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wake up sleepy thread
Can someone please sauce me on a doujin I can’t find again? Shota brings his sheets to the laundromat and meets a big titty oneesan. She drops her panties on the ground, he gives them back and pretends not to know what they are. Then they fuck in her car. It’s a three-part series if that helps.
im not into streaight shota
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I figured better to ask here than loli thread.
fuck laundry duty isn't fun when you're lazy
The machine does all the work
I have to take all the dirty clothes, separate them, empty pockets for phones and shit, then wash them, dry them, fold them, then sort them so they can be returned. Its a hard life.
>tfw not a shota anymore
Why can't I just de age by 8 years?
best link pic
At one point I thought like this, pretty much exactly like this. (i'm referring to the picture)
Anyone have some good shota hentai links?
fuck off discord tranny
This is just like all those gay shota orgies i fantasize about!
Besides the face sitting and rimming i mean.
And the moans don't sound like little girls
Yeah that helps a lot.
What is your personal "By god, that's exactly what I want to look like" picture?
Does anyone else think like that?
You mean for a shota? Personally i find that pretty hard to pin down because i'm kind of stuck between choosing a body i find sexy and a body i would want in order to get shotas to fuck me. It's a tough balance.
Well anything really.
I'm sure some people here don't even want to be a shota, they just like them.
I can understand that though, I flip flop between idealising the ordinary like pic related and monster boys because i'm an indecisive slut.
Well i can go for either the shota or the man form in terms of what body i want. I'm pretty versatile in the sense of being able to self insert as either the shota or the guy in the art. If i had to pick an ideal male form it would be something pretty generically handsome because i too would like to fit in, but still be at least a cut above just average.
I feel like it would be extraordinarily uncomfortable being that furry.
I just want to be a shota again. My best friend says I look like I'm 12, so there's that at least.
look at this slut
don't die thread
Had a pretty busy day, so sleepy.
you have the entire Internet why couldn't you contribute
I've posted a good half dozen images.
fap and go to sleep
i take it back
That's the plan anyway, but may only get around to the sleep part since i still need to shower and all that.
that is the worst case of same face i have ever seen
Is there any place to find cute shota? Because I love sexy feminine girly boys but half of these threads are muscular men drawn smaller
Girls are gross
boku no piko
Yes. Yes they are. Boys are better girls though and thats my thing
I see a fellow man of culture, any more giant shotas?
liking boys because they look like girls? I've never understood that
To be fair there's a lot of guesswork to be made with that guy's position.
There's boyish shotas like Shigeru, Tsukumo gou and Folder's stuff, but there's also bara shota which is typically garbage.
Then there's girly shota like pic related i.e. boys, but the art style has bigger shinier eyes, vs trap shota which is also typically garbage.
This has to be both the gayest and most adorable thing I've ever seen.
Fuck I'd love to have a son as a wife soo bad.
I want a Mugaro.
Anybody else sho' love to have a son as their wife?
No, I think it's a particularly evil thing to give in to your own personal desires and mess around with your kid even if they're into it because it deprives them of a healthy or at least normal father/son relationship.
Let alone raise them into some kind of girl boy. What are you going to do when they hit puberty? pressure them to have a sex change or dump them?
It's sick. A father should try to raise their son to become
Can confirm. My mother wanted a daughter and made me wear girl clothes until I was like 7 years old and realized I didn't want to wear girl clothes.
>What are you going to do when they hit puberty?
two words: hormone blockers
Hormone blockers aren't magic anti aging serum.
You'll still have an adult offspring, they'll just have a micropenis and an appearance something like a cross between and adult female a twink and a potato. Also depression probably.
Are hormone blockers really that bad? I have a medical condition that caused me to basically not have puberty, and I don't have any of what you described.
Can someone give me a visually descriptive story of the daisys destruction video?
Don’t believe anything you hear on this site
Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit.
>More to come soon:)
my kingdom for a cute sweaty shota butt to lick till he cums from anal stimulation alone
What about licking his feet while he jacks it?
Cease this lewd heresy at once!
Repent, sinners!
Fuck off and die
I know, I'm just fantasizing, there is no way I'd have a kid in my life situation. And by wife I meant he'd do the thing she'd do, I'm not particularly into girly boys,
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"shortacon" = lolicon without being "loli"
>no priest molesting them
immersion ruined, can't suspend disbelief for this unrealistic image
Camp posting again but this time it's breakfast
Wew my parents have a similar pic of me
boys don't fart
any goth/punk/dark shota qt's?
