Who will Yea Forums be voting for in 2020? Joe Biden or Donald Trump? Also why did you choose that one you chose?

Who will Yea Forums be voting for in 2020? Joe Biden or Donald Trump? Also why did you choose that one you chose?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No one. Same as 2016. Fuck the Dems, fuck the Repubs.

I can't vote because I'm white.

as a arab/hispanic i will vote Trump again,,, this time for you user

It's so early, still summer. What makes you think Biden will end up being the frontrunner?

Well don't you think some of these issues may have an effect on you? Irregardless of political affiliation wouldn't you still prefer one candidate over another?

I said that I'm white which means that I don't live in America.

You are correct and the polls can be wrong but second and third place is Warren and Sanders. I seriously doubt either of those two will win or will have a chance against Trump like Biden will.

British people are white but don't live in America I know you are trolling but that is a pretty pathetic attempt.


Biden won't make it through the primaries. This bitch will be the candidate.

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I'm #TeamCastro so that I can have an abortion once I transition to female

Anyone but trump.

What 'issues' in the past or present have had any meaningful effect on you? Day to day life is pretty much the same as it was 30 years ago. Decisions in Washington don't really affect us all that much even though people pretend they do.

Fake news.

Pretty sure joe biden isnt getting the nomination sweety
its time for a women of color to lead the way
step aside whiteto*ds

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muh both sides

>Who will Yea Forums be voting for in 2020? Joe Biden or Donald Trump? Also why did you choose that one you chose?
I'd vote for Biden because him winning the primaries would indicate that Dems finally learned there lesson after 2016.
More than likely, he'll lose the primary to somebody with a 'free shit for everybody' platform, and I'll be voting for ol trumpykins again

you must be underage.

Reparations for Blacks will cost white taxpayers over $17 trillion. You will be slaving away today at some job to give free money to Blacks (who never slaved away at anything cuz most have been living off welfare their whole lives anyways).

Then whites will pay another $30 trillion to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants who shouldn't even be in this fucking country to begin with.

Yeah, I think I will vote for Trump, even though I think he's an idiot.

He will learn once he gets drafted to fight in Iran.

I seriously doubt it. She is 4th in polls winning the black vote isn't going to win you an entire election.

Wrong. Will be Warren.

You are so dumb that it’s painful.

Trump 4eva!

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Tell us what has affected your life, especially in a drastic way. Tell us one government decision that fundamentally changed your life.

Good point, it’s not like it worked for Obama or anything...

That's precisely what every dem candidate is pushing, brainlet.

She may stand a chance as a democrat candidate but I doubt she will be able to beat Trump.

Nigger detected

And you thing Harris will!!!???


You are terrible with numbers, and you are as intelligent as a brick of mud.

White trash alert.

Um that's not what I said. I said it'll be Biden, Sander, and Warren as the democrat candidates but Biden winning and pitting against Trump.

> the black vote isn't going to win you an entire election.

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>indicate that Dems finally learned there lesson after 2016.
By producing an establishment status quo old white man?

You two are not accounting for other factors such as Obama's opponents.

YOU SIR, Are a doody-head!

Spoiler alert, trump is very, very unpopular.

fair point
but its definately enough to make her nominee
the democratic base is basically a coalition of union white working class democrats and litterally lgbtq brown communists who would litterally support a tax on whites for "reperations"
what unites them?
not wanting to be called racist.

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I understand that but what I was saying is Harris is not as popular as Biden, Sanders, or even Warren. I am sure Trump actually has part of the black vote as well reducing the overall likelihood of a Harris vs Trump.

Double very.
Makes you think.

You do realize that reparations are the lefts equivalent of trump saying he was going to build a 30 foot wall and make Mexico pay for it, right? It’s all talk and would never pass Congress.

Currently, yea. Long ways to go though, and she’s a firecracker, like Warren. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was either of those two. Biden has too long to put his foot in his mouth.

It would have taken too long to add the appropriate number of verys.

>hurr old white man bad
Back to Twitter with you

Not going to happen

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Unpopular enough to get the moderate white, black, Jew, Latino, men and women vote as well as Republicans, fiscal and Christian conservatives, and right and alt-right.

He might be “very very unpopular” in Hollywoodland and virtue signaling Twitter, but in the real world he’s pretty damn popular

Good point you are probably right. Harris would likely win the Women/Black vote and Biden is constantly criticized for not being for enough left.

just like desegregation right?
if they get their way they'll just pack the court with bullshit activist judges and get them to make reperations law through oligarchy
then its law for fucking ever
isnt democracy great?

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It'll be Harris. The Dems are going for the full women and colored votes, will Biden possibly being VP as to not isolate white male

Exactly which part of what he said wasn’t true?


Choose wisely.

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I’m going to need to run this comment through a dipshittery filter for awhile and see if there’s any substance in it to respond to.

One of those has multiple video proof, the other was just dude talk, which everyone in real life does

You have an issue with desegregation?

biden will not be the dem nominee.

