Totally stole this from the doing this Deepfake Thread v1

Totally stole this from the doing this Deepfake Thread v1

Must be in swimsuit/ bikini/ skintight clothing.
Must be facing front, side spots DO NOT WORK
Must have only 1 person in picture
Please try to get a pic with proper lighting.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 316K)

skin tight...hoping

Attached: 9387597.jpg (498x800, 107K)

Attached: 26551C01-8FA8-4A5E-A8BD-10192CDE3583.jpg (540x720, 84K)

Attached: 74910274.jpg (311x714, 38K)

Attached: 6FDE0A23-36DE-479D-BD45-32A0903BB628.jpg (600x1068, 110K)


Thanks in advance, bro

Attached: IMG_0364.png (194x543, 179K)


Attached: 884DF85B-ABFA-4F44-8820-7AB2025F0FB8.jpg (750x1334, 365K)

Attached: 47483413-75AC-4F58-B16A-1130FCF2BE02.jpg (750x936, 506K)

Attached: deepnude1.png (512x512, 321K)

wanna see brooke

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-111337.png (1080x1502, 1.02M)


Attached: 11655E1F-E4B5-43F5-B48C-EF7378120711.jpg (600x1068, 126K)

Attached: Saposing.jpg (454x769, 45K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190207-183405.png (1080x1350, 1.25M)

That’s great! Can you do this one too?

Attached: 12D78726-605B-41D8-AF66-92F09406D47B.jpg (463x541, 56K)

Attached: 164650.jpg (2100x2623, 1.17M)

Came out pretty shit

Attached: kindabad.png (512x512, 235K)

Attached: 7CC9A135-81B2-491C-AD65-41DB3AAE652D.jpg (976x2022, 1.03M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190210-081833.png (1078x1277, 675K)

try this one!

Attached: 60395968_450758225658119_3768855045762735857_n.jpg (1080x1350, 227K)

what about that

Attached: 49272743.jpg (341x715, 29K)

This milf

Attached: F605B69C-0935-492D-9CCE-D4E6B1D4301F.jpg (418x486, 73K)

My cousin

Attached: 41DED064-6479-451B-A8AD-69984BAAF449.jpg (737x1062, 765K)

Would this work?

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-205318_Facebook.jpg (870x1331, 464K)

Attached: 01.jpg (720x540, 110K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190628-144307.png (1080x1225, 1.68M)

So just a quick note. I don't have the fastest PC for doing these. I'll make a couple of threads and try to get as many done as I can

Attached: 7381949.jpg (720x1480, 337K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-233412_Instagram.jpg (1439x1802, 1.05M)

There ya go

Attached: notthebest.png (512x512, 275K)

how about mia

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-152623.png (864x838, 1.43M)

It's a little too zoomed in

Plz op

Attached: 9E6EE7F8-47F1-4F70-AB72-044159CD15D3.jpg (905x1878, 300K)

Attached: 3849AD26-3D68-45D4-A63B-4ED0A3B32324.jpg (1242x1742, 478K)

Please op

Attached: 3C63BC3E-0FFF-42D5-A4FD-9B07743180B4.jpg (1242x1474, 531K)

Attached: FFBDEE94-4265-4A0F-BDAE-93BA698A2500.jpg (470x652, 34K)

Original pic was pretty hot so I had to do this

Attached: Kindahot.png (512x512, 350K)

Attached: A8AF05F0-7CBD-4314-894A-A3CC070C1F83.jpg (1059x1094, 275K)

Attached: 20190628_162421.jpg (984x1669, 776K)

can you pls try any of these

I'm feining pls

Attached: 36113661_278130326091982_7540982486008856576_n.jpg (1080x1080, 156K)

sry its weird but trying to get square shot

Attached: IMG_7526.jpg (750x707, 98K)

Attached: 0a1554675576331.jpg (619x923, 127K)

Here one I did.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 361K)

Attached: IG.jpg (937x1171, 55K)

the starting image.

Attached: D3uwpkUV4AAkyJl.jpg (640x1136, 57K)

Attached: love-always-sexy-bra-thong-set-60.png.jpg (533x800, 122K)

please please please

Attached: 222.jpg (720x960, 108K)

Attached: 20190628_150634.jpg (1068x1899, 853K)

my sister

Attached: deepnude da.jpg (522x867, 728K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 459K)

Try this girl

Attached: 20190628_225116.jpg (467x960, 159K)

Attached: IMG_4171.jpg (1280x960, 266K)

I will try Mia next. Tried the Brooke ones and they all don't seem to work

Attached: F8C6209A-D879-4DE3-BC3A-B334202D624C.jpg (540x720, 68K)

where can i get this software??

Tried to see if anyone would do this in the other thread, but nobody bit - anyone wanna help out here?

Attached: 69696900074.jpg (1218x2048, 394K)

Attached: Natalia.Kuznetsova.jpg (960x720, 82K)

Attached: 1115780830.jpg (2360x1404, 171K)

Here ya go

Attached: Prettydece.png (512x512, 399K)


Attached: 31203738_433167733762306_6302793176063148032_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.2M)

hey, can u try this one? please, man.

thanks :)

Attached: 273060_240912029261341_1694234_o.jpg (225x600, 54K)

Attached: 20190628_170922.jpg (438x834, 223K)

Here's one where I did it with three people in frame, only one got edited in this case.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 347K)

Attached: 20190629_153425.jpg (643x1070, 382K)

Is she possible?

