Much better

Much better

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We could also do without the dick-rate threads.

seems light. id have to take 3 screenshots to show them all

I have those and about 15 more. Makes the site much nicer. Currently 26 threads are hidden.



My sweet summer child

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


if they know you filter deepfags theyll start renaming it. this is dangerous

how that think work on Android

I just ignore most of the threads that are spam
but I honestly cannot stand the 'blackmailing into eating shit' spam. Had to filter that lol

it doesnt

>not filtering merchandiser

I gave up with filters long ago.
They always start wording shit differently to get past it.
Easier to just right click and hide threads.

>They always start wording shit differently to get past it.
Yea Forums was a mistake.

My ignore list is so long I have to scroll it...


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t. incel



incel is now being added

>calls op incel for filtering
>calls guy based for fake filter post

Attached: MV5BMzY4MjljYzctMzExNy00ZDYzLWFhOWMtODQ4MzE3ZjIzZTkxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc2MDg1NzA@._V1_.jpg (1412x768, 190K)

I don't get why you guys filter things. Don't you come here to see random stuff? If you filter "trap" aren't you missing out on "I traped a slug in a salt maze" or "help my leg is in a bear trap"?

You clearly put alot of thought into your replies kiddo

missing out? not at all

you forgot about "shouldnt share" "fb/ig" "celeb" etc

But how do you know? Any thread of any topic could include one of your filtered words. What if this threads OP contained one? Then you wouldn't be here. This is clearly a thread that grabbed your interest. You're just hiding a ton of potentially awesome threads.


Implying missing out on anything here would matter. Its all a pile of garbage

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i think youre missing the point of filters. if it contains anything i filter, then i dont want to see it

Then why are you here? You're coming into a museum with sunglasses on and hoping you find something nice.

Sure if it's not vague like "deepfakes", but something like "trap", "tribute", or "yellow" can be used in many different contexts.

Seeing as the whole 'yellow' thing was an embarassing disaster, I should get rid of that one

>he still doesnt understand

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Ohai newfriend.
I'm set in my ways, I choose the threads I choose, the rest can slide.

Nope, I don't. I assume you might be viewing these threads as acceptable losses to not see some spooky words, and images that hurt you. But I could never understand that logic.

you seem like the type of guy thats reads every spam email

Is it safe to unfilter "yellow" and "porn" now? I haven't been on Yea Forums for about a week but I don't have many threads hidden anymore.

When I get one I don't recognize, yeah. It's interesting to see the purpose of the spam and the method they use to accomplish that purpose. It takes mere seconds to determine what a thing is and if I care about it.

/((boy butt)|shota|cock|dick|fluffy|abuse|trap|cd|shemale|(mental illness)|femboy|crossdressing|sissy|twink|tributes?|trib|chubby) (thread|bread)/i
/(dick|penis|cock|benis) (rate|r8|rating)/i
/(cum|cock|favorite) tribute/i
/fluffy abuse|define atheism/i
/(your mother will die in her sleep)|(your mother dies in her sleep)/i
/(or this will happen to you)|(or this happens to you)/i
/(his logs)|(^would you\?$)|(loo+gs)/i
/(hunger games|kik|8-ball|steam).*?(thread|bread|simulation)/i
Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?
/gayest sexual experiences?|gayest thing you/i
Why do the democrats want open borders

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here's mine, looking for suggestions

Attached: xd.png (361x346, 31K)

>I have a lot of free time and am willing to sacrifice it for dumb bullshit
Good for you but automated filters exist for people that aren't like you. We don't want to manually sort through all this bullshit and we don't want it sitting around taking up space. Absurd amounts of useless spam garbage is not something most people want to see.

takes 0 seconds to know what i dont care about, thats why i filter it. if you find spam email interesting i dont think we have anything else to talk about lol

friendly reminder to report all advertising and discord spam

I'm at 1400 or so filters. I love it. Thank fuck for filters.


op is a faggot and should kill himself


there i fixed it

I understand why you'd want to filter all "log" threads, but I'm wondering why it's worth losing all the threads with the word "log" in them. Most filters I see are just general words. I wouldn't want to miss out on "dumping Morgan Freeman's text message log". You can do what you want obviously, but the reason I come to Yea Forums is to see things I wouldn't expect, and blocking extremely common words is not a good way to find that stuff.

every example youve came up with is retarded and larping. there is no real scenario where the words that are filtered would peak any interest

yellowfags just don't know how to filter

Attached: filter.jpg (1014x635, 80K)

Go check the archives and see just how commonly the word "log" is used in any other context on Yea Forums. Any thread that uses that word out of a spamming context is entirely worth missing to no longer see disgusting spam that isn't even funny. This is a simple concept, man. I don't know how or why you would live your life, trudging through shit on the off chance that you'd find one good thing. That can't be healthy.

You are sorely lacking in imagination and/or have zero interests. I should have already known that since you or the other user stated that you don't even enjoy the content on this board that you waste time making filters for.

you have to be trolling. you win this time i give up

Do you leave your house? It takes zero effort to "trudge through shit". I walk by people that are the scum of the earth, I drive by people who drive like monkeys, I work with people who don't belong in my field. Who cares? It's not harmful or difficult.

>i give up
Also something I should have know.
See you around user. Thanks for the "win" I guess.

Yeah okay but this isn't outside. This is the internet where you have the option to escape from dumb niggers and useless garbage and see what you want. There is no reason to not filter things when you can.

I don't think talking about your job or going outside is the same as changing something you have the control over and not having to see something you don't have interest in. Another bad example. Anymore brain busters?

Because it doesn't hurt to ignore it, and by filtering you lose one or two good threads. Sure one or two is basically nil, but why lose them if you lose nothing otherwise? Are your eyes that sensitive that when you see a yellow image in your peripheral they start bleeding?

Fucking hell if only my filters were that small to make b 'much better'.
I'm too lazy to count all of mine but judging by there being 44 filters shown at one time i'd guestimate i have around 250 and it's still sorely lacking.

hows your first day here? you having fun?

It doesn't matter weather you have control or not. There's just no point in doing something that won't change anything.

It changes me having to see spam I'm not interested in. How is this so hard to understand? How drunk are you?

Don't remember my first day, I'm guessing you do though since yours must have been recent with the resurface of the "haha newfag meme"

I gotta go fellas, it's been fun picking your brains on this. I get your logic, it just seems redundant. "Lemme just filter every thread, that way I can enjoy my 'filter' threads in peace"

>"Lemme just filter every thread, that way I can enjoy my 'filter' threads in peace"
literally makes no sense lmao the fuck is going on in your head

>nu friend

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It pisses me off because it's just so shit. The fakes look atrocious and it's only pathetic losers who would find the results in anyway alluring.

no, you dont know how to use wildcards or operators

It's a work in progress program. One day maybe it'll be perfect but for now, it's just meant to give a basic auto-generated nude edit. It's rough, but pretty good for being free and all. I think some people are taking what it makes and fixing it up in Photoshop, at the end of the day it saves people some work. It's not supposed to be perfect like Deepfake though, I don't why people video deepfakes.

No, they look shit. It's like every subject has had to undergo reconstructive surgery

google boolean operators bruh