Hiya Yea Forums that cunt from Inverness is a fucking faggot and a smelly paki cunt

Hiya Yea Forums that cunt from Inverness is a fucking faggot and a smelly paki cunt

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Posh Tory boy.

Don't get angry because your pet country mummy and daddy handed down to you is getting pissed off.

Hahaha stay mad you retarded cunt

Want to start again? Fresh thread so we can clarify why you're bitter you brown fuck.

I'm not angry I'll soon be looking for property up your way :)

Yeah fresh start is good.

I thought we clarified I'm bitter?

dude when ww3 hits the anglos are gonna go full medieval on your asses you better be nice to them

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Well you said you were bitter I used my privelege and money to lower your stage? Correct?

You're a wee scunner!
Awa' an bile yer heid!
Yer bum's oot the windae!

Yeah thats correct.

You used your money to make yourself seem more affluenet and wise, In typically Tory fashion, and I called you a posh Tory? Correct?

speaking of that I've got an itchy bumhole. Feels like theres a thorn in it

No you started calling me a Tory and brought up my education so I spun that and used it against you.

I believe it really came from you replied to me with GYPSIIIIEES and then we argued about Butlins to which I said I'd never been cause we always went abroad. Remember that?

Yeah butlins and gypsies was a bit of a spinoff, I hate both so I guess thats why there was some sustinence to that chain.

But the fact that you said you went to private school really does mean you're a Tory mate. Cant deny that.

Won't deny I'm bitter about it either.

Well you brought up boarding school so I corrected you with private school.

Also here>You used your money to make yourself seem more affluenet and wise, In typically Tory fashion

Even as a joke this shows you hate Tories and you're going in from the start calling me a Tory, labelling me, making clear I'm one of "them"

Thats what I saw in the last thread and thats where my comments of bitterness and hatred came from. You were quick to label me and put me in that box. Understand?

Fine, I'm happy with those assumptions. I very much do see it as you are one of "them".

And yeah, I hate tories, I hate what they stand for, I hate how they conduct their business, I hate how they still oppress scotland.

Which echoes from all that historical stuff that you were trying to say I should forget, which tbh made me more annoyed than anything else.

Yeah okay thats fair enough.

So for me, seeing this. That's where looking at how you were quick to make allegations of me and put me in that box and label me as one of them. All that is where my comments of your bitterness, hatred and your binary view of the world came from

For the record I wasn't saying just to forget it I was saying don't let it hold you back. The way I see it you're letting the past shape the way you view the future


Makes sense, unfortunately, this really is a topic that a lot of folk (like myself) feel hits very close to home, which is why I was so quick to use insults and quick jabs. So yeah fair enough with the bitterness.

And tbh I really think the scottish/english relationship is very much black and white - so i guess thats the binary assumption came from, so fair enough on that front.

And I think amidst all the posh toryness, I was very much trying to say that the past does shape our future. I am letting it shape my future.

The facts I was ranting about in the last thread fundamentally happened, and (I feel) have to be taken into consideration in my political choices.

Thats fair enough I get that historic events can still impact people today and hit home and shape peoples views and attitudes

As for the events. I totally understand and acknowledged that they happened there was no denying it. But with other arguments and debates I've seen and been part of people would cite something but there were outside factors affecting what they'd cite and they would ignore that and just recite the line like "Dunirk Spirit" What does that mean? Flee to a beach? Thats what I was getting at

However I think someone else joined the thread and agrued on your side so I was trying to give my point in relation to that vague comment while also dealing with another person

Get a fuckin room guys for fuck sake before the boaby sookin starts

fuckin slice ur maws clit off paki style

enough of this pish, get the slags exposed.

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post ya mum

There ye go.

>"Dunirk Spirit" What does that mean? Flee to a beach?

"If you're not there the Germans can't beat you"

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nummy me bite them tit tits XP

You seem quite obsessed with paki’s
I think maybe you secretly want to be a paki’s sex slave like them wee lassies in England
Do you dream of being forced paki boaby

American here, I just visited Inverness a week ago. Took the train from Glasgow. The fucking toilets on the train didn't work so they dumped us in Perth for 3 hours before we got on another train. Perth can eat my fucking ass.

Yeah the thread did get a bit fucky, no worries there.

In regards to the outside factors, I understand that not all these acts were in their own bubble, hell, the jacobite uprisings themselves were started by some french cunt wanting his name heard! But stuff like the 1746 act, and the tartan (sorry for repeating) absoloutely were the catalyst for years and years of highland & gaelic ethnic cleansing that I feel can't be forgiven because that stuff is lost forever.

And I understand it can be annoying when people do raise stupid points in the indyref because 'ooo ALBA GU BRATH' because it's not a good image for any of us, But the whole culture of bashing scottish people by english people and politicians is 100% a legacy effect from all those previous years, and is exactly the kind of shit I want to be away from.

No I hate them but I knew if I said slice the clit someone would say "you're a paki thats why you said it" so I had to word it properly

Also Paki is a funny word which sounds great in any accent. English say "pah-keeeee" Scots say "paWH-kay"

I'll sook some boaby if I want

We're healing the divide .... cunt

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talkn aboot?


I didn’t say YOU were a paki dafty I said you secretly craved paki boaby and still think you do

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Yeah thats where a lot of it came from I think I replied to a different guy bringing up the 1000 years thing which I tied to the list of stuff thinking they were from the same poster and thats where wires crossed

Again yeah I totally acknowledge that highland culture was stamped out post Culloden. There wasa meme going about that the scottish govt spent so many thousnad pounds replacing signs but it didn't state that they added gaelic to the signs cause it was only in English before that.