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Literally anyone he's up against.
>Also why did you choose that one you chose?
Because Trump is an entertainer first, and a working politician a far distant second.
1) His vetting process for his team and cabinet is very poor as evidenced by all the firings, resignations, and legal heat.
2) He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money traveling to his own resorts, and is actively profiting from foreign nationals and republicans patronizing his hotel in DC.
3) He's unironically stupid. Anytime he's speaking off the cuff, it's a torrent of adjectives and superlatives (Tremendous!, Very bad!, Absolutely killed us!) with very little substance and loads of tangents going nowhere.
When pressed on any complicated subject like climate change or trade policy, it descends into unequivocal gibberish.
4) All of his major proposals have crashed headfirst into legal curbs.
5)His style of negotiation seems to be:
A) Make a bold threat for an equally vague thing
B) Arbirtallily countdown to the deadline and escalate his rhetoric
C) Accept concessions that aren't definitive, then claim victory.
6) I'm certain he's going senile

tl:dr he's old, he's incompetent, and he's corrupt asf

>even more hurr old white man bad
Actually, with the resurgence of yellow spam today, I'm not even surprised

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I would not underestimate Warren too. She is on point and knows how to say exactly what she means, both of them do.


Truth right here.

He's right tho either way. If you want to pay attention to things that effect your daily life than pay attention to your local city and state politics. Quit pretending like anyone in DC gives a fuck about you and that these issues like gay marriage and abortion are any more than things to get you excited and talking. No citizen brings up these points. Politicians and news casters do, and then you bicker about them. You don't give a fuck because you think it's right, you give a fuck because someone from your preferred news network told you it's right. You can see it in the way both liberals and conservatives will blame the finger at the other for doing something they did not 5 years ago. You can see the political facebook posts are all always about the same thing at the same time. No one is calling for Kavinoughs head anymore or worrying about immigrants. It's only when the news tells them to worry or think it's bad. So few of us actually care.

So... you didn’t answer the question, you just acted childish instead.

Based poster


Whether i do nor is completely irrelevent.
The american people didnt vote for it.
It was decided by 9 oligarchy who mad the decision FOR the nation in brwon vs board of ed
same with abortion
call me old fashioned
but believe that people should VOTE on whether something becomes law or not.

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>Dems finally learned there lesson after 2016.
in what way?

Donald Trumph win man....is obvius.

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No, I think it’s incredibly relevant.

Quads. Trump wins.

He was right on point. Biden is an old white man. Unlike you two, I'm not an ageist racist bigot, so his skin color and chronological are so not influence my decision to vote for him


Warren is too out there even for most dems

why are you acting like there are only two options?

Black students do better in schools that are 90% blacks and similarly, white students do better in schools that are 90% whites

Although the Rick image made me cringe a bit you're right on the mark.
Thing is for the past 4000 years some humans have mastered the art of controlling all humans through preventing progress.
When someone finds that out they use the environment to inflict a sense of hopelessness so they do nothing.
Then say it takes so much fucking work to actually do something. Which it doesn't.
This cycle is gonna break sooner than we think.

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Then why is she polling second in some polls?

Because those two options have the highest probability if you have a differing tell us who and why.

Judging by college campuses, it's the liberals who have an issue with desegregation

In some polls? It's still early, she won't even be in the final debates


Biden will not be in a position to lead for 8 years, that’s just the truth. trump is spiraling the drain towards dementia, and it’s not unrealistic to say Biden might also, over an 8 year period.

no we don't trumpshit

Alright then user
let me be blunt.
The murder rate per capita?
The rape rate per capita?
The assault rate
The burglary rate
The teen pregnancy rate
The drug addiction rate
the rate of school shootings
all were alot fucking lower before desegregation.
and maybe it doesnt matter
Maybe desegregation was completely irreverent in regards to those factors
but before we make that determination
I think we should try flipping the switch back up and seing if that fixes the problems
Because if it does, and we dont
Then we sacrificed the lives of MILLIONS of men women and children needlessly through FORCING races together that do not naturally mix in nature.
When a chimp finds a member of another ethnic tribe in his habitat he rips that chimp the fuck apart.
At the end of the day humans are just animals
and the longer we attempt to snort the bullshit of doctor kings pipe dream
the more children we will sacrifice on the bloody alter of "mulit culturualism"

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Do you get your data from /pol/tard infographs? Cause that’s not correct.

Yikes instead of getting all emotional and butthurt tell us who and why.

>let me be blunt.

Biden +20
Bernie +12


Trump approval rating 42.3% HORRIBLE!

Attached: you stupid honkeys kek.png (800x680, 196K)

We will see, but I don’t think you are correct.


That was dumb.


You're what's wrong with this country you fucking cretin


Yep, /pol/tard detected. Your life is brimming with lies.

>reinstitute segregation on college campuses
>The most liberal campuses are the most segregated, while the most conservative are the most integrated
>we don't support segregation, you do!
Top zozzle

he doesn't care

How exactly am I wrong?

lol, probably. What a jackass.

