Rekt thread
Rekt thread
They caught this piece of shit didn't they ?
assuming ?
I hope so, he did it to make a bitch feel bad. No idea why user posted the muted version
they caught him or he offed himself, I can't remember which
Oh god
typical argentinian sunday
buuuump as fuck
I was gonna make a joke about a 'one-armed bandit', but that mother-fucker had to go and fuck it up.
Diego Maradona? Say it ain't so!
Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf
I told you snakes were your enemy, but you didn't listen.
Pussy killed himself.
did he die?
This kills the crab.
its all fun and games untill somebody loses an eye
That looks like a nutria.
holy fuck
>first day on gang task-force
>swears to take down the Crips
whats the story here?
Humans?... They're Gr-r-r-reat!
6'5 guys with girls under 5'
why was this man fucked with a twig before a crowd
pedo? murderer?
tell us fags
why all this shit is without a sound
what is this
chinks are so motherfucking stupid
High-jump for the blind?
you look at him and tell me there's a god.
they deserved it
Nice, France truck attack.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
I understand this is a huge fetish
When your reputation is high enough with McDonalds that they send a McNugget to help you out in a scuffle
fuck man hes alive the whole time....
what a fucked up way to die.
Can I get some cous-cous with that?
Badass to bitch in under a second
actually he was a mexican small-time drug dealer in Cartel territory and they killed him as a warning to all other loose drug dealers.. but some edgy kid uploaded it with a wrong description about a "rapist"... getting a blast from the moral boost
new to webm ?
Idk the story but after having browsed here for a while (still newfag (since ≈ 2015)) I'll say with confidence he was a rapist/pedo
I wish someone would do that to the cats that jump on my car.fukkin saved
Fuck man I'm a combat medic and even I'm not sure how you fix that.
what the fucks happening here.
Finally a decent rekt thread.
this shit is truly sick
Usually you find those vids on gore threads
always wondered if the sight was saved
I can read the message he's trying to tell is
"don't EVER shoot a rifle in your face no no no.."
truck of peace and love
I wonder how many of you beta soybois watched it all
Course hes only got 1 arm the sick fuck
Exactly. Who's filming?
Holy fuck stop with the webm
gif niggers gif
Yeah, KICK THE DOGS! This will calm them down.
control your fucking nigger dogs you damp brainless cunt
He got recognized ordering at a McDonald's and after a short chase he shot himself
jew tiger circumcision
That little girl behind him could have been hit.
good thing there is a billion of them, what with the fuck man, if there is a way to die doing something, you can bet the slopes will find it.
>glass jar
this faggot obviously don't know what happened to famous jarman
>bear with me
fuck trump
I hate him so much
thats a big rat
Fucking called it.
This is why God invented missionary.
Fuck no why the hell would that shit recover?
very sharp!
"lol let me just wrap this python round my neck"
Industrial strength Balloon in vagina. Inflation fetish
"Why is the sand red George?... George?!"
The foundation of feminism
because they removed the glass only - not the entire eye?
Is today your first day here?
That's just fucked up. Like what person just looks at that? Gotta be fucking autistic to pull that shit. And probably a faggot
you just looked at that
you're a nigger and a faggot
How is he acting like nothing happened?
Don't think he's gonna make it to be fair. But insane how much punishment the human body can take holy shit
Shock and adrenaline
buck 110 is the best pocket knife you can buy for 50$
Indians. They deserve every bad thing this Earth can throw at them.
is this just a normal day outside of america?
>tuesday at dnc headquarters
How to dislocate arms really quickly.
what is this
fuck cops
Don't get nigger dogs if you cant control them. Holy shit people are retarded. I would have gutted those 2 dogs so fast and with a stale knife
New faggot
I wouldn't be suprised if it was the 1jar1man dude, might be it sins he also did the screawdriver thing aswell.
What the fuck was the point of this? Why do some people hurt animals? I'm so confused what the fun is in harming shit for fun. You gotta be the biggest brainlet on 2 legs to find this shit fun
That's a fire bender. Very rare.
Mah dawg is slammin' that pussy good!!
Goose was injured, he was putting it out of it's misery, though he did it in a real inappropriate way
>when the dog bites the guy's dick
Do you need help putting socks on faggot? Obviously meant IRL.
How is that being a bitch, I would do the same
Any link to it?
