IS this a good deal for $300?

IS this a good deal for $300?

Attached: komputor.png (574x578, 199K)

Fuck no. That's ancient technology.

Attached: JackieChan.jpg (960x540, 66K)

I wont recommend you buying technology on sites like craigslist. Buy it in rich stores.


$120-150 wouldn't be awesome if you really need it. seller seems to be trying to get as much money as possible for it instead of just getting rid of old systems.

no, you could have more recent hardware in new condition for that price.
heck, a 300$ netbook beats this ancient artifact

what about this for 650?

Attached: whatabout.png (605x578, 129K)

For 3k you can build your own with newer parts.

thats a fucking steal get it now before someone else does

I think those are ash trays.

this one is also 650 is it any better of a deal?

Attached: 1650924340.jpg (2360x1404, 171K)

oops didnt add image

Attached: thirdd.png (574x578, 190K)

That's a very good deal. Almost to the point where it might be a scam. The 1080 is $300 minimum on eBay.

buy it
very good deal!

I'd spend maybe 75 dollars on that, you don't know how old those parts are or how hard they've been used. Not to mention, what could potentially be on that harddrive, you could be buying cp and not knowing it till the feds show up, or set up for a huge crime you didn't commit. But those are extreme situations.

Thanks for the replies i dont know anything about computers ill email the guy tomorrow i figure i shouldnt at 1am

150 maybe.

Actually I think they are for pouring sauces or dips for nuggets

An absolute monstrosity of a rig. Make sure it works well but that is identical in spec to mine. Fantastic deal user go for it.

Attached: 4732336129.jpg (2112x1614, 142K)

CPU is weak. only 4 core/ 4 threads. But the rest looks decent. You could probably buy this and sell the parts separately on ebay. Grab it for 650, then sell the 1080 for 350, sell the motherboard-cpu combo for 300, sell the ram for 100, the ssd for 20, hdd for 20, monitor for 100, case+psu for 50, and mouse and keyboard for 10. You get roughly $1000 total, ebay takes 10% still a $300 profit. It's a good deal.

Found the Jew

Yup the CPU is older and its prob AM3 Socket for a mobo, hence the mobo is outdated. I wouldnt say its a bad deal, but if you want to game you will need a new mobo, cpu and a video card. So idk

If you just want to play minesweeper and check your email, sure, why not?

almost too good.
is it stolen?

I had that exact case before. It's clunky and looks like ass but the parts are very good for the price especially the 1080

Not at all

I spent 300 bucks and have 8gb ddr3 ram, 500gb ssd, and an rx 480 4gb

No, maybe 200 if everything's brand new