she has a big cock
She has a big cock
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Yes she does, and I LOOOOOVE it.
I love Bailey.
Too bad years of pumping, surgeries and hormones have destroyed the cock to the point of barely able to produce anything but a dribble of cum.
Does she cum in this vid
I hope find a video where bailey gets banged?
I know there are many videos of Bailey masturbate or sucking a weird cock of his boyfriend but there just 2 videos of Bailey fucking there's no more of those
i wanna cuddle and kiss Bailey
Bailey giving or taking? Bailey has done a bunch of videos with her husband where he's giving it to her. Not nearly as many where she's giving it to someone else unfortunately. I really wish she weren't married. We'd have seen a LOT more videos of her besides solo masturbation stuff. And don't get me wrong, those JOI vids she does are REALLY hot and I love it but I'd like more hardcore action from her.
i saw a video years ago of here getting hard anal and giving hard anal but i can't find it anywhere anymore
I would marry Bailey. She's exactly my type. I love her face and body, and her personality and sense of humor is exactly what I love.
mentally ill
traps are just men who get gender change but keep the dick
He. He has a big cock. That is not a woman with a dick. That's a man with tits.
nope he just thought one day that he would make a one hell of a sexy woman so he decided to become one
that is me
that's the very definition of mental illness
Are you Bee Armitage?
Ugh, I would so marry Bailey Jay. Not even remotely kidding.
i would fuck her once but never marry her
So you're Bee Armitage? Prove it.
So would i. I would drown her with kisses every day.
Bailey isn't for everybody but her personality is exactly the kind of person I'm into. The sense of humor is just who I like and she's also into stuff like B-movies and things like that. I love it. I am not kidding. I genuinely would love it if I could be in a serious relationship with her.
Nah. That is ALL woman. And sexy as hell. Just give in. You know she's gorgeous.
love that tummy
You like Avril Lavigne? I had a huge crush on her years back.
10/10 body, face, tits, and dick in my opinion. I know everyone isn't into her, but I most definitely am.
Them dick lips
yeah see I'm not a huge fan of dick since I'm not a raging homosexual
im not gay but his cock is the only cock i thought was hot ever
Don't have to be gay to like a trans WOMAN. If you don't like trans chicks, then don't like them. I do, and I don't care if you don't like it.
Wish my lips were wrapped around her dick right now... :P
I would kill all of you faggots with my hands. Smiling. Penis = MAN.
Yeah you do. Unless you’re female. There’s nothing wrong with being a faggot. Be honest though.
nope not gay because they look like a woman not a man so you are not attracted to a man so its not gay even tho they are a man
She? Nigga, come on now.
He’s fat and balding now. Plus small cock.
I love Bailey's dick. Look at this dick. It's fucking beautiful. Also it's her. Bailey is a woman. Her dick. Don't care about your reasons for calling her a man, but I'm going to refer to her as she.
yes, you're gay, at least partially. straight men aren't attracted to penises sexually. the end.
its not gay if its in a 3 way
Nah dude. Female. I'm honest about who I like, and I love chicks with dicks, and I will blow every ladyboy I can find until you admit they're all women. Also, look at this beautiful dick. Mmmm....
It’s gay, per the definition. So many closeted fags love trannies. You a homo.
Neither fat nor balding, and that dick is pretty decently big. At least 6-6.5 inches. Not massive by any means, but definitely not small. And it's very thick. ;)
So you’re a female? Well then it’s heterosexual. Never knew a girl to like trannies though. It’s usually men.
Your mom's a homo.
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Yeah he is. He wears wigs now. His hairline is fucked. There’s a few picture online of it. He is fat now. Unless he lost weight. Now sure if he has.
Still a faggot.
if i likeing this woman makes me ok fuck it im gay now
Not gonna argue with you about this. If you don't like trans women, then you shouldn't even be in a thread dedicated exclusively to one.
Pick one.
This is from a few weeks to maybe a few months ago. Bailey's hair is fine. Chill.
this is when she was a 10/10
Not a very nice thing to say about your mom...
You can’t argue with science or facts dude. Trannies aren’t women.
Shecock. Problem solved.
That’s a wig dumbass. A lot of transgender women go bald if it’s hereditary. They think hormones will stop it, but it doesn’t.
i'm not gay, i don't find males attractive, however i think this is extremely hot, i also find trans women more of a turn on then women in general
Yes they are. No man looks this good. End of story.
Bailey does. He’s a guy with tits. I’m fat as fuck with tits too.
so yummy
You find Bailey attractive, he’s male. Therefore you a gay nigga.
Sad thruth is that she doesn't do high quality porn anymore, she is mostly just sucking her boyfriends mutilated jewcock on low quality shitty videos.Makes me sad.
Yeah it's always a wig in every picture. It's why her hair has looked this way for years now with consistency.
Homosexuality is quite common user.
