
Maybe I'll be Tracer edition

Attached: sketch1561793748938.png (500x500, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm AlReAdY tRaCeR

Attached: Group photo.jpg (1021x577, 373K)

All drawfags are welcome to join this group photo

Attached: 1561792660333.png (1021x577, 615K)



Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (572x653, 185K)


Attached: Group photo.png (1021x577, 606K)

Requesting this lovely lady giving a blowjob.

Stop having skill you bastards.

Attached: 1.png (500x500, 12K)

no prob
gudnight user
which is u

Attached: rider.png (536x671, 134K)

Draw a snake girl swallowing a dick then, with cum if youd like

Attached: 0296050390.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)


How about

Attached: sketch1561795084223.png (1021x577, 840K)

alright bro wanna touch dicks

Attached: ;).png (593x598, 18K)

cough em up nerds

Attached: jinkies.png (500x500, 94K)

>woa look at me I’m gonna make myself 5x bigger than everyone else oohioho im so fucking cool ahahshh, I’m also gonna cover other people hahah fuck them im so cool oohhhhahh

rider this is cursed

>Fuck I came already....
sorry to rush It but I gotta go to sleep im just goin to pass out at this rate


wew lad I like ur art dako lov u senpai

oh heay it lookin at me

Attached: Wurm.png (800x700, 175K)

(Im just glad no ones griping about how messy my avi looks compared to everyone else)

>How about
Well that's not gotta stop me.

Requesting an user sleeping and using one T H I C C R I D E R ' S thighs as a pillow.

Requesting a comic of this girl getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad

Attached: 6.jpg (800x900, 470K)

Requesting Smith from monster musume making the MC, Kimihito, eat out her stubble-hair pussy as she yawns with bed head

Attached: 14F2E6E2-A303-42E9-8679-F5CD739E4720.jpg (772x1000, 105K)

Who fucking cares nigger, it’s your art so it being shit is a given

Hell yeah
I mean but like... If u wanna tho I'm down hahaha
True xd xd
Better to be messy than an attention whore amirite
Fuck outa here you nig nog, you already got an amazing delivery

Attached: thbbbt.jpg (500x500, 50K)

Oompa doompa loomady loo
Someone already did this for you

Attached: C47CA4D6-D33D-48B4-8240-69772B4C29C9.jpg (640x1022, 149K)

>someone did part of it

I... I dont know whether thats a compliment or an insult...

Too.. much..

Hell yeah

I just won't give you any more (You)s. Starting now.

Attached: sketch1561795424321.png (500x500, 82K)

Bro what the fUCK is that

Thought you were the dragonfag; if you’re nines, you’re fine

Thanks Rider

I assume it's a lung...

its ok bro just scream no homo at the top of your lungs, the louder you scream it the less gay it is
that goes for you too mr 2 pump chump ',:^)))

Attached: ',;).png (724x739, 25K)

Attached: 3160004 - Overlook StevenCarson The_Witcher Tracer Triss_Merigold crossover.jpg (3640x4096, 1.85M)

Oompa loompa doopity do
Please stop acting like a spoiled jew
Oompa loompa doopity dart
You should be grateful when people make your art

It was good, yes, but it wasn't the full request.

Attached: 1538039526367.jpg (300x300, 19K)

I think it's a lung
Looks neat

You may be right

Attached: sketch1561795818858.png (500x500, 128K)

Hahaha yeah no homo dawg
Right fuckin fair enough then you cheeky cunt
God damn that shit's fuckin gnarly

Attached: Yes nigg.jpg (500x500, 60K)


alright I guess
When will you learn to stop responding to him
Quick swallow it again

Attached: ok anon.jpg (625x415, 63K)

hmmm bro that was kinda quiet

Attached: skab hmmmmm.png (654x752, 31K)

i know but is has to be done
pay me in v buck
no prob user

Attached: rider.png (588x348, 57K)

Thank you, O GREAT T H I C C ONE!

Fucking do other people requests

I don't even know what v buck is, and if I did, I still wouldn't

Attached: 1528938934374.jpg (320x320, 18K)

Attached: 0.png (500x500, 30K)

Sleep u donkeh

I know, right?


