshole didn't park it right pay... i don't like people that give towns a reason to ban them

I haven't seen them in a while. Probably a pilot program or something confined to a neighborhood

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the fine is about 30 euros for each scooter.

there are desiganted spots for them. people just don't park them there. it depends on the companys do make the people park there or else the town is considering revoking their operators license

yeah it's technically a 6-month pilot here too, i really hope they keep them; they should it's super popular, lime said they're more popular here than any other city in terms of rides vs population

but some dickheads think they should be operated like cars, and some dickheads ride them on the sidewalks, run red lights, and leave them in the middle of sidewalks

>be scooter company
>make antitheft mechanism so dumb only a nigger couldn't bypass it
>scooter theft is almost nonexistent despite stopping only 13%of the population

well even if you get one to unlock they have gps too, not to mention needing their proprietary charger which even the people who get paid to charge them at night have to pay like $30 for

so now you're above what homeless whites and white trash can do too

have a link about riding them without fees?

damn that's fucking stupid to lose a fancy electric scooter over a $30 fine

i understand why they oppose forcing docking locations though, that kills a ton of convenience... people don't want to have to go blocks out of their way

Sidewalks are for PEDESTRIANS. All else must bear the road

>here and every other place i've heard of in the US it's illegal to ride them on the sidewalks
yeah and a lot of other countries i've visited too
but it's funny because no-one fucking uses the sidewalks anyway, not to mention cyclists on the road are always copping flak from angry psychopath car drivers with a vein popping out of their forehead.
Then cities and towns waste money on bike lanes n shit.
They should literally just allow cyclists to ride on the sidewalk and on the road in small neighborhood streets just like in Japan and Europe and problem would be fucking solved.

yeah i wasn't disagreeing, just saying what the law is here.

bikers on the sidewalk never fucking go slow anyway

yeah where i used to live everyone biked on the sidewalks because no one walked anywhere, but where i live now tons of people walk, lots of pedestrians on every single block, and bikes/scooters on the sidewalk is legit dangerous

Back in my home town.
I was dying st the Southpark episode, then I went home for Christmas and had to avoid a few dumbasses/drunks riding around the streets at night wearing all black.
Fuck when I was a kid the cops could fine your parents if you didn't wear your free helmet.
Now tards blowing threw intersections texting on their scooter.

heh yeah that episode was great

stupid parents letting their little kids ride them here is another dickhead move.
but really the dickheads are a tiny, tiny minority and if they ruin it for everyone i'm going to bash them with a scooter

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Adults look fucking cringy riding these in public. In my opinion, scooters are only for kids.

i see them all over here and they move about quite often, but i never see anyone actually using them.

Adults look fucking cringy riding these in public. In my opinion, scooters are only for kids. Just get a bike like a normal human being if you don't want to use a car.

Credit card and phone skimming tip.

Install several skimmers on these little guys and you'll be able to steal credit cards easily. If they have prepaid, you can possibly use a portable cloner and just clone the information the little box has. If you didn't know, the little recievers aren't encrypted.

you must be fun at parties

eh Tokyo's got 40 million people and they have no trouble with it.
Just sayin.
I always think of the "GRRRR FUCKING CYCLISTS!!!!!" shit as a case of other countries and cities just needing to git gud.
In their defense though, a lot of western countries like the US, Australia, Canada etc are really good at designing the layout of their cities and towns really inefficiently and wasting lots of space.

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that's not how they work. it's all controlled from an app on your phone that connects to their servers, not the scooter itself (and their servers send the unlock command to the scooter). and you add money to your account in advance, your card isn't even charged right when you ride

yeah the US et al. are designed exclusively for cars, everything else is an afterthought

at least in my town almost all the roads are 1-way and narrow, and between that, all the stop signs, and the heavy pedestrians, cars can't really go too fast anyway

We've got them here in Columbus, only used them once. Thought they were super convenient actually to get from one side of downtown to the other pretty fast. There's breweries on both sides so shooting across in a couple minutes to get a nice pint without having to call an uber or park your car was pretty cool.

Thumbs up from me.

>anyone who isnt a yes man that pretends to love everything is boring at parties
>because all we care about is people at parties

yeah they're great for trips that are too far to walk but not far enough to justify uber/etc

i use them to get to the subway station, which is a 1.1mi walk... just far enough that some days i just don't want to walk it, but uber is like $12. with waiting for the driver to arrive the scooter gets me there faster and for $2-3

dude there's a difference between 'i just don't like the scooters' and 'adults look cringy on them, they're for kids' (kids can't even legally operate the electric ones)

its legal to bike on the sidewalk here, and thats the only place i ride. fuck it im not riding my bike next to a 50+ton trailer.
>me on bike vs a child walking, minor bruises to both of us and i get the blame
i can live with that
>me on bike vs truck, im dead and trucker get charged for it no matter what i did
fuck no

dude there's a difference between someone not being an interesting person and someone not liking certain things. I'm not that guy but I agree scooters look dumb as fuck and I'm sure as hell not trying one because I don't want to look so stupid. I also don't ride bikes either for the same reason but I would rather ride a bike than this.