Segregation isn't allowed in public places trumpshit

look at you posting on Yea Forums while fondling trump's nutsack


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Oh? And are college campuses public places?
Hint: the answer may not be as obvious as you think

Who gives a shit. We're allowed fucked no matter who we pick. The government owns us all. How stupid are you?

stop posting trumpshit

Whatever one has a bigger dick.

I heard his plan but I think there are to many unaccounted for factors that could actually negative impact different areas even though he said they would improve.

Obama didnt just win the black vote. He won the rust belt vote, which trump won in 2016.

>The government owns us all

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Because that entire rant was full of shit. I’m not your school teacher, I’m not going to hold your hand and walk you through all of your ignorance. You will remain angry, hateful and stupid no matter how much of my time I waste on you. Pass. You are a clueless moron, and I’m fine with leaving it there.

VAT taxes work just fine in Europe because people make living wages there.

Nice reply you fucking ape maybe come up with an actual logical retort rather than acting like a retard.

fuck off frogfag
we know what you're doing

>I'm going to pick my favorite team
>what's about races and black budgets?
Quit being so fuck stupid for one in your life, and realize you're beings used

Dilate, discord tranny

>that do not naturally mix in nature.
They can have healthy offspring together.
That categorically means they mix in nature.
Very little in the way we structure society is adhering to "natural law", actually quite the opposite most of the time.

>logical retort
to what? that vague stupid non-answer you just gave?

delete this post

>Can't answer the question
>ad hom ad nauseum
That was pretty childish of you user, even for a liberal

See Learn basic reading comprehension before you begin an argument with someone.

Im assuming everyone is drunk here


Fuck you, dickbrain. Your vote doesn't mean shit...

>Oh no there is a conspiracy against me better act like a retard.

>durr I haz reservations but I can't tell u wut they r
You can't even articluate whatever point you were posting user.


>Black students do better in schools that are 90% black

citation STRONGLY needed.

Why do you think inner city schools struggle so much?

Heya where's myself marble cake bitch

>op ed piece


You make 0 fucking sense.I think it is you that is to fucking dense to understand the basic human language. Therefore you act like this.

It didn't specify "liberal" campuses you fucking dishonest right wing fuck

>durr yang is gud
fuck off frogfag
the jig is up

Who will lose spectacularly. Who the fuck will vote for someone who sounds like they're bitching at them whenever she speaks. God damn she sounds like a nagging bitch.

Then tell us specifically what you're referring to in this post.
With sources.

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lies about the average homicide rate before and after desegregation?

samefagging so hard

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If Justin Amash ends up running under the Libertarian Party then I would vote for him. He favors limited government and takes that principle and the Constitution seriously, which makes him preferable to the other candidates.

Are you actually mentally fucking challenged or ill? I literally said I think there are to many unaccounted for variables. Either your fucking high on some strong fucking drug or you are actually have schizophrenia.

Face it, you safe space liberals, Trump's a shoe-in for 2020. Best start thing about 2024 and stop wasting your time with this election.

>. Who the fuck will vote for someone who sounds like they're bitching at them

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Cope harder

Your link is shit. The real threat are fascists like you that would eliminate protections against US Citizens.

Quit arguing like a bunch of dumb asses.

This. Republicans' only edge is that they are not as outright execrable as Democrats

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>think there are to many unaccounted for variables.
So you can't be specific, you're just talking out your fucking ass

not the guy you replied to, but tbh i don't think its really liberal OR conservative campuses, I think its just larger universities that happen to skew more liberal.

That being said, I think the segregation thing is a huge vocal minority. We hear about it so much because it's such a detraction from the norm- not because its common.

Being right is the ultimate way to cope.

"races" are arbitrary superficial classifications that feature slight anatomical, physiological, and morphological differences; in the end, humans are humans.

Keep America great 2020

>I think its just larger universities that happen to skew more liberal.
also not specified in the article

you want to believe this because diversity makes you rage

I suppose this is why you can accurately predict someoens race from a dna text as well...

>Keep America great
Dump Trump.

Forbearance marble cake was a meme when we ironically voted hitler for their front cover. Where the fuck are you from? Why are you so ignorant?



But were did I say I support Yang? Sounds like you are the on talking out your ass and now justifying it by switching your retarded arguments.

huh, Just goes to show that the alarmingly high rates of single parenthood in the black community is directly causal to blacks doing poorer in school.

Inserting another black parent figure causes them to do BETTER. Whoulda thunk it?

>Forbes and time magazine

How was Hilter "ironic?"

I don't support Yang either but his plan works in other advanced countries. Fuck your "variables." I'd shove each one up your fucking ass.

He sucked Iron Cock

yes, because there are so many conservative universities where blacks are demanding their own spaces away from white people. Show me literally one.

>coping this hard
>seething this much
Please keep going. The (you)s fuel me

All of you are just so stupid. Who the fuck cares?

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Thank you. We are coping.
By winning.

That's not a 'prediction', it's an identification, retard. I said 'anatomical, physiological, and morphological', of course it's going to show up in DNA.

Funny, cause blacks only make up 13%, but make up for about 55% of all crime.

that is such lazy reasoning.

Adults. People not you.

