Are dogs disgusting?
Why do people get them?
Do they only eat, shit and spread bowel worms?
Are they disgusting?
Are dogs disgusting?
doggos are cool.
Ask the next 100 or so attractive women you see in the street whether they'd rather hang out with you or a dog.
>because they're great pets
>you already asked that, dumbass
With me ofc.
Dogs are for fags. Cats are for elite.
Kings, Presidents, and Generals have dogs.
Fashion designers have cats.
A responsible owner can avoid the worst of the typical gripes people have about dogs. With good upbringing and diligent training, most dogs can be fantastic and worthwhile companions.
girls do it because instead of having kids they get a dog or defend minorities. guys do it because it's the "cool" thing to do now.
Real elite has birds.
Goat fuckers posting again. Laying the ground work to take over America. Resist the goat fuckers.
hehe fairly sure southern Americans would be like, the fuck is this shit
> tosses it off a cliff
lovely folks.
maybe if you weren't such a retard you'd teach your dog not to shit on the floor
his dog learned it from his human.
>cats shit outside of litter box
>dogs are supposed to shit outside, but shit inside without any rear thought
Get a bird. They are guaranteed to shit on everything than is under them.
Doggos are best.
i gots myself a nigga dog. Best companion ive ever had. how likely ill get people saying he'll bite my face off etc.. no need to say whats been said a million times
He’s gonna bite your face off
caught him mid bite!
Dogfags BTFO
I got two nigga dogs, a blue nose pit and a red nose pit. They r good boys, the red nose is a year already and the blue nose is three months. I love my nigggg dogs
Just eat spicy food often and get them medication faggot
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Frogs are the best
>not pepe
awesome! got a pic?
I have one and it's shit
Everytime after I take the fucker out to do his thing, he just bites my legs
You Muslim?
Op confirmed faggot.
My dog is a good boy so go fuck yourself, op.
No, jew
You don't own a dog.
I think they're dumb creatures.
They piss and shit when they get scared, along with releasing some disgusting smell from glands on their anus.
They're dirty, they smell and a lot of them are too dumb or inbred to survive without humans.
Cats are the superior pet.
Cats are literally identical. Smelly and shit everywhere.
Getting mounted and fucked in the ass by an intact dog is more than enough reason to get one.
They shit in one spot and bury it there. They're not smelly because, unlike dogs, they spend a fuckload of time grooming their fur (which is why it's softer).
Dogs bury it too, but it doesn't help hide smell, ya know.
Shit in one spot is debatable. Google "my cats shit in/on (bathtub, carpet, dark corner)"
Cats have less than half the intellectual capacity of dogs and is why retards favor cats. Even birds are smarter than cats.
LOL if dogs buried their shit, there wouldn't be bags all over the place so that people can pick it up, or just dog shit left to step on all over the grass at parks and lawns.
They just cover it, so if you step in this pile of semi-hidden shit, it will end up on shoes.
Same goes for cat shit, you niggers with outdoor cats that shit in others people backyards.
Birds are smarter than dogs too, so...
What a nigger
dogs are cool as fuck. However, the way that some people anthropomorphize them is revolting. I like dogs just as much as anybody else. But, they are utilitarian. Not an accessory to dress up in shit or ride in a baby stroller.