Too big

Drawfags don’t owe you art

>Forgetting image
Am I retarded?

Attached: sketch1561796523981.png (500x500, 124K)

It’s a virgin buck

Mego I want to give you a big hug

Attached: Inhale.jpg (500x500, 53K)

im sleepy too. let me crawl into bed with you and cuddle.


Share music

Eggs dee can u coff up ovarie next pls? xd

Attached: No homo.jpg (1200x500, 153K)

I'm not tired.
not the best idea. Plus it gets too hot and I'm miserable in a hot bed.

Attached: 0.png (500x500, 43K)


Attached: _you_almost_feel_ _it.jpg (1025x779, 92K)

I don't think you mean like this

Now I can use that to my advantage

I don't think I can cough that low

Attached: sketch1561796926179.png (500x500, 78K)

i like you. whats your drawname? got discord/twitter?

Attached: skab 1.png (475x928, 43K)

jeez u dont have to scream...gosh
which one should i do tho?
i shall bless u with the T H I C C user
i hope thats not a massive boner dude...

Attached: rider.png (378x346, 38K)

>partially cover someone in the background
Moved myself away so there

Attached: _now calm down_.png (1021x577, 836K)

>/r/ femanon
how about we ditch the blanket and mess around until you're tired?

>jeez u dont have to scream...gosh
>which one should i do tho?
Ouch now I feel bad sorry rider...

dude can you dont

Requesting fun size Rider nibbling on a chicken tender.

I wanna hug baby rider she so adorable.

My brain broke reading that sentence.

whats the problem officer? just asking to play some vidya until we get tired. sheesh.

How about your liver?
I like you too ;) Haha no homo though
Call me Seb
Yo dawg I was fuckin around it's chill, you can keep your spot

Attached: Ayyy.jpg (500x500, 45K)

I think we all know what time it is

Attached: JlbjFUfC.jpg (400x400, 18K)

absolutely no homo whatsoever i aint gay and neither are you

Attached: skab jog.png (609x906, 39K)

Requesting someone to draw my avatar

Attached: avatar.png (400x400, 46K)

Attached: group.png (1020x578, 702K)

i would still be eyeing up that massive schlong the whole time, but vidya nonetheless. won't complain if we messed around in other ways.....

Ah yes, the best way to summon Sidhe

The boys

What do you want him to be doing user

No lie! Was just thinking the same thing!

Because I sleep
I sleep right here

Attached: sketch1561797576216.png (500x500, 51K)

Alright well uh
SLeep tight little.. Axolotl?

Being happy with a toothy smile

>It’s not like I purposely stopped my growing or something like that..
How would younger you react to you now??

Attached: 78FBB1E0-4FBF-494E-8CEB-0EE09891E700.jpg (298x299, 30K)


there wasn't much room anymore, so i made some

Attached: popopoka.png (1400x573, 749K)

>tfw popo tries to do good
>cuts sieg in half
kek. show me your next magic trick!


>Bro why are you so gay?

I used to be a drawfag, then I got a degree

And you cut me out??

I will


One last meme before I go

Attached: sketch1561797919214.png (500x500, 127K)

Should hsve exoand the other side
U killed the dragon

I think it looks better like this honestly
The group is expanding
>it was just a cardboard cutout of me the whole time there was never a dragon
Should've expanded the right side-

Attached: _Might've caught a virus_.png (768x768, 127K)

ey say ur sorry
she only has one teeth so it gonna take a loooong time before shes finishes it
be careful dont squize too hard
baby football
ashamed and disgusted
hey popo

Attached: rider.png (390x276, 46K)


Attached: 0.png (500x500, 65K)

Fuckin champion
Keep up the good work son
Fair enough
What's your drawname, Sieg?