Oh really what countries has it worked in? Also what defines a country as "advanced?"

user regardless of this everything i said in my first post was still true
Even if the genetic differences are slight
We've seen the obvious results of mixing together
We've seen the bodies pile
And we've the childrens faces bloat with the black poison of drug addiction
ALL of this increased drastically after desegregation.
Why not se if resergerating society fixes it?
If it doesnt
by all means
lets go back to the drawing board and figure out what is causing all this death and degeneracy
but for the love of god
If I AM right about this
in what fucking world is "diversity" worth more then human lives?

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biden aint getting the nomination lol.


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>muh logic
that article and talking point is shit

source: stormfag.com

Go back to plebbit you dumb cunt. I don't give a. I just want to tell you how you're arguing with other retards about your stupid opinions

based poster

Countries in europe. Places with better economies than ours because they treat workers like people, not drones.


You mean everyone but me. You anons need to learn about libertarianism


Attached: -faggot-.jpg (224x225, 6K)

So, you can't. Thanks, thats all you had to say.

U.S. Census and FBI Crime Statistics.

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if thats who its gonna come down to,then no one.i dont want either as president

Can you please specify which specific country or countries?

And... maybe places with populations around the size of chicago or new york? Maybe even smaller? Come on man.

>you need to learn how to get shitheads like Trump re-elected

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>we've seen the obvious results of mixing together
That's exactly my point: You're just assuming that the mixing is the issue post hoc ergo propter hoc. There is at present no legitimate reason to identify integration as the cause of what you are observing.
>in which integration occurred around the same time as the single motherhood rate also skyrocketed



thought you trumpfags hated the fbi?

Which one?

What's really ironic is using the word ironic and not knowing the definition of irony.


I did. Some dipshit in here trying to paint liberals as "the real racists" dropped a turd of an opinion piece and only dipshits like you fell for it.

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Not my problem. It's yours

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Funny how only stormfags post that "data."

Centrist cucks are better dead.


>he thinks that means trump is gonna get re elected

what a moron,maybe you should look up the difference liberal and libertarian.go figure you retards wanted a guy like trump as president


>hurr durr,the russians!

You mean the political philosophy of the founders? That sounds good to me.

Just the former Top Brass.

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Most of Europe has a much higher wage than we have here in the US. They pay VAT taxes because they make enough to afford them. The VAT taxes are put back into the system as revenue. Don't be 12.

Why would an arab vote for trump? He hates Muslims.

>n-no, we're winning
Just like she did?
thank ye kindly
Don't pretend you're not one of the assblasted faggots who've been feeding me for the last hour


Simply because I'm not a liberal cuck. His presidency has had zero negative impacts on my life. However, his lastest tax revision saved me thousands.

So yes, why wouldnt I vote for Trump. Biden offers me nothing, the only candidate who made any sense was Delaney.

rowe v wade isn't a law. its a precedent. why do you think all the red states got rid of planned parenthood in their state? Thats why its a hot button issue right now. If a dem wins, it will be made a law.

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Actually most countries in Europe have easily 4 times the populations of those cities.
Why are you against raising the quality of life, user? Do you want this shithole to continue where there's only rich and poor?

trust me on this, joe biteme will self destruct long before the general election

Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark immediately come to mind.

because it's not PC for any media to post the data.
Reddit will suspend your account for posting crime stats too.

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You can't use facts with libcucks. They don't understand them.

I'm not the user you were talking to before, I was just giving you the source.
Look it up.
Don't look it up.
I don't give a shit.

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And there you go assuming my beliefs. Do i believe liberals are the REAL racists? No. Not at all. I think most racists are on the right wing. But that doesn't mean that the racism and calls for segregation in academia in current year doesn't exist. Me saying that people at Williams college are calling for segregation is wrong =/= the alt right doesn't exist. You CAN call out racism on both sides. Its not a zero sum game.

> There is at present no legitimate reason to identify integration as the cause of what you are observing.
then tell me the cause and we'll try that
if it doesnt work
tell me a different cause
but sooner or latter were going to get to my hypothesis
and if you dont have the fucking integrity to do what is necessary at that point
then democracy will have failed.

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All that will do is increase the cost of living and make it worse for already poor communities. $15 in NY & LA doesnt align with south Dakota.

That is not a specific example of a country. I ask again can you give me a specific country?

What are we talking about, UBI?

There government as a whole lies to all of us every say. Fuck them. They place us against each other. Fuck them

>Simply because I'm not a liberal cuck

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Nothing aligns with the Dakotas.

Poor people remain poor because they're stupid. Stupid should hurt.

You didn't like my JOKE??

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VAT taxes are regressive taxes, poor people will pay more for VAT taxes, retard.

Donald Trump

We're all people being ruled and stomped on. I say audit them. Let's not branch off. We're all neighbors

Quit making sense, it will trigger their fragile autism.

They are both trash, and Biden hopefully won't win the primary. He has no record and no policy. His only two answers are 'Obama' and 'my family died'

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Democracy already has failed. We should be researching solutions to the problem, but I do think the destruction of the family unit has something to do with it, as well as the nihilism that stems from a [perceived] lack of meaning

>Trump isn't my problem

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Can't wait to vote for the God Emperor again. I voted for him in 2016 as the lesser of 2 evils, but he's been doing a great job, and I'm actually happy to vote for him in 2020.