Abelle Andersen is not for amateurs
>not a single black person
wait what the fuck is happeneing here
Ohh fuck why did I even watch this shit
Yea Forums won't allow audio streams in webm. /gif/ has the audio.
the whole environment looks shitty
>Leftists want more of this
Prepping food for vultures
The weak should fear the strong
Probably none of the above. These people freak out over the tiniest rumour, usually at the wrong person.
Sky burial. They're laid out and the vultures do the work
He's in shock
why do I even come here
this makes me want to kill myself
Is that the new footage form avengers endgame?
fuck this guy
this is funny tho
How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
Dashcam retard
People forget dogs are filthy beasts not plushies
Wtf? Can anyone explain what happened at the end?
>flippy manlet shit
they should feed them to niggers so they could migrate and cuck me
my wife is ready for some proper bbc!
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit.
the end result of centuries of racemixing. incredulous stupidity
Your fucking stupid. Kill yourself mutt
I hope I get to run over a pit bull one day.
We lead the animal kingdom in resilience and stamina. It's actually pretty insane how little punishment most animals take before they go in shock and die. Then there's the whole thing where we can literally walk down our prey because we don't tire as fast as other animals.
You'd think we're just brainy but nah. We're kind of terrifying, too.
Own goal.
the birds were diseased and this is how they kill off the whole lot. the foam suffocates them
makeout sesh is sexy
If this is a joke it's very funny.
there's no hope
I hate trump and the alt right but I hate this more tbh
thats enough for today
hot date?
this his how every raid should go always. group of pussies want to come at me? no time in jail and take 10 of you with me? win win
government would think twice before trying to tell people how to live
fucking insects.
the way he drags the guy out too looks like this isnt his first time killing off a coworker
That's not rekt
The pollocaust
>Your fucking stupid
Lacking this much self awareness.
you dumb enough to think going to another man's land is "defending" your homeland, then you get blacked. kek
sorry bois
Kill yourself
Sure you don't mean "kill you'reself"? Why so mad?
fucking lol
Kill yourself
looks like they extended the drive shaft from the tractor to operate some machine, and it started running suddenly
kind of embarrassed my ancestors were fighting for the allies.
>you dumb enough to think going to another man's land is "defending" your homeland
yes, this is indeed dumb
propaganda power my man
Fucking newfag everybody knows Alt+F4 activates audio.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Kill yourself
Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)
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A server with...
>Actual *E-Girls*
>Boipussy, Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc
Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. fdTJ
Are you cranky because it's past your bedtime? Bedtime summerfag.
lol being this mad
>imagine being an iphone nigger
isn't this from that gay porn star who wanted to become popular so he did this retarded shit
Kill yourselves
Yeah, no need to take the fight to the mudslimes. We should let them prepare to spread their peace over here.
Where is this from? I'd swear to god I recognize it but idk from where
It's funny cause later the guy was found innocent, all those people got so heavily fucked.
Modern day England is a disgrace.
Sorry about what they did to your country, bongs.
deja v-
Kill yourselves
If you're a faggot say "kill yourself"
this would work if the sandniggers would simply stay in their designated desert but "no human is illegal" cancer spreads
Kill yourself
Based doggo fuck that rat nigger
Even chinkies have no time for sodomites.
The guy went into running for like a day or two then killed himself when he realized he'd never be a free man again since literally the entire country was looking for him
that pool of blood by the umbilical cord don't know if baby would have made it, but it seems no one even tried
Did he died
Well he's still moving at the end, I think the question is if he managed to get out before the buried him alive
▲ This ▲
The Black Swordsman
I wonder if the dog is actually fucking the cat or just dry humping
I like how those birds are like "GIMME FOOD GIMMI FOOD!"
Then the last one is like, oh shit it's a fucking pedophile and dipped the fuck out of there
kek faggot
Kill yourselves
this kind of shit would happen all the fucking time when i lived in india.
street blocked off because theres a hell fire gas leak/blaze. meep meep tuk tuk coming through SHIVA TAKE DEH WHEEL!
Kill yourself
I wonder how painful that is for the crap.
{Alt}+F4 turns on the sound newfag.
Dude we get it, you can stop now. You this much of a summerfag?
That's exactly why China has no safety regulations.
Everyone can be replaced
Being this upset. Being THIS upset.
Kill yourselves
12 year old discovering Yea Forums for the first time.
Kill yourselves
making babies
So mad
Kill yourself
how simple can something be before its not even considered a "sport" anymore
lol what a faggot