Godly horror movies thread:Obscure Edition. Starting with the winner. Pic related...

Godly horror movies thread:Obscure Edition. Starting with the winner. Pic related. Post and discuss the winner and your runners up.

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Pic related is one reason this is the best obscure horror series. Angus Scrim as the Tall Man is one of the best series antagonists of all time. He brought a genuinely creepy and terrifying performance and added a real layer of sophistication and elan to the films.

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Another reason the series stuck on our minds, pun intended, are the sentinels also the spheres. These diabolical balls were something no one say coming in the original and the sequels continued the evolution of these flying death balls. Chrome was never more terrifying than in Phantasm.

Forgot pic.

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Nothing compares

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Behind the Mask :the rise of Leslie Vernon is a brilliant horror comedy. It's about a documentary crew who follow a serial killer but end up being his intended victims.

I loved Behind the Mask. I was hoping for a sequel one day but I don't think it will even happen.

Red pill me on this. Never heard of it.

Not familiar with this one! Tell us about your entry.
This was a great little film! Also a few cameos from the likes of Kane Hodder and a small role for Robert Englund as the Dr. Loomis style character. And of course Leslie Vernon himself was both hilarious and frightening once his slasher switch is flipped.

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it’s an experimental film with a really surreal narrative. it is very visually driven and provocative it bring unrivaled powerful atmospheres and themes

I'll have to look into it!


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begotten is unparalleled in its direction and visual poetry, however it is quite horrific and deals with fantastic unhappy settings

Two more reasons the Phantasm series is the winner for me: Reggie and his motherfuckin quad barrel shotgun! Coolest weapon for the coolest hero in horror. For things I learned from watching horror movies, the first two listed are both you NEVER fuck with Reggie!

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Get your shit spam out of my thread.

Also Phantasm has excellent taste in cars. The iconic 1971 Hemi Cuda used in the films is a total beast of a car and absolutely gorgeous. As Reggie would say Hot is love baby, and this car is smoking hot. Smash hit shows like Supernatural owe a debt to Phantasm 2 and 3 for the whole traveling hunters in a classic muscle car trope that Phantasm created.

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artsy-fartsy fag shit

>i’m stupid, therefore intelligent things are bad

Also the series with the except of two kept the entire cast together with only A Michael Baldwin here being dropped from 2 due to the studio. This kind of loyalty is a testament to series creator Don Coscarelli.

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You may not be the best participant for this thread kid.

Not only was the series iconic for it's villain The Tall Man, but also the unique creativity and story telling involved. Phantasm brought concepts to the screen that elevated it from it's indie roots to the status of a true timeless classic. Themes of alternate dimensions, time travel, alternate realities and the stunningly simply and very effective portals or doorways. Pic related. These simple chrome posts formed a core part of the series world building and seemd to hold the key to the Tall Man's power.

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I hope I convinced at least one person to watch Phantasm that has never experienced the series before. It's a great ride.

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I'm a fan of the Phantasm films, but you're kidding yourself if you think they aren't campy as fuck.

I know what you're thinking, "No! It's not!", but you're wrong.

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They are campy and that's part of their charm!

Here is my runner up. Subspecies. Classic direct to video vampire series by Full Moon. Surprisingly well made and filmed entirely on location in Romania. The first American film to be made in post Ceausescu Romania, it and it's sequels were all filmed on location. They used such historic locations as castle Hunedoara. They tried to make these films as good as they could be and I think succeed admirably. It takes its self seriously and the cast in all but the first are excellent. The original has a few questionable performances, but is still better than some Hollywood vampire films. The central character and antagonist Radu Vladislas played by Danish actor Anders Hove is the best part as he is always delightfully evil.

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Rhys go to bed...

And here he is. Radu Vladislas. Possibly my favorite original on screen vampire. Not from source material like a novel or comic book he is the original creation of writer and director Ted Nicalou. Radu is the offspring of his father (only ever called King Vladislas) and a hag sorceress, he is not the typical vampire. He for instance looks nothing like his father or brother Stephan who both can pass as completely human. Radu is disfigured and constantly thirsting for blood. He is a monster and revels in it. He stays away from human society, taking over the ruins of his father's castle after killing him in the opening of the first film. He is however extremely wealthy and chooses this solitary existence likely due to his hideous appearance. He is shown in large cities like Bucharest in the sequels but always hiding in shadows or disguising himself as a vagarant. Always being the hidden predator. He is shown to have treasures in his castle and he has holdings in Bucharest watched over by his childe Ash. He is also shown to be knowledgeable in sorcery. CNA travel as a shadow and cover great distances quickly. One of my favorite film vampires and one of my favorite series due to it's creativity and world building. It tells one long story and I will watch the first three a few times per year. Anyone else know about this hidden gem?