Attached: Ayy.jpg (500x500, 43K)

i was expecting mario kart but this works too. just slow enough that it'll kill us both in an hour. perfect.
>im cheating the entire time u will never win

>Murdering Siedhe, Mego and Siegmund
This is why youre in prison popo

>Needing a blanket AND a pillow to hide that dick
Soren's a fucking BEAST

No wonder wurm wanted to fuck him

what are your favorite brand of tendies? frozen, fast food, etc.? wendys always had my favorite... one day they will bring the tendies back...

Soren actually initiated the fucking first. Soren's just insatiable when he's in the mood. A true beast.


Attached: 9ball.png (1200x1000, 234K)

What a Chad!

Didn't wurm asked for it first?

nono, that guy is actually like gondola creatures so it's fine

no, sorry, it's not

didn't notice you there, /shrug

nono, the left side is perfect, :D

heyy penis monster

i avenged u

i dindu nuffin

that guy gets it

Attached: popopoka.png (423x543, 57K)

I could have sworn it was Soren that started it... Too tired to check the archives.

Attached: 6175447075.jpg (1514x1624, 189K)

I expected this answer at least once..
Holy (You)s Poopoopeepreeka!!
I- I’m not though, at least I don’t think I am I’m not really interested in those types of things so idk actually...I’m just debil!!
Yeah same..

Attached: 9CB42959-3F55-40A8-ADBF-A5B0EBA1E471.jpg (299x298, 28K)

popo just edit yourself into the base image, but holy shit my sides

get in there debil youre too cute to not be. dont make me do this...

>I expected this answer at least once..
i told myself in middle school that over summer id have that cliche sudden change like they do in the manga. where the person is chubby and nerdy but when school starts back up, theyre so attractive people dont recognize them.
...didnt happen clearly. still disappointed to this day.

forgot the fuckING IMAGE

Attached: dont make me do this.png (638x893, 64K)

i can't believe you'd cheat at Go-Fish.
it's just comfy leave me alone.
that is false.

Attached: 0.png (1400x573, 746K)

Attached: 4534546746.jpg (1014x1670, 116K)

it took me way too long to find the soren wtf

you underestimate how competitive i am. i always peaked at the envelope when we played clue. always stole money from the bank in monopoly. im a cheating demon.

You can be comfy AND hiding your massive chad dick.

Hey Po do you think you can finish the spiderman in this pic?

Attached: 1558990381100.png (700x600, 131K)


Attached: fuckingfurries.jpg (500x500, 39K)

ok this is epic
trips of KEK
god i wish i was the penis
i used to piss my pants in elementary school ssoo....yeh

Attached: rider.png (290x374, 31K)


Attached: dumbshitlol.png (1383x573, 811K)

Hey, we loitering here or something?

Attached: 15617978781389.png (1400x573, 915K)

What sitcom is this?

time to edit in mego

Dont use the poopka edit he erased mego and sidhe from the group pic

Someone add mego and sidhe back D:

On it

Attached: 2515672681.jpg (2308x1616, 153K)

The hero we deserve

alright im off to bed now, see ya thread, take care all.

Attached: skab wave.png (896x893, 45K)

that's not what good gamers do.
dont be dong.

Attached: 0.png (500x500, 72K)

Hows this

Attached: EVERYONEISHERE.png (1400x573, 745K)

sonzai x no bakaa >///< !!


original idea, pls dont steal

poka is so wide he goes around the earth

nigga, you smoke next to me i'll put out that cigarette on your brain through your nose

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 196K)

Soren is going to assassinate us all.

YunYun and friends

i never claimed to be a good gamer. i just get results. have to catch me in the act if you dont want me to cheat. i am the alpha in this house.


Really like this draw Soren. Good job.

he cut my hood...

Attached: OOVYaZW.png (313x372, 67K)

>nigga, you smoke next to me i'll put out that cigarette on your brain through your nose

Popo can you put r0ad in, shes away on a trip so she wont be able to join herself

I’m afraid you’ll have to do it, I’m not the biggest fan of taking/being in pictures...
I was just always myself, the loner, I managed to get the same credit by doing less work in projects because of it in some classes too!! Cheer up user no one can be a better you than you!!
I can’t hold a conversation with someone for longer than 2 minutes before getting an irresistible urge to pee still...
Sleep well and sweet dreams!!

