In your opinion, what drugs should be legal?

In your opinion, what drugs should be legal?

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all, no limitations, no regulations.

Only weed and shrooms. Everything else has no benefit and just fuck you up.

retard hippie in bound xddddd

Go ahead and prove me wrong. Show me the benefits of heroin, meth, crack, and etc.


Why not LSD? Because it's not organic?

Show me the benefits of recreational shroom use.
I do psychs too, they're fun drugs but that's it. They're fun and nothing more

None. All should be illegal.

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Qualudes i wan't to see if they are really that good

Annything that can be grown from the dirt and consumed as so, with no chemical intervention

All of them, but in a monkey's paw kind of way
>Must have 20 teeth or more to buy meth
>Must pass a lab administered UA to buy weed
>Must pass an HIV/hepatitis screening to buy heroin

Legalize all drugs. Ban narcan. Let the junkies OD and die

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I hope you fall off a ladder soon

Microdosing on shrooms give you less anxiety, more creativity, more energy, and reduces depression. There hasn't been a lot of research on it yet but I fully believe 100% it's got great benefits.

On a more personal opinion, I believe everyone should try psychedelics at least once in their lives. It opens your mind to new things and makes you a critical thinker by questioning stuff you never questioned before.

I am too because of Wolf of Wallstreet but that's not fair reasoning.

That's fucked up not cool bro

>lab administered UA to buy weed
Sorry I'm dumb user, that does this mean? What would they be looking for in the piss?

I rustled somebody's jimmies

Heroin/fentanyl but only in lethal doses so we can get rid of dumbass drug addicts

Fuck that movie this is my reason

The presence of any narcotic substance, including weed. Lab administered means that you can't fake it

So you can't buy weed while you're high or if you have done certain other drugs in say the last week? I don't know how piss tests work.

Shit I'd legalize it too if I could be this confident

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i found someone selling them on darkweb with good reviews im thinking of buying them just because of this video

How much? Doubt they're real unless he's charging a kidney or slave.

>its been almost since lil peep died
Fuck I'm gonna be old in no time

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*almost 2 years since

For weed, it can take up to 6 weeks for it to clear your system, depending on how often you use. So, your wake and bake, weedle-eed-deed, it's not a habit it's cool, addicts would never be able to buy.
A joint on Sunday smokers would be fine though

People have to be responsible and make conscious choices

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>t. I'm a lazy faggot that never had acid

2 300mg for 12dollars

Lsd and weed fucked me harder than speed and mdma ever could

I can relate. Lsd gives you the feel that there is nothing but your kognitive universe

All of them, if dumbasses are stupid enough to do hard shit it's their own dumb fault, not the states

Agreed. I always thought that "doors of perception" was a bunch of hippie crap for people in tiedyes but it was such an experience that it helped me out of a decade of battling depression.

LSD is only illegal because of all the money that the psychiatric industry would lose when people started freeing themselves from invisible shackles of society. I work at a treatment center for drug addiction and the vast majority ended up on the streets years down the line from starting out with a prescription of antidepressants.

Would sincerely recommend everyone to try it

Weed, LSD, shrooms and cat farts.

Does anyone know if Jenkem is illegal?

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cf is legal dude

Legal, but it does not work.

All of them.
People should be free to buy and use whatever they want to if they don't violate another person rights.

Also, it's not smart to give to "bad" drug dealers monopoly of the drugs market.

Shut your ass off shill

All of them.

If you get caught driving: jail
If you get caught giving them to kids: jail
If you attack someone because of them: jail

Rehab: free

No more anti-drug programs, only drug education programs.

Basically this

By assuming you've opened your Ming, you e closed your mind to the possibility that maybe, MAYBE, you have become more close minded
Source: I've taken acid once, still ignorant as fuck

what about anti-depressants
i lost interest in everything and don't find anything exciting or pleasureable at this point
i fucking want them AD

Legislating personal responsibility causes undesirable traits to remain in society.

I know a fuckload of people who can do any drug in moderation. I'm talking people who make over 100k per year and will smoke meth every four months or so.

I also know a fuckload of people who let drugs completely run their life.

The idea is to legalize everything, let the drug addicts dope themselves into oblivion, and then bam, less leeches. Also the bonus of being able to buy coke at Rite Aid

God if only

No you nigger
We'd still have to define what is going to be illegal
We wouldn't be able to give it to children
No giving It to animals
No poisoning
No raping people
Etc etc etc
Fuck your addict point of view


This is what I came here to say. It would cripple the cartels and we'd all be better off

the answer is obvious user

As a person who doesn’t do drugs. I say all of them should be legalized.

1.) it will decrease criminal activity by giving it a legitimate place in the market where competitors will offer deals to customers.
2.) it will be made safer, none of that laced shit some people probably die off.
3.) it will give the chance let people just get high and enjoy themselves without any legal issues, thus decreasing the prison population and reducing waste of tax money for something so stupid.

