Rekt thread

Rekt thread
keep em coming boys

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Attached: jesus smash.webm (636x360, 1.31M)


post that shit nigga

Anyone know the story on this kid? He looks familiar.

fuck off summer fag

Some libtard who tried to become a martyr. Commited suicide to send a message bout orange man bad.

Why you so mad?

Summer fag? Thats random...

no it's not, it's clear this thread is full of newfags


We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


Im a newfag beacuse I asked about a video?
Go fuck your mother.


Robot from /r9k/ who couldn't handle himself. There is full footage of him preparing and then family finding him dead.

Some fag on r9k who joined some fags discord. Sent a pic of him in womens clothing for verification. then got doxxed and threatened to take hrt or have the image circulated to his friends, family etc.

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What exactly did these people expect was going to happen?

Its a fucking hot air balloon.

I love how the woman looks away and then has no idea where the kid flew off to after.

that's so fucked.

I love that one. I laugh every time.

>cover the back so it doesn't get messy
>brain explodes everywhere else


Too fucked up to make it. Still OK enough to fully realize whats going on....

does this look fake to anyone else? the blood splatters physics look digital and slow.

It's completely real. Check the gore sites for the complete video. It's kinda sad.

he probably doesn't fully know what's going on. your brain does pretty amazing stuff in those situations. he needs an occlusive dressing on his sucking chest wound and spine stabilization asap.

yeah that definitively makes you a newfag you dipshit

No, he doesn't need that.

What does he need then?

A bullet to the forehead.

you know what i hate the most , combination of idiots and guns or explosives

I heard he walked away and even paid for beers at the local pub for all who helped him out of the wreck. Dude's a legend.

a bandaid and a kiss on his booboo

Nothing. This happened long ago.

it was real , just depressed kid reincarnated himself

Coup de grace to what’s left of his head.

You gotta be effing kidding. This is famously real

this isn't rekt at all, this is awesome

i was watching the live

op delivered

Feel bad for the pain he must have been suffering

Great video though :ok_hand:

Jesus was like "fuck this my image is not going to be on a bike" kek


This is a first....
This is also a discussion board cock sucker. Means you can ask questions. Fuck off.

Could have happened to anyone? lol.


Attached: boomhs.jpg (400x382, 17K)

Feed us OP, we want more..

His mom walks in shortly after. No matter what that cowardly kid was going through its nothing compared to what he just put his family through. Faggot.

i remember this

What's this from?

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Attached: e43.jpg (225x225, 5K)

that was brutal

He lived. Had a airbag that fired when he pulled the trigger. Minimum damage. His mom made him dinner right after.

So fucking fake.

Yeah airbags saves lives

Anywhere I can see the full video?

Check around bestgore

That gets me everytime, one of the favorites.

Fucking retard.

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So new

Looks up "kid commits suicide with KSG" on bestgore it will be first result