Attached: B0598012-AC49-4005-90BE-4A224A327FBD.jpg (299x298, 29K)

I leave for a bit and return to this, I-
Drawname is Siegmund though some might call me Pepsi
With your trips of truth I guess I'm a nerd
>nono, that guy is actually like gondola creatures so it's fine
Why you gotta try to rewrite my lore
It's spreading

Attached: _into frame_.png (768x768, 110K)

Are you joining?

hey i fixed it,
don't forget to say cheese everyone !

if i got a drawing of em i can try, but i can't just draw em myself, that's not how it works
>ahah, r0ad is on the road, ahahah ahah, lol, ^^

p-please sir, i'm french

trust me gondolas are cooler than dragon

Attached: popopoka.png (1400x573, 615K)

lmao I hate you

I get the idea, get everyone represented and all, but these group pictures are for people who are present, we aren’t gonna put in every drawfag that regulars the place but isn’t here. Your heart is in the right place, nines, but there are limits

how about this r0ad? make her come out of the ground like a radish or something.
>road puns
I torture her with those all the time. will pass this along

Attached: 1557922015286.png (1121x1068, 1.29M)

But popo we cant have the class of 2019 without r0ad

This. Don't worry user. There will be more group photos R0AD can join in on.

Attached: 6194811336.jpg (1884x1454, 170K)

Alright :/ also how the heck did you know it was me

Because you’ve been trying to get everyone in, also I have 1 billion iq

Sozzy I thought I was clear enough I’m not good with words

Attached: A12B8B18-D964-4C08-9036-A2CDB3DC6A94.jpg (299x298, 30K)

Attached: OHFUCKANESPER.jpg (480x240, 15K)


Attached: 1531326133318s.jpg (250x203, 10K)

Is it because you don’t want to compress the image cuz you’re on mobile? If so just give a pose and someone’ll edit you in

didd dat

/shrug smug

woopsie, did it already

Attached: popopoka.png (1400x573, 772K)

Well alright, goodnight thread it was fun

Attached: 9ball-sits.png (1200x1000, 257K)

drawing from imagination only is kind of fun

Attached: sicklr.png (600x600, 130K)

Nice. Will send it to her. Thanks Popo
>Popo's gaze at R0AD is worrisome...

Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)

Discord Link

A server with...
>Actual E-Girls
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

Post what you want Mods don't give a shit.

>More to come soon:)

Attached: 1561784486310.jpg (1563x3461, 1.6M)

This has been a really shitty group picture

Been fun for me. Why you such a grumpy guss user?

And lolys? What about lolys?

any specific reason you don't?

Attached: DEIPk63.png (308x328, 45K)

No longer cut off
Goodnight and Sayonara Nines
Haha no, not really

Attached: _now with a dragon_.png (1024x419, 643K)

sure, just make the image even smaller, no one's gonna mind it


Because being twice as big as everyone else wasn’t enough, what a fucking attention whore

Requesting Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, and Adam Lanza arguing over wether Doom or CoD is better at a table littered with vodka bottles.

I-Is it that weird to not wanna be the group?? It’s not weird right??
Nonono I’m not on enough to warrant being it it no?? It’s just awkward I think to shove myself in??
I don’t really know, it’s weird in all the time I’ve been on I’ve avoided the group draws, I feel I don’t really belong

Attached: 747427AD-100D-42F7-AB58-8E6D8C1AA9D9.jpg (299x298, 22K)

owo whats this?

Attached: hero.png (1024x419, 680K)

ok you adorable stinky Debil, youre cool and you do belong

whoa hey guys lets expand to the left again

If someone had photoshop could you upscale this a bit

You belong!! There's nobody that earnestly doesn't want you to join in on the fun. You are plenty talented! More talented than some of the drawfags already in it. You're fine.

That's the plan
Wait no don't-

Attached: 7458485639.jpg (1016x1476, 82K)

I like how the drawfag that takes up the most space is the worst one

im with user on that one.
you are a drawfriend and we are glad to have you around
so ofc youll belong in there
im sorry ... should i be even smaller?