Your moms pussy

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Find a way to control and regulate while also developing money through the trade instead of criminals could be beneficial and then you could force hard users to gives up their guns and kids so as long as it wasn't dirty drugs it could be sold by the government with the right “prescriptions or licences” to do drugs then even with the junkie community you could give them manual labour jobs and keep them away from society if they were wanting to do the life destroying ones

Finding a benefit lies within your ability to tackle a problem and seeing as the jobs it could potentially create while also monetizing on the drug trade which makes shit tons would be super helpful its all about finding the right way to do it honestly

All of them

Based capitalist poster

Weed, psychedelics, Molly, and cocaine should be legalized. All other drugs should be decriminalized.

All of them. Why not? sure people will die bit only maggots. And who the fuck is playing God that gets to decide which things are legal? Do you know that big pharma lobbies to make it illegal for you to make you own meds. Fuck them


Not sure if that’s meant to be an insult or compliment.

What are you communist?

Not the user but based=good

Good starting point user but from what we learned about the prohibition is the government is losing money fighting the trade

Don’t really give myself any type of titles and don’t go by titles. Just speak my mind.

Thank you for clarifying user.

Heroin originally developed as a cough suppressant, methamphetamine and its derivatives are used to this day to comabt fatigue and treat mental disorders, cocaine is an anticoagulant that, again, is used to this day in people with contraindications to warfarin. Stop parroting info on thing you know absolutely nothing about.

Honestly, I don't think we should legalize crack and meth and h and PCP. Shit's too wack. However, the worst punishment should be a fine. No prison. Possession is a victimless crime.

Dont be that guy user I was agreeing with you
> i dont go by titles
Sometimes they help and you are capitalist if you follow how our markets work

Yeah i dont agree with those drugs either but if you can throw the mostly young adult and middle aged people into a camp to do menial labour where they could be among their own while also contributing to society. While also being able to monitor stds and provide clinical help i believe it could be beneficial it would actually be better than our prison system or fining drug addicts who will commit crimes for their fix

I just don’t care enough user.
For example when it comes to politics I don’t know where the fuck I stand. There’s shit I honestly don’t know like what the “right” or “left” is or any of that other shit. It just seems pointless to me. It really doesn’t interest me at all. Like I said I just speak my mind and go with what I think is right.

Whoa buddy your getting to far into my point but okay I like being a centrist but all I did was give you a compliment I didnt ask your entire reference of character

I’m having an identity crisis now. Who am I? What am I? Am I everywhere? Am I nowhere?

Antidepressants are death. A lot of the people here (I'm talking meth, subutex and heroin) say that benzos are by far the worst of them all.
As for antidepressants like SSRI it doesn't reinvigorate or give you an appetite for life, what they do is, in order to battle the dips, they numb you completely after a while. Sure, you might feel better for a while because you aren't as down but after a while you realize that you're unable to feel anything. All emotions become void. It's like driving through a desert with a flat horizon, not unlike what you are describing right now.

My personal suggestion is good CBT, maybe some Alan Watts and acid. But the boring answer: get a healthier lifestyle and over time you will become human again

What the fuck are you on about at this point?!?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I don’t even know user. I haven’t slept. I’m at that point where I’m delusional from lack of sleep.

No one has.

Okay man catch some sleep there is a reason meth makes people crazy and its due to sleep deprivation as well with the other effects of doing a drug that wires you

No heroine is worst of them all and the worst for prescription is anti psychotics being falsely diagnosed and prescribed them will lead to a mountain to climb

Fight the porn fags and yellowcunts with debate!

I’m about to user.

Take it easy user you got good footing but you went a little hay wire, your only as sharp as you can think.

Are you talking from experience or out of your ass, user? Just last night I had a heartfelt talk with a girl of 25 without teeth that has been on the streets hustling for heroin.
>kicking that habit was hell for a while but once it's over it's over
>years later she still has problems from xans however
As for myself? Stesolid and Klonopin gave me epilepsy. You have no idea what you're on about.

>misdiagnosed and prescribed Antipsychotics
Yea, but that's not one in three kids. Sounds more like a Dr Phil special

Before I get off. Just want to say. Thanks for not being a faggot, user.

Yeah I am talking from experience from both sides from myself and from doing social work to get into a university after bettering my life. The physical addiction of opiates triumphs benzos and every individuals experience is different. Sorry a weak ass mental health drug stumped you, and that girl on the street is working up the latter now shut up when you haven't seen a mother try and pawn off her kid because of drug debts. Have you ever been on a schizo dose? No stop pointing the finger and keep an open mind

No props get your rest ill be here arguing until this thread dies

Can confirm. I've taken these for a little bit over a year and a half. One day i just threw them in the trash, because of said reasons.
7 years after this i still don't know if what i actually feel is what i would've felt too if i didn't take them

>what is reading comprehension?
no wonder they put you on schizo meds, fam, you should get back on 'em

>No stop pointing the finger and keep an open mind

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