Fuck me forgot the pic again!

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Radus other obsession and goal in the films is Michelle. A character in the entire series she starts as human in the first film. She falls in love with Radu's brother Stefan and they eventually work together to defeat Radu, but not before she is bitten and her blood tainted by Radu. Stefan bites her and mingles his blood with hers to try to save her from becoming the horror that Radu was. She is reborn a vampire in the sequel, and becomes Radu's focus for the remainder of the series. He has some twisted love for Michelle and keeps trying to break her and make her accept him as her master. Michelle is sadly a reactionary hero and spends a lot of time crying and fighting her new vampiric nature. She is played in the sequel and rest of the series by the gorgeous Denise Duff.

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This deserves a spot

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Michelle's sister Becky becomes a recurring character in part 2. She comes to Romania looking for her sister after Michelle calls her begging for help. She tries in vain to help Michelle after arriving eventually being captured by Radu multiple times. Her little trio of friends is rounded out with Mel Thompson from the us embassy and Detective Marin from the Bucharest police. Melanie Shatner played Becky, a sadly overlooked early role for the actress. Mel Thompson was played by Kevin Spiritas (of Friday the 13th part 7 fame) and the always entertaining Det. Marin played by Romanian actor Ion Haiduc. He is really one of the best parts of the sequels.

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I know it as Dead Alive but yes it does! Epic early Peter Jackson splatterfest

The part that always kind of stuck with me was how there were all these abandoned towns with all the boarded up houses in middle America that the main characters knew was the result of the Tall Man and his necromancy. How long did it take for him to clean house? What would happen if he moved in on a major city? Would that shit get squashed quick?

Watch Ravager. It shoes a world where the Tall Man comes in force. Entire cities being razed by Sentinel Spheres the size of buildings.

Also let's be real, Subspecies always has some nice tits on display. Every single movie has some nice boobage. Here is the best of them all Denise Duff herself

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Does it look super cheesy from like late eighties or early nineties effects? Spheres the size of buildings eh? I’ll look into it, thanks.

And Melanie Shatner

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It's worse sadly. Cgi.

Oh God. Gonna watch it high then and laugh my ass off. Thanks for the info.

Charlie sheen, before the cocaine and hookers

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But back to he real stars of the Subspecies films: The practical makeup effects. This movie does not look like it was made on a full moon budget. Look at the detail in the makeup here. It's better than some big budget films I've seen.

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Shit film.

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It’s not “horror” in the traditional sense.
But this movie Fucked me up beyond belief.
To this day I can slip into a seizure when hearing a French accent, and it only started after watching this movie.

I’ve only ever seen it once, I can’t still remember it vividly, the whole movie, and I never want to see it again.

It’s all about the irreversible nature of fate- and how once something has been seen, it cannot be unseen

I have rewatched the rape scene about 1000 times though

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Not a horror film but a damn good one for obscure sci-fi! Got that one on DVD recently. Was a good find. Loved that flim as a kid in the 80s

That's not nearly obscure.

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Starring Micheal Baldwin

Faggot, you don’t know what “obscure” even is

A Michael Baldwin. He's not one of those Baldwins. And Phantasm is more on the obscure side for those who are uninitiated into horror. It's not one the run of the mill average Joe has seen. It's also one of the best.

You don't belong here.

Millennial faggot.
Phantasm was a huge movie back in the day, with multiple sequels.

I maintain, you’re a faggot who doesn’t know what “obscure” is

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Rented it on VHS way back. It was shit then and shit now.

I'm not a millennial. I'm 38. And I'm gauging this on what would be obscure to people today. Phantasm is obscure compared to say Friday the 13th or the Exorcist. I choose Phantasm as the winner due to it being the best of the horror series on the obscure end of the spectrum. Go out and survey 300 random people. See how many know what Phantasm is. Then ask the same ones if they have heard of the Exorcist. That's gonna prove my point on obscure. Just because we all know it doesn't mean it isn't obscure in the grand scheme.

That film is very creative and the story is great. The cheesey effects just add to it's charm. It's one of those so bad it's excellent movies. It's bad but entertainingly bad.

Also what would your pick be? Instead of coming in here and being a dick bag, tell us about your choice and why you think it deserves a spot.

That's Flash Gordon, The Green Berets, Disney's The Black Hole. The Wraith is just shit!

Someone is triggered. Lol.

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Just my considered opinion.

And your opinion is considered shit obviously.

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Ooh such harsh words. Shame on you.

No one else agrees with you. Deal with it. The Wraith is a classic.

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I’m always had a soft spot in my heart for “La Chiesa” by Dario....The Church...something about the sound and the pace. Kinda relaxes me till the shit hits the fan.

>obscure edition
>posts phantasm