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>still blows my mind that in western countries people aren't allowed to ride bikes on the sidewalk

the rules are often different from city to city, I feel like you've never actually lived in a "western" city

Tried them once but I felt like a drunken sperglord about to faceplant the whole way, so nothing for me.

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when i had a bike, i would ride it on the sidewalk all the time

well fuck me sideways, you mean to tell me that one of the most densely populated countries in the world prioritizes efficient city planning more than somewhere like north america, which is still mostly undeveloped area-wise?

>dude there's a difference between someone not being an interesting person and someone not liking certain things.
yes and i explained why you're the former, and the rest of your comment makes that point again

not me,because im not in some enviromentalist liberal faggot city like yours

through pedestrian traffic?

that's what everyone does where the sidewalks are always empty, the problem is where you're in an area where there's actually people walking.

>where cars cant pass me

so when you get ran over by one,what are you gonna say then

>haha,retards! look at me on muh scooter,zoom zoom.i wish i was 13 again like the people who ride these

Funny you should mention throwing them in the river.

Something you want to confess to user? :)

yes i'm sure all those cities in the deep red states are all hippy dippy environuts city is though, we're right across the river from lower manhattan

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wasnt ever that dense in suburban areas, but even through the main streets, yes i would
as long as im not, idk kicking people or smashing into shit like a tard no one cared

I hate 'em for the same reason i hate cyclists. They ignore the traffic laws in general- i had some dipshit ride through a crosswalk on one and shout at me for rolling through the stopsign and ignoring him, hope the idiot gets hit by a car.

>so when you get ran over by one,what are you gonna say then
"hell yeah it's lawsuit time!" since i'm not at fault

haha last night I got to ride for free twice because two poor losers forgot to end their ride

sounds like your city is terrible

where I live we have these bird scooters.
I have been using the bird scooters after my electric scooter got stolen.

are rolling stops legal there?

and even if they were, unless it was a 4-way stop you broke the traffic law by not stopping for traffic with the right of way

but i hate the people that do dangerous things that violate the law too. like if there's a stop sign or red light, you need to slow down and make sure it's completely clear before proceeding. like i said earlier dickheads doing stupid shit is going to get them banned

kek they're in for a shock. those per-minute charges add up fast

Thanks for riding them on the road like a intelligent person.

I know personally that Lime was kicked out of Nevada after Reno and Sparks got tired of their shit. The bikes became a huge joke around here, they still pull some from the river from time to time.

yeah i definitely don't want to be one of the lawbreakers that gets them banned

i always make sure to slow down and make sure the intersection is clear at stop signs, and always stop completely at red lights and just walk the scooter across if it's clear

the bike shares are too much of a pain and the bikes always suck.

dockless scooters are awesome tho

apparently a full 1/3rd of the people in our town have used them, definitely not a joke

Drunk guys.

It's basically the same idea as skipping. A scooter is faster than walking but slower than biking. And you look like silly. Skipping is faster than walking but slower than running and you look totally retarded

nah i love the scooters, but people have thrown them in the river (and cut the brakes) here too

Used a few times. I've had some shenanigans with them.
>be me
>far from home
>3 free scooters nearby
>next closest about 5 km away
>go and grab one
>some tard eating lunch with his wife and kid starts shouting at me
>"they're reserved"
>app says they're free
>tell him to fuck off and pay for the reservation
>mfw I ruined some tards lunch with his family

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Whats stopping people from throwing these things in the river or off bridges or just leaving them in random places and not bringing them back?

I'm in Dallas, we have lime, and bird scooters. And these jump bikes I'm told are an über project. I like em. I'll go to my favorite bar in one side of town, then drunkenly ride to downtown for last call at my favorite bars. Then back to the late night club.

So Brooklyn?

They beep when you move them, they have GPS so the maintenance ppl can pick em up. When you are done with it, you need to take a picture of it to "lock it" so it stops charging you. If you can get past that, you have an unpowered heavy scooter.

if it was that important they should have kept them reserved in the app. you keep getting charged, but no one else can take it

nothing really, people do throw them in rivers.
if they get left in random places, employees will eventually show up to bring them back since they have gps

if the rider does anything, they can charge damages to your card. if someone else vandalizes them, they probably walked past a camera at some point (and the gps will have the path) so the police see who it is

but really most people don't just go around destroying everything in public every night, so it's not that big a problem

hoboken. NYC doesn't have them yet

everyone is going to laugh when you get a DUI on a scooter

I completely understand the risk. But it is one of the freest feelings in life. Doing 20 down the streets of Dallas. Last time I went, I blacked out on my way home. So it's been awhile for me now.

riding a scooter while black out drunk is one of the freest feelings in life?