This picture brings up so much regret, I was in a dom/sub relationship that started when I was 15 with a guy who was 52 and he made me get a bar code tattoo on my left butt cheek. I'm 19 now and not with him anymore and I'm too shy to let anyone fuck me unless we're facing each other or the lights are off so I don't have to explain that tattoo.
wat why
just say you were a edgelord as a teen like seriously
I've got a magic cancer shota, does that count as dark?
I don't like talking about guys that used to fuck me with guys that are currently fucking me, kind of a mood killer. I also don't like talking about the fact that I had a phase where I was in to guys that were more than 3 times as old as I was.
i guess...:(
im in my 20s and i wouldnt give a shit...i might be more cautious about letting you near my cooking utensils and anything blunt/sharp incase youre yandere but its not a big deal
Oh wait i remembered i had this.
>be me
>diagnosed with magic cancer (negro doctors shrug.jpeg)
>cute male nurse
>blond hair, blue eyes, tall and slender takes care of me on the night shift
>it feels like its always just the two of us
>start chemo for my magic cancer
>getting really tired and cant get out of my bed much any more
>my nurse hasnt been on my floor in a couple days and im getting worried
>I hope he didnt leave me
>maybe i did something or said something wrong
>ff some weeks and one night as I'm laying in my bed I smell my friend come into my room
>unmistakable smell of his body wash
>get a chub i cant control, its all my excitement
>right as he begins to pull my pants down
>security enters with his gun drawn
>screams for everybody get on the floor and walk the dinosaur
tks, needed the kek, magic sadness cancer boi was a surprisingly effective mood crasher
Sharing your bed with shotas is a bad thing actually
How can you be sad when your big brother comes over and helps you forget about your dad for like a whole hour?
Jesus Christ that kitchen is horrifying. Those boys shouldn't be allowed to have a kitchen.
id reach over and jerk my brother off onto my sandwich tbh too bad i dont have 1
bed shotas are best shotas
Meh it's not that much more worse than mine
Your kitchen is disgusting then and should be condemned for health code violations even if it's not commercially active.
Beware of the shota leg trap.
Yeah pretty much
alois makes me feel ashamed of being fat
for me the appeal of young boys is androgyny, vulnerability and innocence
then seeing them used like sluts, first struggling a little but then embracing their symbolic role as girl in the sexual act, submissive and eager
it's such a sweet taboo
So basically you're saying that you're retarded
all kinks are silly and retarded by nature
just saiyan
You could always lie about the reason behind the tattoo, you know. Come up with a story and stick to it.
What about having a tattoo makes you think I'm crazy?
they were probably just memeing on you while acknowledging the past high risk behavior.
What's high risk about a tattoo?
How can one shota be so smug yet so cute?
meant more for the other part of the story, the type of role play/ and extremes of situation between the partners and relationship acted out.
the tattoo by itself while it has a history can still be whatever you want it to represent, or not.
Because once it's done you can never change your mind about it you idiot
You know tattoos can be removed right?
Any more collared shotas, or butt licking shotas?
good boys!
Why does this turn me on?
What is the source of this Image?
The blue haired shota has a tattoo on his butt that I seem to see quite often. What is that tattoo?
artist is Fairwind/ G-max
find them on hiccears iirc.
no idea of tatto, looks like a common type of crescent moon used eastern orders, no clue past that that fucking John Egbert?
how incredibly silly
Father sexually and physically abuses and shits on infant daughter. Not worth watching at all.
why did you reply to him if you didn't have the info then
Accurate in every thread and forum post on the web but why did you choose this one?
Just get an overwrite tattoo?
how about less questions, more repenting.
Delicious post-workout butt sweat
that'a a neat take on on that sei, ty!
A new batch of campers comes today so it's shota bread time
This is adorable
Funny how this picture is actually canon.
cya bros~
cant believe this thread was up all night
shotacons know how to party
Ah so you are a devil worshiper.
Just wanting a few dollars from the tithe plate.
Seriously, didnt expect it be here when i woke up. Was a nice surprise.
and some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.
totally, went to bed, woke up and it was still here, still up another 6 hours past that.
chill weekends are nice
keywords on nhentai . C0 laundry shota etc maybe you'll find it there
new one?
sleep time again i guess then
>finally make it home after a long day at work
>shota thread is over