Youtubers you wish to fuck

Youtubers you wish to fuck

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Jane Douglas

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does your grandma have a youtube?
because, her

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Sydney Watson

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Lizzie Velasquez

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My boi

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post banana and to abolish the cancerous threads.

This chan used to be a megical place to me by this board hijacked by INCELS and pedos who post loli to not get the fbi on their front DOOR... ALSO BY DOING IT YOU WILL SAVE THE FORUM FROM PEDOS ! REPOST THE WHITE REVOLUTION

Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:

- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)

Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.

Section 3. BANANA ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.


Always good to find someone else who likes her

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What is a YouTube? Sounds sexual, please stop it.
Thank you

my dude


Holy that looks awesome

I third this

Got any more pics?

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yeah of course

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i know, we dont get enough of the old school YTers getting faked like that and its sad

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Lauren Southern

Didn't realise she had that good of a body

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It's a shame no decent fakes of her exist

Follow her insta then

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god I know, they are all pretty poor this is prob the best

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Yea Forums was created in 2003 by moot who wanted to translate the original 2chan board into English. He used Yea Forums to talk about anime. The site grew and changed into what it is today. So we don’t have to change shit, you gotta change.

>filled with pedos
You a newfag because everyone knows that back in the day Yea Forums was filled with cp.

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Any bikini pics

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All the CR babes

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sadly lacking any full on bikini pics always in a pose where you can see it fully or has something covering some of her

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Strange fetish OP

JellyBean again

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Amy the jew from vinatge space.

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quality bad as its a screen shot from insta vid she up loaded but yeah it kinda sucks that Ellen has better bikini pics than her.

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big money salvia

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She's hot too, literally the only reason I watch that channel

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IRL she is a total loser.
Massive student loans with a non marketable major. Encouraged by her mom to be a YT star.
Got into custom modeling undies per request for $$$.
Got de-funded on YT for various whorish practices. And a massive weeabo.
But I'd still pay to fuck her.

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no shade on Ellen at all from me just find Jane much hooter, I like the stuff the channel does tbh find them more focused that most of the YT gaming stuff, but I can respect why you'd watch it for those 2.

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I still want her to sit in my face after doing the cheerleader dance

I'd give my right nut to fuck letydoesstuff

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Lost most of her scientific viewers when she went off a left turn cliff about global warming.

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Naomi Wu, aka SexyCyborg.
probably a starfish fuck but I'd still like to try . . .

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better Pic

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Jenny Nicholson 110%

If you don’t know her, you’re missing out on a YT waifu and quality continent

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She’s a major cutie

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I bet shes prob into some dirty stuff secretly

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Oh absolutely. At the very very least she’s a big sub

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What happened to her? Why she no make videos anymore?

no way she isnt a total sub

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I really wish she had leaks tbh

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She is a dom. probably loves to use a whip or leash

Totally agree, there just need to be more YT leaks in general

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Honestly you might be right. She’s hard to nail down

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She would be fuckable in that outfit.
Has a nice rack but keeps it minimized.

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Red mission commander stripes ??
That's a joke.
Really stands for onboard whore ?

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Miss cooney

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You shoulden't fuck people with open sores

Ash from what culture

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Doesn't someone keep posting nudes that they claim to be Ellen?

Just because

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No idea I saw a guy a couple days ago who claimed to of fucked her but he never replied to my message.

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got demonetized by YT.
Now does only private work for $$$.
A true video whore.

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Jenny leaks would be a mix of hot and interesting.Just get a feeling some costume or star war thing would be involved.

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Jessica Chobot

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He was probably bullshitting then

can you repost them? I can confirm or deny

she only fucked guys before she made it to outside xbox. Lately she has been a feminist hermit. Maybe one hookup that very few know about.

In those last few vids Jellybean was looking a little extra chunky. Does not quite fit with the image she was going for.
But I'd still pay to fuck her.

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A man can dream

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You just want to see the nudes don't you

the message was something about shes on tinder under a fake name just want press for more info

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Why deleted ?

lol id forgotten about that vid, but you know what I mean right she seems the type.

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Lizzy fucking wurst

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Wouldn’t be mad if this were in the leak either

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It was a little girl that was fully clothed. Either the poster deleted it themselves for (You)s or there's a mod with an itchy trigger finger watching this thread.

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I really wish more people knew about her. I feel like she could become very popular on Yea Forums for her looks m

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same here wish more people knew her but I get the feeling her opinion on the new star wars wouldn't go down well here tbh

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I couldn't bring myself to have sex with her, she is annoying and entitled.
I would kick her out of bed.

Yessss Autumn is a goddess. more please

Was it the hook up the guy she went on holiday with?

Right, that’s why I said her looks specifically. Idk if her opinions would be very popular, she’s pretty liberal and disagrees with consenting Yea Forums opinions like The Last Jedi

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She doesn't need to become anymore popular on here or any imageboard than she already is. She's already too popular in general and tries so hard to maintain it by pumping out mediocre content. But, she really doesn't need any more attention from here, she already has a board on 8 chan full of stalkers that she knows about and it makes here feel uncomfortable. Luckily, she seems to be able to handle it for now but there's no telling when someone will go too far in stalking or harassing her and eventually wear her down.