Attached: hero.png (1024x419, 706K)

I'd add to this group thing but I'm basically dead
Glad to see you guys still do this stuff

meant to link

I always end up with gore or miserable faces if I don't use a ref.

Requesting Marle wrapped up in some cozy blankets

Attached: Marle1.jpg (219x431, 21K)

seconding even if Ayla and Lucca are better.

It's not weird. A lot of folks have avoided group pictures over the years, for a lot of different reasons. In the end, it's up to you to decide whether or not you 'belong,' but if you want to do something, you should. No one can tell you otherwise.

Attached: squide.png (410x430, 66K)

It's been a while since I've seen you Sidhe. I like whatever your style is doing right now. Good work. Post to Twitter more please thanks

>I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move.

Attached: 0.png (500x500, 64K)

the gore part sounds fun though

Attached: sicklr.png (600x600, 70K)

Come on dude at least clean up your jizz

Attached: nonplussed-jon-arbuckle-58bdc06053d98.jpg (788x900, 129K)

It's still pretty tame, I should push it more and research more visceral stuff.

Attached: shroomie-1.png (582x1075, 400K)

i'm sorry but you can't just break the rule and get away with it

oh shit, i need to get in my cell now or i'll get killed

Attached: popopoka.png (1677x572, 877K)

i cant figure out how to cheat with this game... i demand a rematch! next time with uno and loser sucks the winner. i cant trump pro gamer moves with my cheating..!

now THIS is cool

Is it true niggers refuse to take their shoes and socks off when they bang bitches?

Go to bed you Chad you

Draw bloody Rei

Attached: r1w4hiofo1_500.gif (500x386, 750K)

aw shit thanks dude
I'll give it a try but I suck at drawing animays

Attached: skelly.jpg (1000x1000, 88K)

Twiter? Socials?

w-well, you can buy your freedom and life with a good deed . . .

Attached: hero.gif (573x407, 60K)

Attached: Now_Those_Are_Digits.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Scrodanger on instagram, I'm on other sites but they're all dead from neglect.

I’m doing it again aren’t I?? Sapping the fun out of something people were doing.. I’m sozzy
Do I really though, I’m not in the discord’s chatting and talking with everyone, I’m only ever on threads with no knowledge of what’s happening behind the scenes. All I did was bump and stall until a drawer showed up, all I contribute is my 3/4th view self..
I’d like to imagine this as a demon girl with no pants on
I can give it a try
Thanks Sidhe

Attached: 5D8FF0F6-CA45-4431-B95B-2DBB9D9410F0.jpg (299x298, 32K)

Heya hero, can you draw my request now? using these color pallet for a guy giving your oc a hive five

Attached: ref.png (296x456, 16K)


Attached: sicklr.png (600x600, 23K)

chibi or non chibi?

that's a given.
Uno it is then.
Cant confirm or deny that because i dont like to take off y socks to begin with, cold feet are the worst in any situation. I would think it dont matter if it's comfortably warm.
My names not Chad.

Attached: 0.png (500x500, 26K)

You being a downer is sapping the fun out of shit, stop being a downer. You're a fuckin fantastic artist and you have just as much right as anyone else here to participate in group activities >:(

Attached: DIe.jpg (500x600, 79K)

You should be bigger ya cutie

You can always join the Discords! Takes a little bit, but you can! There are plenty of other drawfags that aren't in the Discords or choose not to be in those. They just come to the threads to hang out. We don't hate anyone that does this. We love you Debil

your choice :D

cant wait to cheat at uno... good night soren! we will have our rematch another time. ill bring the cards.

Dont worry too much
People like you, that's enough


>i dont like to take off y socks to begin with
Its true confirmed. I don't think I've ever seen a nigger's feet. I read in some pornstar's book that niggers never removed their sneakers.

yes yes yes yes

What's even going on, why do you do this I didn't violate the rules-

Attached: _Cold Wings Spread_.png (768x768, 182K)

thank u user
>Post to Twitter more please thanks
np, and for what it's worth I think you fit in just dandy, and you're enjoyable to have around.
also, what said, there are plenty not in the discords, myself included.