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Me too in the primary. It's the only way to ensure a Trump Victory. Bitch be crazy.

Inb4 underageb&

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>what a moron
like someone dumb enough to let Trump get elected? Someone like you?

The Founders were on Star Trek, dipshit.

The truth will out. Just don't be caught sleeping

>everyone who disagrees with me is a polar opposite extremist

This fucking country, I swear.


quads of truth

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> Several countries are planning for local or regional experiments with basic income or related welfare systems. Experiments in Namibia, India, Canada and Finland for example, have received international media attention. The first and only national referendum about basic income was held in Switzerland in 2016.

Population of New York City: 8.623 million (2017)

Population of Finland: 5.503 million (2017)

Population of Switzerland: 8.42 million (2017)

and thats just one city. So switzerland has a population roughly the size of New York City. Great. Too bad we still have 292 million more people to account for.

>durr hillery hillery hillery
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me

Warren is objectively the best Dem candidate right now, and she'd easily steamroll Trump in a general. Please, give her your support in the primary and general.

Cool story, Ivan.

the fact i actually know how the goverment works,and realize that the president isnt the only person who controls the country.makes me smarter then you,so go back to shouting at the sky about how trump isnt your president,retard

biden is the best candidate,and will steamroll trump.there's no way republicans are gonna vote for trump again,especially when his only support left are the uneducated red hat wearing idiots like you

Most politicians have a habit of saying things that sound superficially good, but doing jack shit, or being even worse than nothing. Barack Obama was this quintessential.

In some ways, Donald Trump's success is being the opposite of Obama(though this does give more credit to stuttering 'Bama than he's deserving of). He's a dunderhead who puts his foot in his mouth, but the actual policy changes since his inauguration have been excellent.

Anyway, all the Democrats are socialists, which means that they have no conception of what a good economic policy actually is. Why would I vote for any of them when Obama's fiasco was more than enough?

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You're an idiot. Locals sheriff's haven't more power than any given president

Good. You're a stormfag posting hate speech. Any respectable private media outlet would suspend your shit, until you have no where to go but to pound your bloody cock in a basement.

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>Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians


>watch everyone ignore this

>look it up
I don't want to be tracked as a hate group, thanks.

Thanks for checking em
>3 years later
>still seething this much

No just the ones that want to snack-bar all over the USA.
Im willing to bet this guy does not go to dem rallies and chant "DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!" as a passtime.

>I'm not a racist
>but you libs have to be racist


Biden didnt do anything wrong

love knows no age

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Everyone has ignored allowing my stuff too. I think these people are really drunk or something

Things are already artificially low, user. And even if prices were higher, we'd be making more money to compensate for it and put taxes back into the system.

Shut the fuck up sealioning fuck.

I was referring to the other fella.

You're stupid though. So you must be poor.

After the G20 meeting...

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I'm not a 'red hat' and I fucking despise Trump for a plethora of reasons. His existence is a mistake.

Biden is a piece of shit conservative-lite candidate, and every time he opens his mouth his campaign loses percentage points. "Nothing will change." That's all I needed to hear out of his mouth. He spent the last 40 years building the system of partisan bullshit that produced Trump in the first place.

Pocahontas is a lying cunt who used racial profiling and affirmative action to advance her liberal agenda.

Her only policy is tax rich, give free shit to niggers.

VAT taxes are not regressive if people are making living wages.

Wonder how much cock that kid has sucked already.

>can't wait to pretend I vote
>from my mom's basement



Democrats need to realize that twitter is a left wing circlejerk and doesn't represent the majority of America.

Attached: Think.jpg (800x742, 69K)

Ya’ll keep voting for politicians who allow common core to get simplified every so often. Surprised that kids who aren’t taught anything relevant in school grow up to become simpletons that either identify as extremists or fear that extremist bogeymen are out to get them?
Sort the education system out is all you need to do.

Attached: you.gif (300x225, 1.09M)

Well like. some russian people posted some memes on facebook and thats why trump won!
Nevermind the fact trump took $500,000,000 from a super richfag russian with strong ties to Russian intel for a 30 min speech in russia then funnle the money through their fake ass charity so they could pocket it.... oh wait. shit that was the clintons that did that.


You just described inflation with no benefit.

Yea, that's not even remotely true. Please be informed before you start talking policy.

fug that's pretty good

Attached: spurdo.png (528x404, 13K)

>forever alone

Everyone on Yea Forums is stupid

This doesn't even pretend to make sense. I'm not saying libs are racist. I'm saying that some schools that happen to be liberal are racist. That says nothing about liberals as a whole. Where am i losing you here?

Too bad you're such a farking dipshit. 292 million people all don't work, for one thing. The remaining people who do, roughly 100+ million, would be making wages or using their $1000 dollars a month to stimulate the economy by paying VAT taxes.
No, Yang isn't going to get elected, but they work. Stop talking shit.

tfw you take a econ 101 class

500 million huh? You are bad at the maths.

