Name one thing trump has done wrong

Name one thing trump has done wrong.

Attached: CE2CB98A-0864-44E2-882C-FA8211EBDA50.png (512x512, 459K)

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Half of America

> Not served his 2nd term yet

he has done something?

You say that like you actually watch the news or understand politics

His first 3 marriages

Can't name one noteworthy thing he's done, right or wrong. He's pretty harmless because he's ineffective. Loud mouth, sure, but that's all bark and excitement. A few tax cuts here, some partisan snips amd snaps there, a couple tariffs and sanctions. Like i said - nothing noteworthy good or bad.

Let Arnold on The Apprentice

does the president have any fucking power at all? aside from vito.

Have fun

I assumed you meant in office, so I left out the slew of garbage human being acts he committed before taking office

his presidency


your mom

That’s a good question, how can a man who’s done literally nothing be lived and hated so much? Hmmmm...

Cut taxes for his kike buddies

Work for Israel

Gave 38 billion to America's greatest ally

Attached: Jewnime.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Obstructing justice

**vomiting noises**

>Name one thing trump has done wrong.

Typing "Coverage" properly. Instead he made a typo and typed "Covfefe" which is pretty bad for someone who is commander in chief of the biggest army on earth.

You'd think that communication should be a skill that is required to POTUS but apparently not.

Attached: CerealGuy.png (600x541, 94K)

Same thing goes with the ex-Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim. Guy does not know how to type or use a PC.

Now, is that because Turkey is a shithole, or politics are shit in general?

Trump did nothing wrong. Just like Hitler.

Not putting pic related in jail

Attached: hillary_dn.png (300x585, 289K)