

Attached: block_nose.png (999x999, 75K)


got a blocked nose

nostrils like train tunnels

mank's nose - the hallways of doom

quake e3m10 secret stage - Down The Mac'quoques Proboscis

Monstrous Nostrum

Mostrulous Nostridium


monstrous nostrumWH HOW THE FUCk u come up with that HJAFGR-FGDOOOO IM PASSING OUT OLOOO

dripping brain juice

snifeling rotent

how'd i miss this beautiful gem

crushed bones up his nose holes!!!!!! chop of bit of monkey nostril use as eraser ....... poking bent paper clips into monkey nostril walls

crushin' up dem bones



muAnkAy lAAAAyve

Everyone hates the monkey. Bash the monkey, kill the monkey.

mellow monkey froth


dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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Taser me face

Last night I face tasered your sister

I hope you proposed to her first

bond burgered

I did, old school gentleman style on bended knee

i bonded with her burger

holy shit i solved it

i bonded with her meaty buns?

I think it means vagina flaps.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Yeah the vertical cheeseburger

"you want pickle in that burger"!


Exhaling and inhaling, the seemingly endless cycle of breathing that we all must endure throughout this lifetime and beyond.

Just imagine if all the air disappeared one day, that would suck. We're all like 5 minutes away from death at all times. Pretty scary. Always remember to keep breathing!

breathe in that jungle juice we commit to unholiness

If you just get trapped in a place with limited air you will die very quickly
Life is so fragile

The fragility of life is an endless chasm of locusts

omg.......... omg lol........ getting some absolute trademark monkey mank vibes........
monkey mank....... imma ask again bro maybe you're in the kinda mood to answer bro but––––––––– is it u bro? reply "YES" to confirm

>Always remember to keep breathing!

i sometimes forget to breathe and i start feeling weird and then i realize im not breathing

h'HOH! another STINKER from "YUJI SAKAI".......

stick 2 the pictures dude
more baby dinosaur / hedgehog paradigm stuff.
'think thats more your "ZONE".
cause every time ya open ya fucken mouth it's like uhmmmmmmmmm k
h'hoh hoh

buAoured of yuAoAoAoughe

pretty rude tbh :(

u original mister hidden behind shrub yuji mane ???? or faker lier torch carryer ????

as OG as it gets (at least on [s4s])

i saved that shrub pic from someone else from here tho. but that was in 2014

h'heh. yeh. alrite. h'heh..... yeh.... startin 2 remember now... yr one of the more APPROACHABLE schizbags on the board... 'pprec8chu comin bacc down 2 earth 2 communic8 w/ tha locals :]

my medication is now the same it was back then, even the same dose

tbh never gonna change again

this is my literal mfw when i hear bass frequencies

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my throat is being bombarded

Attached: DqzKaQFUcAA1TTW.jpg (927x1200, 90K)

how you s'posta tap in if you're all fapped out?


plump mellow yellow smellow melonous hemispheres of a rump

the BURN / DODGE paradigm



I must say I grow weary of these monkeyshines.

–––––––––––––––––––––––WAIT WHY

who else start their threes from the bottom bro
i do bro

i want everyone in the thread to know that i do NOT do this.

It was a reference to the movie Inglourious Basterds

i got it

Ich muss sagen ich hab' genug von dem Affentheater.

hoh shit

she has no style she has no grace this cat has a penis

how do you know

nothing fucking wrong with starting threes at bottom fuck yOOOOOu

What about eight's?

hey yeah those too heh heh

many letters and numbers, I form in this unconventional way. but I still manage to live a normal life

the mank / macao / m'kankerank triumvirate

You are an inspiration

he's an inspiration he's an inspiration
he's an inspiration to us all

sorry your threes suck dude

best joke-a the day ....... callin it .........

wouldnt have botherde to call it but this poor little eraserhead monkey was bout 2 croq

get croqtopped ... CROQ u lockjaw bonespinkter

"spink" ...... hideouse little bit of letterse isnt it

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