Quads confirm it. Time to remove the only 2 term deal on the whtie house. if a congressman can serve as many times as he can get voted in then so should the president.

Do you have a refutation? If California and the progressive left(Harris, Sanders, Warren) are any indication, they want working white people to pay for black people, who disproportionately receive federal benefits, to receive free shit, and for non-citizens who work under-the-table(read: no tax revenue) jobs to receive free healthcare(like in California).

Unfortunately, you have no refutation other than "lol u dum WHYT TRESH"

arabs love trump
he stopped the usa interference in our politics
surprised there’s so few terrorists lately?
no more us money funding training camps

Its 1/1064 true

>i actually know how the goverment works,
Then you'd understand the sense of urgency of keeping dipshits like Trump out of there.
You don't know anything. You are just as narcissistic and unrealistic as he is.

Great response you fucking brainlet. So you actively acknowledge you are incorrect so you insult the person in defense. Truly mentally deluded.



Elizabeth Warren.
>has a vagina so my fellow libs will vote for her
>she is essentially a more rational Bernie

trumpshits like you bring up clinton because your President is shit

Attached: giphy.gif (500x281, 905K)

fucking kek'd

You just described nothing. More wages would address higher prices, and taxes would generate revenue.

This post made me laugh. Good one, user. Copied for YLYL.

I'll vote for anyone who promises to make his daughter do porn.

Attached: Ivanka-Trump-Donald-daughter-fury-neighbours-weirdest-secret-service-600165.jpg (620x413, 61K)

And she's Cherokee too boot! Diversity points!

Well that’s embarrassing, real millions from Russians, right here. But you will ignore that, wontcha?


>Ya’ll keep voting for politicians who allow common core to get simplified every so often

bruh. Stop getting your news from facebook. Common core actually makes sense if you actually read into what it's doing. It's teaching kids how to do math on paper the way most people do it in their heads. this is allowing them to grasp the concept earlier on in life and enabling them to learn and problem solve at quicker rates.

But you wouldn't know that because all you do is share memes about it on Facebook.

Trump obviously

Are we going to have to vitrify the world again?

>I'm saying that some schools that happen to be liberal are racist.
also not specified in the article
>durr im not racist but durr
stop posting trumpshit

Attached: hail.jpg (1024x1145, 204K)

>living in america

>hurr durr everyting I don't understand is low-brow nonsense

>durr pwoove it wib
>pwoove it pwoove it pwoove it pwoove it
fuck off sealioning fuck

It's all they've got. Trump is killing it. Economy is good. Wages are up. No bullshit wars. Trying to take care of the border, even though the Democrats are blocking him at every turn.

They've got nothing else beside their Russia conspiracy theory.

Attached: tin foil hat.jpg (350x262, 12K)

shit my bad. only $500,000.
Got carried away with the 0's

Attached: Your President3.jpg (274x184, 5K)

You better believe it!

Sure, as a working family who are white as wonder bread, child care, education and global free trade and stability mean a lot to us. trump has nothing to offer but hate, division and instability.

>No bullshit wars.
Just Iran.

I cant wait for the videos of you guys screaming at the sky in impotent rage when Trump wins again in 2020.

Attached: trump laughing.jpg (696x413, 26K)

Higher cost of living due to increase in goods
Higher taxes
Higher wages to compensate for such increases

>nothing has changed.

>Being this fucking stupid

You need to do some research before you blindly follow politics. Politics corrupt. You seem cry young, and ignorant

>Anno Domini 2019
>Still this mad
Also checking those double dubs

Trump, his a good guy. I voted for him back then because of the anti Trump commercials.

>Trying to justify concentration camps

Warren is horrible and just annoying; she would not beat Trump. The only one that would beat Trump is Biden

Agreed. Proof is overrated.

But yea, you do sound like white trash too.

>even though the Democrats are blocking him at every turn.
Good. It's working. He's losing his fucking shit.

Attached: 3.jpg (960x640, 61K)

I think she's brought up because the whole Russian meddling was mainly in her camp and nobody has said a word about it.

Attached: 1524884423677.jpg (1096x5884, 1.65M)

Yeah, nah. If America wanted a female president we'd have voted for Hillary, but in the aftermath of the #metoo bullshit I think the nation is pretty much feminismed out right now.

>when I do something stupid again

>impotent rage

Attached: 13.jpg (318x159, 6K)

> one article doesn't say its therefor it doesn't exist.

Enjoy being 12.


Trumps and figure Head while the deep state and dark government are also out money and creates things beyond our comprehension

So you still have no refutation?
What concentration camps?

So then how about this?


That’s a lot more Russian money.

We'd have VAT taxes and people would be making living wages. That's a big change.
You just want to continue the neo-feudalist trend we're on because Trump made you believe you're going to be rich.

Double our taxes so everything can be "free?"

We're at war with Iran? Hmmmm

Attached: wrong.gif (480x287, 667K)

>steal out money

>I can't break the argument
>your stupid

Attached: Your President11.jpg (640x640, 76K)

We're at was with Iran? Who knew?