Your mom's a gay nigga.
He’s older now though. Most fags like younger trannies. It happens to all pornstars. It’s cringe seeing a 35 year old still doing porn. Hope he saved some money.
Gay men dont like feminine penises.
She might be, but so are you.
Yeah they do. They like dick.
There’s a few pics of her receding hairline. She wears hair pieces that are obviously fake.
Bailey is gorgeous and she really is a huge turn on. I've only ever been with cis women but trans women are what I primarily check out online. If you like them then don't let anyone else convince you to stop. Chicks are wonderful, and chicks with dicks are even better. Love it. Love it as much as you want.
An old, aging, balding tranny doing porn would be interesting to watch. Similarly to watching a crash.
Yeah that's for variety in pictorial shoots and stuff, but her real hair is fine, dude.
What is a cis woman?
She is just 30 years old.
Haha, it means non transgender person. Cis man or cis woman is just any random man or woman you meet on the street.
He blocked me on twitter for calling him Brian. Such a sensitive faggot.
What not just call them man or woman? Why add cis? Seems weird.
Like if if a person has Down syndrome, we don’t say cis syndrome for hose that don’t have it.
Because her name is Bailey. Maybe just don't be a chode, and you won't get blocked, dude.
Yeah they do actually. Gay men have and go to drag shows all the time. It's okay to be gay user, just stop lying to yourself about.
No I get it and I understand it sounds weird, but it's to specifically differentiate them so you know exactly what you're talking about. Here's an explanation from Wikipedia on the word's etymology:
"Cisgenderhas its origin in theLatin-derived prefixcis-, meaning "on this side of", which is the opposite oftrans-, meaning "across from" or "on the other side of". This usage can be seen in thecis–trans distinctionin chemistry."
It happened years ago. I heard him on some radio or podcast station and looked him up. It was a joke. He’s walking around with fake tits and a dick, you’d think he have more of a sense of humor.
that feeling you get when trannies have a bigger dick than you
Yeah and drag queens aren't changing their bodies to be a different gender from what they were born as. They do that for entertainment, like a naughtier version of a comedy act having men dress in drag for a comedy bit. It's not even the same thing.
The bigger the better!
Differentiating them is used when we put trans in front of the word woman or man, to let people know they aren’t biologically male or female.
It is unnecessary to do it for biological males or females who aren’t trans. Just like it’s unnecessary for us to use similar language for people without Down syndrome.
im not sexually attracted to guys at all only guys who look like woman with a dick
I'll take your advice man, i've been with a trans woman only once but it was pretty amazing, i actually enjoyed sucking her off as well
I get that, but it's just what it is called. For instance if I were to talk about being attracted to women, I would mean cis women and transgender women, because I am attracted to both. But if I'm explaining something between this or that group, it makes more sense to have a specific term to differentiate one from the other. I get it, the term sounds stupid, but it's just what it is.
She looks like Linetrap only with implants and fat as fuck and somehow more Jewish...
They do bald, I know a pretty trans girl who’s balding.. though I think she will get a hair transplant
>im not sexually attracted to guys at all only guys who look like woman with a dick
>im not sexually attracted to guys at all
>im sexually attracted to guys who look like woman with a dick
>im sexually attracted to guys
Was she hot?
that is Linetrap
same here, its a big turn on for me ._.
ALL woman.
Then you’re bisexual attracted to feminine people.
I’m a straight male and when I say I’m attracted to woman, I referencing an human adult female.
If you’re into both persons you would say women and transwomen. form kind of dissapoint...
except for the dick
Definitely not a disappointment.
Does stop it, it will continue. My dad had one and he’s still balding.
What's her dick size ?
almost 6 inch
pretty hot considering she was pre ops, her ass was pretty big which is what i like
Then you’re bisexual attracted to feminine people.
Then you're a deviant
there you go fixed it free of charge
Between 6 to 6.5 inches. Supposedly 6.3 inches.
If you tribute kik me mickparnau
Melody Monae
>feminine dick
Fucking kek. That dick and those pubes with the nails. I can’t lulz.
Nice dick
Yup, beautiful feminine penis. Don't like it? Then leave.
Nice. Now show them naked plz. Liek dis
Very nice. I'd suck that
Worst cock ever
i want to put my tongue in there
I want my tongue all over her body. Especially her cock.
Spit right in my mouth Bailey, right before you shove your cock in it.
Trying to count the amount of times you say ''her'' and ''she''.
Really interesting how many times you need to specify that in every post.
Well, it got tons of idiots butthurt didn't it? Also, Bailey Jay is a woman, and there isn't some doofus on the internet who is going to get me to say otherwise. I am genuinely attracted to her and I would date her if I could. Not my fault you don't like me calling her a woman. Get over it.
I was about to post
Pick one.
But then I saw it was Bailey Jay so I would've been wrong
Could always just say shecock. :P