That’s a good point. I just like her videos and don’t see her much on Yea Forums YT threads is all I meant, don’t know much about the other shit

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How annoying is she now? Last time I remember going to her channel, she was just whining about getting old and not being popular on Youtube anymore.

True but no matter her looks that kind of crap would just flood where ever shes posted.

because shes like 11

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Nobody should want to fuck a sell out.

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>implying there's someone in this thread that isn't a sellout

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Need more Ellen

of course

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Fuck yes, more?

Fuck outta here wit all that bullshit

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Nice, have you got more like that I'll try and deep nude them

sadky no I think they might be the only 2 bikini pics of her atm

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Well this one came out not terrible

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how about nude like what other poster claimed? even if they don't show face, I'd like to believe. my imagination that it's her is all I need to jerk off anyway

nice pic before she let herself go. I want to see the chubby nudes. I'm weird.

nice same about the water marks

I dont know if this is part of the set that guy was taking about but i have this

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I can definitely buy that. But I was hoping for tits. I don't care about random pussy lol. Thank you for posting though.


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ummm not exactly sure id call her chubby but ok

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sorry all I have never know maybe the guy will trun up here.

well her sitting position in recent videos has featured a few rolls. I love that though.

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fair enough

wanting to fuck barbara dunkelman is a weird fetish?

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nice im guessing that is from an old vid of hers

Where did you get this?

Where is this from?

it's amazing how hideous her sister turned out. 350lb ginger with what I would call a butterface if anything else on her was anything decent.

Aphmau, theres hardly any good fakes of her

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got sent it ages ago on discord was chatting about her and the other sent it saying it looked like her

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I had a great screenshot of a downshirt from her from an episode years ago. I thought I saw a nipple but the quality was such shit thanks to youtube encoding, it would've only been proof if it was hd. I wish I still had the pic. I purged all my caps a year ago.

never knew she had a sis


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that freckle can definitely be used to confirm any nude leaks

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i dont care if she's ugly,i would fuck her just to say ive fucked a jewish women before

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yeah she would tweet about and with her a whole lot. idk if she does anymore. It's shocking how different they look. one must be half or adopted.

I cant remember what episode it was it must of been 3 years ago now if not longer but for the whole opening Jane was fully up-skirted.

This chick from the react channel

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I've fucked two and neither were ugly. Let alone THAT ugly.


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true never thought of that

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she need to do some leg workouts but she's hot as hell

yeah,ive seen some pretty sure idf(the jewish military) women


Fair I've never followed her on twitter that would be why.

was it a top 7 compilation or a full on vlog?

It was shame they fixed it so fast.

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honestly no idea it was just for the into bit.

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ASMR Darling ... all day.

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The only right answer

This has been credited to her but it's been around forever

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Looks nothing like her in my opinion

That guy is awesome.

I don't see it tbh at all, do we know how old she is so could take a guess if shed look like in 2005. I though she was around my age mid 20s.

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that very few know about? do you know about it?

tbf I see a v vague resemblance

are the nudes that have been going around 100% her or just hearsay?

wuts she eatin?

Judging by I'd say it's hearsay

damn. still would love to take a look...

anything on Jane?

I have seen no nudes at all sorry if you misunderstood that wasn't me who mentioned them being a thing. I only posted the mirror 1 as an example of one that looked like her due to the hair.

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damn she's pretty. I want to see her bukkaked.

She's 30 I think

any nudes of Emma and her new tits yet?

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that id love to see

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she's 30??!

really? I put her at like 27 at the most and Jane at around 30

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I'd plow her in a heartbeat

are her and CRG still dating?

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I doubt we will ever get nudes of Emma new or old tits.

any young pics of Ellen? or any of her tits/ass being shown off?

Yes. Careful though. She has an std. What's the one that only affects women? I forgot.

This is youngest I know of id guess late teens from things shes said

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Hpv! That's it!

Of course that's how she dressed as a teen....

I don't know.... when her married boyfriend cheats on her I feel like something might leak

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lol wasnt really going to be anything else was it.

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kinda cute. I'd still plow it

I think that would require her letting him take nudes.


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I'm sure she was popular at her local skate park.

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on her knees with cum in that little pixie cut?

no surprise

you don't think she's clingy enough to let him?

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Holy shit yes. I haven't had any luck finding nude or even scantily clad pics though.

Well its the natural position of every other girl ive ever known who dresses like that.

And boy


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shes clingy yeah but shes also a cold bitch so who knows.

her body is amazing too. shame

I believe it but I don't care

umm, Ellen bikini pics? Where?

I tended to only make friends with the girls

Literally in this thread

Did you save them?

I feel Jane is way to down to earth for anything like that to be out there

you've ruined this thread