Attached: squibhe.png (358x342, 60K)

No fags allowed

Don't be a dickhead and take up half a group draw, mongoloid.

Sieg barely took up space? There is plenty more space? The image can be extended? I don't know why people are making it such a big deal outside of random hate on Sieg.

are you sure

Attached: sicklr.png (600x600, 29K)

yes, dont compress the image any further though, were one slip up from iteral pixels

Fuck, i fell asleep

That request with the shared avatar I had planned, in which i just fetching the refs?

Requesting the demoness in a black wedding dress and veil

Attached: Demon Babe.jpg (792x1152, 197K)

a good deed you say ?
fine, i went and collected some trash lying around, and i put it all in the trash bin,
feels good to clean around once in a while :D

you violated the law, now the law will violate you
(the only thing that sucks is tha lowered pic quality tbh)

Attached: popopoka.png (566x572, 155K)

Toy story 3's ending still makes me cry...

Im just having a lil ciggy m8

Attached: kaystory.jpg (800x800, 283K)

looking for a slut? thank me later

Attached: c3c8bbdccbd24057bb4caa7ddf9b54a3.png (432x768, 410K)

why the repost or am i blind?

I am surprised this actually worked

Attached: 32f1d99535c9443b88282fd884817cdb.png (432x768, 376K)

i didn't color the leg through the plastic bag and it bothered me

like this . . . ?
this helps you with not dying . . . ?

Attached: hero.png (585x395, 123K)

>like this . . . ?
Yes, perfect thank you!

Out of all the places on the internet to advertise this
You choose a Yea Forums drawthread...

Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you buddy?

its a bot user ... why are you lecturing bots . .. ?

But Dragon Law is different to human law so the law can't do such a thing! It's unfair

Attached: _huh⁉_.png (768x768, 118K)

Yeah Im pretty sure it was a bot but still... I was so baffled I just... had to reply with something...

Attached: kayffled.jpg (800x800, 131K)

why are we talking so alike, kay ... its scary ...
s-stop . . .

Attached: 45ACBB8B-A775-4EE6-8008-51700F22E0FF.jpg (600x600, 113K)

I... I don't know...

I used to talk like this all the time in the past too...!

Attached: kayworry.jpg (800x800, 217K)

please tell us more about dragon law and how the law can and cannot do it
aye, glad you like it

Attached: hero.png (756x559, 153K)

Hey hero i got a request:

- Scuffed clear glass liquor bottle
- half-filled with light green glowing liquid
- plastered with three ofuda seals (those dumb paper tags you see in anime or on jap zombies, just scribble some made up shit on them instead of moonrunes)
- corked
- bottle is labeled as "goblin souls (distilled)"

ROACHES! They've spread! No longer are they contained in the AC! Now they're in all the units!!!!

I ended up being too sleepy to make this work lol, I'll give it another go tomorrow when I can think straight.

Attached: rei-2-1.png (2022x2376, 1.21M)

Dragons also don't exist/ are extinct... what if you joined them..

Attached: 2044.png (1024x1024, 295K)

did i do it

Attached: sicklr.png (1024x419, 578K)

good request. i tried

Attached: hero.png (548x563, 172K)

Nothing new
Well dragon's laws go more to combat than anything though dragon tribes are more extensive
I mean dragons are still alive but go ahead

Attached: _All Smiles_.png (768x768, 91K)

very naise, thank you frend

we cant let trinket see it though ... must be our secret ...

>I mean dragons are still alive but go ahead
Pics of it didn’t happen

oh i know, one more req
draw this guy wearing an oversized sweatshirt and drinking from the bottle with the label only partly visible
black hair, hazel/green eyes, dark red glass frames

Attached: trinket amazon powerbottom trap thing.png (1061x1252, 286K)

i will play vidya games now!
maybe i draw later more

>Stares angrily

ok hav fun

天宇, maybe
Some messed version of 智夢
混乱, now there is an actual word

but i didnt do anything ...
hey ... no hard judgement. half of my chinese is from mah-jong

So, dragon friend, do you prefer Siegmund?
Or do you prefer pepsi
OwO Howdy Pawtnwer

Attached: Wibblewobbljejellyonaplaye.jpg (700x700, 70K)

>Angry staring intensifies
I know. But I gotta angrily stare somewhere....