Attached: 6D1670CF-0260-4BD8-A12E-E9C1FBB76BDF.jpg (1850x2047, 654K)

Attached: 20190629_144807.jpg (603x1072, 630K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 529K)

og image

Attached: CpY6AjHUMAMvND6.jpg (640x1136, 109K)

can we try it out with a suit like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20180604-223754_Instagram.jpg (1437x2693, 400K)

now is possible?

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-113013_Instagram.jpg (597x967, 38K)

Attached: meh.png (512x512, 534K)

Can you do her?

Attached: C0A3D99E-725F-42AA-80F2-684B77EC7992.jpg (537x797, 147K)

its on telagram, and there is a bunch of torrents as well. its not hard to find.

Please op!

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-000730_Instagram.jpg (1080x2220, 749K)

Attached: deepnudem.png (512x512, 351K)

Pleeease, I am BEGGING you

Attached: 34E95DF4-F825-4FC7-9A61-8A9B50A717EA.jpg (1889x2009, 371K)

Attached: For Your Eyes-101.jpg (4732x3380, 567K)

This guy gets it. That's exactly the kind of pic that works

Attached: Reallygood.png (512x512, 219K)

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 295K)

this one didn't really work that well.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 458K)

Could you deep. I just need one image :)


Can you do this one?

Attached: 04770597-C4FB-4D59-B50F-5701791A458D.jpg (960x960, 71K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-012443_Chrome.jpg (720x720, 140K)

this one seemed to work well.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 448K)

Do her please user.

Attached: 8EC8471B-345D-4F3C-8BF7-09C448C9E08A.jpg (720x960, 102K)

Attached: 61438379_10216894726778146_8160790960251338762_n.png (330x798, 494K)

og pic

Attached: 59928247_10216809903871537_1745861118712086528_n.jpg (960x960, 116K)

Please do this one!

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-001101_Instagram.jpg (1080x2220, 1.18M)

Her please.

Attached: 1CD76CB6-760F-444C-B7D2-C51D36ED4020.jpg (400x559, 85K)

Thank you so much to the based user doing these with me. It's too much to keep up with

perfection!! Think this will work?

Attached: 39082164_298170247606957_317004320572702720_n.jpg (1925x3102, 449K)

Attached: deepnude2.png (512x512, 356K)


Attached: 805FF95C-2B04-405E-BC5B-89F21861F778.jpg (617x1559, 281K)

Attached: A92EC72D-0B3A-4045-8411-3853764C62AA.jpg (4032x3024, 1.61M)


Attached: 93845792.jpg (556x512, 111K)

Didn't go well

Attached: eeesh.png (512x512, 450K)

my older sis I would blow loads forever

Attached: ete.jpg (2285x1288, 1.17M)

Please try.

Attached: 1CC342E2-C980-4F57-B803-BD72C0562AB5.jpg (657x960, 128K)

Attached: 61438379_10216894726778146_8160790960251359879_n.png (498x886, 779K)

youre weird nigga.

kill yourself please lol

This work?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29-00-13-27-1.png (862x1790, 1M)

Try her

Attached: ntf36489.jpg (1080x1080, 1.28M)


Attached: DSCN01755.jpg (1292x1985, 570K)

would love to see them anyway and can mia be tried again? resizing can get diff results

helps to know someone who models haha damn shes hot

Attached: turquoise-lace-bralette-g-string-set-41.png.jpg (533x800, 85K)

Attached: 20190510_073457.jpg (831x1348, 600K)

Attached: deepnude6212.png (512x512, 394K)

Attached: Notbad.png (512x512, 301K)

curious if this would work.

Attached: P1000651.jpg (581x764, 238K)

part 1 of 2

Attached: 7477.jpg (744x2203, 263K)

best ive seen

Can u do this one.

Attached: 98548B11-FF90-46F2-9A68-E85540082EFE.jpg (540x720, 52K)

Not great this time but damn she is pretty hot

Attached: Lessgood.png (512x512, 202K)

I’ve got more if you will do them?

thanks I'm not the thread op but feel like I should help out.

Attached: deepnudesis.png (512x512, 451K)

part 2 of 2... i will combine these after they are done :)

Attached: 34234.jpg (1062x1850, 277K)

damn dude, unfortunately i dont have face for this one but can you try?

Attached: 568569332.jpg (910x1048, 179K)

what happens if you put a child into it?

Attached: 2E12C35F-E4B4-42B8-83D1-9E5237AFAC86.jpg (571x719, 57K)

i'll do them.

sum1 do this thicc honey

Attached: Screenshot_20180530-102256_Instagram.jpg (1437x2186, 312K)

I'll fucking give it a shot

Hope this is doable

Attached: A05472B6-6E8B-4674-901C-92E1C7C3E498.jpg (600x1068, 158K)

Wife plz.

