why is he so hated?
Why is he so hated?
Other urls found in this thread:
he looks like a arab piece of trash
no, he's fucking white
It's because of the fucking justice all fucking righteous fucking NIGGER, Alex, is doing this shit, you fucking nigger.
he allows his underage daughter to drink alcohol
hes a spic
fucking retard autists that should get bucked
lol are beat up to an unfair advantage
He really isn't hated there was just one point in time where he was in the spotlight but now he is mutually considered to just be a retard on twitter
This. He also is sociopathic as hell and clearly don't give few shits about others. He openly told people to kill themselves, abused others for views, often brought in politics and still does, and openly calls people out in racist slurs.
so he's basically a Yea Forums user?
So, a fellow user?
looks like your average white guy to me,dumbass.i bet you voted for trump didnt you
cause leafy and his friends worked their asses off to make everybody hate him
he hasnt even done anything bad in fuckin forever, only people who still think this guy is bad are retarded and aren't up to date with anything
because he's white and uses the word nigger
In realizing it's because he just made another shitty YouTube version of tmz
Giving children alcohol in small amounts will help them not overindulge out of curiosity when they grow up. You fucking prude.
yes and no.
He's Italian.
that's sparkling cider without alcohol retard
You faggots realize he's pouring her Martinelli's sparkling apple juice, right? Right?
I respect keemstar. Anyone who "hates" him just based off the perspective from his internet fame, is just jealous.
>pic related haters cock size
>Martinelli Sparkling Apple Cider
0% alcohol.