What are you smoking rn Yea Forums?

What are you smoking rn Yea Forums?

>pic related

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Nothing because I'm neither trailer trash nor a nigger. Imagine being so weak willed you actually pick up cigarettes and get addicted. You smell bad (everyone thinks it) and your teeth are disgusting and are just going to get more gross. I hope you know that people see you as less than human.

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You sound like an entitled Democrat.

Fuck off, I do what I want

I does what i wish to ;)

Only pussies smoke filtered cigs.

>heehee im gonna fuck my body up and be a generally gross person to hang around because i can
There are really people who take pride in being a smelly human, how pathetic.

Then dont hang out with me, pussy

I used to smoke filterless camels for a few years. Things were fuckin great. You could smoke em quick too, like 2-3 mins and you can blast through one. Just enough to queue up for a game of CS and get back at the end of warmup.

fuckin glad I don't smoke any more.

Nazis were high as a kite on a lot more damaging stuff than tobacco. Even Adolf himself took so many shit that puts modern crackhead to shame.

really good

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Most recently I tried vaping. I liked it at first, but my tongue got coated, and eventually it's just kinda yuck. So, I quit. I think I'm just going to stick to the occasional cuban. Smoking everyday gets to me, no matter what I choose.

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In no way am I supporting Cuba, btw, their cigars are just way too good.

Always loved lucky they are a bit pricey but the flavor is 10/10

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Well, we know that your mother molested you as a little baby, but you should have some decency at least.

Love me some Luckies!

What the fuck are you on about? What does any of that have to do with my posts?

This, Amber Leaf
Good, strong tabacco not recommended for starting out, will definitley make u wanna die
Cheap too, £12 or $16 for a pack of 30 grams which you can roll up to 50 ciggarettes from it so it saves so much money

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we're all nigger hating holier than thou Nazis here, aren't we?

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Started with Amber Leaf

>£12 or $16 for a pack of 30 grams
fuck me
I thought I had it bad with having to shell 5€ for 30g

Amber leafs like actual quality stuff tho not like cutters choice or JP Gold which is like smoking grass but it gives you cancer

I'm on Drum
How much is it in UK?

imagine being so addicted you actually live your whole life just for the sake of it

life is all about addiction, dont make less of someone addiction because you're addicted too

Just for the sake of curiosity, why do you guys smoke? Does it give some sort of high?

why do you eat? does it give you some sort of high?

its the same thing, it doesnt get you "high" but it makes you feel good.

I function better when I have a smoke

Drum is what we call paki bacci, might as well lick a fucking road than smoke that youd get less tar
drum costs about £6 for a pouch

Lucky strike for 10 years still buying them still enjoying them. Getting harder to find though.

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Eh, I does it for me. I'm from a small town in a small country with only two million inhabitants so it's hard to get the fancy stuff that you easily can.

Relieves some peoples stress and in many cultures makes you more approachable I've made more than a few friends from people walking up asking for a Lite. Met my current wife picking up a pack of Lucky Strike. I know the health risks but I am an adult I know the risk and know the possible outcome. It is my choice.

Nothing. I quit 2 years ago, never looked back. Got more cash in my pocket and a longer lease on life as a result.

I used to smoke cigarettes till I heard myself wheez one day and told myself I'd never smoke again, quit in one day , pic related though I may never quit

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Some random ukranian shit that was smuggled into my country lmaooo
If i have money then its either marlboro 100s Red or gold.

Newport reds
Pack a day.
Which sucks. Doing the math I'm awake like 16 hours a day. I work 8 of them and only smoke 1 during work. So I smoke like 19 cigarettes in the last 8 hours. Problem is I crush beers in those last 8 hours too and I just developed a habit of having a smoke with a beer. 20-30 beers a day and 20 smokes... Terrible choice. But idc. It's my choice to make and it feels good.

Where do u work u rich fuck

These are my go-to

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non filtered american spirits
theyre packed too tight and dont draw well though
working on that cancer bros

Currently at a resort in NC. I'm a cook. I'm far from rich. I make 14/he and it's seasonal. Come Oct/Nov. I'm back to being homeless

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I'm just going to be blunt and call it like he is he's an ass no political affiliation to be one my friend

I'll see you at Sunday Mass buddy

Honestly those are my favorite. I treat myself to a pack of them every now and then. But I smoke too much to buy them regularly. Expensive. Newport reds are cheap strong and tasty.

How can you afford Daily 30beers and a pack tho


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Are you worried about alcohol withdrawal

Well Busch ice is $11 a 24 pack here. And $5 for a pack of Newports. So $16 a day and I make $14 an hr. So 1 hr of works basically pays for it.

Some fine afghani kush.

Yea. I have to have to drink within 30 min of waking up. Or I get shakes and dry heaves n shit. It's terrible.

Go to a detox to lower your tolerance

Holy fucking shit how is america so fucking good
In fucking Hungary if i wanted to destroy myself id go bankrupt halfway in the process because everything is So fucking expensive and wages are so disgustingly low.

About once a week I'll only drink like 5 beers and sleep the whole day away. My version of detoxing. I've been hooked way worse than this before.

Oh believe me I have no future. The few thousand I have saved/will save from this season will keep me drunk while I hitchhike/ride trains around the country and live out of a backpack until the season starts back up. But idc. I have fun. Suppose that's all that matters in the end right?

You get pussy?

All the time. I was blessed with good looks. But given my current lifestyle I'll probably look like shit in 10 years.
I'm 26 btw. However... I do eat healthy and I get plenty of exercise and have good genes as far as aging and looks go. All my family are alcoholics too soooo maybe I got more than 10 years before the pussy dries up.

Thats what my asian friend at work smokes

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Marlboro reds

Marlboro reds. But they burn too fast and really I'll just stick to rolling tbh

Any healthy (ish) good rolling tobacc to recommend?

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Why every non-smoker is a fucking pain in the ass?
Let me enjoy my winston in peace, fuck you.

I get American spirit when I feel like buying a pouch. Apparently it's additive free... So I guess that would make it healthier in a sense?

#noname white I think

B&H gold is my usual go to for daily use and squadron leader pipe tobacco in the evening to help me unwind

Classic German Ciggies

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just smoked the last of my Nightcap. going to miss this blend

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Shame I never got to try it. Still have a jar of EMP I'm saving for special occasions.


it was good stuff, the Charatan replacement is nothing like it. I have a couple of tins of EMP put away.