Like say it's like letting the past control your future is the problem rather than never forgetting. Thats the difference I was referring to but the thread got a bit fucked up

shut up and fight you fucking faggots

I know. Thats why if I just said "slice your maws clit" (cause I was chaning a blade in my stanley knife when you replied) you'd have said something like "lol you would say that cause you're a muslim"

by saying slice it off paki style I'm saying do it like a paki would. Understand?

You're that opressed you're using a computer (quite possibly one that fits in your pocket and can also make phone calls) to send digital signals to other computers all around the world.

You're that opressed you've got infinite free clean running water in your taps.

You're that opressed you've got a house, or you can rent one from your local authority, or if you can't rent one they're obliged to give you one.

You're that opressed that you can literally go anywhere in the country unobstructed.

You're that opressed the TORIES gave Scotland a referendum and the majority of your fellow Scots chose to remain a part of the UK (which isn't always governed by the Tories btw).

Fuck off wi yer "Tories opress us poor Scottish folk" shite. Look around you. You see anyone who is genuinely opressed here? And I'm not talking about being disgruntled at the system of government in place, I mean where you are forced into extreme poverty, sent to fight in war or wars waged in your town/city, killed or maimed in the name of religion or nationality? If not, fuck right off.

For your info I am not even a tory. I'm just sick of listening to bawbags like you repeating the same ill informed pish and nazionalist separatist propaganda. Give us peace.

The fuck you jaffin about mate!? The Scots hate the English o er shit that hsppe we begire your great great grandpappy was even warm in his dad's bollocks!

And you lazy, fat, alcoholics are the biggest xenophobic little cry babies I've ever had the displeasure to share this isle with.


95% of Scots don't mind 95% of the English.

Cunts hate cunts, that's about it.

Am talkin about yer 20 stone, 15 pints of carling and fuck a few chairs about a town square at the euros kinda thug. Hated by highland cow shaggin Hamishes who think William Wallace was real.

And the voice of reason!

Separatists are fucking morons who want to lash out rather than be logical. Those fucking SNP retards and their ugly little Dyke bob slut driving them off a cliff.

You had your referendum, you wanted in.

Deal with it.

calm down m8, there's a scale to oppression. Didn't say the Tories were forcing us wear striped pyjamas and take 'special showers', it's not a lot, but it's still there.

Don't get worked up dude. I'm pretty informed if you want to get into it.

And yeah although the sign thing isn't the end of the world, just another example of the 'small scale' oppression of culture that still exists today.

And yeah I don't want it control my future, but all this shite is definitely something that influences how I think about crap like indyref.


Stfu you spastic. You know nothing of oppression. You only spread the same propaganda as the next angry, unemployed nationalist gimp.

I bet you'd vote labour if the SNP didn't exist. I bet you'd love that lie of independence. I bet you think the Scots would be free of living in abstract poverty and ruin and I bet you could never look in the mirror and grasp how much of the issues facing many Scots today are entirely self inflicted.

Fucking bawbag.

Yeah fair enough user. I can't even remember how our argument even started but yeah most I remember was the stuff about vagueness

I don't even pay much attention to politics

I've been on the planet forty fucking years, don't tell me who is informed and who isn't.

Your scale is like when they release the poverty statistics for this country. The definition of poverty in one of the reports was the 10% of the population who are worst off. So there will always be 10% who are defined as poverty. 90% of the cunts in poverty can afford thousands of pounds a year for fags and bevvy, have a flat screen LCD tv .... but rely on foodbanks and clothing banks - go figure. The rest who lead itinerant and chaotic lifestyles don't have the basic intelligence to function in a civilised society.

As for you, you're not opressed in any way, shape or form. Give the victim complex up. You'll feel a lot better about yourself.

not him but get off the internet granddad

He'll get off when he's ready to fuck your mum ya little 12 year old bastard.

You wish I was 12 you fat paedo you're probably tweaking your chode thinking about me right now. Fuckin nonce

Last thread for pretty fucked... I think it's just good fun to shout nigger at each other, gg user

Cunts like this though
Are you really that far up some Tory arsehole that you can't see how much of our culture is bashed all the fucking time? Or how much we've lost due to Tory cunts in the past? Yeah don't live in the past, but you'd be blind to not see how little English MPs care about Scotland.

I'm not voting for the SNP, I'm voting for independence. Fuck Nicola sturgeon and all her free benefits shite, but fuck being part of a union that doesn't benefit us even more.

United also displaced as a Scottish

It's old cunts like you that fucked over indyref, too scared of change to vote properly. Gimp.

You said it yourself, everyone has a phone, everyone has a TV, culture is the only thing worth anything nowadays. Ours was fucked over by an English government that still doesn't give a shit to this day.

Wake up grandad, pull the fucking heroin out your veins.

>Last thread for pretty fucked... I think it's just good fun to shout nigger at each other, gg user

Agreed. I'm the Tory boy but I'm not a Tory. I'm not even English. The reason I knew about Culloden, Darian expedition, Bannockburn etc is cause I'm a lowland Scot.

I'm from the Lothians but moved abroad. Still hate gypsies and pakis. Hell I moved here across oceans and the locals and natives here hate pakis cause they have that same shitty arrogant attitude like back home. Fine with everyone else though. As for the gypsies, they've visited the lothians every year like clockwork for over a century and every year like clockwork they steal, fight and cause trouble.

The whole bitterness thing is cause I was bitter and angry and coming from a barely working class family I turned my life around, worked shite jobs, visited other countries then did a year at college and got a work placement here.

Anyway I'm off to bed. GG user.

GG .. cunt ;)