Butterface thread. Perfect bodies, ugly faces
Butterface thread. Perfect bodies, ugly faces
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Anything that has an ass like that will get a ring from me.
so, you don't care about the woman, just her ass?
this bitch wearing a diaper
nah. just a fat ass white woman. very rare species.
jesus, the face of an ape lol
In what universe is she ugly?
well the face aint special. but her body is 10/10
What an ass! More?
this bitch is one of my favs
her ass is fat as fuck
I'd bury my face in there.
the hip waist ratio
i bet it jiggles like crazy when she walks
holy shit thats great
so good
half these chicks are hot as hell?
literally the only thing keeping her from being a literal 10/10 is her Benito Mussolini tier jaw
damn this is the best ive seen in a while wow. her body. saved
Lmao are y'all really this dense you can't tell her waist is photoshopped?
how? tell me the tricks to see this shit.
Do you see on the right how there is no tile line under her elbow between her waist? It's cause she photoshopped the side in but the tile would have bent so she removed it.
also on the left side of the image the tile line is bent
now i know. and knowing is half the battle.
Go cobra
someone is very happy
luv the crotch
on these
i'd spend tons of time with my face wedged in that crotch
her crotch is pretty insane
I'm salivating more
not sure if she got implants. cause her chest is huge here
don't matter just a perk. plus ro the crotch
Thanks my dude. Damn
if she closed her mouth shed be fine
More of her?
That face isnt even remotely ugly so i really dont understand where your standards sit but they must be unrealistically high.
just an excuse to post a hot woman and jerk my willy
Jezus christ. More?
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Dude none of these are the same girl
>butterface thread
>90% beautiful girls
You all genuine monglets?
she just changed her hair to blonde thats it
snaggled youth bitches can be turn ons. ass pic?