>Democucks can't flood the U.S. with enough illegals before the next election cycle
>Claim there are concentration camps

I can’t wait to see the results of the trailer park revolution when he loses.

Trumps dream opposition. The lib tears after his victory would make 2016 seem like apathy.

Biden couldn't even beat his wife

We're already cattle to them

>What concentration camps?

Don't you remember world war 2 when the jews would try to sneak into Germany?

I think he's talking about the holding pens on the border.

>durr hillery
it's really gone beyond cringe at this point user

someday you have to admit you elected shit

>I voted for him back then because I'm stupid

Most of Europe isn't "proof" to you sealion?

You just going to ignore what I said, for convenience?

Precisely correct.

use this one, its better

Attached: nukes.webm (1280x720, 895K)

>I think she's brought up because the President I elected is SHIT

Are you suggesting a VAT and the abolition of the income tax? Or VAT and keep current standards.

What about state income tax?

You mean your incel circle jerk?

Why can't any one get how the world works? It's not hard

Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg (960x882, 59K)

>there is an argument
You're stupid.


Attached: Copy of faggot.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>Child care
I agree, federal overreach in education, which is meant to be left to the States, has lowered the overall quality of education in the United States.
>Free Trade
Trump is sorta wrong on free trade rhetoric-wise, and yet he has done nothing to actively oppose it policy-wise. Even Obama and Mitt Romney talked about checking on China when they broke rules on trade to exploit their trade partners, what Trump is doing is in-line with reality.

>b-b-b-ut h8 in stabilieh
This is just some dumb cuck shit, carry on.

Kid, you will never even glimpse the tax bracket that she is talking about taxing.

Liberals won't provide proof nor will they accept it.

They consider that a concentration camp? Are they gassing illegal migrants?

>What concentration camps

Attached: maxresdefault[2].jpg (1280x720, 43K)

Thank you user

You do know that expensive childcare keeps many families from having the double income needed to raise a family, right?


I agree, yet you're still here, this mad, and still posting.
Someday you have to admit cutting your dick off to impress that cute gender studies major was a little self defeating

Income and state tax would be much lower for the population, yes, but not abolished.

You are dumb as dog shit if you think trump brings stability to this country or planet.

You seem a bit mad, care to get anything else off your chest while we're here?

Dubs proves there were no concentration camps


Attached: FB_IMG_1431795345439.jpg (623x620, 35K)

not even mad
It's like watching someone fumble with their greasy babydick in public instead of putting it away

That’s what I thought. You can’t address truth.

>hate, division and instability.

Says the side calling everyone Nazis because they want lower taxes.

Attached: GillibrandTweet.png (596x342, 44K)

>I can't criticize Trump

Attached: 261b13d64a22f023eb9ca3c5004b43d8397378e758834511d74cab19a1de2c3b[1].jpg (625x833, 94K)

If only children were a choice. Yeah, imagine that.

Your crotchfruit is your problem, not mine.

maybe it it were quads
like Quad 17

You mean PRAVDA

I mean the part of America that isn't that very narrow strip of land along the coasts. The Democratic party lost the last election by ignoring middle America for the umpteenth time and are doing their level best to facilitate a repeat; no amount of triggered screeching is going to change that. The majority of American voters might personally dislike Trump, but they're certainly not going to stand to be dictated to by a bunch of out of touch liberal assholes, either.

Naw, calling them nazis because they had a tiki torch parade chanting the Jews will not replace us, and there were “very fine people on both sides “.

If your definition of "instability" is histrionic arguments and autistic screeching, why yes, this is about as 10% as bad as the election of 1800 between Jefferson and Adams.

What's wrong with talking about Hillary?

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No you just don't mind being "dictated" by an actual wannabe dictator

Attached: 0af71c2faff84f6eee62d5290036-is-donald-trump-a-racist-who-is-guilty-of-bigotry-as-accused-by-hilary- (285x200, 18K)

Imagine that hundreds of people showing up but you can only point at twelve cunts with torches

Im gonna be the adult here and say: you're right.


Once i noticed the "related articles" i started to get suspicious.

>I can't defend my point
>so I'll just redefine the word "stability"


Because it's cringe

Why would they federal and state income be lower? Why would the state lower their income tax to compensate for a federal increase?

I would like numbers to see your theory, I'm truly interested. I'm currently taxed at 28% adjusted income. What would the new VAT tax be and federal income tax be to support more goverment spending and increased savings for me.

Hey dumbass, guess what makes a society flourish? Well supported and educated children. I understand you can never procreate with a females consent, but many of us do, and have to consider these factors.

How can Trump lose?
Who can the Dems put forward to oppose him?

Joe the kiddy toucher?

Warren the "indian"?

Bernie the socialist?

The Dems dont have any candidates that even pose a threat.

Attached: god emperor2.gif (320x180, 806K)

I'd rather err on the side of racism is an issue because of politically right ideologies.

Yeah, funny how they just 'ran into one another' at the airport... and talked for so long.. but only about their grandchildren.