I'm only kidding
Siegmund as it's the oldest one
>Now there's two people on my back

Attached: _Walking Dragon🐲💥_.png (768x768, 147K)


Attached: shadow86.png (1024x419, 599K)

Fair enough, Siegmund it is

Attached: HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x500, 75K)


Bro not gonna lie, you're thicc as fuck

When u tryna sneak into a group photo but ur dummy thicc and the clapp of your asscheeks alerts the angry anons to your presence



Who's asking?
Oh my

Attached: _✨Posing Dragon🐲_.png (768x768, 143K)

Oh my indeed... That's a bit of a suggestive pose isn't it? ;)
Also, I am. I'm asking.

Attached: Ohyess.jpg (500x500, 59K)

All I can say is yes to both of the questions, now who are you though?

Attached: _intense staring contest_.png (768x768, 133K)

Attached: 8752458625698965988.jpg (349x349, 9K)

Hey, who drew this TwoKinds image?

Attached: 1561771035954.png (605x900, 252K)


What is this??

What's the threads opinion on Terminator Jesus and should we make more?

Attached: 1561541587279.png (544x778, 130K)

not as good as that one armed cyborg cowboy

Welcome to Nude Empire (On The Discord App)
Discord Link

We've got everything you want. Premium Snaps, Porn accounts, Spotify Cards, Netflix Gift Cards, and whatever the fuck you could imagine. All for free and they're all obtained legally. oiBQ

Attached: 1561814255.039.jpg (850x1192, 110K)

Lil ol me?
Call me Seb, bleasure to meet you Siegmund

Attached: yes.jpg (500x500, 40K)

If Sweden is a bunny rabbit, then what's Finland?

What about Germany? Switzerland?

Attached: Liten_the_Swedish_Bunny_by_QueenPeony.jpg (2030x2255, 690K)

/r/ horny demon bois

Attached: 1449726748221.png (600x600, 16K)

Tons of hot males/females and memes in this discord?


Kill the bots hiroshimoooooooot!

Always remember to


your cheesy ass dick


I'd smash


playing with

Requesting this schoolgirl Fry getting fucked on top of a desk

Attached: 1561683745347.jpg (2146x2929, 953K)

Nice and pleasure to meet you too Seb
I'm kinda with a wyvern but still flattering

Attached: _✨Joyous Love Dragons✨_.png (768x768, 97K)

Oh, it's one of these

Attached: TheGurpo.png (1024x419, 606K)

the vegetables

Greetings, gents. I hope you are all doing well.

Attached: hatsoff.png (550x550, 70K)

indeed one of these.

Attached: Blobo.png (1024x419, 830K)

Is everyone who draws here putting themselves on it?

seems so buddy.

I'm not. Way too social.

get in the group photo!

I'm already in it.

Attached: oiohkhj.png (700x700, 110K)

Who said you'd have a choice

Wut? Where? I don't see you.

Not as Shitstain! I'm using my other avatar.

Attached: Dontchakno.png (700x700, 79K)

Requesting nagas/lamias with human guys.

Attached: 1458612559212.jpg (525x525, 55K)

>My over-worked ass fell asleep...
Thanks for the tender pic, Rider. Much appreciated.

Attached: 1561818167540.png (1024x419, 676K)

Any easy requests for next thread?

Attached: udle.png (600x500, 45K)

Draw a flower

Easy enough to squeeze into this thread. Nice request.

Attached: Aniceflower.png (800x600, 44K)

user don't I'm a male dragon, the size difference wouldn't make that work-

Attached: _tears for the fall of a dragon_.png (768x768, 84K)

What about:


Attached: group.png (1024x420, 682K)

That flower actually drained a lot out of me. I'm gonna go do something else for a bit!

Farewell gents.

Attached: huho.png (600x600, 191K)