If you are a gay girl would you read yuri and eat black pepper crab ramen w me

if you are a gay girl would you read yuri and eat black pepper crab ramen w me

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i can smell you through my monitor and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST take a fuckin shower you disgusting faggot

gg/NJHXpx join our discord

Bi but yes, even tho I know that's not u OP

I think ruff is allergic to soap

it is
"porn sharing pyramid scheme" has to be the single worst idea i've ever heard

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Stop being a transbian, you'll never be a real girl unless you have a man fuck the boy out of you

holy fuck, your hair is so good

you can get that look too, just don't wash or brush for two weeks

Pour ramen in boipussy

i don't use shampoo, only paraben-free conditioner

Probably a trap but who cares I love ramen

Not sure if faggot or girl


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No, just a faggot

well if you don't believe she's a girl then that would make "him" straight, right?

He's literally got a dick you degenerate

Ruff Waggums is that you?

So being gay is defined only by having a dick? Guess you're gay too then

He's wearing panties, that's incredibly gay

I'm the grill that replied, wanna be friends?

wearing panties is not indicative of which sex you are attracted to

That hair needs work. Like, a lot of work. Maybe just buzz it down and go for a butch cut?

if it really is you, post a screencap of this posts and both tags will have a (You) next to them. and then if you post your discord i'll add you
hate to ask too much of you, but if i post my discord i'm fucked lol

I don't have discord but my snap is therealdrpeepee, don't worry about posting yours I don't want you to get harassed :c

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If you're a man wearing panties, you're a fucking faggot

Graham, stop posting.

i wouldn't even rape you

Haha faggot

hey listen i am NOT the one who posted my ding dong

show ass

Take a shower

Why is it that the only girls I end up liking are lesbian? You're super cute op, wish you luck getting the scissor queen of your dreams

Would bang, which city are you from?


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Why can't you accept you're a boy that's a faggot? Why pretend to be a girl?

Arent you in ny? If so drop that kik


What a fuckin qt