They're concentrating populations of undesirables into a centralized location. If they start making them work, it's a work camp. If they start killing them off, it's an extermination camp. Right now they're just being concentrated. In a camp.

Because the VAT would offset the need to have a high tax burden.

Yes, they are super happy with the most corrupt administration in modern history, if not all of American history. 2018 sure proved that.

They were chanting, "You will not replace us".

Attached: 1543209793558.jpg (208x210, 9K)

You want me to support your children because you're a loser. You should start by taking responsibility for your actions, and not blaming others for your pitfalls.

Bernie was right: Trump is a fraud who lied to them.

Oh man, you even threw in the ad nauseam “screeching” for the perfect touch. You certainly are not an unoriginal sheep.

Why is it cringe?

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tbf if there's anyone who needs to be "replaced" it's those nazi jackoffs

You'll never convince an NPC of that. They've only seen the Vice video with altered audio.

You don’t count well beyond the fingers on each hand, eh?

>you're a loser
and you're a "winner," how, exactly?
By supporting Drumpf?

> waits patiently for figures to prove theory

Next time answer the question in Spanish like beto, so you can dodge it in two languages.

Because it/you are.

Look at you regurgitating garbage like a big boy!

The Jews will not replace us*

>Seething this whole thread
>I-I'm not mad!
sure thing champ
now go dilate


Attached: trump laughing.gif (480x270, 966K)

you fucking dense fuck

enjoy supporting your slow slide to feudalism

That's assuming quite a lot about a stranger on the internet. It also proves my point about the failings of the alleged members of the Democratic party. Congratulations; you're helping to kill American democracy. Gg no re.

ICE has been doing child detention for 20+ years. Why's it such a big deal now? The reality is that your one of ~100,000,000 vote counts for diddly shit, as the two-party system is no choice. All politicians are in it to make as much $$$ as they can, and fuck what it does to society. If you think you have any more power over politics than you do the weather, go join a local city council and see what it takes to get a crosswalk put in.

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Clearly the point is that not 100% of the one side are people with tiki torches. Interesting that you can't count well beyond two fingers.

I'm sure Bernie fags still feel the burn after the rigged dnc. Too bad Bernie doesn't feel the burn from his new summer home he got out of it.

put the babydick away trumpshit

do you even know what that word means trumpshit? you keep posting it

Wew, you sure told them...

I don't see you trying to stop him. All you do is argue with those who want to.

Good. Let's abolish it.

>Not preferring the Tiesto Remix over the original
Nazi confirmed

No faggot. Bush started ICE after 911. That isn't 20 years ago.

Oops, you are ignorant.


Funny how you faggots always scream "stop punishing the rich" but clearly you have exceptions.

I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make here, but I can only assume that you're a literal autist with no sense of irony or nuance.

I sure did.

>Still seething
So delicious

keep nazi-splaining how we're wrong lol

You can't answer because you know I'm right. The Dems dont have a single candidate that can challenge Trump.

You dont have any positive positions. You've fallen into a pit where all you can do is cry about Trump and say nasty things about his supporters.

Attached: Trump is a racist.jpg (992x558, 174K)

Great policy. I'm all for lower taxes and less burden on the working class.

Soon as you have to support a theory, you lose composure. Congrats

How are they being a hypocrite? They're denigrating Bernie Sanders for being a hypocrite, not for being rich.

You can't say rich people are bad, then take handouts for doing nothing and live in a lap of luxury and not expect to be called out on it.

Of course, cucks like you can't let hypocrisy of your leaders being pointed out!

Kid, you don’t make enough money to ever have to worry about bearing that burden, you never will.

>what? you hate trump?
>durr clinton durr
>u seething


It’s clear as day if you have ears and any English comprehension.

samefag pretending like his "insults" were at all effective

Attached: trump3.jpg (428x427, 23K)

It's not a "theory." VAT and higher wages are already in practice in many European countries.

It’s time to take your pills, kiddo. Your wrangler will bring them into the basement soon.

>Still this mad
Stay mad tranny

I do usually end up telling you meatheads to fuck off because you're so fucking dense, you're right. And I love doing it.

Semantics. Nearly 20 years.

And you would have marched with the torchbearers?

Because Sanders made some money, great. That's the American Dream.
Oh. Wait. It isn't. You're mad.
Fucking hypocritical dipshit.

Listen to yourself, idiot. The job was done by our INS and Border Patrol before ICE. A name change confuses you?

At this point, if you're not getting called a Nazi by the left, you're probably a shitty person.

Attached: AOC.jpg (770x415, 24K)

No, it’s quite literal.

lulz were had at this comment.

>You can't say rich people are bad,
He didn't say that dipshit, he said that all the money goes up to the top earners, and that it isn't fair to the rest of us, or society.

speak english frogfag


ok boomer dipshit
is your asshole prolapsing btw?

>wat? you no liek trump?
>durr hillery durr

fuck you trumpshits are mad

>Can't refute
>Points out being called a bad name

Burden of the state,

Continue to screech about how the government should support your ill decisions. Thatll really show the opposition you are the one who is superior.