Attached: F0996C62-98F2-4B9D-8426-42BF2A1CC861.jpg (600x450, 24K)

Can someone at least try please.

Attached: Screenshot_20190628-225621_Gallery.jpg (1080x2280, 965K)



Attached: BFBBAF63-7AA5-41D7-AB1B-045E67A0B84E.jpg (600x800, 75K)

Where did you get the software, fam?

Money shot right here, hopefully it works

Attached: 70E53C17-416F-4FE3-9C69-5FCAFB120DBB.jpg (600x1068, 181K)

Attached: 20181123_070808.png (973x1810, 1.86M)

Attached: 5057473F-21D0-43F0-9357-7F6F7AB6F8B2.jpg (931x905, 127K)

sorry the image is too tall for me to get a good result, do you have an uncrooped image?

Hope you can do this one too. Would be greatful.

Attached: 0567CCC2-C3D5-47D2-8D67-A0C293BCDE72.jpg (296x582, 45K)

Attached: thicchoney.png (512x512, 388K)

you see her nude all the time tho


Don’t matter. Would like to see it and compare to real thing.

Attached: 7702314181.jpg (1016x1476, 82K)

first try, not that great. Sorry man

Attached: deepnude6829.png (512x512, 357K)

Attached: money.png (512x512, 427K)

posting my mom and hoping for the best lol

Attached: k.jpg (432x648, 37K)

Possible. High school friend I jack off to often.

Attached: 9CF2605D-5B16-4C5E-8FF6-AC1A7CD64DEE.jpg (615x615, 38K)

Or this one?

Attached: 9ACE5734-C677-4ED5-B1E0-6C2E04F32A64.jpg (600x600, 37K)

I'll try this in the next thread

Second try Left Tit is a little better then last time.

Attached: deepnude6829V2.png (512x512, 407K)

Hope you can do this one she’s so hot

Attached: ECF1940A-F527-4F47-AF4F-A267EEFC223C.jpg (1240x1520, 735K)

or maybe this one?

Attached: 69695289289_10210050864161207_7747703993270891261_o.jpg (843x843, 74K)

Is this doable? Thank you

can someone take a screen shot of the software? curious

Attached: 20190629_000647.jpg (1080x1266, 489K)

Attached: D2447D1E-8317-4243-9120-8857EC8673AF.jpg (552x711, 353K)

thx user!

Attached: FB_IMG_1561781865394.jpg (552x844, 74K)

thanks man!


Attached: 20190530_170654.jpg (769x950, 463K)


Attached: 122ECB42-13D9-485A-8192-1F8919B0BE26.jpg (600x1068, 191K)

No worry's user, the more we use/the more people that use software like this the better the next one will be.

Attached: deepnude2.png (512x512, 458K)

lemme see what i can dig up

her names nicole whittaker if you're curious lol

Attached: 63EAE142-194D-498E-B445-C00EC4BABD92_LG.jpg (500x650, 168K)

Attached: 015FB223-5C88-444B-B3D2-622D05E50567.jpg (1536x2534, 1.05M)

Attached: goodshit.png (512x512, 389K)

Yeah but it has another girl in it.

Attached: 94B5356F-53B3-4D51-AD6F-90B0D430A65C.jpg (1242x1656, 389K)

yours seem to look better - can you try either of the first two? i know first isnt' bikini but heard skin tight works

Attached: worked.png (512x512, 468K)

thank you my man

Attached: 588894.jpg (1476x1600, 548K)

Please i've been everywhere!

Attached: 61642474_140853906995138_1013022921211291526_n.jpg (625x809, 82K)

Will this one work?

Attached: B210DE64-6CBF-42D2-9317-6E431C2D10D6.jpg (468x960, 88K)


Attached: B7D65911-8DD0-4EF8-A692-790B8B7627DB.jpg (750x990, 416K)

plz plz

Attached: FB2C640B-0704-4746-8D29-90F1926108DC.jpg (600x1068, 160K)

i'll give it a try, I've done it with more then one girl in it before, so it may work

If you find anything good come dump in the next thread

Attached: nicole.png (512x512, 342K)

Attached: 61438379_10216894726778146_8160790960251339851_n.jpg (423x634, 83K)

Attached: IMG_0965.JPG.jpg (576x768, 99K)

Attached: IMG_6272.JPG.jpg (606x768, 133K)

Attached: IMG_6282.JPG.jpg (3000x2253, 1.02M)

No probs. Gonna do this one in the other thread so keep an eye out

Attached: IMG_6278.JPG.jpg (577x768, 93K)

Attached: deepnudeo.png (512x512, 348K)

Attached: 15577684_10209615817783707_813420238_n.jpg (800x600, 50K)

Attached: 13a8a63ddb997e1301d874e622100ada.jpg (557x750, 62K)

Do this one please

Attached: 20190629_003711.jpg (812x1064, 665K)

In another thread?

Sorry user I can't get any good ones with these pics, also thread limit. (the bikini one works the best but its till kind of shit)

yeah i'll be in the next

What will be the title?

its here

Attached: IMG-21.jpg (683x1080, 84K)

qt af. I don't have that deep fake app but ima try to photoshop

almost done coming out well